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英语辩论赛 机会和努力哪个更重要
Do you think luck and opportunity are more important than hard work? 队员介绍: 队员介绍: 正方: Good afternoon, everyone! We are the positive part. I’m debater 1 **, I’m debater 2 **, I’m debater 3 **, I’m debater 4 **. 反方: Good afternoon, my dear teacher, good afternoon, everyone! We are the negative part. I’m debater 1 **, I’m debater 2 **, I’m debater 3 **, and I’m debater 4 **. 正 1 陈词: First and foremost, we appreciate that we pros and cons have seized this opportunity to pursuit our desires for success together. Our opinion is the opportunity and luck is more important than hard working. Our Modern Chinese dictionary gives such definition to opportunity that it is a chance to do or a time for doing. It is always said that pearls are everywhere but not the same as the eyes. For pearls, our eyes are their opportunities and also are their key to success. Mrs. Courier said: “the weak waits for the opportunity, but the strong creates the opportunity.” Let us take Libai(李白) into illustration. There is no doubt that not only was he competent, but he was among the select best. However, he did not achieve his political goal in his lifetime due to lack of opportunities. So it can be seen that the key to success is opportunity! Opportunity is the pre-condition for other elements going into effect. Without opportunity, you can never perfectly apply your intelligence and ability in right place. As a saying goes, the difference between a failure and a success man is that whether he can catch or just lose the opportunity in front of him. So here I want to emphasize our opinion again that the key to success is catching the opportunity. That’s all, Thank you! 反方一辩陈词:As a writer said, &The flower of success has soaked the struggle tear spring.&Hard working can give us the it also can bring the good opportunity for us. If we want to be successful, we need the opportunity. But we insist firmly on the opinion that one has to study and work before one has a chance of success, the following three aspects can help to demonstrate it. Firstly, inside factor governs outside factor. Obviously, hard working is the inside factor. That is to say, hard working precedes opportunity without
opportunity is just castles in the air. Secondly, &No pains, no gains.& hard working is the necessary access that leads to success. We know Edison invented bulb, but we also must know he got the success after thousands of failure. We would stay in the darkness without his hard working. Thirdly, in the long run, without continuous efforts, success is jus only hard working can keep us enjoying the delight of success. After all, opportunity favors those who are well prepared. So we believe the hard working is more important to success. That’s all, thank you. 提问环节: 提问环节: 反 2:Positive debater 1, please. Many data witnessed China's rapid GDP growth, what makes this rapid development in China? All Chinese people's efforts, can you say is the opportunity let China have the so huge change? 正 2:Now the world economic growth is low,the opportunity which provides to China is bigger than the world economics high growth. China's rising economic power relatively does not necessarily mean that China's absolute power. It should mainly attribute to the absolute power down others. 反 2:Positive debater 3, please. As we all know, hard working is China's traditional virtue, In the course of work, we improve our ability step by step. Suppose you are the boss, will you want employees useopportunistic method to finish the task easily? 正3 : Theopportunityisnotseed to grow up harder rather than a gold to wait a opportunity to show its rays. In the other hand, Emerson said: No great man ever complains of want of opportunity. Because they keep working hard so that timely grasps the opportunity and do a good use of it. So we insist on that hard working is more important for success. 反 4 补 充 : We young people really need more experience, but opportunity can give us experience? No! We need hard work. Different material has different result in different time, because of the accumulation of hard work is not enough! If you want to grasp the opportunity, if you want to create opportunity, you must work hard at fist! We insist on that the hard work is the most important for one’s success! 正 2 总结:I am glad that the negative debater 1 and 3 admit that opportunity is more important .The hardopportunities are good situation and timing. If there is no opportunity, even if employees are talented ,he cannot show the stage of ambition. 正 4 补充发言: As my partners said, our Modern Chinese dictionary gives such definition to opportunity that it is a chance to do or a time for doing, not mean opportunistic. As a saying goes that the successful people are not hardworking people, but good at grasping the opportunity. So if I'm the boss, I certainly will choose those who know how to create opportunity and who can seize the opportunity. 正 2:Negative debater 1, please. Young people can do nothing if they can’t seize the proper opportunity, even though they work hard all the day. Can you say that opportunity is less important than hard working? 反 1 : All right, we agree that it must have the opportunity to obtain the success. But in turn, having opportunity is not sure to succeed, it also need to work hard. What is the premise of our shows? Is not it work hard and constantly improve ourselves? 正 2:Negative debater 1, please. A famous person once said: The most successful people are not hardworking people, but good at grasping the opportunity. With the same effort, why in different periods have completely different results? 反 3:Yes, but people who are good at grasping the opportunity certainly work hard. As long as work hard, opportunities will not leave you alone. Because only pay then will receive the repayment. Effort is the key. Genius comes from hard work. 反 2 总结: As the saying goes: Genius is nothing but labor and diligence .A bumper harvest is in sight after we work hard。If I am the boss, I, as the most people, prefer the hard working man to those who just wait a opportunity. For young people or for others, even for a country, when we are pay no attention ,we should be aworking is important ,but not the key to success. When the opportunity is coming, the hard working man or other may catch it and succeed. Hard working can improve the personal ability. It makes us advantages of catching the opportunity. So hard working is for getting the opportunity. It means that there is no opportunity and there will be no success. Our side insist that the luck and opportunity is more important than hard working for success. 自由辩论: 自由辩论 反 :It is clear that a similar opportunity can have t can you say that the opportunity is more important? 正 : But equally hard work also can have two different results. It cannot explain that the effort is more important. 反 :All right, which one's success has no industrious sweat at the back, which one's success is not full of the hard work? 正 :But on the other hand, some person is talented, somebody work industriously, they have no success, not just because of missing opportunities? 反 : Even if the opportunity is the best, one who has no ability cannot seize it, only can watch the opportunity slip away from the side. 正 : On the contrary, libai's 李白) failed to realize ( life his political ideals. Is because of him not enough to make great efforts? 反 : But that’s different. Libai in the poetry aspect's success is impassable, not just is because of his efforts? 正 :Ok. We can see another example. Zhugeliang(诸 葛亮) seized the chance that LiuBei (刘备)gave him, has
Otherwise he was just a hermit. 反 : That’s true. But Edison said, &Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent sweat.” This can explain the importance of efforts. 正 : That’s a good point. Not every can succeed who makes great efforts, but also need the inspiration. So Opportunity is more important because it can provide inspiration. 反 : Opportunities just give people who are prepared well. Only by working hard can we grasp the opportunity. Without effort, how can we seize the opportunity? 正 : Efforts are required, but the opportunity is more important, if the Super Girls have no chance on stage, they can succeed? 反 : This opportunity is not rare, the success of Super Girls were more important by the efforts. 正 :Good at stressing the chance is the most powerful weapon. So the opportunity is the key. 反 : So I ask how the opportunity came, it was created through the efforts, if not work hard, can you catch the opportunity when it come? 正 : Effort is the foundation, opportunity is the key. The opportunity has given the possibility which realizes diligently, so opportunity for success is more important. 反 :As we know, it takes ten years of hard work for Michael Faraday discovers that magnetism can generateelectricity! Can you say it’s the opportunity bring the success for Faraday? Yes, 正 : we must! How did Faraday make it, if that time there was no this phenomenon at all, maybe there was no the famous people Faraday(法拉第)! 反 :My friend, you take so many years hard work to get the Zhengzhou University, I don’t think it’s is the opportunity bring you here? It is your hard working, right? 正: One question, why I come here not other university, because of opportunity, opportunity let me come here, have nothing with hard work! 反 : Does it come from luck completely? Did you prepare for your chance? 正:Without luck, no matter how much effort you have put in, you cannot succeed. As the famous saying goes, men propose, and god disposes. 反:Today we are discussing is both opportunity and struggle which is more important. Without the opportunity to view each other, then out of the question, then I ask, if not their own struggle, how do we test his eloquence, if not their own efforts, then how can we talk about today's debate it? 正: Indeed, it really can’t work without their struggle, but that can only prove it’s necessity, what we aretalking about now is which is the key, please answer our question, does the Olympic Games for athletes is an opportunity and does it important? 反:Opportunities are everywhere, but if we don't work hard, even when our chance comes to us, how can we succeed? 正:Imagine some guy from the poor countryside and another guy from Beijing. Who is going to get into Peking University more easily? Of course, the guy from Beijing, because he needs lower scores in the college entrance exams to get in. That means luck is more important. 反:Are you telling me that I can stand here doing nothing, just waiting for luck? Is that what you mean by” luck is more important than hard work”? Take horses and bole for example, why do only horses selected By Bole? 正:But whether the horse is good or bad is inborn. It has nothing to do with its hard-working. 总结: 总结 正 4:Thanks for the well debating of the defender. Trying to win the debate, the defenders are looking for the chances to seize the vulnerability of our argument, because they know that only when we get the opportunity can we win this debate. Thanks the defenders for proving the importance of opportunity for our view with the practical action. We insist on our view that the luck and opportunity is more important than hard working. To begin with, young people who want to succeed must have opportunities, because young people lack experience and economic base, they need other people's recommend to exercise more. Besides, it is said that when an opportunity is neglected, it never comes back to you. So, it is because of the instantaneity of opportunity that makes it more important than hard working. And so many examples my partners took show that the reasons why hard working man failed are that they didn't seize the opportunity. So the successful people are not hardworking people, but good at grasping the opportunity. The last but not least, we say luck and opportunity is more important, not mean to deny the worth of hard working. Hard working is no more than a process, our purpose is to create the opportunity and grasp the opportunity, in other word, and we work hard for the sake of seizing every opportunity at any moment. Holding luck and opportunity is the key to success. So our side insist that the luck and opportunity is more important than hard working for success. 反 4:Thanks for the wonderful statement of opposite debater! I am not agreeing with you. It’s true that hardwork is the most important! If you want to be a successor, there is no easy way just like opportunity or luck. If there is a chance waiting for you in ten years, will you still persist? You choose to wait for opportunity, what if there is no one for you all of your life?? The failure is your end! On the other hand, if the chance comes to see you, but you know nothing, you even don’t know it is the opportunity which you are waiting for all the time! Without working hard, you will lose the spirit, talent, environment, knowledge, and many other important factors your opportunity base on! What about hard working? On one hand, seeing from the side of philosophy, the inside factor is the most important to everything developing. The hard work is the inside one. On the other hand, seeing from the way go success, we must set up a goal in the first instance, and through the personal hard working, we can hold the opportunity and achieve to success. Hard work can
never think about time place and so on. If you want, try your best, you will become a people deserve respect even not being a successful man! Thank you
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文档资料库内容来自网络,如有侵犯请联系客服。论点2.反驳的角度。a 论据。论据是否真实可信?b 论证。论证是否阐明了论据和论点之间的关系?1) 论证是否阐明了论据和论点的相关性?2) 论证是否显示了论据足以推断出相关论点?Ⅱ. 系统反驳方法每一个辩手都要掌握反驳的方法加以练习。随着辩手经验的不断丰富,他们会摸索出最适合自己的方法。下面是“四步驳论法”和“ICE”法,供初学者学习参考。1. 指明被驳观点。2. 陈述驳论内容。3. 阐明驳论内容和被驳观点之间的相关性。4. 向裁判和观众表明驳论的重要性。B. ICE反驳法1. 确认被驳观点。(Identify)2. 批判该观点。 (Criticize)3. 解释批判的重要性。(Explain) 示例:反驳四步反驳法指明被驳观点 正方认为,增加罚款将会敦促煤矿公司提高工作环境的安全性。陈述驳论内容。一百万元罚款不足以迫使公司购买昂贵的设备来提高工作环境的安全性。阐明驳论内容和被驳 观点之间的相关性。既然罚金不足以敦促公司,正方提出的方案将不能达到激励的目的。向裁判和观众表明驳论的重要性。增加罚款不足以刺激煤矿公司投资购买新设备,那么工人的人身安全仍得不到保障。因此正方在以上提到的各项好处都不会发生。确认被驳观点。 正方认为,增加罚款将会敦促煤矿公司提高工作环境的安全性。批判该观点。 一百万元罚款不足以迫使公司购买昂贵的设备来提高工作环境的安全性。既然罚金不足以敦促公司,正方提出的方案将不能达到激励的目的。解释批判的重要性。增加罚款不足以刺激煤矿公司投资购买新设备,那么工人的人身安全仍得不到保障。因此正方在以上提到的各项好处都不会发生。学生练习:驳论I. 播放一段简短的论辩录像或请学生提出一段简短立论。Ⅱ. 把学生分成若干小组,准备对以上的立论进行反驳。Ⅲ. 每组选出一名代表向全班阐释反驳观点。组织反方论辩3. Evaluate that effect. Show how that effect will have negative consequences. 反方论辩的基本原则I. 反方论辩的一般形式A.正方提案并不能缓解正方提出的问题。1. 重述正方提出的问题。2. 指出正方提案不能解决问题。a. 起因分析错误:问题不是由现行政策引起的,而是另有缘由。b. 起因分析片面:尽管现行政策可能是问题的起因之一,但即使实行了正方提出的方案,别的因素仍会导致这些问题。B. 正方提案将引发更多问题。1. 陈述正方提案中你要反驳的一些内容2. 指出被驳内容将会引发的后果。3. 指出该后果的负面效应。示例:反方论辩I. 正方提案将引发更多的矿难问题。A. 正方认为其提案减少矿难。B. 增加罚金将使得矿主掩盖事故。1. 在现行制度下中国矿主经常掩盖事故和灾难,逃避政府监察和罚款。2. 增加罚金将导致矿主更倾向于掩盖他们的罪行--- 而无益于保障工人安全。II. 正方提案将导致能源供给不足。A. 正方提议增加煤矿公司的罚金。B. 增加罚金将降低中国的煤矿产量。1. 为了避免罚款,公司将不得不实行昂贵的安全监察程序。2. 无力实行安全程序的公司将被迫关闭。3. 能够实行安全程序的公司将进行安全培训,在短期内延缓了生产。4. 这样,关闭公司和延缓生产会降低中国的煤矿产量。C.煤矿产量的降低将带来不利影响。1. 中国需要尽可能多的燃料支持飞速发展的经济。2007 年, 中国国民生产总值跃至11.7%。2. 能源生产已经很难维持。煤矿工业从2001 至2005 年发展了13.5%。3. 中国经济发展每天都需要更多的能源。如果能源供应缩减,快速的经济增长将变成快速的经济衰退。4. 外国投资者将称中国为不稳定的市场,会抽回投资,使中国陷入巨大的经济萧条。这将损害中国人的生活质量。学生练习: 反方论辩Ⅰ. 把学生分组。Ⅱ. 挑选一个不同的辩题,请学生组织辩题的反方论辩。他们应该至少举出一个观点来证明正方提案不能解决问题,并至少举出一个观点证明将引发更多的问题。Ⅲ. 每个小组指定一名代表向全班阐释他们的观点。 本文由(www.wenku1.com)首发,转载请保留网址和出处!
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正方(Affirmative):Men contribute more to the society than women
反方(Negative):Women contribute more to the society than men
Good morning everyone. I'm honored to be nominated as a master for today's debate. The topic is "men or women contribute more to the society”. As we all know , there are two kinds of people in the world , men and women .They play different roles in the society . But they are all indispensable .Even though I'm a girl, I have to admit that men make a huge contribute to the society. So it is really hard to say which one(who)?contribute(s) more to the society. But our debater(s) have their own viewpoints . We have 8 debaters today, 4 on each side. This is the affirmative side(pointing to the affirmative),they believe that men contribute more to the society . This is the negative side(pointing to the negative), they hold that women contribute more to the society. Now, I'd like to introduce the procedure of today's debate. First, introduce their viewpoints. Second, free debate. Third, conclusion. As everybody is ready , now let's start the debate.
First ,welcome the affirmative side ,number one debater.
Today, our topic is about who contributes more to the society, men or women. As we all know, for most of human existence, our society is man-dominated. At almost every pivotal historic moment, the people who navigated the direction of history are always males. This is beyond dispute. Those great ancient emperors and kings who create prosperous and powerful kingdoms, and those who desire to explore and discover our splendid nature, dedicated their lives to invent, to create the inventions that entirely changed the human world into highly advanced civilization, they are nearly all men. We can give countless illustrations such as emperor QinShihuang, scientist Newton, inventor Edison, thinker Marx, etc. All in all, we hold the view that men contribute more to the society.?
Our opinion is that “Women contribute more to society than men”. If you


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