make the change & bachieve inner peacee

The young lord set out to change his fate, but what he did next
only sealed it.(这位少主开始着手改变他的宿命。但他后来所做的,恰恰一手造成了他的宿命。)与第一部那句“One
often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid
&这是本篇故事的背景。有个概念叫self fulfilling
&算命先生: Your story may not have such a happy
beginning, but that doesn't make you who you are. It is the rest of
your story, who you choose to be... So, who are you,
阿宝: I am Po.(我是阿宝。)
&沈王爷: How did you find peace? I took away your
parents, everything, I scarred you for
阿宝: See that's the thing, Shen, scars
沈王爷: No they don't... *wounds*
阿宝: Oh, yeah... what do scars do? They fade, I
沈王爷: I don't care what scars
阿宝: You should, Shen. You got to let go of the stuff from past -
because it just doesn't matter! The only thing that matters is what
you choose to be
浣熊老师: It seems you have found inner peace, [pauses, sighs], at such
young age.(看来你好像领悟到了内在的平静,[停顿+不爽]&而且是在这么年轻的年纪)
阿宝: Well I have pretty good teacher.(那,(是因为)我有一个非常棒的老师。)
平先生: And then I made the decision that will change my life forever:
to make the soup without reddish, and to raise you as my own son.
And from that moment on, both my soup and life have been that much
sweeter. Look at me, oh, don't look at
平先生: Why did he go to save China? I mean, I know why. But why~? He
is just one little
平先生: So, how did it go? Did you
阿宝: Yep.&(是的。)&
阿宝: There are something I should tell you. While I was gone, I
found the village where I was born, I found out how I ended up in
that reddish basket. I know who I
平先生: You do?&(是吗?)
阿宝: I am your son~&(我是你的儿子~)&
平先生: Let me cook. This is the least I can do. You
阿宝: Let me cook. This is the least I can do. You raised
乌龟大师: One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid
You are too concerned with what was and what will be. There is a
saying: yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a
gift. That is why it is called the "present."
乌龟大师: There are no accidents. (没有巧合)
浣熊老师: [sighs] Yes, I know. You've already said that twice.
乌龟大师: That was no accident either. (那也不是巧合)
浣熊老师: Thrice. (三遍)
乌龟大师: My friend, the panda will never fulfill his destiny, nor you
yours until you let go of the illusion of
浣熊老师: Illusion?&(假象)
乌龟大师: Yes.&(没错)Look at this tree,shifu: I cannot
make it blossom when it suits me nor make it bear fruit before its
浣熊老师: But there are things we *can* control: I can control when the
fruit will fall, I can control where to plant the seed: that is no
乌龟大师: Ah, yes. But no matter what you do, that seed will grow to be
a peach tree. You may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will
浣熊老师: But a peach cannot defeat Tai
乌龟大师: Maybe it can, if you are willing to guide, to nurture it, to
believe in it.&(也许它可以呢。只要你愿意引导它,培育它,相信它。)
浣熊老师: But how? How? I need your help,
乌龟大师: No, you just need to believe. Promise me, Shifu, promise me
you will believe.&(不,你只需要相信。答应我,浣熊老师,答应我你会相信)
平先生: The secret ingredient is...
阿宝: Huh?&(啊?)
平先生: You heard me. Nothing! There is no secret
阿宝: Wait, wait... it's just plain old noodle soup? You don't add
some kind of special sauce or
平先生: Don't have to. To make something special you just have to
believe it's
[阿宝&looks at the scroll again, and sees his
reflection in it]&(阿宝看着卷轴,看到了自己的倒影)
阿宝: There is no secret
大龙: Finally... oh, yes... at last, the power of the Dragon Scroll
shall be mine!&(终于,是的,最后龙轴的力量是我的了!)
[He opens the scroll - and stares at
大龙: It's... it's nothing!&(什么都没有!)
阿宝: It's okay. I didn't get it the first time
大龙: What?&(什么?)
阿宝: There is no secret ingredient. It's just
often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid
I believe in
Inner peace…. inner peace…. inner peace…
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。所属栏目:inner peace什么意思 & 中国文化最近的心情有点状况。看了功夫熊猫2的之后,找到了一点innerpeace(内在的平静),真是恰逢其时。逛了下豆瓣,发现排名靠前的影评都是些哗众取宠的东西,甚为不爽。决定自己写一篇功夫熊猫2赏析。先是第二部和第一部的台词赏析,最后写一点综合感受。特别感谢“友人”做的翻译上的工作,让我的任务变得简单:)The young lord set out to change his fate, but what he did nextonly sealed it.(这位少主开始着手改变他的宿命。但他后来所做的,恰恰一手造成了他的宿命。)与第一部那句“Oneoften meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoidit.”(人常常在避免他的天命的路上,与天命不期而遇)相辉映。这是本篇故事的背景。有个概念叫self fulfillingprophecy(自我实现预言),说的是以没有确凿证据的预言为契机,唤起一种新的行动,这种行动最终使起初的预言变为现实。算命先生: Your story may not have such a happybeginning, but that doesn't make you who you are. It is the rest ofyour story, who you choose to be... So, who are you,Panda?(你的人生一开始也许不算太好。但是,这并不能决定你是谁。你的其他部分的人生才能决定。你想成为什么样的人。那么…你是谁,熊猫?)阿宝: I am Po.(我是阿宝。)这句话似乎被给予很高的评价,不过我倒觉得这句话似乎只适用于教养和天生之间的比较(或者说养父和生父,除此之外,这条智慧可以应用的范围十分有限)。生育的过程,每个父母做的都差不多。而后天的教养,每个父母所做的含辛茹苦是如此相同,又如此不同,再加上我们自己的选择,所以才造就了今天不同的我们。还有,这段话让我想到了萧(乔)峰。不幸的人啊~(一条应用范围有限的智慧,窃以为不应过分看重。这让我想起来韩非子里的一个故事:伯乐懂得相马,有他喜欢的人来求学,他就教人怎么相良马;而有他不喜欢的人来求学于他(不得不教时),他就教人怎么相千里马。原因是千里马太难得了,所以学会怎么相千里马其实毫无用处;相比之下,相良马反而是比较有用而能带来实利的技能了。)沈王爷: How did you find peace? I took away yourparents, everything, I scarred you forlife...(你是如何领悟到静的?我带走了你的父母!所有东西!我在你的生命留下了伤痕。)阿宝: See that's the thing, Shen, scarsheal.(知道吗?这就是为什么。伤痕会痊愈。)沈王爷: No they don't... *wounds*heal.(不,不会的。伤口才能痊愈。)阿宝: Oh, yeah... what do scars do? They fade, Iguess...(噢,是哦。那伤痕会怎么样?会消失吧,我想。)沈王爷: I don't care what scarsdo...!(我才不管伤痕会怎么样。)阿宝: You should, Shen. You got to let go of the stuff from past -because it just doesn't matter! The only thing that matters is whatyou choose to benow.(你应该知道的,姓沈的。你得让过去的事过去。因为这已经不重要了。唯一重要的事情,是你现在选择成为什么样的人。)其实,关于伤痕和伤口的讨论,其实又有什么重要呢?可是沈王爷偏要辨个清楚明白。这让我想起来笑傲江湖里面恒山派求岳不群相救,岳不群见死不救,“定闲师太摇了摇头,道:“少侠何必过谦?岳师兄不能分身,派他大弟子前来效力,那也是一样。仪和,可不能胡言乱语,对尊长无礼。”仪和躬身道:“是,弟子不敢了。不过……不过令狐师兄已被逐出华山派,岳师伯早已不要他了。他也不是岳师伯派来的。”定闲师太微微一笑,道:“你就是不服气,定要辩个明白。””不服气,所以要辩个清楚明白。这是因为这个人还没有找到内在的平静。如果找到了内在的平静,看到的就是人和人、人和自然之间的和谐。到了如此忘我的境界,又何必非为这些鸡毛蒜皮的事情争个你对我错不可呢?为了争一个词表面上的意思,结果沈王爷对阿宝说的话的内在含义却听而不闻。这大概是导演要表达的意思。当然,执行上也许没有表现得太好。也许不该说“你应该知道的”,而是应该说“伤痕会怎么样不重要,重要的是…”浣熊老师: It seems you have found inner peace, [pauses, sighs], at suchyoung age.(看来你好像领悟到了内在的平静,[停顿+不爽]而且是在这么年轻的年纪)阿宝: Well I have pretty good teacher.(那,(是因为)我有一个非常棒的老师。)那个停顿和不爽,乃是这两句台词的灵魂。既体现老师看到学生青胜于蓝的欣慰之情,又不掩饰最真实的羡慕之情。一方面正是这样的细节让人物鲜活起来,另一方面则体现他的真诚。如果只是道貌岸然的说前半句话,则有点太过做作和虚伪,好似岳不群了。阿宝的回答既真诚和真实,又巧妙,学习之。平先生: And then I made the decision that will change my life forever:to make the soup without reddish, and to raise you as my own son.And from that moment on, both my soup and life have been that muchsweeter. Look at me, oh, don't look atme.(然后我做了两个决定,这两个决定永远地改变了我的一生。一个是做没有萝卜的汤。还有一个就是把你当作亲生儿子一样抚养长大。从那时开始,我的汤和人生都变得甜美了很多。看着我。不,不要看着我。)“从那时开始,我的汤和人生都变得甜美了很多。”是很甜美的一句话。而“看着我。不,不要看着我。”则是体现了为人父母下意识里不愿意在子女面前表现出软弱。和下面的话很类似:平先生: Why did he go to save China? I mean, I know why. But why~? Heis just one littlepanda~(为什么他要去拯救世界啊?我知道为什么…但是为什么啊?他只是只小小的熊猫啊!)关于“我知道为什么…但是为什么啊”,前一个“为什么”表示为什么要有人去拯救世界,后一个表示为什么是宝要去。不把问题说清楚,则是用语无伦次来体现人当时情绪激动。最后一句则表达出那种在父母的眼里孩子永远是需要自己疼爱需要自己保护的人。平先生: So, how did it go? Did yousaveChina.(所以,事情顺利吗?你拯救了世界?)阿宝: Yep.(是的。)牛bb文章网欢迎您转载
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I have observed that the biggest issues and challenges I face in my personal life stem from a lack of a clear, unshakeable and unfaltering recognition and inner SEEING of my intrinsic self worth. I believe that a true sense of authentic happiness, peace and contentment cannot be achieved without this inner sense and recognition of one's self worth. Ofcourse! I do tell myself - or rather attempt to deceive myself - that I am worthy instead of actually KNOWING & SEEING with the inner eye that this is so.
Now, you may ask - "Mario, why is it so important to have an unshakeable sense of self worth?" I can't speak for everybody but I can speak from my own experience. My experience has revealed to me several interesting insights as it pertains to how I act to compensate for a lack of a clear recognition of my instrinsic self worth. I will divide this into two main areas of my life - financial and relational. I encourage you to seek out which areas in your own life where you attempt to compensate for a lack of an inner sense of self worth.
Financial - I am extremely ambitious, to the point of the absurd some might say. I have dedicated and focussed nearly all of my life to the pursuit and quest for success at the sacrifice of what most people may find important. One example among many sacrifices - I typically, habitually and repeatedly find myself not having time, energy or interest in engaging in long term relationships with women because I feel that they hold me back from achieving my dreams. Is this normal? I will let you be the judge. The question I have asked myself and have had to honestly answer to myself is "Why am I so driven to succeed in financial terms?" Was it the words of my abusive father that keep ringing in my head, "You are nothing but a failure, you will amount to nothing like your mother."? Was it the images I seen, as a child growing up in Kenya, in TV of the beautiful lives of the rich and famous in the western world in TV shows like 'The Bold and The Beautiful'? Was it the social alienation I experienced growing up in a lower middle class environment while exposed to a lot of wealthy children who seemed to have it all - the video games, the monopoly, the chauffeur driven rides to school, the well packed hot spaghetti lunches, the nice clothes? Or was it the wealthy beautiful half-Italian-half-Kenyan girl who rejected my advances at age 16 because she was Kenyan "royalty" and I was Kenyan "average"? I don't know. So many experiences, mostly negative, have shaped how I relate to money and my belief that without wealth I find it extremely difficult to SEE my inner worth. In a twisted way I have come to conclude that outer worth is a reflection of inner self worth. My experience as life unfolds will practically and not theoretically show me the validity of this conclusion or lack thereof.
On the one hand, I can deceive myself that I want to make a change in the world through all the money that I make but you and I know that this is really a small part of the equation. Isn't the desire to want to "change the world" a neatly packaged presentable form of self aggrandizement? Isn't it just another form of seeking a sense of self worth from without? Truth be told a big part of the equation is a belief that I have - only time will tell if it erroneous - that been wealthy will define me. That is to say that without wealth I am not a man enough, I am a failure, I am unsuccessful. Hence, I have pegged my sense of self worth to an external event i.e. The accumulation of wealth.
Where do you think these beliefs came from? In my childhood in Kenya, I saw that those without money were and are still seen as the proverbial "scum of the earth." This is a very strong image indelibly printed in the grooves within my brain and into the deep abyss of my unconscious mind. The call reverberating in my Soul been - "I DON'T want to be poor, I CAN'T! be poor, I MUST! be rich, Correction - I MUST! be wealthy." The belief been that I am worthy ONLY IF I am wealthy. Consequently, my lack of recognition and SEEING that self worth is intrinsic drives me to pursue external financial rewards which I deem will restore my sense of self worth. The danger in this sort of thinking is that I have relegated EVERYTHING! else to be secondary and way below this pursuit of riches. Translation, if something or someone does not contribute to my increasing my networth they are not important to me. As you can tell, I have been strongly influenced by the 'American Dream', the American spirit of capitalism at all cost. Is this healthy? I don't know. Time will tell. What I do know is that when the time is ripe I must make the change of view, with the help from the 7 Heavens, from extrinsic self worth to an inner sense of self worth.
Relationships - Here I am specifically speaking of my relationships with women and how a lack of a clear recognition of inner sense of self worth causes me to lose my peace. This may apply to you too in regards to your relationships with members of the opposite sex. I have observed that as a young man involved in the dating life I have pegged my sense of self worth to how a woman responds to my presence and BEING as a MAN. If she responds positively, I am at peace. If she responds negatively, I lose my peace. The ideal situation would be one whereby, regardless of how a woman responds to me, I maintain my inner peace, my inner sense of recognition and SEEING that I am worthy. I have observed that without this recognition of my inner sense of self worth I have the tendency to try to act in a way that I believe will please a woman rather than just been 100% percent me and letting the chips fall where they may - win or lose. It has been a very difficult thing for me to just be "Mario", love him or hate him, in the presence of a beautiful woman especially a physically beautiful woman. It seems like every time I interact with a gorgeous woman my senses begin to play MAJOR tricks on me. I put on a game persona, a game face designed to only show my beautiful, positive sides while hiding what I may 'deem' to be my ugly, negative, insecure side. Why can't I just be me - for better or worse? Why would I put on a persona? Isn't who I really am enough? These are the questions that have been plaguing the man lately. They say beauty is in the 'authentic' not the 'fugazi'; Well! I am still trying to discover the 'authentic'.
Here are some of the underlying beliefs that I have discovered that cause me to behave inauthentically in the presence of the physically gorgeous woman - She will not like me for just being me, or having a beautiful woman by my side is a measure of my sense of self worth, or if I can't have the hottest woman in the city I am not worthy, or if any woman that I attempt to seduce doesn't fall into my lap I am not worthy etc etc etc. You get the drift.......
I am a work in progress and I really do see the light at the end of the tunnel and I must say, it is fuckin' bright. The light of emotional freedom in the realization that I do not have to change who I am to appeal to who I am attracted to. In one's attempt to change themselves to appeal to others, one loses their sense of being, their sense of uniqueness. This lack of authenticity causes one an immense sense of pain. So the mantra rings true - "keep it real even if it emotionally kills ya!".
Which leads to the question, "What actually causes us to lose our sense of self worth?". It is the erroneous belief that our sense of self worth is derived from the external world - In my case having wealth and the physically gorgeous woman by my side. How do we regain and recognize our sense of self worth? First, by observing and acknowledging your external actions that really are driven from a place of low self esteem e.g. the money grabbing, the attention seeking, the approval hunger, the relationship manipulation etc etc etc. Just been aware of your actions creates the empowering dynamic of been able to choose differently. Second, challenging yourself to act differently from what you are accustomed to i.e. Opposite to how you have been reacting in the past. It will be difficult, it will be painful but feeling the pain in the heart without trying to escape it opens the door to a new way of being that sets the stage for your emotional liberation. I am presently just at this stage in my evolution. I do believe that continuing this process of observing and choosing to act differently in ways that nurture my self esteem, failing, trying again, failing and trying again will eventually lead me to inner liberation - the recognition and the SEEING that I am worthy just as I am.
Friends, this issue of self worth permeates every aspect of your life. Take the time to reflect on your own experience and see if there are some ways you can transform thyself by the healing of thyself.......Looking for more of the latest headlines on LinkedIn?


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