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This route is called the Million Dollar Highway and takes you through Ouray(乌雷), called Little Switzerland. It tops our list of American Byways because of its outstanding peak scenes, one right after the other. Along this route we kept seeing a red mountain that stood out9 from all the others. We stopped at a vantage point10 and asked a tourist to take a picture of us. (I wish I could remember the name of that colorful landmark.) Para. 10 of Text B 9.显眼,引人注目 10.有利位置
这条路线被称之为“百万美元公路”,途经号称“小瑞士”的乌雷。在我们的全美旁道目录上,它以其鳞次栉比的山峰美景而位居第一。沿着这条路线,不时能看见一座座红色山峦从群山中脱颖而出。我们在一个有利位置停下车,请导游给我们拍了一张照片。(我真希望自己能记住那个色彩斑斓的路标的名字。) Chinese Version e.g. If we take the bypass we’ll avoid the town centre.
我们走旁道就能避开市镇的中心了。 The villagers are unanimous in their opposition to the building of a bypass. 村民们一致反对修建旁道。 byway: n. a small road that not many cars or people travel on 旁道,偏僻小路 e.g. He is an outstanding contemporary American writer. 他是一位杰出的美国现代作家。 The firm recognized Tom’s outstanding work by giving him an extra bonus. 公司发给汤姆一笔额外奖金以表彰他工作出色。 outstanding: a. clearly very much better than what is usual 杰出的;突出的 e.g. His height makes him stand out in the crowd. 他身材高大,因此在人群中很醒目。 Red flags stand out brightly against the blue sky.
红旗在蓝天的衬托下显得分外鲜艳。 stand out: to be easy to see or notice because of being different 显眼,引人注目 e.g. From that vantage point, he could survey the whole valley. 从那个有利位置,他可以俯瞰整个山谷。 From our lofty vantage point, we could see the city spread out below us. 从我们所在的高层位置,可以看见整座城市展现在眼前。 vantage point: a place, esp. a high place, which provides a good clear view of an area 有利位置 e.g. He orientated himself by finding a familiar landmark. 他靠找寻熟悉的路标确定了方向。 Marble Arch is a famous London landmark. 大理石拱门是著名的伦敦标志。 landmark: n. an easily recognizable object, such as a large building, by which you can tell where you are
On one of our trips to Estes Park(埃斯蒂斯帕克)and Rocky Mountain National Park(落基山国家公园), my husband was bent on11 taking a picture of a huge elk near our
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研究生英语听说教程(基础级)答案.pdf 48页
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ListeningPractice - SectionA Guessingabout DifferentOccupations-Task1
ListeningPractice - SectionA Guessingabout DifferentOccupations-Task1
UU11--Ⅰ LLiisstteenniinnggPPrraaccttiiccee-- SSeeccttiioonnAA GGuueessssiinnggaabboouutt DDiiffffeerreennttOOccccuuppaattiioonnss--TTaasskk11
Directions:Youwillheartenpeopletalking. Listenandwritedown whatyouthinktheyare.Youmayreada
1. Good morning ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of Captain Kirk and the crew, welcome to this British
Airways flight to New York. In accordance with international regulations, the cabin staff will now demonstrate
2.OK. Calm downeveryone.Quiet please.Thatincludes you,Matthew!Now firstI’d like you to hand in last
night’s homework. Er, you’d better pass them down to the front. William! Will you stop that please and pay
3.Right,Mr.Baines.Now open up nice and wide.A bit wider.That’sgood .Now let’s have a look. Hmm,the
filling needs redoing. Right bottom three is chipped. Ah, there’s a little piece of food trapped here.Yes. Now you
werecomplaining ofa pain here onthe upperleft.(Ow!)Sorryaboutthat.Yes.I’mgoing to take anx-ray.
4.Yes, the trousersare a bit tighter,sir.Let me bring you a larger size to tryon. Um, a 34 waist should do it.
Thejacket is a perfect fit, isn’t it? The dark blue really suits you.I’ll just go and check if we have a larger size in
stock.Iwon’tbe a minute.
5.Now ladies and gentlemen. Behind you is the Sheldonian Theatre,a magnificent building designed by Sir
ChristopherWren who wasactually a student hereat Oxford.The theatrewasbuilt in the 17th century and is used
foruniversity ceremoniesand concerts.In fact,it’snever been usedasa theatre.
6.A very good morning to you madam! I’m from International Cleaning Services. We’re calling o
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大英3 一课一练答案课件.doc 87页
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154 Model Test (1)
Key to Model Test (1) Band Three
Part I. Writing
Sample Writing:
On Lifelong Learning
With the rapid development of modern society, lifelong learning has been increasingly
important. People need to improve themselves all the time by learning in order to
adapt to the fast changes and fierce competition in the society. They have to learn about
the latest development and techniques to equip themselves.
We can achieve lifelong education in several ways. First, you can choose distant
education. Most famous universities have set up their own distant education college to
help people realize their dreams. Secondly, there are various kinds of training courses
and night courses. People can take advantage of their spare time to learn what they are
interested in, such as English, computer skills and drawing. In addition, people can
study all by themselves. They can read books in a library or a bookstore in their free
I prefer to distant education provided by some universities. As is known, colleges
have excellent faculty, modern teaching facilities and strong learning atmosphere. By
distant education courses, we can enjoy these resources, learning more knowledge and
making bigger and quicker progress.
Part II. Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)
1. Y. 从文中的第一段第二,三句可以了解到尼古丁的这些特性,从而判断出这一说法
2. N. 从文中第二段第二,三句可以判断出题中给出的数字是错误的。
3. N. 从文中第三段第一,五句可以了解到尼古丁对人的身体是有利也有害的,因而题
4. Y. 与文中第四段第二句内容相符,因而正确。
5. N. 与文中第五段第二句意思恰恰相反,因而错误。
6. N. 从文中第五段第九句了解到口中的皮肤可以直接吸收一部分的尼古丁,剩余的尼
7. N. 与文中第五段倒数第三句的意思恰恰相反,因而错误。
8. 10 seconds. 文中第五段倒数第二句可以找到答案。
9. the release of chemicals associated with pleasure. 文中第六段第二句可以找到答案。
10. dependent on the nicotine. 文中最后一段最后一句可以找到答案。
Band Three 155
Part III. Listening Comprehension
11. D. 本题男士的回答是关键, the last person I want to see, 表明他最不想见到Johnson,
12. D. 女士在回答时说but I have to finish washing my clothes, 表明她不能去看电影。转
13. C. 本题猜测说话人的关系,关键词是 article, shelf, newspap


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