
  提到Linux,相信大多数人想到的都是一排排奇怪的代码,一个个在电脑前推着眼镜的程序员。可能所有人都知道红帽Linux来源于美国,也知道有一个叫做Linus&Torvalds的人研发并开源的。  既然是开源就意味着Linux向全世界开放了源代码,而全世界各个国家有研发了自己的Linux操作系统,这些国家包括:中国、朝鲜、印度、印度尼西亚……今天我们就来聊聊这些以国家为前缀的Linux操作系统。Linux  首先我们需要解决的一个问题是:已经存在一种开源的Linux操作系统,为什么要开发一款本国的操作系统呢?  第一,语言。Linux操作系统一般是英文的,操作系统非母语,这是摆在使用者面前的第一道坎儿。  第二,安全。可能有人说:不用微软的Windows也情有可原,毕竟Windows源代码是闭源的,关键部门可能使用时不够放心。但是,Linux已经开源了源代码还有什么不放心呢?这主要是因为每个国家都有自己的特性或者说是特色,为了满足各个国家的特殊要求,就必须要研发一款本国的操作系统。  中国麒麟  中国拥有几乎所有网络流行应用的变种:百度替代谷歌、微博替代Twitter。可以说,这个名单是无尽的。这样也就不奇怪为什么会有一个中国的Linux操作系统:麒麟。国产化的Linux操作系统包括:操作系统中标麒麟,号称是国产操作系统的排头兵;还有桌面操作系统优麒麟,这些操作系统都是基于乌班图(Ubuntu)的。  今年10月,一则戴尔产品预装国产操作系统的消息席卷了科技圈。  后经确定,戴尔在中国销售的电脑中有42%都预装了“中标麒麟”操作系统。首批预装中标麒麟的产品包括戴尔Latitude商用笔记本电脑、OptiPlex商用台式机电脑、Precision工作站等终端产品。&  据统计,戴尔公司在中国约占11%的PC市场份额,其主要销售对象是一些大型机构。  麒麟官方网站:
提示:支持键盘“← →”键翻页Linux PC (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2640 0 @ 2.50GHz)
- Geekbench Browser
Geekbench Score
Geekbench 2.1.13 for Linux x86 (64-bit)
Processor integer performance
Floating Point
Processor floating point performance
Memory performance
Memory bandwidth performance
Result Information
System Information
Integer Performance
single-core scalar
77.5 MB/sec
multi-core scalar
152 MB/sec
Text Compress
single-core scalar
8.50 MB/sec
Text Compress
multi-core scalar
16.7 MB/sec
Text Decompress
single-core scalar
13.1 MB/sec
Text Decompress
multi-core scalar
25.1 MB/sec
Image Compress
single-core scalar
19.4 Mpixels/sec
Image Compress
multi-core scalar
34.1 Mpixels/sec
Image Decompress
single-core scalar
48.9 Mpixels/sec
Image Decompress
multi-core scalar
68.7 Mpixels/sec
single-core scalar
1.68 Mnodes/sec
multi-core scalar
3.30 Mnodes/sec
Floating Point Performance
Floating Point
single-core scalar
1.56 Gflops
multi-core scalar
2.91 Gflops
Dot Product
single-core scalar
1.84 Gflops
Dot Product
multi-core scalar
2.47 Gflops
Dot Product
single-core vector
5.41 Gflops
Dot Product
multi-core vector
8.91 Gflops
LU Decomposition
single-core scalar
2.61 Gflops
LU Decomposition
multi-core scalar
3.72 Gflops
Primality Test
single-core scalar
799 Mflops
Primality Test
multi-core scalar
1.58 Gflops
Sharpen Image
single-core scalar
14.1 Mpixels/sec
Sharpen Image
multi-core scalar
25.2 Mpixels/sec
Blur Image
single-core scalar
1.94 Mpixels/sec
Blur Image
multi-core scalar
3.81 Mpixels/sec
Memory Performance
Read Sequential
single-core scalar
6.20 GB/sec
Write Sequential
single-core scalar
4.80 GB/sec
Stdlib Allocate
single-core scalar
16.2 Mallocs/sec
Stdlib Write
single-core scalar
5.41 GB/sec
Stdlib Copy
single-core scalar
3.22 GB/sec
Stream Performance
Stream Copy
single-core scalar
9.91 GB/sec
Stream Copy
single-core vector
18.7 GB/sec
Stream Scale
single-core scalar
9.17 GB/sec
Stream Scale
single-core vector
17.4 GB/sec
Stream Add
single-core scalar
9.65 GB/sec
Stream Add
single-core vector
13.7 GB/sec
Stream Triad
single-core scalar
9.50 GB/sec
Stream Triad
single-core vector
17.2 GB/secLinux PC (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 0 @ 2.30GHz)
- Geekbench Browser
Geekbench Score
Geekbench 2.0.15 for Linux x86 (32-bit)
Processor integer performance
Floating Point
Processor floating point performance
Memory performance
Memory bandwidth performance
Result Information
System Information
Integer Performance
single-core scalar
89.0 MB/sec
multi-core scalar
989 MB/sec
Text Compress
single-core scalar
7.88 MB/sec
Text Compress
multi-core scalar
90.7 MB/sec
Text Decompress
single-core scalar
10.9 MB/sec
Text Decompress
multi-core scalar
124 MB/sec
Image Compress
single-core scalar
17.1 Mpixels/sec
Image Compress
multi-core scalar
219 Mpixels/sec
Image Decompress
single-core scalar
34.2 Mpixels/sec
Image Decompress
multi-core scalar
294 Mpixels/sec
Crafty Chess
single-core scalar
1.63 Mnodes/sec
Crafty Chess
multi-core scalar
1.79 Mnodes/sec
single-core scalar
1.39 Mnodes/sec
multi-core scalar
12.5 Mnodes/sec
Floating Point Performance
Floating Point
single-core scalar
1.56 Gflops
multi-core scalar
17.5 Gflops
Dot Product
single-core scalar
1.55 Gflops
Dot Product
multi-core scalar
5.80 Gflops
Dot Product
single-core vector
2.07 Gflops
Dot Product
multi-core vector
6.64 Gflops
LU Decomposition
single-core scalar
1.94 Gflops
LU Decomposition
multi-core scalar
9.40 Gflops
Primality Test
single-core scalar
618 Mflops
Primality Test
multi-core scalar
8.11 Gflops
Sharpen Image
single-core scalar
21.8 Mpixels/sec
Sharpen Image
multi-core scalar
203 Mpixels/sec
Blur Image
single-core scalar
5.80 Mpixels/sec
Blur Image
multi-core scalar
71.4 Mpixels/sec
Memory Performance
Read Sequential
single-core scalar
3.52 GB/sec
Write Sequential
single-core scalar
5.96 GB/sec
Stdlib Allocate
single-core scalar
15.0 Mallocs/sec
Stdlib Write
single-core scalar
4.87 GB/sec
Stdlib Copy
single-core scalar
2.95 GB/sec
Stream Performance
Stream Copy
single-core scalar
6.11 GB/sec
Stream Copy
single-core vector
8.68 GB/sec
Stream Scale
single-core scalar
7.70 GB/sec
Stream Scale
single-core vector
8.84 GB/sec
Stream Add
single-core scalar
9.44 GB/sec
Stream Add
single-core vector
9.47 GB/sec
Stream Triad
single-core scalar
9.77 GB/sec
Stream Triad
single-core vector
9.54 GB/secDo you have any questions or suggestions?
Contact us now
Hans Nijholt
1&1 Server Expert
Powerful servers for small to large projects
4 Cores x 3.1 GHz(3.4 GHz Turbo Boost)
Standard hard-disk space
1,000 GB (2 x 1,000 GB SATA)
Software RAID 1
Unlimited traffic
Operating System
Linux, Windows, 1&1 Managed
1&1 Firewall
External Cisco-based IP firewall
IP address
Own static IP adress
Management software
Plesk ONYX (resellable, unlimited domains)
Full root/administrator access
100 Mbit/s
1 included with 1&1 Managed ServerIntel(R) Quad-Core4 Cores x 3.1 GHz(3.4 GHz Turbo Boost)12 GB DDR3 ECC1,000 GB (2 x 1,000 GB SATA)Software RAID 1&39.99/monthexcl. VAT
4 Cores (HT) x 3.5 GHz
Standard hard-disk space
1,000 GB (2 x 1,000 GB SATA)
Software RAID 1
Optional: 480 GB (2 x 480 GB SATA SSD) Intel(R) S3520
Unlimited traffic
Operating System
Linux, Windows, 1&1 Managed
1&1 Firewall
External Cisco-based IP firewall
IP address
Own static IP adress
Management software
Plesk ONYX (resellable, unlimited domains)
Full root/administrator access
Optional from ?3.49/year*Intel(R) Xeon(R) E3-1230 v64 Cores (HT) x 3.5 GHz16 GB DDR4 ECC1,000 GB (2 x 1,000 GB SATA)480 GB SSD optionalSoftware RAID 13 months&29.99/monththen &49.99/monthexcl. VATNew
4 Cores x 3.8 GHz
Standard hard-disk space
2,000 GB (2 x 2,000 GB SATA)
Hardware RAID 1
Optional: 800 GB (2 x 800 GB SATA SSD)
Unlimited traffic
Operating System
Linux, Windows, 1&1 Managed
1&1 Firewall
External Cisco-based IP firewall
IP address
Own static IP adress
Management software
Plesk ONYX (resellable, unlimited domains)
Full root/administrator access
1 included with 1&1 Managed ServerIntel(R) Xeon(R) E3-1270 v64 Cores (HT) x 3.8 GHz32 GB DDR4 ECC2,000 GB (2 x 2,000 GB SATA) 800 GB SSD optionalHardware RAID 13 months&49.99/monththen &69.99/monthexcl. VATNew
4 Cores x 3.8 GHz
Standard hard-disk space
2,000 GB (2 x 2,000 GB SATA)
Hardware RAID 1
Optional: 800 GB (2 x 800 GB SATA SSD)
Unlimited traffic
Operating System
Linux, Windows, 1&1 Managed
1&1 Firewall
External Cisco-based IP firewall
IP address
Own static IP adress
Management software
Plesk ONYX (resellable, unlimited domains)
Full root/administrator access
1 included with 1&1 Managed ServerIntel(R) Xeon(R) E3-1270 v64 Cores (HT) x 3.8 GHz64 GB DDR4 ECC2,000 GB (2 x 2,000 GB SATA)800 GB SSD optionalHardware RAID 13 months&69.99/monththen &89.99/monthexcl. VATNew
8 Cores (HT) x 2.4 GHz(2.6 GHz Turbo Boost)
Standard hard-disk space
4,000 GB (6 x 1,000 GB SATA)
Hardware RAID 6
Optional: 240 GB (2 x 240 GB SSD) Intel(R) S3500
Unlimited traffic
Operating System
Linux, Windows, 1&1 Managed
1&1 Firewall
External Cisco-based IP firewall
IP address
Own static IP adress
Management software
Plesk ONYX (resellable, unlimited domains)
Full root/administrator access
1 included with 1&1 Managed ServerIntel(R) Xeon(R) E5-2630 v38 Cores (HT) x 2.4 GHz(2.6 GHz Turbo Boost)64 GB DDR4 ECC4,000 GB (6 x 1,000 GB SATA)SSD optionalHardware RAID 63 months&149.99/monththen &299.99/monthexcl. VAT
10 Cores (HT) x 2.3 GHz(2.6 GHz Turbo Boost)
Standard hard-disk space
6,000 GB (8 x 1,000 GB SATA)
Hardware RAID 6
Optional: 240 GB (2 x 240 GB SSD) Intel(R) S3500
Unlimited traffic
Operating System
Linux, Windows, 1&1 Managed
1&1 Firewall
External Cisco-based IP firewall
IP address
Own static IP adress
Management software
Plesk ONYX (resellable, unlimited domains)
Full root/administrator access
1 included with 1&1 Managed ServerIntel(R) Xeon(R) E5-2650 v310 Cores (HT) x 2.3 GHz(2.6 GHz Turbo Boost)128 GB DDR4 ECC6,000 GB (8 x 1,000 GB SATA)SSD optionalHardware RAID 63 months&174.99/monththen &349.99/monthexcl. VAT
may be subject to change dependent upon your country of residence. Terms and conditions .
More server offers at special rates
8 Cores x 2.4 GHz(2.6 GHz Turbo Boost)
Standard hard-disk space
1,000 GB (2 x 1,000 GB SATA)
Software RAID 1
Optional: 240 GB (2 x 240 GB SSD) Intel(R) S3500
Unlimited traffic
Operating System
Linux, Windows, 1&1 Managed
1&1 Firewall
External Cisco-based IP firewall
IP address
Own static IP adress
Management software
Plesk ONYX (resellable, unlimited domains)
Full root/administrator access
100 Mbit/s
Optional from ?3.49/year*Intel(R) Atom(TM) C27508 Cores x 2.4 GHz(2.6 GHz Turbo Boost)8 GB DDR3 ECC1,000 GB (2 x 1,000 GB SATA)SSD optionalSoftware RAID 13 monthsFREE!then &49.99/monthexcl. VAT
6 Cores x 2.8 GHz(3.3 GHz Turbo Core)
Standard hard-disk space
1,000 GB (2 x 1,000 GB SATA)
Software RAID 1
Unlimited traffic
Operating System
Linux, Windows, 1&1 Managed
1&1 Firewall
External Cisco-based IP firewall
IP address
Own static IP adress
Management software
Plesk ONYX (resellable, unlimited domains)
Full root/administrator access
100 Mbit/s
1 included with 1&1 Managed Server AMD Hexa-Core6 Cores x 2.8 GHz(3.3 GHz Turbo Core)16 GB
DDR3 ECC1,000 GB (2 x 1,000 GB SATA)Software RAID 13 monthsFREE!then &59.99/monthexcl. VAT
4 Cores (HT) x 3.5 GHz
Standard hard-disk space
1,000 GB (2 x 1,000 GB SATA)
Software RAID 1
optional: 240 GB (2 x 240 GB SATA) SSD
Unlimited traffic
Operating System
Linux, Windows, 1&1 Managed
1&1 Firewall
External Cisco-based IP firewall
IP address
Own static IP adress
Management software
Plesk ONYX (resellable, unlimited domains)
Full root/administrator access
100 Mbit/s
Optional from ?3.49/year*Intel(R) Xeon(R) E3-1270 v34 Cores (HT) x 3.5 GHz16 GB DDR3 ECC1,000 GB (2 x 1,000 GB SATA)SSD optionalSoftware RAID 13 months&39.99/monththen &79.99/monthexcl. VAT
8 Cores x 2.6 GHz(3.5 GHz Turbo Core)
Standard hard-disk space
1,500 GB (2 x 1,500 GB SATA)
Software RAID 1
Unlimited traffic
Operating System
Linux, Windows, 1&1 Managed
1&1 Firewall
External Cisco-based IP firewall
IP address
Own static IP adress
Management software
Plesk ONYX (resellable, unlimited domains)
Full root/administrator access
100 Mbit/s
1 included with 1&1 Managed Server AMD Opteron(TM) 4274 HE8 Cores x 2.6 GHz(3.5 GHz Turbo Core)16 GB
DDR3 ECC1,500 GB (2 x 1,500 GB SATA)Software RAID 13 monthsFREE!then &79.99/monthexcl. VAT
6 Cores (HT) x 2.5 GHz(3.0 GHz Turbo Boost)
Standard hard-disk space
2,000 GB (2 x 2,000 GB SATA)
Software RAID 1
Unlimited traffic
Operating System
Linux, Windows, 1&1 Managed
1&1 Firewall
External Cisco-based IP firewall
IP address
Own static IP adress
Management software
Plesk ONYX (resellable, unlimited domains)
Full root/administrator access
100 Mbit/s
1 included (,, Xeon(R) E5-26406 Cores (HT) x 2.5 GHz(3.0 GHz Turbo Boost)32 GB DDR3 ECC2,000 GB (2 x 2,000 GB SATA)Software RAID 16 months&84.99/monththen &169.99/monthexcl. VAT
2 x 6 Cores (HT) x 2.4 GHz (2.9 GHz Turbo Boost)
Standard hard-disk space
4,000 GB (3 x 2,000 GB SATA)
Hardware RAID 5
Unlimited traffic
Operating System
Linux, Windows, 1&1 Managed
1&1 Firewall
External Cisco-based IP firewall
IP address
Own static IP adress
Management software
Plesk ONYX (resellable, unlimited domains)
Full root/administrator access
100 Mbit/s
1 included with 1&1 Managed Server2 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5-24402 x 6 Cores (HT) x 2.4 GHz (2.9 GHz Turbo Boost)48 GB DDR3 ECC4,000 GB (3 x 2,000 GB SATA)Hardware RAID 53 monthsFREE!then &199.99/monthexcl. VAT
may be subject to change dependent upon your country of residence. Terms and conditions .
1&1 SSL CertificateAn SSL Certificate ensures a safe exchange of information over the Internet. Any information exchanged between your website and a visitor will be protected against unauthorised access. A website that uses an SSL can be identified by the URL beginning with "https://".Unlimited TrafficUnlimited traffic included, with no bandwidth throttling. Regardless of the amount of data used by or downloaded from your servers, all traffic is free of charge at a speed of up to 1 Gbit/s.Plesk ONYXPlesk ONYX is the leading tool for server administrators and web professionals alike. As the admin, you manage and process all of the server's functions and set up user accounts, domains and email addresses without having to change the interface. No need to worry anymore about important updates and services to keep your server secure and up-to-date. Let Plesk do the work for you and focus on the things that matter.24/7 Expert SupportFrom 1&1 at no extra charge:
Should you have any questions about your server or in the unlikely event of problems, our experts are available 24/7 around the clock via phone or email.Full Root AccessFull administrator or root access means full control of your 1&1 Dedicated Server. Install any programs you like, and have full control over your services, number of hits and users.Linux/Windows or ManagedChoose from numerous Linux and Windows options, including: CentOS 7, openSUSE, Debian, Windows 2016 and more. Our Linux experts can also assume the administration role of your server's operating system. 1&1 Managed Servers are pre-configured, dedicated web servers which contain all the applications, tools and features of our web hosting packages. 1&1 manages backups, software updates and patches and provides maintenance, so you can focus on the core of your business. This service includes any-time access to the configuration of your applications.Business Line by Dell(TM)The Dell(TM) PowerEdge(TM) R630 servers are high-end servers for companies with particularly high power requirements. Using the latest Intel(R) Xeon(R) processors E5-2600 generation V3 (8, 10 Core with HT) and DDR4 RAM. 1 Gigabit connection and unlimited traffic provides you with the highest performance. You can also easily link your server with your existing Dell(TM) Infrastructure via the Dell(TM) OpenManage(TM) Essential Tool.Latest generationprocessors and hard drivesIn order to guarantee best performance and stability, our 1&1 server experts only use hardware components that have proven themselves under a maximum load in the 1&1 performance testing environment. Choose between the latest AMD and Intel technology - now with Intel(R) Atom(TM) processors. Up to 32 cores in our current AMD systems. Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5 Optional technology with up to 24 virtual cores.SSD StorageFor select packages, you have the option to expand your HDD storage onto additional SSD storage, or replace it outright, resulting in access times that can be over ten times faster on your 1&1 Dedicated Server. SSDs are the perfect choice for servers with frequently accessed files.Unlimited Email Accounts1&1 Dedicated Servers enable you to create an unlimited number of email mailboxes for you and your employees with the domains included in the package.BandwidthDepending on the particular model, our servers are either connected at 100Mbps or 1Gbps. These high bandwidths make it possible for requests to reach and process the server quickly.OPTIONALProfessional BackupOPTIONALEasy access to a reliable backup solution to ensure the security of your data.
Operating Systems
Admin Service
We offer a wide range of different processors designed for long-term, continuous operation in servers, providing you with a high level of performance in addition to great reliability. We always put our trust in products from Intel and AMD, who are known for their high-performance processors.Solid state disks or drives (SSDs) have been gaining popularity because they solve many tasks much more efficiently than conventional hard disk drives (HDDs). Strictly speaking, SSDs are not hard drives at all, but have been described as devices whose memory chips and advanced controller mimic a conventional hard drive, almost like a high-capacity USB stick or flash drive. Whereas HDDs have spinning parts and save data electromechanically, SSDs store persistent data electronically on flash memory using integrated circuits (ICs).Solid state drives offer immediate access to data and greater stability due to the lack of moving components that could fail or break. As controllers are used to retrieve information from microchips, I/O rates and access times are much higher than could be attained with hard disk drives and therefore your server's processing power and bandwidth can be fully utilized. The SSD saves all cached data in the process of being written prior to shutting down, which minimises data loss due to power issues. Devoid of mechanical and optical devices, there is no significant heat, noise or vibration to negatively impact on server performance.SSDs are the right choice as far as servers with frequently accessed files (e.g. large read-intensive file-based databases, storage indexes and high-end storage) are concerned. Read times for data are taking place at previously unimaginable speeds with the right controller technology: reduced read latency times, boot times and application launch times are achieved leading to improved search engine rankings and conversion rates.SSDs are perfect for content-rich, dynamic and interactive websites that attract high numbers of visitors making use of interactive elements, transactions and web applications such as video streaming/conferencing, virtual client support and big data analytics. Its electronic data saving process minimises data errors and ensures data integrity. Finally, an SSD can be used as a high-performance cache and device for data centre storage upgrades.This Intel series of data centre SSDs is all about speed and reliability. Known for its demanding application workloads, web hosting is where the SSD DC S3500 and DC S3520 excel. Websites load quickly thanks to 20nm and 16 nm 3D NAND flash technology and sequential read and write speeds of up to 500 MB/s and 450 MB/s, respectively. Security features have been devised with enterprises in mind so your data is protected end-to-end against loss and corruption by multiple secure checkpoints and separate memory areas reserved for redundant data storage. In addition, the DC S3500 / DC S3520 series combines enhanced power-loss data protection with built-in capacitors, providing a short period of backup power to the drive allowing it to finish operations in the event of power loss.1&1 Linux Dedicated Servers come with the CentOS 6 (64-bit) operating system pre-installed by default. Versions of Debian, openSUSE and Ubuntu are also available.If necessary, 1&1's Linux experts can take the administrative role of your server for you. With this service you still have access to the configuration of your applications at any time.1&1 Windows Dedicated Servers come with the Windows Server 2016 operating system pre-installed by default. Other versions are also available.1&1 Dedicated Servers offer full root access (Linux) or administrator access (Windows). You can install any programs or services with full control over access and users.The simple but powerful web interface of Plesk provides fast administration for all server functionality. In just a few clicks you can access user accounts and settings, install your own programs and monitor applications in live operation.You describe your problem to usWe develop solutions and check feasibilityYou receive an individualised offer to meet your requirementsAfter you agree, we start implementingYou will only be charged after successful completionLearn moreHigh performance meets maximum flexibility! Starting at ?9.99/monthWhat are dedicated servers from 1&1?A dedicated server, otherwise known as dedicated hosting, gives customers the opportunity to take comprehensive control of any hosting needs. Offering unparalleled storage, security and dedicated server hosting, 1&1's range of powerful packages are designed to provide everything you need to enjoy continued success.Offering a choice of operating systems combined with the latest server technology, cheap dedicated servers also give you the option of choosing either managed servers or full root access servers, depending on how much time you wish to dedicate to operational administration. A full root access dedicated server gives you ultimate flexibility and full access to the information stored within the 1&1 Data Centre, however, should you require a little more guidance, our Linux experts are here to help you administer your managed server and dedicated hosting. Administrative tasks are made simple with Plesk, the world's leading software for professional dedicated server administration. Plesk provides a user-friendly web interface for optimised management alongside a host of powerful administration tools. Free support is also on-hand, meaning that, in the unlikely event that a problem arises, you can contact our experts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.How are 1&1 Dedicated Servers managed?Depending upon your preferences and requirements, 1&1 offers a selection of dedicated server options that can either be managed yourself or by 1&1. These include Linux and Windows-based systems alongside dedicated, 1&1 Managed Servers that provide the same great features but require less maintenance.Our premium Linux dedicated server provides full root access under the CentOS 6 64-bit operating system. Alternative operating systems such openSUSE and Ubuntu are also available should you have a particular preference or specific requirements for your dedicated hosting. Our Windows-based cheap dedicated servers also offer full root access under the Windows Server(R) 2016 Standard operating system. Both options offer lightning-fast speeds and excellent storage capacities to ensure your website runs smoothly at all times.Finally, for customers who have less experience with dedicated server administration but require the same levels of performance and power, 1&1 offers fully managed dedicated hosting that comes pre-configured and ready to go. All of the management, administration and maintenance is taken care of by our experts and can be configured by you via the 1&1 Control Panel.What kind of security measures does 1&1 implement within a dedicated server?Security, of course, is extremely important to the continued functionality and accessibility of your website. Thankfully, the 1&1 Data Centres are among the safest and most efficient in the world, ensuring that your dedicated server for the UK provides uninterrupted access to your website thanks to its geo-redundant structure and superb 300 Gbit/s external connectivity speeds.A number of optional extras can be added on to your server, giving you access to powerful hardware solutions combined with professional services. These include a 1&1 professional backup service that allows unlimited, individually configurable backup of your data through either Windows or Linux, as well as additional FTP storage options without artificial bandwidth restriction, and professional SSL certification providing data protection with 256-bit encryption.Alongside these features, 1&1 gives you the opportunity to monitor your dedicated server performance remotely and whilst on the move. This is achieved through the 1&1 Mobile Monitoring app or on any accessible web browser. Here, you will be able to monitor the availability of your best dedicated servers and services dating back seven days. Additionally, customers who take advantage of the free app for iPhone and Android will receive automatic notifications of any status changes within their dedicated server.Does 1&1 provide DDoS protection for dedicated servers?Here at 1&1, we understand how important it is to keep data secure, and for web owners to feel certain that their work is protected from hackers and viruses. We are well aware of the different types of protection needed for any server, and offer sophisticated security measures against one of the worst threats to servers and networks, a DDoS attack. A DDoS attack could completely shut down an entire website and interfere with the bandwidth. That's why 1&1 protects our dedicated servers from DDoS attacks. A dedicated server with DDOS protection from 1&1 prevents a DDoS attack that could overload and harm the database. By default, 1&1's dedicated servers have anti DDoS protection to keep your network safe from any kind of DDoS attack, no matter how small. If you have any more questions regarding the security of our servers, you can contact the free help center via email or telephone 24/7.How can 1&1 help me make the most of my dedicated server hosting?1&1 has a comprehensive range of features, tools and utilities to help you make the most of whichever dedicated server hosting package you decide upon. For instance, should you wish to expand your dedicated server as your website grows, then 1&1 can provide additional IP addresses, domains as fixed Internet addresses and a wealth of backup and security options to ensure your all-important data is always safe.Alongside these features, all of our UK dedicated servers come with a powerful suite of marketing tools including the 1&1 Merchandise Shop, 1&1 Webtool and 1&1 SEO Pro – all of which are designed to help your website grow and enjoy continued success. These tools complement our powerful FTP protocol to upload your data alongside the 1&1 SiteAnalytics and 1&1 e-mail marketing tools.Finally, 1&1 also provides a range of professional database and programming tools to ensure you can really get to grips with your site. These include PHP 5, Perl and Python script languages alongside MySQL 5 database support and a range of customer applications, so you can be sure that your dedicated hosting is ready for whatever you can throw at it.Does 1&1 offer continued support after I have committed to a dedicated server?Whatever your level of experience with dedicated hosting, you can rest assured that 1&1 will offer you all of the support and help you need – whenever you need it. Technical agents are available via 24/7 phone support and our free e-mail support to answer any questions or technical queries you may have regarding dedicated web hosting or any other product. Whether you have questions about your dedicated server hosting or any other service, 1&1 is here to help.1&1 has been offering fantastic products and unbeatable service since 2001 – with each year bringing the latest technologies to ensure both our continued growth, and yours. As industry leaders committed to fantastic customer care, at 1&1 we're proud to offer great value for money without compromising our core values or products.Our comprehensive support system has been recognised with a host of awards, meaning that 1&1 is a company you can trust to help you get started and enjoy continued success. Should you require further information about our dedicated server packages, or any of our products, do not hesitate to give us a call. Begin your 1&1 journey with dedicated server hosting today, and get your website off to the best possible start.Take your business to the next level with your own dedicated resources – choose from a wide range of servers to find your ideal solution.Do you have any questions or suggestions?
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Hans Nijholt1&1 Server ExpertMore information1&1 is a leading global Internet service provider with over 13 million customer contracts.1&1 Data Centres are among the safest and most efficient in Europe, with around 70,000 high-end servers running parallel in operation.1&1 hosts over 19 million domain names.1&1 transfers over five billion e-mails and 9,000 terabytes of data every month, with external network connectivity speed of 300 Gbit/s.We may have the ideal solution for you! Chat
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