tomake you be happyy is a choice we make是什么意思

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A public dialogue about belief — one essay at a time
Happiness is a Choice
- Midlothian, Virginia
I believe in rainbows, sunshine and that happiness is a choice.
Wherever you go, wherever you are, there is always going to be some sort of negative force around you.
You make the choice to give that negative force power over you, and your attitude.
You can choose to let it affect you or not to.
Happiness is a choice we make every day.
When faced with something less than desirable in life, of course we will have different emotions.
We may be sad, angry, confused, or disturbed.
All feelings are valid and we should express all of these feelings, but afterward, we can make the choice to either be happy, or to not be happy.
Regardless of the situation, negative feelings are not going to change what has happened or what is to happen.
I don’t believe it is necessary to dwell on the negative.
I believe making the choice to be happy when faced with negativity, improves your outlook.
I’ve been to the bottom of a sad, angry, emotional pit and dwelled there for quite some time.
I was in a dark and lonely place that imprisoned me.
I had no explanation for why I was there, nor did I know how to get myself out.
I did not leave my bedroom for two weeks.
Two very long weeks of my life were wasted in the confinement of four walls, with one closed, covered window.
Once I ventured outside of those four walls, I did not leave my house for two months.
I did not see or feel the sunshine, rain, or wind.
I did not see or smell the outdoors.
I was sad, angry, lonely, lost and scared.
I was a prisoner of this dark sadness and depression.
I prefer not to go ever back there again.
Instead, I prefer to wake up every morning with happiness and hope in my heart.
I choose to be happy.
I’m not happy all of the time, but I still choose happiness.
I allow myself to experience whatever emotion I am feeling in any given situation.
Once I recognize why I am having that emotion, I then choose to smile.
I allow happiness to overcome me.
I would rather take the bad with the good, but focus on the good.
I believe that everything happens for a reason, and that things have a way of working themselves out.
I also believe that a little optimism speeds up that process.
I can’t change other people but I can change myself, my attitude, and my emotions.
I believe happiness is contagious.
I believe in infecting myself and others with happiness.
A smile goes a long way.
An act of kindness or generosity stays with someone for a lifetime.
A display of happiness can change someone’s outlook and brighten their day.
I believe happiness warms the soul.
I believe that happiness can be found just about anywhere, you just have to open your eyes and look for it.
Happiness is found in the beauty of nature.
Happiness is found in the voice of a friend.
It is in the eyes of a child.
Happiness can be found in the purr of a kitten or in the wag of a puppy’s tail.
Happiness can be found just outside your window or front door.
It can be the sun beating down on your face or the raindrops falling on your head.
Happiness is a choice.
It is a choice that I make, every day.
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我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。Choose Happiness Nowmost people are about as happy as they choose to be
Of all the strategies for creating a happier life for ourselves, there is none more important than to simply choose happiness  – to make the firm decision that: "Today, whatever happens, I choose to be happy."Happiness doesn't happen by chance. Either consciously or unconsciously, happy people choose to be happy.
The story of the two wolfs provides a good analogy.One evening a Cherokee elder was telling his grandson the story of the battle that goes on inside people. He said: "The battle, my son, is about the two wolves that live inside us all."One is unhappiness. It is fear, worry, anger, jealousy, sorrow, self-pity and resentment. The other is happiness. It is joy, love, hope, serenity, kindness, truth and compassion. The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked: "Grandfather, which wolf wins?"  The elder replied: "The one you feed."Author Deepak Chopra describes most people as being a bundle of conditioned responses'. Most unhappy people unconsciously feed the unhappiness wolf through deep-seated habit.To begin to consciously choose happiness is a powerful way to loosen the grip of the old conditioned responses which cause unhappiness for ourselves and others. Happiness is a choice, or, as Abraham Lincoln once said:"Most people are about as happy as they decide to be"
The truth is, that in any situation, you can always make choices that lean towards  happiness. Choosing happiness is a simple choice that can be made in every moment, in every situation.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
If you you wish to start feeding the happy wolf, here are some suggestions to get you started:1.
Whenever you become aware that you are complaining, judging,
criticising  or  moaning about something, see that you can decide
to continue or to stop. It is a simple choice. If
you wish to choose happiness in any moment, focus on gratitude,
on counting your blessings. Make a mental list of all the things in
your life to be thankful for ...your health, the use of your legs, your
friends, the fact that your eyes work. Keep going until the impulse to
complain has left you.2.
When you are feeling sad or down, be aware that continuing to give it
energy through dwelling on it, thinking about it or talking about it, is
a choice. If
you wish to feel happier, focus on praise or simple appreciation. Look
around you for things to appreciate. We are surrounded by beauty at all
times. All that is required is the willingness to make your happiness
more important than wallowing in your negative feelings.3. 
If you are feeling angry, grumpy or frustrated, to choose happiness
could take the form of non-resistance or complete acceptance. Be
aware of any resistance you have to experiencing whatever it is you are
feeling and make the conscious choice to allow it to be as it is. Try
saying YES to the experience.  Don't try to change it, understand it or
fix it. Resisting makes it stronger. Allowing it to be exactly as it is without trying to push it away away creates peace. See 4.
If you are holding a grudge towards anyone, ask yourself: "What is more
important for me right now? To feel justified or to be happy? To
withhold my love (and make two people unhappy) or to choose for peace?"       Practice .
Be bigger than the little voice that says "NEVER!" The harder it seems
to forgive this person, the more joy you will experience if you find the
willingness to do it. We can always find the strength to forgive if we make happiness our highest priority.5. 
If you are troubled by incessant mental chatter and are always worrying
or thinking about the past or the future, you will find some powerful
solutions on the following pages.                   ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Is an overactive mind robbing you of your inner peace and happiness?In ,
I will share with you a host of practical steps that you can  implement
straight away to pull the plug on a busy mind and reclaim the peace and
serenity you yearn for. You will discover how overthinking
is mostly an unconscious habit that you can learn to drop and how the
key to experiencing ongoing peace lies, not in changing the mind itself,
but in changing how you relate to it.
would like to share the story of a very significant lesson in my own
journey to happiness. I must say, it makes me chuckle a little when I
recall it.Many
years ago, I had just split up with a girlfriend and was feeling really
down. A good friend, who was a coach and meditation teacher, invited me
to a restaurant for dinner -  to cheer me up I think. After
listening to me talk for a while about my hurt and sadness, he
attempted to change the topic. "The food is great, don't you think?" I
hadn't even noticed the food. I was impatient to get back to relating
my sad story and a bit irritated with my friend for interrupting me. So I wallowed in the mire for a while longer, telling him
how tough I was finding it. He made another attempt:  "Are you going to watch the football on Saturday?"Again, I brushed off his question. And then he said something that shut me up!  "I have tried to change the topic several times and to be honest, I am
getting really tired of listening to your old broken stoty. I'm leaving." My
initial shock quickly turned into immense gratitude as I clearly saw
the truth of what he was saying. I had just spent the last hour
unconsciously feeding the unhappiness wolf.It was a big wake up call and I decided there and then to choose for happiness instead from then on. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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