have做助动词词have be动词在句子中算不算谓语动词?下面这个句子

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?英语句子中什么时候用 be 动词一:用 be 动词的一般现在时有三种形式,即:am, is, are。 1. 如果主语是第一人称 I(我)时,be 动词用 am。 如:I am a student. 我是一名学生。 I am 还可缩写成 I'm。如: I'm David. 我是大卫。 2. 如果主语是 you (你,你们), they (他们,它们,她们)或名词复数 (两个以上的人或 物)时,be 动词必须用 are。 如:Are you twelve? 你是十二岁吗? Tom and Lily are good friends. 汤姆和莉莉是好朋友。 They are at school. 他们在学校。 are 与主语还可缩写。如: We are= We're, They are =They're, You are = You're。而 are 与 not 可缩写成 aren't。 如:They aren't students. 他们不是学生。但是 am 与 not 不能缩写。 3. 如果主语是单数名词、不可数名词或单数第三人称代词(he, she, it)时,be 动词用 is。 如:My mother is a teacher. 我的妈妈是一名老师。 He is a student. 他是一名学生。 is 也可与主语缩写,如: He is = He's, My mother is = My mother's 等。但是 This is 不可缩写。而 is 与 not 可缩写成 isn't。 如:This isn't a book. 这不是一本书。 根据以上叙述我们可以把动词的用法以口诀的形式表述出来: 我(I)是 am, 你(you)是 are, 剩下 is 留给她(she), 他(he), 它(it), 两个以上都用 are。 二:作为助动词的 do 和 does 是没有词义的,它们在句中的构成一般现在时的疑问句和否定句。 Do 主要用于第一,二人称,和第三人称复数如 I, We, they, you,等。 does 是用于第三人称单数如 he ,she ,it 等。初中阶段 do 与 does 用法主要有以下几种。 1) 构成一般疑问句,例如: Do you want to pass the CET? 你想通过大学英语测试吗? Did you study German? 你们学过德语吗? 2) do + not 构成否定句,例如: I do not want to be criticized. 我不想挨批评。 He doesn't like to study. 他不想学习。 In the past, many students did not know the importance of English. 过去,好多学生不知道英语的重 要性。 3) 构成否定祈使句,例如: Don't go there. 不要去那里。 Don't be so absent-minded. 不要这么心不在焉。 说明: 构成否定祈使句只用 do,不用 did 和 does。
英语be动词的用法 详细版 - 英语 be 动词的用法 详细版 英语中 be 动词的用法很多人不是太了解。导致经常在句子中出现错误。 下面给大家详细介绍下 be 动词的...英语be动词的用法简略_英语_初中教育_教育专区。Be 动词用法的规律:一、请记住...疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。 二、Be 动词在一般过去时中的变化: 1.am...什么时候用be动词什么时候用do和does_五年级英语_英语_小学教育_教育专区。一:...二:作为助动词的 do 和 does 是没有词义的,它们在句中的构成一般现在时的...初中英语be动词用法_英语_初中教育_教育专区。be 动词用法 be 动词的一般现在时...3 1. be 动词属于系动词, 在句子中主要表现为三种形式: am is、are。后面...be动词的用法_英语_初中教育_教育专区。1. 动词 be 的用法 be 的时态变化: ...当 be 动词做系动词使用时,主要构成“系动词+表语”的结构,在句子中做谓 语...在句子中,“be”可以是主动词(The Principal Verb)或助动词( 【当主动词时,...I'm not. 有人用“ain't”, 但这并不是标准英语。 谈过了“be”作主...be动词的用法_英语_初中教育_教育专区。Be(am、is、are)动词的用法我(I)用 am, 你(you)用 are,is 用于他、她、它,男他(he), 女她(she),动物它,要是...be动词的用法_英语_初中教育_教育专区。Be 动词的...here for a long time.我已经到这里有一段时间了...这里就有了一个结论:当句子中有动词时,我们 就用...be动词用法和练习题_四年级英语_英语_小学教育_教育专区。Be 动词专项练习 be ...4. 句中含有 be 动词的陈述句变一般疑问句。 把 be 动词提到句首,be 动词...英语Be动词用法讲解与练习4,5,7年级7份_英语_小学教育_教育专区。be 动词的用法...be 句型中,主语是单数,be 动词用___;主语是复数,be 动词 用___; 如有...
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高考英语语法教学摘要及练习 第2章 英语动词的分类
第2章 英语动词的分类编制人:何新武 英语动词的名称很多:有谓语动词和 非谓语动词,助动词和主动词,及物 动词和不及物动词,动作动词和状态 动词,规则动词和不规则动词,连系 动词,情态动词,短语动词,等等。 听着这一大堆名称,我们就觉得头昏 脑胀。其实,如果我们知道它们分类 的依据,正确地理解这些概念,并没 有我们想的那么难。 2.1 谓语动词和非谓语动词依据是否充当谓语动词,一个句子中的动词可以分为谓语动词和非谓语动词。在第1章1.3中,我们知道谓语动词一定具备两个特征: 一有主语,并与主语在人称和数上保持一致;二有时态和 语态的形式。它是一个句子和一个从句必不可少的部分。例如:He knows me,John came yesterday afternoon. 非谓语动词(即不定式、-ing形式和过去分词),不仅用 作动词,还起形容词、副词或名词的作用,它无需与主语 一致,也不是一个句子或从句必不可少的。 例如:He is a businessman knowing many politicians. 他是一个认识很多政客的商人。 knowing用作动词带宾语many politicians,同时又起形容 词作用,修饰 businessman这个名词。又如:He wants to go to the market. 他想去市场。 to go是动词,带状语to the market,又起名词作用,作及 物动词wants的宾语。 再如:Coming up to her,he bowed politely.他来到她跟 前,礼貌地鞠躬。 coming起副词的作用,修饰动词 bowed。 另外,一个句子或分句一般只需一个谓语动词(除非有由连词连接的更多个谓语动词)。如:He got up, brushed teeth and washed his hands andface.而非谓语动词可以不要,也可以有许多。如在He asked me to teach him how to operate the new mobilephone bought yesterday.中有一个谓语动词,三个非 谓语动词。 又如在 He denies having asked her to run away from her family.中有一个谓语动词和两个非谓语动词。 我们平时讲动词的时态实际上就是指谓语动词的时态。 换言之,某动词的一种时态就是它的一种谓语动词的形式。 以ask为例,其16种时态的构成形式,也就是其16种谓语 动词的形式。列表如下:现在时 过去时 将来时 过去将来时一般ask / asksaskedshall/will askshould/would ask进行am/is/are asking was/were asking shall/will be asking should/would be asking完成have/has askedhad askedshall/will haveshould/would have askedasked完成进行 have/has been had been asking shall/will have been should/would have beenaskingaskingasking 练习1 根据以上表格完成16种时态的名称:英语16种时态的名称一般现在时 现在进行时 现在完成时 现在完成 进 行 时 一般过去时 过去进行时 一般将来时 将来进行时 过去将来时 过去将来进 行 时过去完成时将来完成时过去将来过去完成将来完成完 成 时 过 去将来完成进行时进 行 时进 行 时 2.2 助动词和主动词 谓语动词可以是一个词,如:She is an artist. He saw me.John spoke Spanish.也可以由几个词构成,通常 有一个主要动词(简称主动词)和一到三个起辅助作用的 动词(简称助动词)。如: He will come. (1个助动词+主动词come) He may be killed. (2个助动词+主动词killed) Wang must have been cheated. (3个助动词+主动词cheated)【注】 主动词包括连系动词和实义动词。实义动词又分 及物动词和不及物动词。 情态动词也是助动词,因它 的特殊性,我们以后讨论。 这里着重讨论5个基本助动词:be, have, do,will,shall. 在16种时态中,一般现在时和一般过去时这两种时态的谓 语动词在肯定句中,没有助动词,只有主动词;其它时态 练习2 判断下列划线的动词是主动词(用M表示)还是助 动词(用A表示):1. I will have the soup. (M)2. Police are investigating the incident. (A)3. It is very peaceful here. (M )4. Where does your brother work? (A )5. They have decided to advertise your job. ( A )6. He does his homework on the way to school. (M)7. She had had her supper when I called her. ( M) 2.3 助动词的作用 这里讲它的四个主要作用: 即帮助构成时态、否定、疑问和被动语态。 1)帮助构成时态 a.助动词be + asking(现在分词)构成进行时: be动词的现在式am/is/are + asking 现在进行时 be动词的过去式was/were + asking 过去进行 b.助动词have + asked (过去分词)构成完成时: have 的现在式 have/has + asked 现在完成时 have 的过去式 had + asked 过去完成时 c.助动词shall/will + ask (动词原形)构成将来时: 现在式shall/will + ask (动词原形) 一般将来时 过去式 should/would + ask (动词原形) 过去将来时 d.其他时态可依照上面自己推出,并要求记住时态表格。 点击此处复习时态 2)帮助构成否定 对谓语动词进行否定,可采用下列方式: ① 有助动词时,在第一个助动词的后面加not,其它动词不 变。② 一般现在时和一般过去时行为动词的主动语态的肯定 句没有助动词,我们可以分别在它们的主谓之间加do not/does not 和did not,再把主动词改为动词原形。注:如果这两种时态有be动词的一种形式,如: He is a clever boy. She was a nice girl. 在其be动词后加not即可。 练习3将下列句子变成否定句: 1.I watch TV. → I do not watch TV. 2.We have been playing football. → We have not been playing football. 3.It is boring. → It is not boring. 4.She cleans her room. → She does not clean her room. 5.Sandy has taken nice photos today. → Sandy has not taken nice photos today. 6.He buys a new CD. → He does not buy a new CD. 7.She has a cat. → She does not have a cat. or She has not (got) a cat. 8.They collected postcards. →They did not collect postcards. 9.They were jumping high. →They were not jumping high. 10.Albert had left two days before. → Albert had not left two days before.11.The teacher tested our English. →The teacher did not test our English.12.Fiona will visit her grandma. →Fiona will not visit her grandma. 13.You were thirsty. → You were not thirsty. 14.He had a computer. → He did not have a computer. 15.I bought bread. → I did not buy bread. 16.You saw the house. →You did not see the house. 3)帮助构成疑问这里只讲四种情况。① 变一般疑问句,把第一个助动词提到主语前面,且注 意字母大小写和标点的变化。 ② 一般现在时和一般过去时主动语态的肯定句没有助 动词,我们可以分别在它们的主语前加do /does 和 did,再把主动词改为动词原形,同样注意字母大小 写和标点的变化。 ③ 变特殊疑问句,一 般是疑问词(及所修饰的部分) + 一般疑问句 (-- 疑问词所替代的部分)。 ④ 就主语部分提问,用疑问词代替主语部分,其他部分 不变,同样注意字母大小写和标点的变化。 练习4 陈述句变一般疑问句 1. His father is an English teacher. _________________________________________ ? 2. These cats are crying. _________________________________________ ? 3. They can swim. _________________________________________ ? 4. I like to read English. _________________________________________ ? 5. I go to school on foot. _________________________________________ ? 6. He likes English. _________________________________________ ? 7. His father goes to work by bus. _________________________________________ ? 8. He is crying under the tree. _________________________________________ ? 1. His father is an English teacher. Is his father an English teacher? 2. These cats are crying. Are these cats crying? 3. They can swim. Can they swim ? 4. I like to read English. Do you like to read English? 5. I go to school on foot. Do you go to school on foot? 6. He likes English. Does he like English ? 7. His father goes to work by bus. Does his father go to work by bus? 8. He is crying under the tree. Is he crying under the tree? 13. He goes to school every day. _________________________________________ ? 14. I want to have a model car . _________________________________________ ? 15. She wants a cup(杯) of coffee. _________________________________________ ? 16. Mrs. Li and Kitty watch TV at night. _________________________________________ ? 17. I do my homework after school. _________________________________________ ? 18. Everybody is in the classroom. _________________________________________ ? 19. The boy does some housework at home. _________________________________________ ? 20. The children had a good time in the park. _________________________________________ ? 13. He goes to school every day. Does he go to school every day ? 14. I want to have a model car . Do you want to have a model car ? 15. She wants a cup(杯) of coffee. Does she want a cup of coffee? 16. Mrs. Li and Kitty watch TV at night. Do Mrs. Li and Kitty watch TV at night? 17. I do my homework after school. Do you do your homework after school ? 18. Everybody is in the classroom. Is everybody in the classroom? 19. The boy does some housework at home. Does the boy do any housework at home ? 20. The children had a good time in the park. Did the children have a good time in the park? 练习5 就划线部分提问(注意选择正确的疑问词): 1.Julia likes pop-music. - What does Julia like? 2.Maria comes from Spain. - Where does Maria come from? 3.They are playing in the garden. - Where are they playing? 4.Rick rode his bike to school. - Who rode his bike to school? 5.I go to the cinema on Saturdays. - When do you go to the cinema? 6.They have gone to Mallorca because it is warm there. - Why have they gone to Mallorca? 7.Joe repairs his sister’s bike. - Whose bike does Joe repair? 8.Robin has been driving his car carefully.- How has Robin been driving his car?9.Peter ran with his dog every day.- When did Peter run with his dog?10.Eric goes to Italy for a holiday.- What does Eric do? 4)帮助构成被动语态 首先,我们应该清楚,在前面2.1表格中所列的16种时 态,都是主动语态。 而每一种时态理论上都有它对应的被动语态形式。 被动语态的构成是:be + (及物动词的)过去分词 。 这里be动词是助动词,没有词义,但它要表示出时态的形 式。 换句话说,我们先以be动词当“主动词”,写出它的各 种时态,后面再加某动词的过去分词,就是某动词各种时 态的被动语态。下面仍以ask为例。A .先以be动词当“主动词”,写出它的各种时态 Be动词为“主动词”的16种时态形式 现在时 过去时 将来时 过去将来时 should/would be一般 am / is /are was/were shall/will be进行 am/is/arebeing 完成 have/has been 完成 have/haswas/were shall/will bebeing beingshould/would bebeinghad been shall/will have should/would been have beenhad been shall/will have should/would been being have been being进行 been being being B.再在后面加上ask的过去分词asked。现在时一般 am / is /are asked 进行 am/is/are being asked过去时was/were asked was/were being asked将来时过去将来时shall/will be should/would be asked asked shall/will be should/would be being asked being asked shall/will have been asked should/would have been asked完成 have/has had been been asked askedshall/will should/would 完成 have/has had been 进行 been being being asked have been have been being asked being asked asked C.去掉那些不用和很少用的时态的语态,再加上带情 态动词的被动语态,就是下面 10种常用的被动语态的形式常用被动语态 构 成 常用被动语态 构 成一般现在时一般过去时 一般将来时am/is/are askedwas/were asked shall/will be asked过去进行时现在完成时 过去完成时was/were being askedhave/has been asked had been asked过去将来时现在进行时should/would be 将来完成时 askedam/is/are being askedshall / will have been asked含有情态动词的 can/must/may be asked 2.4 英语主动词有六种基本形式。 列表如下:(请同学们自己填上所缺的词,并说明理由)动词不定式现在式-ing分词过去式-ed分词原形 be to bedo to do(第三人称单数) am/is/are beingdo(does) doingwas/were beendid donehave to have have(has)work to work work(works)havinghadhadworked skated不 规 则 动 词规 则 动 词working workedskate toskate skate(skates) skating skated study tostudy study(studies) studying studied play to play play(plays) playing played stop to stop stop(stops) wash to wash wash(washes)studied played stoppedwashedstopping stopped washingwashed 说明:1.动词原形也被称为不带to的不定式。这样主动词就只5种基本形式。 2.现在式用于一般现在时,有动词原形和第三人称单数两种形式。 且主语为第三人称单数时,谓语动词才用第三人称单数形式;其 它情况用原形。 3.过去式只用于一般过去时。注意不要和过去分词混淆。 4.-ing分词包括现在分词和动名词两个概念,尽管用法不同,但形式 一样。这样还可减少不必要的区分。 5. -ed分词也称过去分词。如果动词按规则在词尾加-ed能构成形式 相同的过去式和过去分词,这样的动词被称为规则动词。否则, 是不规则动词。上表中的be,do,have 是不规则动词,英语中只200 多个不规则动词,其中137个我们须牢记(另见不规则动词分类记 忆表)。 2.5 短语动词和动词短语前面我们讲述的动词都是一个单词的,但我们经常见到一个动 词 和一个副词或介词,构成一个短语,凝为一体,表达一个新的意 义。我们称之为短语动词。 它有三种类型:1.动词+副词相当于及物动词和不及物动词2.动词+介词相当于一个及物动词3.动词+副词+介词相当于一个及物动词 1.动词+副词 1)相当于及物动词。例: He brought up his children strictly.他严格地教育他的孩子们。 He brought his children / them up strictly. (bring up = educate) 注意宾语的位置: 宾语如是名词,则可置于副词后面或动词和副词之间。而如果宾语是代词,只能 置于动词和副词之间。 2)相当于不及物动词。例: Something unexpected has turned up. 出现了令人意外的情况。 (turn up=appear) 3)既可作及物动词又可作不及物动词。例: The barrel of gunpowder blew up.(不及物)火药桶爆炸了。 The soldiers blew up the bridge.(及物)士兵们把桥炸毁了。 2.动词+介词 动词与介词构成的词组在词义上相当于一个及物动词,宾语总在介词后面,例: I don’t much care for television.我不很喜欢电视。(care for=like) 3.动词+副词+介词 在这类动词短语中,动词、副词、介词紧密结合,是动副词组和动介词组的合成 体,词义上相当于一个及物动词。它兼有以上两类短语动词的特点,但宾语总是 位于介词之后,例: We must work hard to make up for lost time.我们必须努力工作来弥补失去的 时间。(make up for= compensate) 固定搭配 除上面的短语动词外,还有其它一些固定搭配。如:? 动词+名词 make sense 讲得通; lose weight 减肥; take place 发生 ? 动词+名词+介词 make friends with 与…交朋友;take advantage of 利用; take pride in 以…为自豪 ? 动词+宾语+介词+名词 bring…to an end 使…结束; learn… by heart 背熟; set…on fire 点火烧 ? 动词+介词+名词 burst into tears 突然大哭起来;come into effect 生效; keep in touch 保持联系实际上,人们习惯于把三类短语动词和动词其它一些固定搭配, 笼统地称为动词短语。而广义的动词短语可指动词为核心词的所 有短语。 动词短语和不规则动词一样,都需要平时积累。 练习6 完成下列句子: 1.Put your shoes on - it's too cold to walk around barefoot. 2.You must get up now or you will be late for school. 3.Sit down , please. I'll be with you in a minute. 4.Could you write this word down for me, please? 5.Don't give up singing. You are very talented. 6.Where is the fitting room(试衣间)? I'd like to try on these trousers. 7.Have you tidied up the kitchen yet? 8.My little sister woke me up in the middle of the night. 9.Don't put the vase(花瓶) there, it will fall down . 10.Adam switched on his torch(火把,火炬;手电筒), so we could find our way home in the dark. 11.I don‘t know where my book is. I must look for it. 12.Fill in the form, please. 13.The music is too loud. Could you turn down the volume, please? 14.Quick, get on the bus or you'll have to walk home. 15.Turn off the lights when you go to bed. 16.The dinner was ruined. I had to throw it away . 17.When you enter the house, take off your shoes and put some slippers on . 18.If you don't know this word, you can look it up in a dictionary. 19.I often use Wikipedia [viki'pidi:?](维基百科全书)to look up information. 20.If you want to get on a bus in London, you will have to queue. 21.Can I turn on the TV? I want to watch the weather forecast. 22.It is very hard to give up smoking. 23.Shall I stand up and offer my seat to the old lady? 24.With a few buckets of water, we put out the fire. 25.Who will look after your cat when you're on holiday? 26.At the next stop we have to get off the bus and walk along the street to the cinema. 2.6 状态动词和动作动词 以上几节动词的分类都是着眼于动词的句法作用或词 形。现在我们回答一个问题:什么是动词?动词是表示动作或状态的词。看例句: He runs in the morning.(run是动词,让人想到一个跑的动作。)He is a student. He likes English.(is 和like 也是动词,但不能使人想到某个动作。它们表示状态。)因此,我们一定要清楚,动词除表动作外,还表状态。 根据词义,动词可分为状态动词和动作动词。 2.61.状态动词状态动词是表示相对静止状态的动词,也称作为静态动词。 状态动词通常不能用于进行时态,只能用于非进行时态。 状态动词又可分为四类:1)动词be(是)和have(有)He is tall.他个子高。例如:(不可以说:* He is being tall.) He has a nice house.他有一幢漂亮的房子。 (不可以说:* He is having a nice house.) 2)类似状态动词be和have意义的动词。例如:That belongs to me.那是我的。 (不能说:*That is belonging to me.)It doesn't matter to me.这对我无关紧要。 (不能说:*It isn't mattering to me.) 常见的有: belong to = be the property of(属于) matter = be of importance(要紧) own = have(有) concern = have relation to(与……有关系) contain = have(包含有) cost = be equal in value to (价值为) depend on = be dependent on(依靠) differ from = be different from(不同于) resemble = be like (相像) 3) 表示五官感觉的动词如 hear, see, feel, taste,smell等。 She doesn't hear very well.她听觉不太好。 (不能说:* She isn‘t hearing very well.) Do you see that tree?你看到那棵树吗? (不能说:*Are you seeing that tree?)4)表示心理或情感状态的动词如 believe,consider (=believe),expect(=suppose), feel (=think),find(=consider),forget,hate,hope, imagine,know,like,love,mean,mind (=object), notice,prefer, regret,remember, suggest,suppose, think,understand,want,wish等。 I don't believe it.这我不信。 (不能说:* I'm not believing it.) I know he's clever.我知道他聪明。 (不能说:*I'm knowing he's clever.) 比较下列几组句子He is kind. He is being kind.上述第一句是一般现在时,is是连系动词,和表语一起表示某人 的性格特征,含义是“他秉性善良”。 第二句是现在进行时,is being kind只指眼下一时的情况,含义 是“他正在友善地对待某人”。 Go away.We are busy.We have a lot of work to do. Wait for me.I am still having my breakfast. 在上述第一例中,have作“有”解,是静态动词,用的一般现在 时。意思:走开。我们正忙。我们有许多事情要做。 在第二例中,have作“吃”解,是动态动词,am having是现在进 行时。意思:等等我。我还在吃早饭呢。 The soup tastes good.这汤味道不错。 (不能说:* The soup is tasting good.) The pot feels hot.这壶摸着是热的。 (不能说:* The pot is feeling hot.) Roses smell sweet.玫瑰花闻起来是香的。 (不能说:* Roses are smelling sweet.) 当feel,smell,taste用主动形式表示被动意义时是静态动词,也 是连系动词,它们和表语一起表示主语的特征。通常都不可用于进 行时态。如果这些动词用于主动意义便是动态动词,从而可用于进行时态。 例如: He is tasting the soup. 他在品尝这汤。 He is feeling the pot. 他在用手摸壶。 He is smelling the roses.他在闻/嗅玫瑰花。 综上所述,我们可以说所有上述四类状态动词:1)动词be(是)和have(有) 2)类似状态动词be和have的意义的动词3)表示五官感觉的动词4)表示心理或情感状态的动词 通常都用于非进行时态,若用于进行时态,应该说已由 静态动词转化为动态动词。 2.62 动作动词动作动词是表示运动状态的动词,也称之为动态动词。 根据词汇意义又可分为三类: 1)表示持续动作的动词 (也叫延续动词) 如 eat, listen, read, run, walk,work,write等。 这类动词既可用于进行时态和非进行时态,但意义略有不同。例句说明He eats a lot.这是一种习惯动作,他食量大, 吃得多。He is eating a lot.这是暂时的动作,可能饿了或东 西好吃。 2)表示短暂动作的动词 (也叫瞬息/间动词)如 hit, jump, knock, nod,tap等。 这类动词可用一般现在时来表示现时的一次动作。 比如在现场解说中可以说 He jumps into the river.(他跳进河里。) He kicks the ball through the goal.(他射门得分。)表示短暂动作的动词用于进行时态时,表示短暂动作的多次 重复: He was jumping to keep warm. 他跳着取暖。 (was jumping,指“不断地跳跃”,是重复动作。)比较: She jumped to her feet and ran out of the door. 她跳起身来,奔出门外。 (jumped,指“跳起来”,是一次动作。) 3)表示状态改变或位置移动的动词如get, become, grow, turn, change, arrive, come,die,go, land(着陆),leave等。 这类动词也是既可用于进行时态,也可用于非进行时态。 但在意义上略有不同。例句说明The train leaves at eight.这是一种现在习惯动作,表示火车每 天都是8点开车。The train is leaving.则表示即将发生的事态,表示火车马 上就要开了。小结:三类动作动词都可用于进行时态,也可用于非进行时态。 但要注意意义上的差异。 动词的分类小结从句法作用来说,按是否充当谓语,动词分为非谓语动词和谓语 动词。非谓语动词包括不定式、-ing形式(现在分词和动名词)和 过去分词。谓语动词的形式就是16种动词的时态形式。 肯定句中,谓语动词由助动词和主动词构成(一般现在时和一般 过去时只有主动词)。除情态动词是特殊的助动词外,有5个基本 助动词:be, have, do, will, shall。它们帮助主动词构成时态、语态、 否定、疑问等。具体而言,be和现在分词构成进行时态,be还和过去分词一起构 成被动语态。要注意语态和时态是紧密相连的。have和过去分词构 成完成时态。will/shall和动词原形构成将来时态。助动词do用它的现在式与过去式可分别帮助一般现在时和一般过 去时构成否定和提问,要注意原来的主动词都采用动词原形的形式, 因为时态已由助动词表示。 主动词包括连系动词和实义动词(实义动词分为不及物动词和及 物动词),正是因为主动词的不同特点,决定了我们上章所说的5 种句子基本结构。 从词形来说,动词有5种基本形式:不定式(动词原形和带to的 不定式)、第三人称单数形式、-ing形式、过去式和过去分词形式。 如果动词按规则在词尾加-ed能构成形式相同的过去式和过去分词, 这样的动词被称为规则动词。否则,为不规则动词。 从词义来说,动词又分为状态动词和动作动词。状态动词一般不 用于进行时态。动作动词按时间持续的长短又分为持续动词(延续 动词)和短暂动词(瞬息动词),另外还提到了表示状态改变和位 置移动的动词。 短语动词形式上由动词和副词或介词构成,但意义上相当于一个 实义动词,如果相当于及物动词,要注意宾语的位置。
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