BRNDOsina sportss

sports 和 sport的用法区别请问是do sport还是do sports?对它们的大小写有何要求?
形容词:sportsadj.有关运动的sportn.运动,运动会名词,消遣,游戏运动,[pl.]运动会有意思[有趣]的事,玩笑,戏谑,玩物,笑柄,嘲笑[捉弄]的对象[口]有体育道德精神的人,运动员,讨人喜欢的人,胸怀宽广的人,好心的人,胆大的人[美俚]赌徒,好酒色的人,爱享受的人,漂亮时髦的人【生】突变;【植】芽变; 变态[畸形]的人[动,植物]所以应该是do sport,对于大小写没有什么特别的要求.
扫描下载二维码do sports 做运动.进行体育锻炼——精英家教网——
do sports 做运动.进行体育锻炼 【】
句型转换。1. I like fall because is cool. (对划线部分提问)   &&& ______ do you like fall?2. I really like it. (否定句)&& &I ______ ______ like it.3. People wear cool clothes. (一般疑问句) &&& ______ people ______ cool clothes? 4. We can make snowmen. (否定句) &&& We ______ make snowmen. 5. My favorite sport is swimming. (对划线部分提问) &&& ______ your favorite sport?
When I was young, I liked to play jokes on people I knew, especially on my parents and friends. One day my mother was  46
and I was playing with my younger brother Tony. Suddenly I ran to my mother and said,“Tony fell from the open window!”She was very  47
and ran out of the kitchen. Then I said,“Don’t worry, I’m just  48 .”And my mother shouted at me,“If you do it  49 ,I’ll hit you.”   One day I went swimming with my  50 in the sea. I wanted to play a joke on them. In the beginning, I went swimming  51 ,and I called out,“Help!”All my friends came to help me, only to  52
that I was joking. But the next time I wasn’t joking .I was so  53
that I swam in deep water. I tried my best to call my frineds for help, but this time nobody came to help me.
54 ,They found I was telling the truth.They came and saved my life.They took me to the hospital.This is the best  55 in my life.From then on,I haven’t joked on anyone.   46.A.writing     B.sleeping      D.running   47.A.angry     B.worried       C.sorry        D.excited   48.A.smiling    B.saying      C.playing      D.joking     B.then       C.again      D.once   50.A.friends    B.classmates     C.brothers     D.parents      B.slowly       C.well      D.alone   52.A.find      B.understand       C.say      D.think   53.A.careful    B.careless      D.slow   54.A.In the end    B.At first       C.Since then    D.At that time   55.A.time       C.lesson
  Your peers are people your age or close to it. Besides close friends, your peers include other children you know who are the same age------like people in your grade, sports team, or neighborhood. Peers may have a positive influence on each other and play important roles in each other’s lives: Positive examples Peers set plenty of good examples for each other. Having peers who do well in school or do their best in a sport can influence you to work hard to realize your dream, too. Peers who are kind and helpful can influence you to build these qualities in yourself. Even peers you’ve never met can be role models(模范). For example, watching someone your age compete in the Olympics or give a piano concert might inspire you to go after a dream of your own. Feedback(反馈) and advice Your peers listen and give you feedback as you try out new ideas. They can help you make decisions, too: what courses to take, whether to get your hair cut or let it grow, or how to solve a problem. Peers often give each other good advice. Your peers will be quick to tell you when they think you’re making a mistake or doing something dangerous. Socializing(交际) Being with your peers----such as classmates or teammates----gives you a chance to learn how to make friends and deal with disagreements with people. New experiences Your peers might get you involved(参与) in clubs, sports, or volunteer groups. Your world would be far less rich without peers encouraging you to try some new food for the first time, or listen to a CD you have never heard before. 56) The first paragraph is mainly about           .    A. who your peers are
B. how to find peers whose interests are similar to yours    C. the negative influence of peers on each other    D. the difference between your close friends and your peers 57) The author makes   
points of how peers have a positive influence on each other.
A. three     B. four    C. five    D. six 58) With which of the following may the author agree?
A. Peers you have never met cannot influence you.
B. You can ask your friends to make a decision for you.
C. You should not play with peers you don’t like.
D. Your peers may cause you to experience new things. 59) The author mentions that good role models can influence you to         .
① work hard to realize your dream   ② do something dangerous
③ build good qualities in yourself   ④ have fewer friends
A. ①③   B. ②④  C.②③   D.③④ 60) From the fourth paragraph, we can learn that being with your peers gives you a chance to          .
A. influence other people      B. play an important role
C. learn how to make more friends  D. improve your English skills              
We often do sport for ________       every day.   [  ]
A.a hour    && hour
C.the hour     D.hour
  Hi! My name is Han Mei.I'm glad to tell you s  1   about my school life.I think it's very i  2  .We go to school f  3   Monday to Friday.We learn a few s  4  .I like English best.
  After school, we all like doing outdoor a  5  .My f  6   sport is volleyball(排球).I'm on my school volleyball team.I love this sport b  7   the Chinese Women Volleyball Team wins(赢)many games.I want to learn from them.It can also keep me strong and healthy.Now I am trying to practice it in my f  8   time.
  Do you like your school life? W  9   sport do you like best? W  10   do you like it? Can you tell me?
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