we read a look yes terday改为一般反义疑问句的回答

陈述句:I have a new pencil box一般疑问句:Do you have a new pencil box?陈述句变一般疑问句的方法:  1.动词be的疑问式:动词be根据不同的时态和人称可以有am,is,are,was,were等不同形式,可用作连系动词(表示“是”、“在”等)和助动词(用于构成进行时态和被动语态等),但不管何种情况,构成疑问式时,一律将动词be的适当形式置于句首:  Am I right?我是对的吗?  Are you feeling better today?你今天感到好些了吗?  Was he late for school?他上学迟到了吗?  2.动词have的疑问式:动词have根据不同的时态和人称可以有have,has,had等形式,可以用作实意动词和助动词,分以下情况讨论:  ① 用作实意动词表示状态,如表示拥有、患病或用于have to表示“必须”等,在构成构成式时可以直接将have,has,had置于句首,也可根据情况在句首使用do,does,did:  Does he have [Has he] anything to say?他有什么话要说吗?  Do you have [Have you] to leave so soon?你必须这么早走吗?  Did you have [Had you] any friends then?他当时有朋友吗?  ② 用作实意动词表示动作,如表示“吃(=eat)”、“喝(=drink)”、“拿(=take)”、“收到(=receive)”、“度过(=spend)”等,构成疑问式时不能将have提前至句首,而应在句首使用do,does,did:  Does he have breakfast at home?他在家吃早餐吗?  Did you have a good time at the party?你在晚会上玩得高兴吗?  ③ 用作助动词构成完成时态,其疑问式总是将have等置于句首:  Have you finished your work?你的工作做完了吗?  Has he left when you arrived?你到达时他已离开了吗?  3.情态动词的疑问式:情态动词的疑问式通常是将情态动词置于句首:  Can you speak English?你会说英语吗?  Must I finish the work at once?我必须马上完成工作吗?  4.实意动词的疑问式:一般实意动词的疑问式,通常应根据不同时态和人称在句首加助动词do,does,did等:  Do you go to school every day?你每天都上学吗?  Does the boy like dancing?这男孩喜欢唱歌吗?  Did you see the film last night?你昨晚看了这部电影吗?一点注意:  在一般疑问句的简略回答中使用Yes,it is./ Yes,I am./ Yes,he is./ Yes,we are./ Yes,she is.等时,不能使用Yes,it’s./ Yes,I’m./ Yes,he’s.等这样的缩略形式.但如果是否定形式则可用缩略式,如可用No,he’s not.也可用No,he isn’t.另外,若为完整回答,也可用Yes,he’s…之类的,如说Yes,he’s a student./ Yes,she’s busy.等.
Do you have a new pencil box?
我有一个新铅笔盒I have a new
pencil box一般疑问句Do you have a new pencil box?
I have a new pencil box. Do you have a new pencil box?
I have a new pencil box. Do I have a new pencil box? 希望能帮到你,望采纳!
TOP60八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room Section B 2课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt文档免费在线阅读
此文档可在线阅读前15页, 2 人下载过此文档扫二维码下载作业帮
(1)He has a ruler (改为否定句) (2)She has ldack haiv (改为一般疑问句并否定回答) 现在就要 (3)We have three apples (改为否定句) (4)They look the same (改为一般问句) (5)Jim has a sister (改为一般疑问句并肯定回答)
He doesn't have a ruler.Does she have black hair No,she doesn't.We don't have three apples .Do they look the same Does Jim have a sister Yes,he does.
(1)He has a ruler (改为否定句) He doesn't have a ruler (2)She has ldack haiv (改为一般疑问句并否定回答)Does she have
dack hair?No she doesn't(3)We
apples (改为否定句) We
my skirt。改成一般疑问句就是:Is
希望能帮到你,如果好的话,就请采纳我吧!祝你学习愉快( *・ω・)✄╰ひ╯
一般疑问句叫做general questions。一般疑问句(general question),需要用肯定词yes或否定词no来回答,因此也叫是非疑问句(yes-no question)。这种疑问句句末多用升调,其基本结构为:助动词+主语+谓语,也就是说将陈述句的第一个助动词或情态动词提至主语之前。陈述句如不含助动词或情态动词,则在主语前加do(does)或did,回答常用简略答语。如:—Have you locked the door? 你锁门了吗?—Yes, I have. 是的,锁了。—No, I haven’t. 不,没有锁。—Can Mary play the piano? 玛丽会弹钢琴吗?—Yes, she can. 是的,她会。—No, she can’t. 不,她不会。—Do you know Jack? 你认识杰克吗?—Yes, I do. 是的,我认识。—No, I don’t. 不,我不认识。陈述句如属主+系+表结构,则将连系动词提至主语之前。如:—Is John ill? 约翰生病了吗?—Yes, he is. 是的,他生病了。—No, he isn’t. 不,他没有生病。have表“吃”等义时,与一般动词一样,须用助动词do。如:—Did you have a good time in Japan? 你们在日本过得好吗?—Yes, we certainly did. 是的,确实很好。have表“有”时,则有两种结构。如:—Have you (got) any sisters? 你有姐妹吗?—No, I haven’t. 不,没有。—Do you have any sisters? 你有姐妹吗?—No, I don’t. 不,没有。在一般疑问句的否定结构中,not一般置于主语之后;但在非正式英语中常用缩略式,即将-n’t与句首的助动词连在一起。回答一般疑问句的否定结构,应注意yes后接肯定结构,no后接否定结构,这与汉语习惯不同。如:—Have you not read this book before? 你以前没读过这本书吗?—Yes, I have. 不,我读过。—No, I haven’t. 是的,我没读过。—Didn’t you speak to him yesterday? 你昨天没对他说吗?—Yes, I did. 不,我说了。—No, I didn’t. 是的,我没说。一般疑问句的否定结构往往用来表示提问人的惊讶、怀疑等。如:Don’t you believe me? 你不相信我?(表惊讶)Are you not coming? 你不来吗?(表怀疑)回答一般疑问句除用yes和no外,也可用certainly,probably,perhaps,of course,all right,with pleasure等代替yes,用never,no at all等代替no。如:—Can you help me? 你能知帮个忙吗?—Certainly. 当然。—Have you been there? 你到过那里吗?—Never. 从来没有。有时还可以用似乎与问题无关的话来回答。如:—Are you going to watch TV again? 你又要看电视?—What else is there to do? 还有什么事可干呢?希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。初三英语《unit 5 it must belong to carla》电子课本河北省滦南县青坨营中学九年级英语全册《Unit5ItmustbelongtoCarla》(第2课时)学案滦南县青坨营东海牧场滦南县青坨营冯狗庄
九年级英语全册《Unit 5 It must belong to Carla》 (第 2 课时)学案1 知识目标: ①单词 drop, final, owner, sky, worried ect. ②短语 make up, because of ③句子 Why do you think the man is running? He could be running for exercise. What do you think “ a nxious” means? It might mean “worried”. 2 能力目标:能够根据提供的相关 信息进行合理地推论 3 情感目标:通过学习使学生学会用自己的生活常识来判断事物,培养学生的逻辑思维和推断能 力 情态动词 must, might, could and can’t 表推测用于现在进行时的用法学 习 目 标重 点 难 点do you think 做插入语。 drop, catch 的一词多意 学习过程 (一)预习展示(时间:分钟) ? 完成单词和词组 落下,掉下 组成,形成,构成 最后的,最终的 忧虑的,焦虑的,不安的 烦恼的,焦虑的 物主,所有者 追赶 天空,天 生物,动物 赶上,捕获 symphony_____________optometrist___________appointment____________ Oxford University________________ helicopter_____________ ? 你能从本课中找出这几个重点句子吗? 学法指导1. 你认为“anxious”是什么意思?2. 她因为考试而担心.3. 你认为那个男的为什么在跑?4. 他可能是在跑着去赶公共汽车。1)3a 给短文排序,小组长带成员理解其意思,找出语言盲点。 anxious, have any idea12)3b 各 组对 anxious,have any idea 进行推测,猜其意思。3)Activity 4 推测一下包的主人。 Task 4 Section B 1 快速写出两个句子。 Task 5 教师带领学生完成 2a, 2b 听力。 (三)知识探究(时间:分钟) ? 语法探究1. 情态动词 must, might, could and can’t 表推测用于现在进行时的用法: 结构:情态动词 + be + doing eg. 他们一定正在拍电影。They ________ 她肯定在游泳。 2. do you think 作插入语 用于___________(疑问/肯定)句中,置于疑问词_________(之前/之后),后接 ____________(疑问句/陈述句)语序。 eg. 你认为我们为什么学习? 你认为他是干什么的? ? 词汇探究 1. drop vt.(及物动词) 意为“ (有意或无意)让掉下来、投下;放弃、不再干” 例如:He dropped it into the mail-box. I want to drop English because it’s too difficult. 【拓展】 (1)vi.(不及物动词)意思是掉下、落下;下降、降低(可与 fall 互换) , 例:The man dropped from the top of the building. (2) n.(可数)滴、点滴, a few drops of rain 2. I tried to call you but your mom said,,,, try 作动词意为“试图,企图” try to do 表示“竭尽全力去做,,,,” ,强调付出了一定的努力。 例如:I tried to look for my lost pen,but I failed。 try doing 表示“尝试/试图做 ,,,,” 强调只是试一试,不一定付出了努力。 例如:I tried chatting with him 。Luckily, he was on line。 相关短语:竭尽全力做某事 3. because 为连词,表示原因,后面必须接 。 例如:I cant go out because it is raining now。 because of 也表示原因,但 of 为介词,所以后面一般 、 例如:I cant go out because of the rain。 He might be running to catch a bus.他可能是在跑着赶公共汽车。 4. catch 作动词意为“赶上” 【拓展】作动词意为“接住”例如:catch the ball 作动词意为“抓住,逮住”例如:catch the fish 作 动词意为“受感染”例如:catch the cold (四)巩固提升(时间:分钟) 1. Please try ______ English if you want to learn English well. A. practice B. to practice C. practicing 2. Jenny is ___________ about the math test of tomorrow. A. worried B. worrying C. worry D. worries 3. What do you think “anxious” ______? a movie.或。D. practices2A. mean B. means C. meaning D. meant 4. I didn’t come to school yes terday_____ I had to look after my grandma at home. A. because B. because of C. so D. but 5. We were late for class yesterday morning ________ the rain weather. A. because B. because of C. so D. but 6. Jenny is _______ about the math test of tomorrow. A. worried B. worrying C. worry D. worries 7. 因为大雨,她迟到了。 She was late_______ it rained . She was late_____ __ the heavy r ain. 8. 我刚才试图给你打电话。I _______ you just now. 9. 我们都尽力学好英语。 We all_______ best English well. (五)当堂反馈(时间:分钟) 连词成句: 1. a, the, owner, can’t, boy, boy __________________________________________. 2. could, for, he, running, be, exercise _____________________________________. 3. do, the, means, what, you, word, think __________________________________? 4. is, because, her, she, worried, of, test ___________________________________. 5. a, mother, for, the, earrings, be, present, might, his ____________________________________________.学 后 反 思3


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