shut意思是关门为shut up是什么意思还加the door

“关门”就是close the door吗?那你想得就太简单了“关门”就是close the door吗?那你想得就太简单了每日学英语百家号我们一般用close the door表达“关门” 的概念
但是英语是一门highly-contextual(高语境)的语言那么“关门”这个表达在不同语境下用哪些不同的用法呢?close the door多用于正式或庄重的文体中:关闭铁路、公交等交通渠道或是安全提示For you safety, please close the doorafter you come in and buckle the security chain. 为了您的安全,请进出随手关门,并扣好防盗链,谢谢!slam the doorslam 象声词,指“砰然关上”,带有强烈的感情色彩It wasn't very friendly of you to slam the doorin his face. 你冲着他摔门太伤和气了。lock the door中文里,我们习惯用关上门来配合表达离开住所;这里的关门不仅仅是一个单纯的关门动作还有把门锁住的意思In my haste I forgot to lock the door. 我匆忙中忘了关门。bang the door拟声表达,砰的一声关上门;这里砰的一声不带有感情的概念,表达的是用的力气很大Bang the door, please. 请用力关上车门。shut the door强调关门的方式、过程和手段I shut the door and fastened the bolt. 我关上门,拴上门闩。“If you shut the door to all errors, truth will be shut out.”你如果拒绝面对错误,真相也会被挡在门外。本文由百家号作者上传并发布,百家号仅提供信息发布平台。文章仅代表作者个人观点,不代表百度立场。未经作者许可,不得转载。每日学英语百家号最近更新:简介:关注每日学英语,让英语学习成为一种习惯!作者最新文章相关文章5055 报错SHUT THE DOOR - CPC中文印刷社区
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5055突然报错SHUT THE DOOR 无法进行下一步 一直这个错 请问是什么问题 检查过传感器 都没是短接了 没问题的
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是驱动马达版烧了 不是门的问题。。
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shut是什么意思 shut在线翻译 shut什么意思 shut的意思 shut的翻译 shut的解释 shut的发音 shut的同义词 shut的反义词 shut的例句 shut的相关词组
shut英 [??t] 美 [??t] 第三人称单数:现在分词:shut 基本解释及物/不及物动词关闭; 闭上; 合上; 打烊形容词关闭; 关门; 停业; 合拢shut 同义词形容词动词shut 反义词及物动词shut 相关词组1.
: 关闭;2.
: 住口;3.
: 使不能得分;4.
: 关上;5.
: 关进, 禁闭;6.
: 关掉;手机查看shut的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 shut 即可shut 相关例句及物动词1. He shut his eyes to her faults.&&&&他对她的错误装作没看见。2. The rain stopped and I shut my umbrella.&&&&雨停了,我收拢伞。3. 3. Shut the window, please.&&&&请关窗。4. Why have you shut the door upon further negotiations?&&&&你为什么要拒绝进一步的谈判呢?不及物动词1. 1. The stores shut at 9:30 p.m.&&&&这些商店晚上九点半打烊。2. The door won't shut.&&&&这门关不上。shut 网络解释1. shut1. 关闭:<>(SHUT)看完以为是英国电影,网上一查是德国的.可那口音是标准伦敦郊区啊.开个玩笑.伦敦音是什么,我都不知道.<>(The Invasion)一部所谓的科幻恐怖片.2. 闭:该产品采用软测量技术和脉宽调剂(PWM)智能控制算法,能直接接收工业仪表或计算机等输出的4-20mA信号和电动执行器内部的塑料电位器位置反馈信号,以各种阀门或装置进行精确定正用途:信号4mA-全开(OPEN) 信号20mA-全闭(SHUT)反用途:信号4mA3. 此路不通:6、Pull 拉 | 7、Shut 此路不通 | 8、On 打开 ( 放)4. 关上, 闭上, 关闭:asceticism 禁欲主义, 苦行 | shut 关上, 闭上, 关闭 | armature relay 电枢继电器shut 双语例句1. During the untwisting, the plant shall be shut down.&&&&在解缆过程中,机组应是关闭的。2. But the violence has shut down many nickel and chrome factories.&&&&但是暴力事件使得许多镍铬合金厂关门了。3. shut3. Rebecca had somehow got shut in the cabin when she went down to get a coat.&&&&莉贝卡是下去拿外衣时不知怎地关在舱里了。4. 4. There`s only one door, and it locks automatically from outside when shut.&&&&假设你准备在一间隔音的浴室里洗澡,浴室没有窗户,只有一扇门,门一旦关上就自动锁起来,从外面才能打开。5. And it locks automatically from outside when shut. Youshut the door, ..&&&&门一旦关上就自动锁起来,从外面才能打开。6. 6. In some situations the phenomenon will cause shut down of the entire production line.&&&&严重的情况将造成冲压线停机而使得生产性大为降低,造成很大的损失。7. If you shut your door to all errors truth will be shut out.&&&&如果你把所有的错误都关在门外时。8. Primary factor influcing rate of fault shut-down of polymerization reactor is found out through statistics and analysis.&&&&通过对聚合反应釜的故障停机率进行统计、分析,找出其主要影响因素。9. His stump of a tail shut down as close as his owner ever shut the short, stubbed blade of his jack-knife&&&&它那半截尾巴紧贴在身后,紧得象它的主人把大摺刀短粗的刀刃的摺叠起来那样。10. This would encompass items such as the process and purge panel components, gas cabinets controller operation, and all safety protective systems and shut-downs.&&&&这包括的项目如过程和净化控制板组件,气体室控制器操作和所有的安全防护系统和关闭系统。11. After the failure last time he shut himself up in the room reading insanely.&&&&&&上次惨败之后,他就开始闭门苦读,并且发誓要一雪前耻。12. 12. I mean, the guy has me on a platter, and he won't shut up.&&&&&&我是说他可以让我一枪毙命他却不肯闭嘴13. And it is significant of the general trend of ecclesiastical authority that not only were works which formerly enjoyed high standing at broad-minded Alexandria--the Apocalypse of Peter and the Acts of Paul--involved by Athanasius with the apocrypha, but even some that Origen had regarded as inspired--Barnabas, the Shepherd of Hermas, the Didache--were ruthlessly shut out under the same damnatory title.&&&&&&这是显著的但总的趋势是教会权威,不仅工程前身是享有崇高的地位,在宽阔的胸襟亚历山大-启示彼得与行为的保罗-涉及at hanasius与a p ocrypha,但即使是一些人认为,渊源已被视为灵感-巴纳巴斯,牧羊人的h ermas,d idache-被无情地拒之门外根据同一da mnatory冠军。14. Because British electron business affairs develops flourishingly, englishman already more and more be used to shop on the net, the traditional management pattern of Dick dark got huge concussion and challenge, then, dick dark is flat shut in England all door inn, and suddenly change one's identity, complete transition is network shopkeeper.&&&&&&因为英国电子商务蓬勃发展,英国人已经越来越习惯于网上购物,迪克森的传统经营模式受到了极大的冲击和挑战,于是,迪克森干脆关闭了在英国所有的门店,而摇身一变,彻底转型为网络零售商。15. In such diseases, inhibition is more direct than excitation, because you can shut down neural circuits that are behaing erratically, he said.&&&&&&可以直接关闭不规律活动的神经回路。16. 16. Shut up noob, this is my song.&&&&&&闭嘴,嫩咖!这是我的歌!17. The human does not leave, and in the activity, the switch con After the human leaves, the switch time delay automatic shut-off load, is bright the human to the lamp, the human extinguishes to the lamp, kind convenient, safe energy conservation.&&&&&&人不离开且在活动,开关持续导通;人离开后,开关延时自动关闭负载,人到灯亮,人离灯熄,亲切方便,安全节能。18. So homie come get me, Shut up boys what up though I see you&&&&&&兄弟们都过来,把那群sb打成蜂窝,别往底下藏了,我照样看得见你19. And the pressure response for the shut-in well was determined.&&&&&&得到关井后的压力响应。20. Starting with a shut-in well, a series of increasing flow rates are run at fixed time intervals.&&&&&&从关井开始,以固定的时间间隔系列地增加流量。shut 词典解释The form shut is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle. shut 的过去式和过去分词与原形相同。1. 关闭;关上;合上&&&&If you shut something such as a door or if it shuts, it moves so that it fills a hole or a space.&&&&e.g. Just make sure you shut the gate after you...&&&&&&&&&&&进来后务必关上大门。&&&&e.g. The screen door shut gently.&&&&&&&&&&&纱门轻轻关上了。2. 闭上(眼睛)&&&&If you shut your eyes, you lower your eyelids so that you cannot see anything.&&&&e.g. Lucy shut her eyes so she wouldn't see it happen.&&&&&&&&&&&露西闭上了眼睛,这样就不会看到它发生了。3. 闭上(嘴巴);(嘴巴)合上&&&&If your mouth shuts or if you shut your mouth, you place your lips firmly together.&&&&e.g. Daniel's mouth opened, and then shut again...&&&&&&&&&&&丹尼尔嘴巴张了张又合上了。&&&&e.g. He opened and shut his mouth, unspeaking.&&&&&&&&&&&他张了张嘴,欲言又止。4. (使)(商店、酒吧等公共场所)关门,停止营业,休息&&&&When a store, bar, or other public building shuts or when someone shuts it, it is closed and you cannot use it until it is open again.&&&&e.g. There is a tendency to shut museums or shops at a moment's notice...&&&&&&&&&&&现在博物馆或商店有一种说关就关的趋势。&&&&e.g. Shops usually shut from noon-3pm, and stay open late...&&&&&&&&&&&商店通常中午到下午 3 点关门,然后营业到很晚。5. 故意忽视;故意不予理会;对…视若罔闻&&&&If you say that someone shuts their eyes to something, you mean that they deliberately ignore something which they should deal with.&&&&e.g. We shut our eyes to the plainest facts, refusing to admit the truth...&&&&&&&&&&&我们对最浅显的事实视而不见,拒绝承认真相。&&&&e.g. She was shutting her eyes to reality, just as she had done after Matthew died.&&&&&&&&&&&她不肯正视现实,跟她在马修去世后的表现如出一辙。6. 保密;三缄其口&&&&If someone tells you to keep your mouth shut about something, they are telling you not to let anyone else know about it.shut的反义词&&&&e.g. I don't have to tell you how important it is for you to keep your mouth shut about all this...&&&&&&&&&&&我不用告诉你,你自己也知道对所有这些事保密有多重要了吧。&&&&e.g. He paid my brother to kill Norton and keep his mouth shut.&&&&&&&&&&&他花钱雇我兄弟去杀了诺顿并给了他封口费。7. 保持沉默;不发表意见&&&&If you keep your mouth shut, you do not express your opinions about something, even though you would like to.&&&&e.g. If she had kept her mouth shut she would still have her job now.&&&&&&&&&&&如果她当时保持沉默的话,她现在工作也就不会丢。8. 住口;闭嘴&&&&If someone tells you to shut your mouth or shut your face, they are telling you very rudely to stop talking.&&&&e.g. 'Oi, shut your mouth and have respect for elders,' Langda said to the boy.&&&&&&&&&&&“喂, 闭嘴,对长者要尊重,”兰达对那男孩说。9. shut up shop -> see 相关词组:shut 单语例句1. The three terminals at the airport were subsequently shut down for six hours after a bystander who witnessed the incidence notified TSA officials.2. The three terminals at the busy airport were shut down for six hours after a bystander who witnessed the incident reported it to TSA officials.3. A few dozen protesters turned out for Monday's rush hour action, which ended when authorities shut down the Civic Center station.4. Local residents expressed outrage over the beefed up security, with some 3000 CIA agents standing by and Cairo's main roads shut down.5. Sullivan shut down what would have been the third day of deliberations on Friday, after the juror rushed to California following her father's death on Thursday night.6. That deal called for it to shut down the Yongbyon plant by Saturday as a first step towards ending its nuclear program.7. He also asked local police to shut down unlicensed Internet cafes around campus and ensure that people under 18 are kept away from these venues.8. Mariner officials said there were seven active production wells on the platform, and they were shut down shortly before the fire broke out.9. The government has shut down 365 power generating units in operation with a combined capacity of more than 11 gigawatts from January to November.10. The ministry has also arrested nine suspects, detained 54 others and shut down 80 illegal capsule manufacturing lines.shut的翻译shut 英英释义verb1. move so that an opening or passage is obstructed&&&&make shut&&&&e.g. Close the door&&&&&&&&&&&shut the window&&&&Synonym: 2. become closed&&&&e.g. The windows closed with a loud bang&&&&Synonym: 3. prevent from entering&&&&shut out&&&&e.g. The trees were shutting out all sunlight&&&&&&&&&&&This policy excludes people who have a criminal record from entering the country&&&&Synonym: adj1. not open&&&&e.g. the door slammed shut&&&&Synonym: 2. used especially of mouth or eyes&&&&e.g. he sat quietly with closed eyes&&&&&&&&&&&his eyes were shut against the sunlight&&&&Synonym: shut是什么意思,shut在线翻译,shut什么意思,shut的意思,shut的翻译,shut的解释,shut的发音,shut的同义词,shut的反义词,shut的例句,shut的相关词组,shut意思是什么,shut怎么翻译,单词shut是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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“关门”就是close the door吗?那你想得就太简单了 08:43:39&&每日学英语
close the door
表达&关门& 的概念
close the door
For you safety, please close the door after you come in and buckle the security chain.
slam the door
slam 象声词,指&砰然关上&,带有强烈的感情色彩
It wasn&#39;t very friendly of you to slam the door in his face.
lock the door
In my haste I forgot to lock the door.
bang the door
Bang the door, please.
shut the door
I shut the door and fastened the bolt.
&If you shut the door to all errors, truth will be shut out.&
cindy shut the door heavily and burst intoCindy shut the door heavily and burst into tears .No one in the office knew_____D____ she was so angry.A.where B.whether C.that D.why请问这个从句she was so angry.不也不缺成分吗,为何不用that?
答案是D 没有人知道她为什么那么生气.分析 she was so angry.不缺成分,已完整如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,
因为用that 与句子意思不符呀


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