
麻烦各位高手帮忙翻译一下:祝你面试顺利.  其实重庆是个很有魅力的城市,只是你没有足够的时间去了解它.下次你有机会到重庆我再请你吃饭.
09-09-10 &匿名提问
听, 以这首歌在这里我的心 一首音乐我已经开始,但无法完成 听 要健全从深处 这只是开始寻找释放 哦,时机已经成熟 我的梦想被听到 他们不会被推向一边,拒绝 到您自己的所有事业,你会不会听 (副歌) 听 我一直处于十字路口 我不在家,我自己的家 和我尝试,并试图说什么的在我心目中 你应该知道 哦,我现在做的,以为你 你不知道我什么感觉 我多你了我 我在的声音,你给我 但现在我必须找到我自己 您应该有听 有是有人在这里内 有人以为我要哈德死亡,因此,不久前 哦,我尖叫和我的梦想是听到 他们不会推除了对字词 到您的武器,所有的事业,你会不会听 (副歌) 我不知道我是属于 但我会提出对 如果您不 如果你不会 听 以这首歌在这里我的心 一首音乐我已经开始 但我会完成 哦,我现在做的,以为你 你不知道我什么感觉 我多你了我 按照语音你认为你给我 但现在我必须找到我自己 我自己 你的should写错了!琼斯
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大学英语语法与句型 大学英语语法与句型 以大学英语考试试题为依据,本课程学习内容主要涉及: 以大学英语考试试题为依据,本课程学习内容主要涉及: 考试试题为依据 1)英语十六种时态,如现在进行时,现在完成进行时,现在将来时等;2)主谓一致; )英语十六种时态,如现在进行时,现在完成进行时,现在将来时等; )主谓一致; 3)情态动词的推测性用法; )情态动词的推测性用法; 4)英语三大类从句,即名词性从句,定语从句,状语从句; )英语三大类从句,即名词性从句,定语从句,状语从句; 5)非谓语动词,即现在分词,过去分词,动名词,不定式; )非谓语动词,即现在分词,过去分词,动名词,不定式; 6)虚拟语气,包括: if 型”虚拟语气, be 型”虚拟语气, were 型”虚拟语气; )虚拟语气,包括: 虚拟语气, 虚拟语气, 虚拟语气; “ “ “ 7)倒装句,包括:局部倒装和完全倒装; )倒装句,包括:局部倒装和完全倒装; 8)附加疑问句; )附加疑问句;特色预览 本书是根据人的记忆特点编著的,所以在组块记忆方面可能会引起读者的不便 或误解。对此,本人特作如下说明: 1、英语的十种词性:名动形,数副代,介冠连叹。 、英语的十种词性:名动形,数副代,介冠连叹。 说明:名词,动词,形容词,数词,副词,代词,介词,冠词,连词和感叹词。2、英语的九种句子成分:主谓宾,定状补,表同介宾。 、英语的九种句子成分:主谓宾,定状补,表同介宾。 说明:主语,谓语,宾语,定语,状语,宾补,表语(即主补) ,同位语和介词宾语。3、英语的九种词组或短语:名动形,副过介,现不动。 、英语的九种词组或短语:名动形,副过介,现不动。1 说明:名词词组,动词词组,形容词词组,副词词组,过去分词词组,介词词组,现 在 分词词组,不定式词组和动名词词组。4、英语的十种限定词: 倍指”定数量;物疑“关不名” 、英语的十种限定词: 倍指”定数量;物疑“关不名” “ 。 说明:倍数词(含分数词) ,指示代词,定冠词(含不定冠词) ,基数词(含序数词) , 量词;物主代词(指形容词性) ,疑问代词,关系代词,不定代词,名词属格。5、英语的十种状语:时地方频目,原结条让伴。 、英语的十种状语:时地方频目,原结条让伴。 说明:时间状语,地点状语,方式状语,频度状语,目的状语,原因状语,结果状语, 条件状语,让步状语和伴随状语。6、英语的九种状语从句:时地方频目,原结条让比。 、英语的九种状语从句:时地方 频 原结条让比。 说明:时间状语从句,地点状语从句,方式状语从句,目的状语从句,原因状语从句, 结果状语从句,条件状语从句,让步状语从句和比较状语从句。7、英语四种非谓语动词的作用如下: 、英语四种非谓语动词的作用如下: 1)现在分词的作用:定状补表(取中间四个字) 2)过去分词的作用:定状补表(取中间四个字) 3)动名词的作用:除“状语”外,其它均可。 4)不定式的作用:除“介宾”外,其它均可。 说明:A.要想记住非谓语动词的作用,读者必须首先牢记九种句子成分: 说明:2 主谓宾,定状补,表同介宾。 主谓宾,定状补,表同介宾。 B.非谓语动词,顾名思义,就是不能单独做谓语的动词。 C.在介词 except 和 but 后面,一定要用不定式作介词宾语。例如: I said nothing but to wait at the gate of the factory. She didn’t know what to do except complain about it. 的某种形式, 如果在 but 和 except 前面有 do 的某种形式,那么 but 和 except 后的 不定式符号“to”就必须省去,比如第二个例子就是如此。 不定式符号“ ”就必须省去,比如第二个例子就是如此。8、英语的连系动词包括:听闻看似容易,变保仍感艰辛。 、英语的连系动词包括:听闻看似容易,变保仍感艰辛。 听起来:sound 闻起来:smell 看起来:look 似乎:seem, appear 变得:get, go, grow, turn, become 保持:keep, hold, stay, stand 仍然:remain 感觉:feel, taste例如:She went mad last night. This dish tastes wonderful. Leaves turn yellow in autumn. 说明:这两句话几乎攮括了所有常用的连系动词,句中的“容易和艰辛”无意义。 说明:9、下面十种词义后必须使用“Be-型”虚拟语气谓语:(should) + do(动词原形) 、下面十种词义后必须使用“ 型 虚拟语气谓语: (动词原形) 建命要推“安决坚” 看病要数“必重紧” 建命要推“安决坚” 看病要数“必重紧” , 建议:suggest vt 建议;propose vt 建议、提议; advise vt 建议、 建议3 劝告;motion vt 提议;move vt 提议;suggestion n 建议; proposal n 建议;urge vt 力劝、催促;maintain vt 主张; advice n 劝告;advisable adj 劝告的。 命令:order n.vt 命令;decree n.vt 命令;instruct vt 指令、指示, 命令 instruction n 指令、指示;direct vt 指示、命令。 要求:request n.vt 要求、请求;demand n. vt 要求; ask vt 要求; 要求 desire n.vt 要求、希望;requirement n 要求;pray vi 祈求、 恳求;beg vt 请求、恳求;require vt 要求; 推荐:recommend vt 推荐;recommendation n 推荐。 推荐 安排:arrange vt 安排;arrangement n 安排。 安排 决定:decide vt 决定;decision n 决定;resolution n 决定; 决定 vote vt 投票决定;resolve vt 决定;determine v 决定。 坚持:insist vi 坚持;insistence n 坚持;insistent adj 坚持的; 坚持 必要性:necessary adj 必要的;essential adj 绝对必要的; 必要性 necessity n 必要性。 重要性:important adj 重要的;essential adj 极为重要的; 重要性 importance n 重要性;vital adj 至关重要的。 紧迫性:imperative adj 紧迫的;obligatory adj 强制性的; 紧迫性 urgent adj 紧急的。 例如:She insisted that we should go there by plane. It is necessary that you should marry her at once. It is my proposal that she should go to see a doctor today. 说明:这两句话的意思是: “算命要推荐“安决坚”这人厉害,看病要数“必重紧” 这人高明。后句中“必重紧”与历史上的“张仲景”医生几乎同音。 “必重紧” “看病 “张仲景” 要数”无意义,只是为了帮助记忆而有意识加上去而已。但其它 10 个字却 有实实在在的含义,它们是从众多英语单词中浓缩出来的,其目的是为了 它们是从众多英语单词中浓缩出来的, 它们是从众多英语单词中浓缩出来的 方便读者记忆。 10、下面二十六种词义后必须使用动名词作宾语: 、下面二十六种词义后必须使用动名词作宾语:4 逃避考练建议停,继承放风需倡禁, 逃避考练建议停,继承放风需倡禁, 推拖完意原错否?预感憎喜告“承象” 推拖完意原错否?预感憎喜告“承象” 。 逃避:escape 逃跑,evade 逃避,avoid 避免。 考练:consider 考虑,practise 练习,practice 练习。 建议停:suggest 建议,propose 建议,stop 停止。 继承:keep 继续,admit 承认,acknowledge 承认。 放风:give up 放弃,risk 风险,冒险。 需倡禁:require 需要,advocate 提倡,can't help 禁不住。 推拖:put off 推迟,postpone 推迟,defer 推迟,delay 拖延。 完意:finish 完成,mind 介意。 原错否:excuse / pardon / forgive 原谅,miss 错过,deny 否认。 预感:anticipate 预期,contemplate 预期,appreciate 感激/感谢。 憎喜:detest 憎恶,resent 愤恨,dislike 不喜欢,enjoy 喜欢。 告承象:report 报告,admit 承认,imagine 想象,fancy 想不到。例如:1. Fancy meeting you here.2. She detests sitting at home all day.3. He denied having borrowed the money from me. 说明:这四句话是从众多英语单词中浓缩出来的,其目的是为了方便读者记忆。 英语单词中浓缩出来的, 英语单词中浓缩出来的 第一讲 句子5 学习指南英语的句子种类繁多,但归根到底,都是由五 种基本句型变化而来。俗话说,万变不离其中。熟练地掌 握五种基本句型,以及构成这些句型的句子成份和词组,对 学生学好英语是至关重要的。以不变而应万变,这就是其中 的奥秘所在。下面两句话,学生必须牢记:1)英语的九种词组:名动形,副过介,现不 名动形,副过介, 名动形 动。2)英语的九种句子成份:主谓宾,定状补, 主谓宾,定状补, 主谓宾6 表同介宾。 表同介宾一、英语的五种基本句型: 英语的五种基本句型:1、主语 谓语 表语(SVC) 、主语+谓语 表语( 谓语+表语 ) The girl is very beautiful. 定 主 谓 状 表(或称主补)She looks pale today. 主 谓 表 时状She grows older now. 主 谓 表 时状说明: 谓语动词指的是:系动词(be)或连系动词。 系动词( )或连系动词。 说明:1)该句型中的谓语动词 谓语动词 系动词2)SVC = Subject + Verb + Subject Complement. “SubjectComplement”是主语补足语 主语补足语的意思。因为所有的表语都 主语补足语 因为所有的表语都7 是用来补充说明主语的, 所以表语也叫做“主语补足语” 是用来补充说明主语的 所以表语也叫做“主语补足语” 。3)听闻看似容易,变保仍感艰辛,这两句话几乎攮括了 听闻看似容易,变保仍感艰辛 听闻看似容易所有常用的连系动词。句中的“容易和艰辛”无意义。听起来:sound变得:get, grow, turn, become, run, go闻起来:smell保持:keep, hold, stay, stand看起来:look仍然:remain似乎:seem, appear感觉:feel, taste例如:This dish tastes wonderful.这盘菜很好吃。He stays single all his life. 他打了一辈子光棍。The tractor is standing idle now. 那部拖拉机正闲置着。Keep smiling while taking photos for you. 拍照时,请保持微笑。8 2、主语+谓语 、主语 谓语(vi)+状语(SVA) 状语( ) 谓语 状语The sun rises from the east. 定 主 谓 状(介词短语)She stands on the platform every day. 主 谓 地状(介词短语)时状说明: 说明:1)S V A = Subject + Verb(vi) + Adverbial (状语)2)谓语动词为不及物动词 不及物动词时,其后接的是状语。 状语。 不及物动词 状语3、主语+谓语 、主语 谓语 谓语(vt)+宾语 (SVO) 宾语I bought this bike yesterday. 主 谓 定 宾 时状She decided to go to Qingdao for summer holiday. 主 谓 宾(不定式短语)目的状语(介词短语)9 说明: 说明:1) 当及物动词 谓语 及物动词做谓语 宾语。 及物动词 谓语时,其后接的是宾语。 宾语2)何为及物动词?何为不及物动词?判断及物还是不及物动词,我们可以从两个方面去考虑:1)感性;2)理性。比如,我的手发出一个“拿”的动作,将一只杯子拿到手中,从感性 拿上说,拿这个动作涉及到一个物体,所以,拿就是 拿 拿及物动词;又比如, 躺”这个动词,究竟是及物动 “躺词还是不及物动词?只要我们用躺字造一个句子,便可知晓:1)我躺床。 (释:汉语不通,所以躺字为不及物动词) ,从理性上说,汉语句子通顺的为及物动词;而不通顺的为不及物动词。10 4、主语+谓语 、主语 谓语 谓语(vt)+宾语 宾补(SVOC) 宾语+宾补 宾语 宾补( )My mother asked me to go shopping with her. 定 主 谓 宾 宾补(不定式短语)We elected him monitor of our class. 主 谓 宾 宾补(名词词组)They often have their bike repaired here. 主 状 谓 定 宾 宾补(过去分词词组)说明: 说明:1)SVOC = Subject +Verb +Object + Object Complement 2)当宾语和宾语后面的成分之间逻辑上具有主谓关系时, 当宾语和宾语后面的成分之间逻辑上具有主谓关系时, 后面的成分之间逻辑上具有主谓关系时宾语后面的成分才叫宾补。 宾语后面的成分才叫宾补。3) 当宾语拿来做主语时,原来的宾补,就成了主补。We elected him monitor of our class. 主 谓 宾 宾补11 He was elected monitor of our class. 主 谓 主补5、主语+谓语 间宾 直宾(SVoO) 、主语 谓语 间宾+直宾 谓语+间宾 直宾( )My father bought me a birthday cake yesterday . 定 主 谓 vt 间宾 直宾 时状She gave me a pen as the reminder of our friendship. 主 谓 间宾 直宾 目的状语(介词词组)说明: 说明:1)SVoO = Subject +Verb +Indirect Object and Direct Object.2)人为间接宾语, 物为直接宾语。3)直宾在前,间宾在后,须用介词“to”或“for” 。所以,上述两个句子可改变为:My father bought a birthday cake for me yesterday.12 She gave a pen to me as the reminder of our friendship.二、句子成分: 句子成分:从微观的角度 微观的角度看,英语的句子成分共有 9 种:主谓宾,定 主谓宾, 微观的角度 主谓宾状补,表同介宾 “补 宾补, 状补,表同介宾。这里, 补”指的是宾补 “表”指的是表语 宾补 表 表语或主补 “同”指的是同位语,而“介宾”是介词宾语 主补, 同 同位语, “介宾” 介词宾语 介词宾语的意思。 主补 同位语任何英文句子都是由这些成分中的某一些组成,因此,把这十 任何英文句子都是由这些成分中的某一些组成个字反复地念上十遍八遍,将它们牢牢记住,对我们以后的语法学习将会产生深刻的影响。上面,在讲述五种基本句型时,句子成分问题已有所说明,但并未攘括 9 种句子成分。下面,就其余的一些句子成分,给大家逐个举例说明。13 Li Peng, premier of China, visited Japan last month. 主 主语同位语 谓 vt 宾 时状He visited Li Peng, premier of China, last month. 主 谓 vt 宾 宾语同位语 时状He came into the office without being invited. 主 谓 vt 介宾 介词 介宾(动名词词组) 介宾(动名词词组)He looks very strong and powerful. 主 谓 状 表(或称主补) 或称主补)The boy in the room 定is my son主 定(介词词组)谓 表(主补) 主补) 介词词组)三、词组(或称短语) 词组(或称短语)从宏观的角度 宏观的角度看,每个句子都是由各种词块 词块组成,而这些词块 宏观的角度 词块 词块 就是我们常说的词组或短语 词组或短语。英语的词组或短语 词组或短语 九种: 词组或短语 词组或短语可分为如下九种 九种 名动形,副过介,现不动。 名动形,副过介,现不动14 1、名词词组(以名词为中心词的词组) 、名词词组(以名词为中心词的词组)We elected him president of our university. 宾补(名词词组)The man who killed the dog was fined 500 yuan. 主语(名词词组)释:名词词组的中心词是:president 和 man。2、动词词组(以动词为中心词的词组) 、动词词组(以动词为中心词的词组)动词词组可分为二种:简单动词词组 复杂动词词组 简单动词词组;复杂动词词组 简单动词词组She works in a hospital as a nurse. 简单动词词组I always get up at six recently 复杂动词词组Li hua has just finished his homework.15 复杂动词词组释:1)动词词组的中心词是:work, finish 和 get up。 2)复杂动词词组包括:修饰动词的副词和 修饰动词的副词和 构成谓语的助动词。 构成谓语的助动词。3、形容词词组(以形容词为中心词的词组) 、形容词词组(以形容词为中心词的词组)The extremely excited man is my father. 定(形容词词组)She is both beautiful and charming. 表语(形容词词组)释:形容词词组的中心词是:excited 和 beautiful and charming.4、介词词组(以介词为中心词的词组) 、介词词组(以介词为中心词的词组)I saw him in the street yesterday.16 地点状语 Without your help, I would have failed. 条件状语She went to see him for the sake of me. 目的状语释:介词词组的中心词是:in, without 和 for;介词 介词 后面的名词、代词或动名词等,叫介词宾语。 后面的名词、代词或动名词等,叫介词宾语。5、副词词组(以副词为中心词的词组) 、副词词组(以副词为中心词的词组)She spoke loudly and clearly. 状语 She did the work very fast. 状语 释:副词词组的中心词是:loudly and clearly 和 fast.6、现在分词词组(以现在分词为中心词的词组) 、现在分词词组(以现在分词为中心词的词组)17 Having finished my homework, I went to see the film. 时间状语 Finding a dark figure following her, she felt frightened. 原因状语 释:现在分词词组的中心词是:having 和 finding。7、过去分词词组(以过去分词为中心词的词组) 、过去分词词组(以过去分词为中心词的词组)Compared with him, I am still a poor man. 条件状语The football team beaten by Class Three will win next time. 定语释:过去分词词组的中心词是:compared 和 beaten。8、动名词词组(以动名词为中心词的词组) 、动名词词组(以动名词为中心词的词组)She always avoids meeting me in the public. 宾语18 He came into my office without being asked. 介宾释:动名词词组的中心词是:meeting 和 being.9、不定式词组(以不定式为中心词的词组) 、不定式词组(以不定式为中心词的词组)The matter to be discussed at the meeting is very important. 定语I decided to go to see her next week. 宾语 释:不定式词组的中心词是:to be 和 to go.说明:1) 词组和短语,指的是同一个事物 说明: 同一个事物,只不过是说法不同 同一个事物吧了。词组的范围包括与中心词有关的宾语或状语 与中心词有关的宾语或状语。 与中心词有关的宾语或状语2) 句子是由若干个词组组成,每个词组都有其局部的含义,19 而将这些局部的含义放到在一起,便组成了一个完整的意思。复习与检测 I. Answer the following questions in Chinese orally: 1、英语的句子成分有哪九种?2、英语有哪五种基本句型?3、构成句子成分的词组有哪九种?II. Analyze each of the following sentences with the knowledge you learnt and then explain which basic sentence structure each belongs to:(用所学的知识,分析下面各句的句子成 分,然后,说出它的基本句型) 1.They came from America yesterday. 2. She often goes to work at half past seven. 3. The voice over there sounds familiar to me. 4. He bought a present for his wife last Monday.20 5. Her father, a famous doctor, died last month. 6. He came into my office without being asked. 7. Those girls are actresses from Dongguan City. 8. The leaves on this tree turn yellow in autumn. 9. She had my car washed and repaired yesterday. 10. The man is tall, strong, handsome and attractive. 11. She arranged me to go to Guangzhou on business. 12. We elected him president of our college last year. 13. She told me that she came from a peasant's family. 14. He sent me an pen as the reminder of our friendship. 15. He will phone her as soon as he arrives at Hangzhou.Keys to Exercise II 1. They came from America yesterday.(SVA) 主 2. 谓 地状 时状She often goes to work at half past seven.(SVA) 主 状 谓 时状3.The voice over there sounds familiar to me.(SVC) 主 定 谓 表/主补 状21 4.He bought a present for his wife last Monday.(SVO) 主 谓 宾 目状 时状5.Her father, a famous doctor, died last month.(SVA) 主 主同 谓 时状6.He came into my office without being asked.(SVO) 主 谓 介宾 方状7.Those girls are actresses from Dongguan City.(SVC) 主 谓 表/主补 地状8.The leaves on this tree turn yellow in autumn.(SVC) 主 定 谓 表/主补 时状9.She had my car washed and repaired yesterday.(SVOC) 主 谓 宾 宾补 时状10. The man is tall, strong, handsome and attractive.(SVC) 主 谓 表/主补11. She arranged me to go to Guangzhou on business.(SVOC) 主 谓 宾 宾补 目状12. We elected him president of our college last year.(SVOC) 主 谓 宾 宾补 时状13. She told me that she came from a peasant's family.(SVoO)22 主谓 间宾直宾(一件事)14. He sent me an pen as the reminder of our friendship.(SVoO) 主 谓 间宾直宾 目状15. He will phone her as soon as he arrives at Hangzhou.(SVO) 主 谓 宾 时状(从句)III. Make out the names and functions of the underlined phrases: (说出下面划线词组的名称及其作用) 1. The brain is a complex and delicate part of the human body. 2. The Motor System tells the hands to open and close. 3. The early-airport people usually get the heart disease. 4. The man living on the mountain once killed a tiger alone. 5. I saw a man knocked down by a group of gangsters. 6. Success in many fields depends on getting the latest news. 7. The player was running faster and faster on the playground. 8. The girl who was once a nurse married a man from Guilin. 9. He has just come back from the place where he was born. 10. It contains articles about local, regional and national news.23 Keys to Exercise III 1.The brain is a complex and delicate part of the human body. 定语(形容词词组) 定语(介词词组)2. The Motor System tells the hands to open and close. 主语(名词词组) 宾补(不定式词组)3. The early-airport people usually get the heart disease. 主语(名词词组) 谓语(复杂动词词组) 4.The man living on the mountain once killed a tiger alone. 定语(现在分词词组) 5.I saw a man knocked down by a group of gangsters. 宾补(过去分词词组) 6. Success in many fields depends on getting the latest news. 定语(介词词组) 介宾(动名词词组)7. The player was running faster and faster on the playground. 主语(名词词组) 状语(副词词组)8. The girl who was once a nurse married a man from Guilin. 主语(名词词组) 宾语(名词词组)9. He has just come back from the place where he was born. 谓语(复杂动词词组) 介宾(名词词组)24 10. It contains articles about local, regional and national news. 谓语(简单动词词组) 定语(形容词词组)多个同一性质形容词做定语: 四、多个同一性质形容词做定语: 方法:最短的形容词放在最前面,最长的放在最后面 每个形 方法:最短的形容词放在最前面,最长的放在最后面。每个形 容词之间用逗号隔开。如果句中出现程度副词,那么可 容词之间用逗号隔开。如果句中出现程度副词, 以根据说话人的意图放置。 以根据说话人的意图放置。 例如:1) It is a rainy, windy, stormy day.25 2) It is a windy, rainy, stormy day. 3) It is a rainy, windy, quite stormy day. 4) It is a rather rainy, windy, stormy day.多个不同性质的词做定语: 五、多个不同性质的词做定语: 方法:限定词→描述性形容词→大小、形状、新旧形容词→ 方法:限定词→描述性形容词→大小、形状、新旧形容词→颜色形容词 →类别形容词→类别名词→名词中心词。 类别形容词→类别名词→名词中心词。 (按顺序反复读上十几遍,我相信每个人都可以记住它)例如:1) The American Indian has a beautiful large flat head. 2) All the ancient Roman church will be redecorated soon. 3) He collects one of the first fifty pretty tiny old blue Chinese stamps. 4) The first two magnificent new teaching buildings have been completed 说明:不同性质的修饰词之间,不能用逗号隔开。 不同性质的修饰词之间,不能用逗号隔开。 不同性质的修饰词之间复习与检测 I. Answer the following questions in Chinese orally: 1、多个同一性质形容词做定语,其先后顺序作何安排?26 2、多个不同性质的词做定语,其先后顺序又作何安排? II. Arrange the words in parentheses in a correct order: (用正确的语序排列括号中修饰词) 用正确的语序排列括号中修饰词) 1. The workers are building ______ railway leading to Hong Kong. (underground, long, a, very) 2. The middle-aged couple once had ______ girls in the United States. (two, little, clever, beautiful) 3. Mona Lisa is ______ painting painted by Leonardo da Vinci. (beautiful, famous, a, oil) 4. Congratulation! ______ speech moved everyone at the meeting. (short, brief, your, exciting) 5. There were _______ carvings dug out from this grave yesterday. (original, ten, wood, Indian) 6. It was ______ sky and the birds were all flying and chasing happily. (fine, blue, a, windy) 7. She is wearing _______ wig and a pair of tight trousers at present. (beautiful, long, a, black ) 8. This is ______ station which was built on October 25th, 1950. (a, power, large, old)27 9. Our office is equipped with ______ furniture and a large TV set.. (modern, much, fashionable) 10. General Secretary, Jiang Zemin, will make ______ speech tonight. (important, a, very, TV) 11. Except English, she also studies _______ language in the world. (Russian, difficult, rather, the) 12. The hotel serves many single & double rooms and _______ food. (sea, fresh, delicious, much) 13. We have lived in _______ village for twenty-five years so far. ( mountain, small, dirty, this) 14. ______ motorbike has followed me for a number of years. (blue, American, this) 15. There are _______ enterprises settling down in Dongguan City. (modern, large, foreign-funded, many)Keys to Exercises II 1. a very long underground 3. a beautiful famous oil 5. ten original Indian wood 2. two clever beautiful little 4. Your brief exciting short 6. a fine windy blue28 7. a beautiful long black 9. much fashionable modern 11. the rather difficult Russian 13. this dirty small mountain8. a large old power 10. a very important TV 12. much delicious fresh sea 14.This blue American15. many large modern foreign-funded6、千以上的数字,可按下列方式写出: 美式英语) 、千以上的数字,可按下列方式写出: 美式英语) (美式英语 (400, 500, 600, 700, 000 , thousand 千 (3) million 百万 (6) billion 十亿 (9) trillion 万亿,兆 (12) 万亿,读写为:four hundred trillion five hundred billionsix hundred million seven hundred thousand.方法:用逗号将数字从后往前 从后往前断开。3 位数为 从后往前6 位数为 9 位数为 12 位数为29 例如:1,000:one thousand 一千1,000,000:one million 一百万1,000,000,000:one billion 十亿1,000,000,000,000:one trillion 一万亿,兆234,560,000,000,000:234 trillion 560 billion六、不定代词some any no 型 类 every each few allsomeone anyone no one everyone one a few nonesomebody anybody nobody everybody other little eithersomething anything nothing everything another a little neither30 bothsuchmuchmany不定代词是指没有特定数量的代词。不定代词的用法非常复杂,读者须特别留意。1、some 和 any 的用法: 、 的用法: 相同点:A.两者均可以修饰可数名词和不可数名词。 修饰可数名词和不可数名词 修饰可数名词和不可数名词 B.Some 常用于肯定句 肯定句中,有“一些”的意思;Any 肯定句 “一些” 常用于否定句或疑问句 否定句或疑问句中,也有“一些”的意思。 否定句或疑问句 “一些” 不同点:A.当说话人期待肯定回答 说话人期待肯定回答时,some 也可用于疑问句中。 说话人期待肯定回答 B.购物时,买卖双方均可以用 some 来进行提问。 购物时,买卖双方 购物时 C.Some 修饰可数名词单数 修饰可数名词单数时有“某一”的意思; “某一” 而 any 修饰可数名词单数 修饰可数名词单数时,有“任何”的意思。 “任何” D.条件句 条件句中通常用“any” ;而不用“some” 。 条件句例如: 例句中的 some 和 any 分别表达何种意思?) ( 分别表达何种意思?) 1) The child knows some word on the wall. 2) Would you like some coffee, sir? 3) Do you have some money in your pockets? 4) If you have any problem, please phone me. 5) Excuse me. May I have some oranges?31 6) I haven't got any books in my schoolbag. 7) Is there any water in the bottle? Yes, there is some.2、(a) few 和 (a) little 的用法: 、 的用法: 相同点:两者均可做限定词和不定代词 限定词和不定代词。 限定词和不定代词 不同点:A.Few 和 a few 修饰可数名词 可数名词;little 和 a little 可数名词 修饰不可数名词。 不可数名词。 不可数名词 B.Few 和 little 有“很少”的意思,含否定 否定的意义; “很少” 否定 A few 和 a little 有“一些”的意思,含肯定 肯定的意义。 “一些” 肯定 例如: 例句中的 few, a few 和 little, a little 分别表达何种意思?) ( 分别表达何种意思?) 1) Few students stayed at school during the vacation. 2) He said little money is needed while traveling with him. 3) I know little about how to operate a machine tool. 4) Do you have a few questions to ask? No, I have few. 5) We have a little trouble in solving this problem. 6) A little care probably could have prevented the traffic accident 说明:A)the few 和 the little 的用法: 的用法: 当 few 和 little 做定语从句的先行词 修饰先行词 定语从句的先行词或修饰先行词 定语从句的先行词 修饰先行词时,我们 必须在它们前面加上“the” “ ” ,其意义与 few 和 little 相同。32 I have the few that you want. I have the few books that you want. She has the little that you want. She has the little milk that you want. B)quite a few 和 quite a little 的用法: ) 的用法: 两者均有“相当多”的意思,分别修饰可数和不可数名词。 “相当多” quite a few = not a few 相当多(修饰可数名词) 相当多( quite a little = not a little 相当多(修饰不可数名词) 相当多( I found quite a little (of) money under the desk. She has quite a few (of) brothers and sisters. C)very few 和 very little 的用法: ) 的用法: few 和 little 有“很少”或“几乎没有”的意思。加上 very 几乎没有” “很少” 后,其程度上显得更少。不过,译成汉语时,也是“很少” 或“几乎不”的意思。 I know very little about her. 我几乎对她一无所知。 We have very few apples left. 我们几乎没有剩下苹果。3、all 和 both 的用法: 、 的用法: 相同点:A.两者均可做限定词和不定代词 限定词和不定代词。 限定词和不定代词33 B.两者均表示“全部”的意思。 “全部” 不同点:A.All 表示三个及其以上人或物的“全部” 三个及其以上人或物的“ 。 三个及其以上人或物的 全部” B.Both 表示两个人或物的“全部” 两个人或物的“ 。 两个人或物的 全部” 例如: 例句中的 all 和 both 分别表达何种意思?) ( 分别表达何种意思?) 1) All the students have to go to bed after 11 o'clock. 2) Both my parents agree to settle down in Dongguan. 3) All of my three brothers have joined the army. 4) Both of his eyes became blind at the age of six. 说明:A)如果表示三个及其以上人或物的“全部都不” 全部都不” 全部都不 , 通常用“none” “ ” 。 None of the five students passed the exam. B)如果表示两个人或物的“全部都不” 通常用 全部都不” 全部都不 , “neither” ” 。 Neither of them comes from the North China.4、every 和 each 的用法: 、 的用法: 相同点:两者均可表示全体中的“每一个” 全体中的“每一个” 。 全体中的 不同点:A.当全体包含三个及其以上的人或物 包含三个及其以上的人或物时,通常用“every” 。 包含三个及其以上的人或物 “ ” B.当全体包含两个及其以上的人或物 包含两个及其以上的人或物时,通常用“each” 。 包含两个及其以上的人或物 “ ”34 C.Every 强调的是众多人或物中的“每一个” 众多人或物中的“ ,侧重于全部 全部。 众多人或物中的 每一个” 全部 D.Each 强调的是众多人或物中的“各个” 众多人或物中的“ ,侧重于个别 个别。 众多人或物中的 各个” 个别 E.Every 只能做限定词 只能做限定词,而 each 做限定词和不定代词 做限定词和不定代词皆可。 例如: 例句中的 every 和 each 分别表达何种意思?) ( 分别表达何种意思?) 1) There are trees on each side of the street. = There are trees on either side of the street. = There are trees on both sides of the street. 2) Every side of the square is guarded by PLA soldiers. = All sides of the square are guarded by PLA soldiers 3) Every student has to get up at six o'clock. = All the students have to get up at six o'clock. 4) George Bush shook hands with each player. = George Bush shook hands with each of the players.5、either 和 neither 的用法: 、 的用法: 相同点:两者都可以做限定词和不定代词 限定词和不定代词。 限定词和不定代词 不同点:A.Either 表示两者之一 两者之一,兼两者 两者。 两者之一 两者 B.Neither 表示两者都不 两者都不。 两者都不 例如: 例句中的 either 和 neither 分别表达何种意思?) ( 分别表达何种意思?)35 1) Either candidate will become our monitor. = Either of the candidates will become our monitor. = Either one of the two candidates will become our monitor. 2) Neither candidate will become our monitor. = Neither of the candidates will become our monitor. = Neither one of the two candidates will become our monitor. 3) There are high banks on either side of the river. = There are high banks on both sides of the river. = There are high banks on each side of the river. 4) We can leave this building at either end of the corridor. = We can leave this building at both ends of the corridor. = We can leave this building at each end of the corridor.6、either 和 any 的用法: 、 的用法: 相同点:两者都可以做限定词和不定代词 限定词和不定代词。 限定词和不定代词 不同点:A.Either 表示“任何一个”时,常用于两个人或物 两个人或物之间。 两个人或物 B.Any 表示“任何一个”时,常用于三个或以上的人物 三个或以上的人物之间。 三个或以上的人物 例如: 例句中的 either 和 any 分别表达何种意思?) ( 分别表达何种意思?) 1) I have two brothers. You can choose either of them.36 2) I have three brothers. You can choose any of them. 3) Either of the two dishes are very delicious to me. 4) Any of the four dishes is very delicious to me. 5) Any dish on the table is very delicious to me. 6) Either my parent will travel in Canada with me.7、much 和 many 的用法: 、 的用法: 相同点:两者均可做限定词和不定代词,表示“很多”或“许多” 。 不同点:A.指代可数的事物,只能与可数名词复数连用。 B.指代不可数的事物,只能与不可数名词连用。 例如: 例句中的 much 和 many 分别表达何种意思?) ( 分别表达何种意思?) 1) I don’t know much about her. 我对她了解得不多。 2) There is still much water in it. 里面还有很多水。 3) There are many people in the house. 房子里有很多人。 4) Many are from the South of China. 很多人来自中国的南方。8、one 和 ones 的用法: 、 的用法: 不同点:A. “one”指代一个人或一个事物。 B. “ones”指代二个或二个以上的人或事物。37 例如: 例句中的 one 和 ones 分别表达何种意思?) ( 分别表达何种意思?) 1) What I like is the one on the desk.(做表语) 我喜欢的就是书桌上的那个。 2) One’s success or failure can only explains his past.(做定语) 一个人的成功或失败只能说明他的过去。 3) One should not sleep in however late he went to bed.(做主语) 一个人无论他多晚睡觉,他都不应该睡懒觉。 4) These recorders are too expensive. Do you have some cheaper ones? 这些录音机太贵了。你有没有一些比较便宜的(录音机)?(做主语)9、others 和 the others 的用法: 、 的用法: 不同点:A. “others”泛指另一些人或事物,并不包括全部。 B. “the others”泛指三者或三者以上的其余部分。 例如: 例句中的 others 和 the others 分别表达何种意思?) ( 分别表达何种意思?) 1) There were five people in the car. Two were killed, the others injured seriously. 小车上有五个人。两个人死亡,其余的均受重伤。 (其余的指 3 人) 2) There are many people in the park. Some are walking along the lake, others playing on the grass. (可能还有一些人在做其它事情。 )38 公园里有很多人。有些人在湖边散步,其余的在草地上玩耍。 公园里有很多人。有些人在湖边散步,其余的在草地上玩耍。10、the other 和 another 的用法: 、 的用法: 不同点:A. “the other”特指两者中的另一个人或事物。 B. “another”特指三者或三者以上的另一个人或事物。 例如: 例句中的 either 和 any 分别表达何种意思?) ( 分别表达何种意思?) 1) There are three students here. One is from Guangdong, another is from Sichuan, the third is from Hubei. 这里有三个学生。一个来自广东,另一个来自四川,还有一个来自湖 北。 2) There are two dogs here. One is black and the other is white. 这里有两只狗。一只是黑色的,而另一只是白色的。七、疑问代词、连接代词和关系代词 疑问代词、名称 疑 问 代 who, 词种类 whom, whose, 句39使用范围 特殊疑问which, what 疑 问 副 when, where, how, why 词 连 接 代 who, whom, whose, what, 词 which 句 名词性从连 接 副 when, how, where, why 词 关 系 代 who, 词 whom, whose, 定语从句which, as, that关 系 副 when, where, why 词相同点:几乎是一班人马,三种称呼。 (读者仅需记住一种称呼就可以了)不同点:A.在定语从句中,它们被称之为:关系代词和关系副词。 关系代词和关系副词。 关系代词和关系副词B.在名词性从句中,它们被称之为:连接代词和连接副词。 连接代词和连接副词。 连接代词和连接副词C.在特殊疑问句中,它们被称之为:特殊疑问代词和特殊疑问副词。 特殊疑问代词和特殊疑问副词。 特殊疑问代词和特殊疑问副词注意:1、定语从句的关系代词中没有“what”和关系副词中没有“how” 。2、定语从句的关系代词和关系副词,名词性从句的连接代词和连 关系代词和关系副词, 关系代词和关系副词 连接代词和连40 接副词,以及特殊疑问句的疑问代词和疑问副词,分别在定语从 接副词, 疑问代词和疑问副词, 定语从 疑问代词和疑问副词详细的论述。 句,名词性从句和特殊疑问句中作了详细的论述。要想了解详情, 名词性从句和特殊疑问句 详细的论述读者可直接查阅该章中的内容。 读者可直接查阅该章中的内容。复习与检测 I. Answer the following questions in Chinese orally: 1、为什么人称代词有主格和宾格之分?它们各有几个?在句子中的作用如何?2、为什么物主代词要分为名词性和形容词性?它们各有几个?在句子中的作用如何?3、反身代词和相互代词各有几个?它们在句子中的作用如何?4、指示代词有哪几个?为什么它们有“近指”和“远指”之分?41 5、不定代词中谈到哪九个问题?它们在用法上有何区别和联系? II. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:1. Our are those on the desk.2. My is the red one on the right.3. May I use theirs computers?4. Themselves will go there.5. We shall do it all by ourself.6. The two boys laughed at one another.7. The students of our class help each other.8. There are many money in his pockets.9. We need a few knowledge to do it.10. She gave me many advice and evidence.42 11. We have collected a few information about her.12. I want their to criticize themselves.13. There isn’t many water in the teapot.14. There is few food left on the table.15. All the two questions are correct.16. For they, this is a very simple question.17. Either of the two are correct for me.18. Both boy ran very fast in the match.19. Her is not herself this morning.20. Neither boys was honest at that time.Keys to Exercise II43 1. Ours are those on the desk. 2. Mine is the red one on the right. 3. May I use their computers? 4. They themselves will go there. 5. We shall do it all by ourselves. 6. The two boys laughed at each other. 7. The students of our class help one another. 8. There is much money in his pockets. 9. We need a little knowledge to do it. 10. She gave me much advice and evidence. 11. We have collected a little information about her. 12. I want them to criticize themselves. 13. There isn’t much water in the teapot. 14. There is little food left on the table. 15. Both the two questions are correct. 16. For them, this is a very simple question. 17. Either of the two is correct for me. 18. Both boys ran very fast in the match. 19. She is not herself this morning. 20. Neither boy was honest at that time.44 III. Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners or infinitive pronouns: (用合适的限定词或不定代词填空) 用合适的限定词或不定代词填空)1. some 和 any; 和 both;none;2. (a) little 和 (a) few; 3. all4. every 和 each;5. either 和 neither; 和 any;6. either7. many 和 much; 8. one 和 another; others 和 the other;9.1. She is carrying a baby on _______ arm at this moment. 2. We can elect _______ of the two candidates as our president. 3. You can choose _______ of the three girls as your lifetime partner. 4. _______ of my parents can prevent me from going there now. 5. _______ of your friends will help you when you are in trouble. 6. _______ side of the park is surrounded by magnificent buildings. 7. You can see trees passing by quickly on ______ side of the railway. 8. _______ student must carry an umbrella in case it should rain. 9. The nurse always takes care of ________ patient heart and soul.45 10. _______ the chairs inside the room will be renewed on Sunday. 11. You can take _______ the twin brothers to go fishing with you. 12. _______ of his four sisters can solve the marriage problem now 13. _______ was known about the people in Tibet before I got there. 14. She has _______ experience in dealing with the traders around her. 15. _______ female film stars will tell you sth about their real ages. 16. _______ of the people thought that he had passed away two years ago. 17. To tell you the truth, I know _______ method to settle this problem. 18. Excuse me, sir. Would you please sit down and have ______ coffee? 19. If you have _______ questions to ask, please raise your hands now. 20. You will find _______ of unknown knowledge if you keep studying. 21. I know ________ about her, but __________ about her husband. 22. I know that ________ of them are from the Northwest of China. 23. ________ success or failure can only explain his past, not the future. 24. Do you have ________ food in the kitchen? I am very hungry now. 25. _______ should not keep silent when he is cheated or insulted by ________. 26. There are two cats in the garden. _______ is black and ________ is white. 27. These shoes are too expensive. Do you have some cheaper ________? 28. There were five people in the car. Two were killed, ________ injured seriously.46 29. There’re many students on campus. ______ are talking, ______ playing on the grass. 30. There are three students here. ________ is from Xi’an, _______ from Guilin, the third from Tibet.Keys to Exercise III 1. either \ each. 2. either 5. None \ All 6. Every 9. each 13. Little 17. some 10. All 14. little \ some 3. any 4. Neither \ Both7. either \ each 8. Every 11. both 15. Few 12. None \ Any 16. Quite a few \ Some 20. quite a little \ some 24. some 28. the others18. some \ a little 19. any 23. One’s21. much \ little 22. many25. One \ others 26. One \ the other27. ones 29. Some \ others 30. One \ another2、专有名词(Proper Noun) 、专有名词( ) :表示人或事物所具有的特定的名称。其特点是: 表示人或事物所具有的特定的名称。其特点是:第一个字母必须大写。具体来说,专有名词包括: 第一个字母必须大写47 1)山河湖泊,海洋海峡,海湾海岛等地理名称。 ) 山河湖泊, 海洋海峡, 海湾海岛等地理名称。the Himalayas 喜玛拉雅山the Yangtze River 长江the West Lake 西湖the Pacific Ocean 太平洋the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋the Straits of Taiwan 台湾海峡the Persian Gulf 波斯湾the English Channel 英吉利海峡the Mexican Gulf 墨西哥湾the Philippines 菲律宾群岛2)世界各大洲的名称。 )世界各大洲的名称。Asia 亚洲Africa 非洲Antarctica 南极洲Australia 澳洲Europe 欧洲South America 南美洲North America 北美洲48 3)人名地名,国名政体名。 )人名地名,国名政体名。Zhang HuaGeorge BushShanghaiGuangzhouAustraliathe State Council 国务院Americathe Department of the Treasury 财政部4)星期和月份的名称。 )星期和月份的名称。星期: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,Friday and Saturday.月份: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August,September, October, November and December.49 一年四季的名称虽属专有名词,但习惯上要小写: 一年四季的名称虽属专有名词,但习惯上要小写: spring, summer, autumn and winter说明: 在写作, 说明:1)将专有名词分类列出,其目的在于告诉大家:在写作,翻 在写作译或改错过程中,遇到专有名词时,别忘了大写第一个字母。 译或改错过程中,遇到专有名词时,别忘了大写第一个字母。2)专有名词一般没有复数形式。但有些要加“s”或“es” ,因为它们每一个都是由几个部分组成。比如: 因为它们每一个都是由几个部分组成the United Nations 联合国the United States 美国the Philippines 菲律宾群岛the West Indies 西印度群岛3)在人名前加 the, 人名后加“s”或“es” ,表示某某一家人 某某一家人的意 某某一家人思。例如:the Smiths 史密斯一家人;the Georges 侨治一家人50 第二讲 主谓一致学习指南要想全面了解并掌握主谓一致原则,做到得心应手, 要想全面了解并掌握主谓一致原则,做到得心应手, 读者必须牢记三个原则各自所包含的内容: 三个原则各自所包含的内容:1、哪八个方面,读者必须采用语法一致原则来确定 、哪八个方面, 主谓关系? 主谓关系?2、哪五个方面,读者必须采用意义一致原则来确 、哪五个方面,读者必须采用意义一 意义一致原则来确 定主谓关系? 定主谓关系?3、哪两个方面,读者必须采用就近原则来确定主 、哪两个方面, 谓关系? 谓关系?51 4、哪些连词连接主语时,读者必须采用就近原则 、哪些连词连接主语时, 来确定主谓关系? 来确定主谓关系?5、附加说明中主要谈到哪三个方面的问题? 、附加说明中主要谈到哪三个方面的问题?主谓一致,是指主语和谓语在“人称”和“数”方面的一致关系。主谓一致必须遵循如下三个原则:语法一致原则,意义一致原则和就近原则。一、语法一致原则(Principle of Grammatical Concord) 语法一致原则( )语法一致原则是指主语和谓语在“数”方面的一致关系,即主语为单数,谓语用单数;主语为复数,谓语用复数。例如:The man has left China.(单数)Each girl has a bundle of flowers in her hand.(单数)He comes here once a week.(单数)52 Few people like this film.(复数)Both of them come from Australia.(复数)以下八个方面读者必须采用语法一致原则来确定主谓关系: 以下八个方面读者必须采用语法一致原则来确定主谓关系:1、集体名词: 只用作单数。原因是:它们被视为不可数名词) 、集体名词: 只用作单数。原因是:它们被视为不可数名词) (只用作单数 (equipment 设备 machinery 机器furniture 家俱 merchandise 商品luggage 行李 information 信息2、由“a”或“this”来修饰的单位词,谓语必须用单数。 、 ” ”来修饰的单位词,谓语必须用单数。 原因是:主语被看作是一个整体 。 被看作是一个整体) (原因是:主语被看作是一个整体) a pile of(一堆) ; a sort of(一种)a series of(一系列) ;this kind of(这种)a portion of(一部分) ;a kind of(一种)a committee of(委员会) ;53this sort of(这种) a panel of(一个陪审团) ;a board of(一个董事会)例如:A series of thefts has been reported today.A committee of ten women has been founded.A panel of ten people is in charge of this trial.This sort of machines is to be exported to Europe this year.说明:虽然“Many”有“许多”的意思,但是如果它后面接的是单数 说明:虽然 ” 许多”的意思,可数名词,而且又有“ ”来修饰,那么谓语只能用单数。例如: 可数名词,而且又有“a”来修饰,那么谓语只能用单数。例如:Many a student is going to visit the museum.= Many students are going to visit the museum.3、以“s”或“es”结尾的单复数同形的名词,谓语动词用单数还是复数 、 ” ”结尾的单复数同形的名词,54 形式,取决于该名词前面的冠词或数词。 形式,取决于该名词前面的冠词或数词。series 系列means 方法barracks 营房species 种类works 工厂headquarters 总部; 例如:a means 一种方法(单数) two means 二种方法(复数)a barracks 一个营房(单数) ;two barracks 二个营房(复数)a species of fish 一种鱼(单数) ;two species of fish 二种鱼(复数)a series of tapes 一个系列的磁带(单数) ;two series of tapes (复数)”结尾的山脉,群岛,海峡和瀑布等地理名称: 4、以“s” 或“es”结尾的山脉,群岛,海峡和瀑布等地理名称: 、 ”复数。原因是:它们每一个都是由几个部分组成) (只用作复数。原因是:它们每一个都是由几个部分组成)the Alps(阿尔卑斯山脉) ;the West Indies(西印度群岛)the Philippines(菲律宾群岛) the Himalayas(喜玛拉雅山脉) ;55 the Straits of Taiwan(台湾海峡) ;the Niagara Falls (尼亚加拉大瀑布)5、以“s”或“es”结尾的物质名词作主语时,主语被看作复数: 、 ” ”结尾的物质名词作主语时,主语被看作复数:(原因是:它们每一个都是由两部分组成) 原因是:它们每一个都是由两部分组成)shoes 鞋子;shorts 短裤;pincers 钳子;glasses 眼镜; spectacles 眼镜; trousers 裤子;scissors 剪子; suspenders 吊带裤说明:如果在上述名词前加上单位词,便出现另一种含义的单 便出现另一种含义的单数和复数。例如:a pair of“一条”“一副”或“一把” 数和复数。 , 。 This pair of glasses suits me. 这副 这副眼镜适合我。 (单数) Two pairs of glasses were lost yesterday. 昨天丢了两副 两副眼镜。 (复数) 两副6、以-ings 结尾的动名词作主语时, 主语通常被看作复数: 、 结尾的动名词作主语时 主语通常被看作复数:56 earnings 收入lodgings 出租的房间diggings 发掘物sweepings 扫拢的垃圾surroundings 环境clippings 剪下的东西例如:Our college surroundings are the best of all.Their earnings every month are RMB 1000.7、如果主语后跟有下列连词或介词,那么谓语必须依主语本身的单复数而定。 、如果主语后跟有下列连词或介词,那么谓语必须依主语本身的单复数而定。except 除---以外but 除---以外as well as 以及rather than 而不along with 连同together with 连同besides 除---以外in addition to 除---以外57 例如:No one, except three boys, is absent for school.She, rather than her sisters, is going to marry the rich man.He, as well as his sisters, is coming to see me this summer.English, besides these two languages, is spoken in our class.A letter, along with some money, is to be sent to my daughter.说明:划线部分均为各句的主语,它们的单复数对谓语有直接的影响。 说明:划线部分均为各句的主语,它们的单复数对谓语有直接的影响。8、非谓语动词作主语时,谓语动词用单数还是复数受下列因素的制约: 、非谓语动词作主语时,谓语动词用单数还是复数受下列因素的制约:A.主语是单个不定式或单个动名词词组,谓语用单数。 .主语是单个不定式或单个动名词词组,谓语用单数。B.主语是两个不定式或两个动名词,谓语用复数。 .主语是两个不定式或两个动名词,谓语用复数。例如:To tell you the truth is very easy.Reading in the morning is helpful to you.58 Teaching and talking with her are enjoyment to me.To live and play with him are very difficult for me.说明:前两句的主语为一件事,所以谓语用单数; 说明:前两句的主语为一件事,所以谓语用单数;而后两句的主语均为两件事,所以谓语用复数。 主语均为两件事,所以谓语用复数。二、意义一致原则(Principle of Notional Concord) 意义一致原则( )意义一致是指:主谓关系取决于主语的单复数意义。有时主语形式上是单数,但意义上是复数(强调个体) ,所以谓语动词用复数;反之,主语形式上是复数,但意义上是单数(强调整体) ,所以谓语动词用单数。例如:The police have left for that area.(复数)Five hundred dollars means a lot to me.(单数)59 The cattle eat grasses on this mountain every day.(复数)Ten thousand kilometers is a long distance to me.(单数)以下五个方面读者必须采用意义一致原则来确定主谓关系: 以下五个方面读者必须采用意义一致原则来确定主谓关系: 意义一致原则来确定主谓关系1、集体名词: 只用作复数。原因是:它们被视为可数名词) 、集体名词: 只用作复数。原因是:它们被视为可数名词) (只用作复数 (police 警察people 人们cattle 牛poultry 家禽vermin 害虫militia 民兵例如:The people I love are all here.The poultry we raise have gone out.2、集体名词: 可用作单复数。原因是:整体与个体的关系) 、集体名词: 可用作单复数。原因是:整体与个体的关系) (可用作单复数 (class 班级public 公众committee 委员会family 家庭audience 听众60government 政府 crew 全体船员或机组人员例如:There were thirty audience in the lecture yesterday.All the audience has gone before the lecture is over.说明:当它们被看作一个整体时,便为单数; 说明:当它们被看作一个整体时,便为单数;而当它们被看作个体时,便为复数。 看作个体时,便为复数。3、学科名称: 只用作单数,原因是:它们每个均代表一门学科) 、学科名称: 只用作单数,原因是:它们每个均代表一门学科) (只用作单数 (physics(物理学)mathematics(数学)politics(政治学)mechanics(机械学)linguistics(语言学)athletics(体育学)statistics(统计学)economics(经济学)acoustics(声学)optics(光学)61tactics(兵法)等等。 说明:当上述名称表示学科以外的意思时,则通常用作复数。例如: 当上述名称表示学科以外的意思时,则通常用作复数。 当上述名称表示学科以外的意思时tactics 策略acoustics 音响效果politics 政纲athletics 体育运动statistics 统计表mechanics 结构mathematics 运算能力economics 经济效益4、当主语由 each, every 和 more than one 来修饰时,谓语只能用单数: 、 来修饰时,谓语只能用单数:例如:Each boy and girl isn't allowed to enter the stadium.Every dog and cat is given a bath every day.More than one house was burnt down in the fire.原因: 修饰,所以被视为单数。 原因:主语被 each, every 和 more than one 修饰,所以被视为单数。62 5、表示数量概念的名词词组作主语时,谓语必须用单数: 、表示数量概念的名词词组作主语时,谓语必须用单数:例如:1) six months2) five hours3) four miles4) twenty-five dollars例如:Twenty-five thousand dollars means a lot to me.Six months is a very short time to a living man.原因:它们被看作一个整体 一个整体,分别表示一段时间, 一段时间, 一个整体 一段时间一段距离或一笔钱等,所以谓语用单数。 一段距离或一笔钱等三、就近原则(Principle of Proximity) )就近原则是指:谓语动词的单复数取决于最靠近该动词的名词或代词。如果它是单数,那么谓语就用单数;如果它是复数,那么谓语就用复数。例如:63 Either my students or I am coming to the meeting.(单数)Neither his parents nor he comes to the hospital.(单数)Not only his brothers but also his sister looks down upon him.(单数)说明:就近原则的使用并不是随心所欲的,但下列连词连接主语时, 下列连词连接主语时, 下列连词连接主语时就必须采用就近原则: 就必须采用就近原则:or, nor, either---or, neither---nor,not only---but also 等。以下两个方面读者也必须采用就近原则来确定主谓关系: 以下两个方面读者也必须采用就近原则来确定主谓关系: 必须采用就近原则来确定主谓关系1、如果做主语的名词词组是由“分数(或百分数)+ of”构 、如果做主语的名词词组是由“分数(或百分数) ”成,谓语必须依“of”后的名词单复数而定。 谓语必须依“ ”后的名词单复数而定。例如:Two third of land has been divided.(单数)Two third of students have arrived.(复数)64 Twenty percent of people are black.(复数)Twenty percent of water comes from a river.(单数)2、如果主语为非确定数量的名词词组,谓语必须依“of”后 、如果主语为非确定数量的名词词组,谓语必须依“ ”的名词单复数而定。表示非确定概念的名词词组有: 的名词单复数而定。表示非确定概念的名词词组有:all of ---(所有)lots of ---(许多)some of ---(一些)plenty of ---(大量,许多)none of ---(没有)heaps of ---(大量,许多)half of ---(一半)loads of ---(大量,许多)例如:None of water is wasted in this city. (单数)Loads of oranges were stolen last night. (复数)65 None of my classmates come to see me today.(复数)Loads of milk is collected from farmers each year.(单数)四、附加说明: 附加说明:1、在 S V C 结构中,谓语动词用单数还是复数,受下列因素制约: 、 结构中,谓语动词用单数还是复数,受下列因素制约:1)表语为单数,主语和谓语为单数。 )表语为单数,主语和谓语为单数。A hammer is a useful tool. 主 谓 表Ham and eggs is a good breakfast. 主语 谓 表语2)表语为复数,主句谓语为复数。 )表语为复数,主句谓语为复数。What I have learnt are the details of the story. 主(主语从句)谓 表66 3)主语从句的谓语为复数,主句谓语用复数。 )主语从句的谓语为复数,主句谓语用复数。What are considered edible in one country are maybe 主 (主语从句) uneatable in another country. 表(主补) 谓说明:表语亦称主语补足语,所以从数量上看,主语和表语是一致的。也就是说,表语的单复数往往可以反映主语的单复数。不过,以下情况,读者是很难作出正确判断的,所以须特别留意:The secretary and treasurer is absent for the meeting. 主语 谓 表语The secretary and the treasurer are absent for the meeting. 主语 谓 表语说明:前句,主语为单数(一个人身兼两职) ,所以谓语用单数;后句,主语为复数(秘书和财务主管) ,所以谓语只能用复数。67 2、在强调句中,被强调的对象是“I”或“me”时,谓语动词和关系代词 、在强调句中,被强调的对象是“ ” ”必须作出如下改变。例如: 必须作出如下改变。例如:It is I who am to blame. 该责备的人是我。It is me that is to blame. 该责备的人是我。说明:作表语的词可用主格,也可用宾格。用主格为正式语体, 说明:作表语的词可用主格,也可用宾格。用主格为正式语体,而用宾格则为非正式语体。 而用宾格则为非正式语体。3、当定语从句用来修饰“one of + 复数名词”时,从句中的谓语 、当定语从句用来修饰“ 复数名词”动词可用单数,也可用复数,但有所区别。 动词可用单数,也可用复数,但有所区别。例如:Playing truant is the one of his faults that is known to us all.我们大家都知道逃学是他的众多毛病之一。68 She is the only one of the girls who has been enrolled this year.她是今年被录取的唯一的女生。She is one of the girls who have been enrolled this year.她是今年被录取的女生中的其中一个。说明:1)当“one”由 the 或 the only 修饰时,定语从句谓语只能用单数。原因是:强调的对象是“one” 强调的对象是“ ” 。 强调的对象是2)当“one”前面没有任何词修饰时,强调的对象是“of”后 强调的对象是“ ” 强调的对象是的复数名词,定语从句的谓语动词用复数。 的复数名词复习与检测I. Fill in the blanks with the words given in the brackets in terms69 of the principles of grammatical concord:(根据语法一致原则用所给词的正确形式填空)1. Many a family ______(be) suffering from such a misfortune.2. He, rather than his wife, _____ (be) to attend the meeting tomorrow.3. There _____ (be) a girl and three boys studying in the classroom.4. Physics ______ (be) a very important subject at a middle school.5. Not only the planets but the earth ______ (move) around the sun.6. This kind of people ______ (be) not welcome to join in the activity.7. Neither he nor his brothers ______ (be) punished by his father.8. My hometown ______ (lie) in the south of this mountain.9. Two years ______ (be) a long time for a person with lung cancer.70 10. A hundred dollars ______ (mean) a great deal to such a family.11. The general secretary and chairman ______ (have) not come yet.12. The police ______ (be) searching the criminals on this mountain.13. They said that politics ______ (be) war without bloodshed.14. Each man and woman of this family ______ (be) his target.15. The cattle of these herdsmen ______ (be) all stolen last night.16. She, as well as her husband, ______ (be) moving to America.17. More than one passerby _____ (be) helping him at that time.18. The New York Times ______ (be) published daily in the U.S.19. All his earnings ______(come) from his hard work in the city.20. This pair of glasses ______ (cost) me two hundred yuan.71 21. The remainings of the feast _____ (be) to be handled by him.22. The crossroads ______ (be) very dangerous to the pedestrians.23. The thief, along with his partners, _____ (be) caught by the police.24. Aidz, together with Diabetes, ____ (be) called an incurable disease.25. The United Nations _____ (be) an international organization.26. Everybody _____ (be) not allowed to enter the room now.27. Five hundred pounds _____ (mean) nothing to this rich man.28. Hard work and plain living _____ (be) what I want now.Keys to Exercise I 1. is 5. moves 9. is 13. is 17. was 2. is 6. is 10. means 14. is 18. is 11. has 15. were 19. come723. is 7. were 12. are4. is 8. lies16. is 20. costs 21. are 25. is22. is 26. is23. was 27. means 28. are24. isII. Fill in each blank with one or two of the following two choices:(从所给的两个选项中选出一个或两个填入空格)1. My trousers ______ made of genuine silk. ( is, are)2. Nobody but us _____ helped him. (has, have)3. The crew ______ all sleeping on the ship. (is, are)4. Seventy-one percent of the earth _____ water. (is, are)5. Most of the leaders _____ from this village. (comes, come)6. Two thirds of the population _____ along the coast.(lives, live)7. The remains of Chairman Mao _____ in Beijing. (is, are)73 8. All my belongings ______ lying in this safe now. (is, are)9. What they have done ______ the best evidence. (is, are)10. At the door _____ standing a man with guns. (is, are)11. His politics _____ very vivid to most of us. (is, are)12. Politics _____ an essential subject at school. (is, are)13. The class _____ listening to their teacher attentively. (is, are)14. The class _____ united as one when playing games. (is, are)15. The militia _____ gathered on the playground. (has. have)16. The Board of Directors _____ against the Chairman.(votes, vote)17. The furniture there _____ all made in our factory. (was, were)18. The audience _____ watching the performance attentively. (is, are)74 19. Poultry like chicken and ducks _____ cheap in Dongguan. (is, are)20. The economics of feeding lobsters _____ very high. (is, are)21. The acoustics of this ballroom _____ the best of all. (is, are)22. The public _____ shouting outside his office. (is, are)23. The merchandise there _____ imported from China. (was, were)24. The basketball team _____ a meeting every week.(holds, hold)25. The basketball team _____ swimming in the river now. (is, are)26. The government _____ making a plan to help the poor. (is, are)27. The government _____ inspecting the disaster area. (is, are)28. A committee of five members _____ being built now. (is, are)29. The committee _____ waiting for you in the meeting room. (is, are)75 30. The equipment _____ going to be exported to Australia. (is, are)Keys to Exercise II 1. are 5. come 9. is 13. are 17. was 21. are 25. are 29. are 2. has 6. lives 10. is 14. is 18. are 22. are 26. is 30. is 3. are 7. are 11. are 4. is 8. are 12. is 16. votes 20. are 24. holds15. have 19. are 23. was 27. are 28. isIII. Correct the mistake in each of the following sentences: (改错)1. The manager, rather than the workers, are responsible for the losses.2. Either his teacher or his classmates is coming to see him tonight.3. Some farmers, as well as a technician, is invited to attend the meeting.4. The house, in addition to the two garages, were burnt last night.76 5. His sisters or his mother are arriving in Shanghai on Saturday.6. The bus, along with all the passengers, were pushed into the river.7. No one , except the two boys, were killed in the traffic accident.8. A piece of bread and a glass of milk are a good breakfast for me.9. The first and the last paragraph is the main ideas of this passage.10. Every boy and girl are the target I am going to interview.11. War and peace are the constant theme that people are talking about.12. War and peace is those which people of the world care about.13. The ship, with all the crew and cargo, were lost mystically.14. Neither the man nor his families is coming to see the victim.15. Crying and shouting does harm to the settlement of this problem.77 16. Feeding and milking the cows is his daily responsibilities.17. Fish and meat are a nutritious meal to most people around here.18. His brother, rather than his sisters, are to blame in this matter.19. The fishing and the hunting is what I am eager for all my life.20. The hammer and sickle are the symbol of our national emblem.21. Feeding pigs and milking cows is his daily responsibilities.22. The audience was moved to tears by the performance there.23. Every means have been tried out before solving this problem.24. &Hurry up, the police is coming&, one of the prisoners shouted.25. She is one of the three girls who has been to Beijing so far.26. The whole family is opposed to her decision to move abroad.78 27. Is your brother and sister coming to see you during the holiday?28. &The news she told me are too good to be true.& he said happily.29. Some people are playing cards and the rest is talking under the tree.30. &What I said and did is for all of you,& the mother said angrily.Keys to Exercise III 1. is 6. was 11. is 16. are 21. are 26. are 2. are 7. was 12. are 17. is 22. were 27. Are 3. are 8. is 13. was 18. is 23. has 28. is 4. was 9. are 14. are 19. are 24. are 29. are 5. is 10. is 15. do 20. is 25. have 30. areIV. Fill in each blank with one or two of the following two choices:(从所给的两个选项中选出一个或两个填入空格)79 1. What upsets him most _____ his four children. (is, are)2. What is real to him _____ the details of his life. (is, are)3. Two dollars and fifty cents _____ all coins I have. (is, are)4. What is worth doing _____ worth doing it well. (is, are)5. What they want _____ your supports of all fields. (is, are)6. What you have to solve _____ a few problems. (is, are)7. It is I who _____ responsible for the traffic accident. (is, am)8. Who'll take charge of this factory _____ still unknown. (is, are)9. It is me that _____ in charge of this university this year. (is, am)10. Why and how he came here _____ unknown. (remains, remain)11. There _____ the bus which we are waiting for. (comes, come)80 12. There _____ more than one boy who has been punished. (is, are)13. What he said and did _____ nothing to do with me. (has, have)14. To look after the kids and feed them _____ all I have to do. (is, are)15. To learn what are happening in this world _____ not enough. (is, are)16. He is one of the most naughty boys whom I _____ seen. (has, have)17. There _____ an old man and three kids playing cards together. (is, are)18. He is the one of the managers who _____ been promoted. (has, have)19. She is the only one of the girls who _____ been to America. (has, have)20. Helping old people and talking with them _____ her daily jobs.(is, are)Keys to Exercise IV 1. are 6. are 2. are 7. am 3. are 8. is814. is 9. is5. are 10. remain 11. comes 16. have12. is 17. is13. have 18. has14. are 19. has15. is 20. are82 第三讲 动词时态学习指南忠告:要想学好动词的时态、语态和语气,学生必须做到: 忠告:要想学好动词的时态、语态和语气,学生必须做到: 1、背熟常用的不规则动词 2、牢记各种时态、语态、语气 、背熟常用的不规则动词; 、牢记各种时态、语态、 的用法和谓语; 的用法和谓语 3、背熟汉译英翻译技巧:1)划分句子成份,了解各成份之 、背熟汉译英翻译技巧: )划分句子成份, 间的关系。 间的关系。 语态。 语态。 2)确定谓语,看看属何种时态或 )确定谓语, 3)用词是否恰当? )用词是否恰当? 词单复数等。 词单复数等。 4)注意:大小写,标点符号和名 )注意:大小写,标点符号和名学习方法83 下面十六种时态的名称和谓语有很多相似之处,记忆时务必事先作一个比较。一般 来说,学生只需记住左边八个时态的名称和谓语就足够了,因为右边八个时态的名称和 谓语和左边的几乎一样, 只不过是把“现在 现在”推移到“过去 过去”罢了。 现在 过去 1)一般现在 现在时 现在 do does am, is, are 过去时 did → 2)一般过去 过去 was were3)现在 现在进行时 现在5)现在 现在完成时 现在 7)现在 现在完成进 现在 行时 9)现在 现在将来时 现在 11)现在 现在将来进 现在 行时 13)现在 现在将来完 现在 成时 15)现在 现在将来完 现在 成进 行时am is doing → 4)过去 过去进行时 was 过去 are doin g were has 过去完成时 had done 过去 → 6)过去 done have has 过去完成进 had been 过去 → 8)过去 been 行时 doing have doing shall should do → 10)过去 过去将来 do 过去 will 时 would shall should be → 12)过去 过去将来 be 过去 will 进行时 would doing doing shall should have → 14)过去 过去将来 过去 will 完成时 have done would done shall should ha → 16)过去 过去将来 have 过去 ve 完成进 行时 been bee would n doing will doing英语有主动态和被动态两种。主动语态(Active Voice)表示主语是动作的 执行者;而被动态(Passive Voice)则表示主语是动作的承受者。下面先给大家 讲述 16 种主动态的用法和谓语: 一、英语的十六种时态: 英语的十六种时态:84 1、一般现在时:(Simple Present Tense) 、一般现在时: 用法:1)现阶段习惯性的动作或状态。 2)客观事实,真理或格言。 3)表示现在将来时。 (只用于时状或条状从句中) 谓语:1)动词原形。 2)动词后加“s”或“es” 。 举例:1) 他总是上学迟到。 2)水由氢和氧组成。 3)她常常开着窗户睡觉。 4)滚动的石头不长苔藓。 5)昨天他说地球是圆的。 6)如果你忘了,我会提醒你。 7)当他到达时,请立刻通知我。 方法:想想上述句子,哪个与用法 1 相同?哪个与用 法 2 相同?哪个与用法 3 相同?为什么?然 后将它们翻译成英文。对照所给的答案,看看 是否有出入?错在哪里?为什么? Keys: 1) He is always late for school.→ 1 2) Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.→ 23) She often sleeps with her window open.→ 14) A rolling stone gathers no moss.→ 25) Yesterday he said that the earth is round.→ 285 6) If you forget it, I shall remind you.→ 37) When she arrives, please tell me at once.→ 3 说明:1)习惯性动作是通过频度副词表现出来的,所以 记住一定数量的频度副词很有必要:frequently (频繁地、经常), always, hardly, never, scarcely (很少), often, occasionally (有时、偶尔), rarely (很少), seldom (很少), sometimes (有时), usually 2)在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,一定要用 一般现在时,代替现在将来时。 3)主语为第三人称单数,谓语为一般现在时,谓语 动词后,必须加上“s”或“es” 。否则,为错句。 动词第三人称单数的变化形式构成条件方法例子大部分动词词尾加 -sworks, sits, plans, plants remains etc以 s. x. sh.和 ch 词尾加 -es 结尾的动词 以元音字母+y 词尾加 -s 结尾的动词searches, rushes etcobeys, stays, says, prays etc86 以辅音字母+y 将 y 变为 i, 再 studies, 结尾的动词 加 -esmarries,simplifies denies etc 游 荡 ,以 f 或 fe 结尾 将 f 变为 v, 再 loaves 的动词 加 -esprooves 检验, 核对 etc以辅音字母+o 词尾加 -es 结尾的动词 以元音字母+o 词尾加 -s 结尾的动词vetoes 否决, echoes 发回声 etc radios 用无线电发 送 etc2、一般过去时:(Simple Past Tense) 、一般过去时: 用法:1)在特定的过去时间里发生的动作或存在的状态。 2)用于“were-型”和“if-型”虚拟语气之中。 谓语:动词用过去时。 举例:1)昨天我拜访了她。 2)十年前她是一位医生。 3)我宁愿你现在就去。 4)是我们出发的时候了。 5)要是我有一个家就好啦! 6)但愿她住得离我近一些。 7)去年他们在这座山上种树。 8)如果我现在有钱,我会买下这栋房子。 方法:想想上述句子,哪个与用法 1 相同?哪个与用法 2 相同?为什么?然后将它们翻译成英文。再后,对 照所给的答案,看是否有出入?错在哪里?为什么? Keys: 1) I visited her yesterday. → 187 2) She was a doctor ten year ago. → 1 3) I would rather you went now. → 2 4) It is high time that we started off. → 2 5) If only I had a family. → 2 6) I wish that she lived closer to me. → 2 7) They planted trees on this mountain last year.→ 1 8) If I had money now, I would buy a house.→ 2说明:1) 句中没有特定的过去时间时,最好不要用过去时。 2) 过去时在虚拟语气中的应用问题,在虚拟语气那一章中有详细说明。复习与检测 I. Turn the verb into Simple Present Tense or Simple Past Tense: (将括号中的动词转化为一般现在时和一般过去时) 1. His father _____ (leave) home when he was five years old. 2. Crying _____ (mend) no hole when the failure appears. 3. She _____ (advise) her son to get married at the age of twenty. 4. You must wait until she _____ (come) back from work. 5. Our teacher said yesterday that practice _____ (make) perfect. 6. He will come to see me when he _____ (arrive) here tomorrow. 7. She______ (receive) a letter from the young man last week. 8. I would rather you _____ (start) off to the hospital at once. 9. She always ______ (get) up at a quarter to seven in the morning. 10. It is about time that you ______ (come) over to help me. 11. It seems as if the sky ______ (fall) down at this moment. 12. I wish you and your family _____ (have) a good journey.88 13. If only he _____(


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