求brent的take it boy什么意思like a bitch boy 和schoolboy crush!

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09-07-03 &匿名提问
url [Brent Corrigan]In Cream Boys.rmvb fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMjQucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvOGY2ODdlYWM2ZWVmMDA5YzM3Mzk3YzYxZjAxMzA5YjYvJTVCQnJlbnQlMjBDb3JyaWdhbiU1REluJTIwQ3JlYW0lMjBCb3lzLnJtdmJ8MTgxMzcxODExfCU1QiVFOCU4RSVBMyVFNSVBRCU5MiVFNiVCQSVBMSVFOSU5NiU5M18lRTQlQkMlQTAlNUQlNUJCcmVudCUyMENvcnJpZ2FuJTVESW4lMjBDcmVhbSUyMEJveXMucm12Yg== fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMTEucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvZjMxMWFjMGE0MTY2MjUxMDBkYzdiMjk1MTc0M2UxNDcvMjAwNiUyMCU1QmJyZW50JTIwQ29ycmlnYW4lNUQlMjBGdWNrJTIwTWUlMjBSYXcuYXZpfDE2NDg4NzUzNg==fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMTEucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvODY2YTVjOThkYjgxYjc4MDM2YTkxYTU0OWE4M2ViOTIvYmFyZWJvbmVkJTIwdHdpbmtzJTIwJTI4MjAwNSUyOS5hdml8MjA5NzE1MjAwfCU1QkJyZW50JTIwQ29ycmlnYW4lNUQlMjBiYXJlYm9uZWQlMjB0d2lua3MlMjAlMjgyMDA1JTI5LmF2aQ==fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlOC5yYXlmaWxlLmNvbS96aC1jbi9kb3dubG9hZC9hZmI1ZDQ3M2RhYjQ5NjUxYzE3NDYxY2ZlMGZkNzg5Mi9UaGUlMjBQT1JORSUyMFVsdGltYXR1bS0lMjBCcmVudCUyMENvcnJpZ2FuLU1hc29uJTIwV3lsZXItQmFycmV0dCUyMExvbmcucm12YnwzMjc3MjY4MDM=[Brent Corrigan] bareboned twinks (2005).avifs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMTEucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvODY2YTVjOThkYjgxYjc4MDM2YTkxYTU0OWE4M2ViOTIvYmFyZWJvbmVkJTIwdHdpbmtzJTIwJTI4MjAwNSUyOS5hdml8MjA5NzE1MjAwfCU1QkJyZW50JTIwQ29ycmlnYW4lNUQlMjBiYXJlYm9uZWQlMjB0d2lua3MlMjAlMjgyMDA1JTI5LmF2aQ== [莣孒溡间_传][Brent Corrigan]hot hung boy.avifs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMTUucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvZmUyMGE3ZDRkYjY2ZGQ1YjUwNmRhNzNlOThjODI1ZTYvJTVCJUU4JThFJUEzJUU1JUFEJTkyJUU2JUJBJUExJUU5JTk2JTkzXyVFNCVCQyVBMCU1RCU1QkJyZW50JTIwQ29ycmlnYW4lNURob3QlMjBodW5nJTIwYm95LmF2aXwxNTEzMjc0ODg= Brent Corrigan Online - Jacob [176x144 High quality].3gpfs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMTIucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvYWQxMGY3MGJjNjRhNjYxMmNiMDRlZTA1M2E0YjgyZDUvQnJlbnQlMjBDb3JyaWdhbiUyME9ubGluZSUyMC0lMjBKYWNvYiUyMCU1QjE3NngxNDQlMjBIaWdoJTIwcXVhbGl0eSU1RC4zZ3B8MzQ1OTQzMjE= 2006 [brent Corrigan] Fuck Me Raw.avifs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMTEucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvZjMxMWFjMGE0MTY2MjUxMDBkYzdiMjk1MTc0M2UxNDcvMjAwNiUyMCU1QmJyZW50JTIwQ29ycmlnYW4lNUQlMjBGdWNrJTIwTWUlMjBSYXcuYXZpfDE2NDg4NzUzNg==[色心作祟传]IN THE CLOSET.flvfs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMjgucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvYmUyZmZlNzM4NGQzZDFjNGMyOGQxNzFkNjA2YjcyN2EvJUUzJTgwJThFJUU1JUE0JUE5JUU0JUJEJUJGJUU0JUI5JTlGJUU1JUEwJTk1JUU4JTkwJUJEJUUzJTgwJThGSU4lMjBUSEUlMjBDTE9TRVQuZmx2fDg5NjA0ODUwfCU1QiVFOCU4OSVCMiVFNSVCRiU4MyVFNCVCRCU5QyVFNyVBNSU5RiVFNCVCQyVBMCU1RElOJTIwVEhFJTIwQ0xPU0VULmZsdg== [Brent Corrigan] Take It Like A Bitch Boy 2006.rmvb fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlLnJheWZpbGUuY29tL3poLWNuL2Rvd25sb2FkLzVjYTVlNjhlMWVkZTUzOTVkZmMxOTY3ZjZhZWExNjUzL1Rha2VfaXRfbGlrZV9hX0JpdGNoX0JveV9TNiU1Qldpc01lbmNvZGVyJTIwRW5jb2RlZCU1RC5ybXZifDEzOTEyNzI5MHwlNUJCcmVudCUyMENvcnJpZ2FuJTVEJTIwVGFrZSUyMEl0JTIwTGlrZSUyMEElMjBCaXRjaCUyMEJveSUyMDIwMDYucm12Yg==[Brent Corrigan Online]-Third Time's a Charm- Jacob , Brent.avi fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlLnJheWZpbGUuY29tL3poLWNuL2Rvd25sb2FkLzkyNTBhYzA5YzczMDVjOTMwZjRiODBjN2Y3OWZmOTIxL0JyZW50Q29ycmlnYW5PbmxpbmUlMjAtJTIwSmFjb2IlMjAlMjYlMjBCcmVudC5hdml8MTM0OTMzNTY3fCU1QkJyZW50JTIwQ29ycmlnYW4lMjBPbmxpbmUlNUQtVGhpcmQlMjBUaW1lJTI3cyUyMGElMjBDaGFybS0lMjBKYWNvYiUyMCUyQyUyMEJyZW50LmF2aQ== [ Brent Corrigan] The Velvet Mafia Part 1.avi fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMTIucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvNTIxOGQwM2I5YzdhNTFjMThmMmQ2NTI5N2FlYTA1NGMvJTVCRmFsY29uJTVEJTIwQnJlbnQlMjBDb3JyaWdhbiUyMFRoZSUyMFZlbHZldCUyME1hZmlhJTIwUGFydCUyMDEuYXZpfDI1MzE0NzEzNnwlNUIlMjBCcmVudCUyMENvcnJpZ2FuJTVEJTIwVGhlJTIwVmVsdmV0JTIwTWFmaWElMjBQYXJ0JTIwMS5hdmk= Schoolboy Crush-[双龙入洞].rmvbfs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlOC5yYXlmaWxlLmNvbS96aC1jbi9kb3dubG9hZC9kOTQyMDYxMWNjNjk3ODQ5NWViZTg4MWQxNjMxYjJhYi9TY2hvb2xib3klMjBDcnVzaC0lNUIlRTUlOEYlOEMlRTklQkUlOTklRTUlODUlQTUlRTYlQjQlOUUlNUQucm12YnwxMTkwMjA3OTI= [ Brent Corrigan] The Velvet Mafia Part 1.avi fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMTIucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvNTIxOGQwM2I5YzdhNTFjMThmMmQ2NTI5N2FlYTA1NGMvJTVCRmFsY29uJTVEJTIwQnJlbnQlMjBDb3JyaWdhbiUyMFRoZSUyMFZlbHZldCUyME1hZmlhJTIwUGFydCUyMDEuYXZpfDI1MzE0NzEzNnwlNUIlMjBCcmVudCUyMENvcnJpZ2FuJTVEJTIwVGhlJTIwVmVsdmV0JTIwTWFmaWElMjBQYXJ0JTIwMS5hdmk= fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlLnJheWZpbGUuY29tL3poLWNuL2Rvd25sb2FkLzVjYTVlNjhlMWVkZTUzOTVkZmMxOTY3ZjZhZWExNjUzL1Rha2VfaXRfbGlrZV9hX0JpdGNoX0JveV9TNiU1Qldpc01lbmNvZGVyJTIwRW5jb2RlZCU1RC5ybXZifDEzOTEyNzI5MHwlNUJCcmVudCUyMENvcnJpZ2FuJTVEJTIwVGFrZSUyMEl0JTIwTGlrZSUyMEElMjBCaXRjaCUyMEJveSUyMDIwMDYuc2006 [brent Corrigan] Fuck Me Raw.avifs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMTEucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvZjMxMWFjMGE0MTY2MjUxMDBkYzdiMjk1MTc0M2UxNDcvMjAwNiUyMCU1QmJyZW50JTIwQ29ycmlnYW4lNUQlMjBGdWNrJTIwTWUlMjBSYXcuYXZpfDE2NDg4NzUzNg==m12Yg==Brent_Corrigan In Cream Boys.rmvb fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMjUucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvOGY2ODdlYWM2ZWVmMDA5YzM3Mzk3YzYxZjAxMzA5YjYvJTVCQnJlbnQlMjBDb3JyaWdhbiU1REluJTIwQ3JlYW0lMjBCb3lzLnJtdmJ8MTgxMzcxODExfEJyZW50X0NvcnJpZ2FuJTIwSW4lMjBDcmVhbSUyMEJveXMucm12Yg== [Brent Corrigan] 2006 - Naughty Boys Toys.avi fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMjUucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvMWIxM2VmYWQ1ODNlZGUwN2MzZWM3NDFmYmU4MmUzNjMvJTVCQnJlbnQlMjBDb3JyaWdhbiU1RCUyMDIwMDYlMjAtJTIwTmF1Z2h0eSUyMEJveXMlMjBUb3lzLmF2aXw1NjkyNjYxNzY=
请登录后再发表评论!Schoolboy Crush (Cobra Video)
W A T C H&&Y O U R &&F A V O R I T E && P O R N
Schoolboy Crush
Released 2004
Benny Argento
Brent Everett
Chase McKenzie
Jeremy Spencer
Lance Evans
Ryann Wakins
Shaun Ferrara
Brent Corrigan's Scoolboy Crush
Reviewed by DesslockTX on
4.0 Out of 5 Stars
Note: As of this writing, the original version of the movie is not available.
Cobra finishes out the year by releasing their much anticipated film that pairs the two highly sought-after W&nderkinder Brent Everett and
Watching the twin Brents go at it makes this an extremely enjoyable film.
Interestingly, Schoolboy Crush
is the first Cobra Video production that I have watched.
All year, I have heard raves from other moviebuffs about the last several releases, which have been
burning up the Hot Seller charts all year.
Without making too big a deal about it, it should be noted up-front that this is not a non-condom film, unlike previous Cobras.
Bareback film fans who assume otherwise
will be disappointed.
It actually was produced before .
After that full disclosure, it should also be said
that this movie stands very well on its own (supported with latex).
It contains
five action scenes, a cast of sexy, well-scrubbed guys, notably the twin Brents, and plenty of sucking and buttpounding.
Brent Corrigan has a crush on Brent Everett.
Brent Corrigan looks adorable as the doting, abused runt, who spends his waking hours yearning to get laid.
The plot of the film involves his infatuation with Brent
Everett's little frame packs a powerful punch.
He knows how to use that baseball bat between his legs, and he enjoys impressive
distance shooting in the money shot contests.
The first scene shows a friend of Corrigan's, Benny Argento, scoring it with Shaun Ferrara.
Ferrera is probably one of the movie's most all-around, handsome and
best skilled performers in this film.
This brunet horndog is one stud. He takes total control over the youthful-looking, submissive Argento.
He begins with kissing Argento down to his pastel .
All Ferrara has to do is lather Argento's upturned ass with his tongue to prime him for his deflowering.
The high point has Argento laying back on the bed, his smooth legs spread wide apart as Ferrara pumps in his thick cock.
During this, Argento
goes from soft to hard, and he squirts while getting plowed.
Ferrara bends down to lick it up, causing Argento to ask him how it tastes.
Want to see?
asks Ferrara, who ultimately blows a big wad into the bottomboy's mouth.
The next scene starts with Corrigan fretting over whether his brother knows about his sexual orientation.
Meanwhile, the brother (Jeremy Spencer) is locked in a
lusty embrace with redhead Chase McKenzie.
They waste little time tearing off each other's clothes so they can start rolling around the bed together.
After sucking and kissing, McKenzie drills him with his belly to the sheets.
Spencer is a tall lanky bottom who takes the huskier McKenzie with ease.
He easily spooges with cock inside him.
McKenzie finishes by giving is
buddy a facial.
Schoolboy Crush on Brent Everett
Next, Corrigan's dreams are realized as he gets his opportunity to sneak in a love session with Everett.
Alone at home, he gets on his knees and
puts Everett's huge cock in his mouth.
Everett's dick is so big, is reaches from Corrigan's chin all the way to his ear.
There is hot foreplay, but Corrigan
clearly cannot wait to give up his sweet boyhole.
They rut like puppies.
Kissing, moaning and pawing each other, they roll around on the carpet.
Corrigan easily accomodates
Everett's bone inside him.
Corrigan is a really hot guy to watch get humped.
His hole is smooth, delicious and apparently
full of endless fun, and he never gets soft during his reaming.
They screw in numerous positions around the living room.
Corrigan cums with Everett plowing away.
Everett stands at one end of Corrigan and
fires long multiple arcs of jizz across the bottom, hosing down the upper part of Corrigan's chest and open-mouthed face.
Be careful what you wish for,
you will get it!
Following this, we go to a good hook-up, although it is unrelated to the movie story, which is no big deal.
Curly haired Ryann Wakins has setup a workout bench area in his garage.
His buddy Lance Evans strolls in, and the Wakins eagerly
tells him all about it.
Wakins is so thrilled at his friend's new hobby that he screws him all over the workout bench.
Evans is another one of the studio's big-dicked tops, of which they seem to have an ample supply.
Wakins sits himself down on
Evans' flagpole.
The best moments are when the pale-skinned Wakins bends over, sticks his butt way out so his friend can slide on in.
balls slap up against the bottom's ass when he slams in.
Wakins gets a nice workout here on his bench.
The twin Brents easily set the scenes Schoolboy Crush ablaze.
Shaun Ferrara also has a body to die for.
The final scene of the movie shows Corrigan coming around again for some nookie from Everett, who is hanging out with McKenzie in front of the TV.
Surely Everett knows the adage that if you feed the neighborhood cat once, he'll never stop coming back.
Fortunately all three are up for a hot and sweaty session of sex.
The center of gravity in this three-way quickly becomes Brent Corrigan's hole.
He gets alternately boned by Everett and
McKenzie, and in a high point, gets double-dicked by them both.
Corrigan gets the redhead's cream on his face, causing him to spill his seed
almost immediately afterwards.
Everett treats us to another high-flying money shot which warmly covers Corrigan all over his lithe body.
The DVD includes a hot photo gallery and a bunch of really great trailers.
The twin Brents easily set the scenes Schoolboy Crush ablaze.
Shaun Ferrara also has a Body To Die For model that requires lots more screentime.
A cute story,
good direction and camera angles, and a sweet cast all make this worth watching.
However, the bareback fans will be disappointed with the condoms, making the case that
because of them, this is just another twink film.
The best way to watch Cobra Video is
on Friskyfilms / AEBN.
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Free chat with a cam boyIndonesian
Sean Paul Lockhart (born October 31, 1986) is an
best known under his
Brent Corrigan or his pseudonym Fox Ryder. He is best known for his roles in Schoolboy Crush with
and Velvet Mafia with . He has won six
including the "Best Bottom" award two consecutive years.
Corrigan started his career in pornography in 2004 at , as a young
model in Every Poolboy's Dream. He quickly became one of Cobra's most famous performers, where his -themed movies were critically top rated and commercially top-selling. Corrigan's performing career has featured a diverse variety of sexual activity, including ,
and Cobra Video's first
by Chase McKenzie and Brent Everett.
In September 2005, Corrigan made the claim that he falsified his identification documents to make his first films, being
when these were filmed. This public statement resulted in much controversy, causing many of his films to be (voluntarily) pulled from distribution channels while concerns of
in many legal jurisdictions in the United States and abroad are settled. The statement has been a major part of a continuing legal dispute between Corrigan and , and of much debate among fans.
Both Corrigan and Cobra Video have created separate "official" websites promoting the performer.
Corrigan heads up his own production company and enjoys writing in his spare time.
Corrigan was born in , raised in Seattle by his stepfather and moved to San Diego in 2003 to live with his mother.
When I moved originally, my biggest excuse was I had serious interest in film. I wanted to direct and I had a lot of interest in the artistic side of it. I figured if I'm going to do it anywhere, southern California is the fucking place to do it. That was my big lure so I thought I'd come here, do my two years in high school, get residency established then go to UCLA or something of that degree.
After arriving in San Diego, he further states that he was abandoned by his mother, forcing him to take care of himself.
At sixteen years, he says he met and began courting an older man who introduced him to what he referred to as an unhealthy social scene.
[My boyfriend] introduced me to a lifestyle that wasn’t very fitting of a sixteen-year-old. He was nothing but the worst influence on me. But I thought this is what gay people did. I didn’t know that most of the gay community isn’t into drugs and bein that there is a side of the gay community that actually takes care of each other.
He further claims he never met his father.
Corrigan claims that shortly before his 17th birthday his older boyfriend (mentioned above) contacted a
producer and showed a nude, sleeping Corrigan to Cobra Video by webcam. Corrigan then states that he agreed to get a
in order to do video work for Cobra.
He stated in an interview that, at 16 years, he believed he "knew everything." He also believed his boyfriend's statements that fake identification was used "all the time" by underage performers and that he wasn't doing anything wrong.
Corrigan then went on to do two shoots with Cobra in 2004. The majority of these scenes were receptive, , , with the exception of those starring both Corrigan and , where a
was used for Corrigan's bottoming scenes. The scenes from these shoots were spread over four videos. Those videos were both critically and commercially a success, being consistently well reviewed as well as top sellers for Cobra video.
During the time these scenes were filmed, Corrigan stated that he developed a close relationship with Cobra Video owner
and that the relationship eventually became sexual. Corrigan stated that he was afraid the business relationship would end unless he maintained the sexual part of the relationship.
Corrigan's attorney announced publicly in 2005 that Corrigan was under-age when he filmed several scenes for Cobra Video. In a subsequent November 2005 AVN.com article, Corrigan stated that he had obtained a false ID to enter the porn industry and that he was seventeen years old when he filmed his early scenes.
In a July/August 2006 GayWebMonkey magazine interview, Corrigan stated that on several occasions he tried to explicitly state to this producer that he was under-age, but the producer was not interested in hearing the information or in having the information publicly disclosed. Corrigan states that "[The Cobra producer] hinted very strongly that if I was underage now or when filming the videos, I’d be the one in trouble, not him." Corrigan also stated that this Cobra video producer emailed him after the public disclosures to say that "traitors would be dealt with accordingly" and to expect lawsuits, embarrassment, and financial ruin.
A September 2005
from two private, nongovernmental organization, the
(FSC) repeated Corrigan's statements. In the press releases, both organizations said that until the matter could be definitively settled, these videos should be removed from circulation due to the possibility of these videos being considered paedopornography in many jurisdictions.
On September 13, 2005, the four Cobra Video titles featuring these disputed scenes were pulled voluntarily from circulation by Cobra Video, through their distributor, Pacific Sun Entertainment. Though no prosecution or criminal charges have been filed regarding the alleged under-age scenes, copies of these disputed titles are no longer (as of 2007) available through official channels.
article quotes Cobra Video as stating that it was not aware of Corrigan's underage status and that it had been provided "color copies of the three State-issued forms of identification (that) Mr. Lockhart presented, including a birth certificate, all indicating a birth year of 1985." The article further quotes Cobra as stating that "all requests for a State-certified birth certificate of Mr. Lockhart from Mr. Lockhart's attorney have been rejected."
After the announcement and the subsequent recall of the titles in question, Corrigan and his business partners were then sued in federal court in , , by Cobra Video, L.L.C. for
violations, , , and other disputes. The suit, which sought damages of $1 million, also sought to prevent him from using the stage name of "Brent Corrigan" because of a claim that the name was/is a protected trademark. Kocis and Corrigan were reported to have reached a settlement on their legal dispute, with documentation to have been mailed on January 25, 2007. A final hearing in the matter was scheduled for February 21, 2007.
, owner of Cobra Video for whom Corrigan worked while underage, was found dead at his home January 24, 2007. His throat had been slashed and he had been stabbed 28 times. The killers set his home on fire to hide the murder. Corrigan was one of several people to be questioned. His attorney, John Yates, said that Corrigan was part of the investigation and "fully" cooperating with authorities. Yates later said Corrigan had information about a man who met with Kocis that day, but they are looking for the services of a criminal lawyer before talking to police. Police then searched for a "person of interest" named in the investigation. On May 15, 2007; two
and rival producers of gay pornography, Harlow Cuadra and Joseph Kerekes, were charged with Kocis' murder. The theory by investigators was that the two men murdered Kocis because they wanted to get Corrigan to work for them at their porn film company. However, police investigating the murder believe Corrigan didn't know these two men would actually go and kill Kocis to get him to work for their company.
On December 8, 2008, Kerekes pleaded guilty to the murder of Bryan Kocis and was subsequently sentenced to life in prison without parole, avoiding a potential .
Jury selection for Cuadra's trial began February 17, 2009, and the trial began February 24. On February 27, Sean Lockhart testified for the prosecution.
On March 12, 2009, Harlow Cuadra was found guilty and convicted of first degree murder in Kocis' death. On March 16, 2009, Cuadra was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. On April 7, 2009, Cuadra appealed his life sentence.
Sean Lockhart's role in Bryan's life and subsequent murder trail of Harlow Cuadra are detailed in the non-fiction, true-crime book "Cobra Killer", written by authors Andrew E. Stoner and Peter A. Conway, and published by Magnus Books on June 19, 2012.
Corrigan's most recent official website is thenewBrentCorrigan.com. As he stated in his official Twitter account on November 7–8, 2009:
I'm not a part of Brent Corrigan Inc any longer. I'm doing my own thing now...Yes, [this is the] third website I've been a part of developing. The big difference is this one is ALL MINE — no business partners involved.
Corrigan maintained a blog and personal website at BrentCorriganINC.com. This web site began in July 2007. Corrigan aired the new web-site because of difficulty he was having with his old web-site.
Corrigan makes his views about his old and new web-sites known to his visitors:
"Here, you’ll get it all. Just be advised, from here on out, you have absolutely no reason to continue your regular visits to BrentCorriganOnline.com. I wash my hands of that filthy failure, and I beg the same of you. I want to prove to the thieves that BrentCorriganOnline.com is nothing without Brent Corrigan. I want to see the traffic on that website plummet to the depths of hell and never return. I can accomplish that with the help of you."
Corrigan maintained a web-log at his old web-site, BrentCorriganOnline.com. He started his own adult-video production company (which, he claims, makes him the youngest producer in the adult-video industry.) Cobra Video also created a website, Brentcorriganxxx.com, which offers free downloads of clips and pictures of Corrigan's post-2004 work.
On October 9, 2006, Corrigan's web-log announced the launch of the private, adult, pay-only section of BrentCorriganOnline.com. The entry provided a link to the pay site, discussed the delays and included a video celebrating the pay site's start. It was also revealed that his web-master, Jeremy Carrson, is his second business partner in this venture. On October 11, 2006, Corrigan also claimed that a major reason for the delay of the roll-out of the members-only site was due to his contracted online billing company at first, canceling the original billing contract under legal pressure from Cobra Video.
Corrigan has appeared in several nonpornographic films. He has a small role as "Skippy" in the short film Tell Me, a co-starring role (as Sean Lockhart) in the rock musical short
and a starring role as "Press" in a short film directed by Jody Wheeler entitled . In 2009, the film appeared on a gay short film compilation Boys on Film 3: American Boy released by , the company that also made it possible for Corrigan to record an album with songs by the Swedish songwriter and accordionist Roland Cedermark.
He plays "Stan the Merman" in the 2008 feature , and as one of the people on the telephone tree in 's , based on . He has a guest appearance in Casper Andreas' film
as "Hustler", and he plays "Chad" in the 2011 feature . He also starred as "Chris Wachowsky" in the gay coming-of-age fantasy . Starred as "Ricky" in
(segment "I Was A Teenage Werebear") a musical, about a "closeted kid who meets these other closeted kids, who when aroused turn into leather daddy werebears". It was directed by
and released in November 2011.
At the 2009
in , pornographic director
protested Corrigan's participation in the event. Later, he accused Corrigan's boyfriend of threats and filed a police report, but no charges were ever brought.
In the Fall of 2012, a new play based on Corrigan and the death of Brian Kocis will premiere in New York City under the title: Cruel Men: In The Lion's Den, written by Bill Crouch.
Didn't This Used to Be Fun?
Sean Lockhart
short musical
In the Closet
short movie
Telephone Tree #3
short movie
Chris Wachowsky
Ricky O'Reily
segment "I Was a Teenage Werebear"
short movie
Every Poolboy's Dream
Schoolboy Crush
Cobra Video
Bareboned Twinks
Cobra Video
Casting Couch 4
Cobra Video
Cream BBoys
Cobra Video
Naughty Boy's Toys
Cobra Video
Fuck Me Raw
Cobra Video
Take It Like a Bitch Boy
Cobra Video
The Velvet Mafia: Part 1
as "Fox Ryder"
Velvet Mafia 2
Falcon Studios
Soccer Boys
The Porne Ultimatum
Pink Bird Media
Med Student
Brent Corrigan's Summit
Pink Bird Media
Just the Sex
Pink Bird Media
Just the Sex 2
Pink Bird Media
The Porne Identity
Pink Bird Media
Med Student
Brent Corrigan's Big Easy
Pink Bird Media
Brent Corrigan's Working Hard
Pink Bird Media
Getting Levi's Johnson
Underwear Model
Brent Corrigan's Heat
Pink Bird Media
The Brent Corrigan Sex Tapes
Cobra Video
Unreleased Videos
Shared with
Best Twink Performer Bottom
Fuck Me Raw (2006)
Best Bottom
Best Pro/Am Film
Summit (2008)
Best Twink Film
Just the Sex 1 & 2 (2008)
Performer of the Year
Best Actor
Just the Sex (2008)
Best Sex Scene — Duo
Kaden Saylor
The Porne Ultimatum (2008)
Best Oral Scene
Just the Sex (2008)
Best Group Scene
Adam Wells/Reese Reynolds/Jacob Powell
Summit (2008)
Best Sex Scene — Duo
Just the Sex (2008)
Best Bottom
Web Performer of the Year
Best Amateur/Pro-Am Release
Big Easy (2010)
Best Pornstar Site
Best Three-Way Sex Scene
The Velvet Mafia: Part 1 (2006)
Nominated (as Fox Ryder)
Best Twink Video
Summit (2008)
Best Supporting Actor
The Porne Ultimatum (2008)
Best Performer
Best Pornstar Blog
Best Pornstar Website
Best Actor
Best in Twink
Working Hard (2010)
Best Comedy
Working Hard (2010)
Hottest Bottom
Best Pornstar Blog
Best Pornstar Website
Best Supporting Actor
Getting Levi's Johnson (2010)
Casey Monroe
Getting Levi's Johnson (2010)
Hottest Bottom
Best Porn Star Blog
QFest’s Awards
Rising Star Award
Sean Paul Lockhart
. Brent Corrigan Online. .
. Brent Corrigan Online. Archived from
on May 1, 2007. .
Lewis, Edward (7 July 2007). . The Times Leader. .
Davis, Marc (19 May 2007). . The Virginian-Pilot. H. .
Kalinowski, Robert (27 January 2007). . The Times-Tribune. Archived from
. Web.archive.org. . Archived from
""His movies were Cobra's best selling. He was in four films all on their Top 10 list of best sellers of all time.""
. Adonisent.com. .
. Business.avn.com. .
"Corrigan was born in Lewiston, Idaho and grew up in the suburbs of Seattle"
. AdultFYI. . .
"Lockhart and Belville have told GayVN that Lockhart's birthdate is October 31, 1990, and that Lockhart obtained false ID so he could enter the adult entertainment industry. "
"Brent Corrigan," who appears in at least four titles for Cobra Video, was possibly younger than eighteen years when he performed in them, according to information supplied by the performer's attorney, Chad Belville of Tempe, ."
"The Free Speech Coalition recommends that until the facts in this case are clarified, all above titles and promotional materials should be immediately removed from circulation and distribution, and all content, online and offline, that contains the performer named Brent Corrigan should be removed and sealed for attorney review and consultation."
"Pacific Sun Entertainment, which distributes Cobra Video titles, has notified all of its customers to pull the titles from their shelves, a Pacific Sun spokesman told GayVN."
. Archived from
Liebacki, Ron. . TimesLeader.com. Archived from
Kalinowski, Robert. . citizensvoice.com. Archived from
Dobo, Nichole. . CitizensVoice.com. Archived from
Buynovsky, Sarah. . WNEP.com. .
Malcolm, Wade. . Times-Leader.com. .
; Simon, Mallory, ; . Retrieved .
; ;. Retrieved .
. Timesleader.com. . .
Melloy, Kilian (). . EDGE Boston. .
Garcia, Michelle. . The Advocate. .
Corrigan, Brent (). . Archived from
. Gaycelluloid.com. .
. Sfbaytimes.com. . .
Matthew Hays / Toronto / Thursday, August 25, -08-25). . Xtra.ca. .
. The Sword. . .
. RAD Video. 1 March 2008. Archived from
. Business.avn.com. . .
. Gayvnawards.avn.com. . .
. Web.archive.org. . Archived from
. Grabbys.com. .
. Grabbys.com. .
. Grabbys.com. .
. Grabbys.com. .
Awards and achievements
Preceded by
for Best Bottom
Succeeded by
Brent Corrigan
Preceded by
Brent Corrigan
GayVN Awards for Best Bottom
Succeeded by
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