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在数学方面,中国高考和剑桥 A-Level 的差距主要表现在广度和难度的差异。在难度方面,中国高考当然是更胜一筹了,新加坡A-Level的考题是很规矩的题,它很少有创新。但它的广度又远远在高考之上,以下是 A-Level 的考点:
这个考点高考也有,但 A-Level 在这方面不会很难,(不会像高考那难)它主要考一些复合函数和反函数。
绘图在高考中只是作为解题的一种工具,A-Level的绘图主要是考图的变换和你的手工绘图能力。这一章中绘图计算器(Graphic calculator)必不可少。
●等式和不等式(Equations and inequalities)
等式就是考解方程组,而不等式就是考不等式的解法。这个考点在高考和 A-Level 中差别不大。
&●数列及求和(Sequences and summation)
等差数列和等比数列,是高考和 A-Level 都要考的,但 A-Level 的更基本,基本没有很大的题型变化。求和也远不如高考的难度。题型没有几个,个个击破,绝对没有没有问题。
●二项式的展开(Binomial Expansions)
在这个考点,A-Level 非常仁慈,它把公式都告诉我们。而我们要做的就是把数字带入公式而已,没有难度,只考细心度。
●数学归纳法(Mathematical Induction)
这个考点是中国高考和 A-Level 都有的,难度相当,但格式很重要。
●微分及应用(Differentiation and its Applications)
这个在高考中只是很少一部分,而在 A-Level 中占很大比重。难度相当,但 A-Level 会更烦琐。 ●麦克劳林级数(Maclaurin`s Series)
这是建立在微分基础上的,高考中没有,但 A-Level 会给出公式,是体力活。
这个也是中国高考没有的。但在 A-Level 中比重非常大。是一个难点,需要大量练习。
●积分的应用(Applications of Integration)高考中没有,A-Level 的必考点,入门较难,会有思维混乱期。但必须克服,关键是多推导。主要是考用积分求不规则体的面积和体积。
在这个考点上高考和 A-Level 所触及的范围有所不同,高考多考用向量来求几何,但 A-Level中没有几何。在 A-Level 中它多考用向量表示具体的线和面,同时它比高考多了向量的差乘法。向量是很重要的一部分,即使是高中毕业生也有新的东西要学。
●复数(Complex Numbers)
高考中复数只是一道选择题或填空题,但 A-Level 学的比较多,占的比重也较大。除解一些复数方程,复数的几种不同表示方法,还有复数的轨迹。大多是高考中没有的。
●排列与组合(Permutations and Combinations)
这个考点两者都有考,难度也相当,但是在A-Level中多了一个在圆型物的排列(arrangements of objects in a circle)。
和高考基本相似,但 A-Level 多了一个条件概率(Conditional probabilities)的求解。二项分布和泊松分布(Binomial and Poisson distributions)二项分布高考中有考,但泊松分布大学才有学,而 A-Level 中学的是一些很基本的泊松分布,要有逻辑性。
●正态分布(Normal distribution)
这个在高考中不考,但 A-Level 中较重要。抽样及假设检验(Sampling and Hypothesis testing)这些高考中没有,需要在 A-Level 中学习,有些东西很理论化和格式化。
●相关和回归(Correlation and Regression)
大学的知识,高考没有,但这些知识不是很难,逻辑很重要。绘图计算器的应用,指数,对数,三角函数这些基本的数学概念和工具在 A-Level 学习中是基本。
总体来说,A-Level 数学没有高考难,但它的知识点很多。还有就是绘图计算器的应运,在A-Level 中随处可见,尤其是在统计学(Statistics)中。
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技术支持:翼新集团The Study of the Effect of Self-Differentiation Degree on Stress Level and Stress Coping Strategies in College Students | Korea Science
The Study of the Effect of Self-Differentiation Degree on Stress Level and Stress Coping Strategies in College Students
&Title & Authors
The Study of the Effect of Self-Differentiation Degree on Stress Level and Stress Coping Strategies in College Students
Bae, Ok-H Hong, Sang-O
The purpose of this study is to study how college students cope with their stress and how the level of their self-differentiation affects degrees of stress and stress-coping strategies. The questionnaires were handed to 497 college students at Y university in Gyeongbuk Province and the data were analyzed in terms of Cronbach's -coefficient, frequency and percentage, t-test, and regression analysis by using the SPSS statistical package. The results of this study were as follows: 1. For stress level, degree of self-differentiation and stress coping strategies of the college students, the average scores were 3.56, 2.53 and 3.49, respectively in 5-point Likert Scale, indicating that the students possess the above-average score for the degree of self-differentiation and stress-coping strategies and the below-average score for stress levels. 2. From examination of difference verification of stress levels based on the degree of self-differentiation and effect of degree of self-differentiation on stress levels, it was found that the higher is the degree of self-differentiation the lower is the stress level. 3. From examination of difference verification of stress-coping strategies according to the degree of self-differentiation and effect of degree of self-differentiation levels on stress coping strategies, we found that the students of higher degree of self-differentiation exercise the more active stress coping strategies. These results show that the degree of students' self-differentiation is a significant variable that influences their stress levels and stress control methods. It is thought that students' self-differentiation functions to minimize their stress and to actively cope with their stressful situation and that a high degree of self-differentiation is a significant mediator variable that is beneficial to students' mental health. It follows from the above observations that while college students in this study seem to possess good degrees of self-differentiation and stress coping capabilities and low stress levels they need to seek for the ways to improve their degree of self-differentiation by seeing into themselves and relationships with others around them. Parents, schools and consultation agencies are required to take an active hand to educate and encourage them to cope with their stress positively.
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