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中文翻译盼早日答复&&&&vi. 1.看,注视,盯 (at). Look! 你瞧! ...... &&&&&&adv. 1.向前,前进 (opp. backward) ...... &&&&&&pron. 〔you 的所有格〕 1.你(们)的。 2. ...... &&&&&&n. 答复,回答;(用行动等)应战;反响;【法律】(原告 ...... &&&&&&期望您的到来... &&&&&&期待您的光临... &&&&&&希望早日得到你的答复... &&&&&&我们期待你的不断光临... &&&&&&曲协盼望,期待; 向前看; 向前平看... &&&&&&盼望,期待;预期; 期待, 盼望; 期待,盼望; 期待,盼望;朝前看; 期待,希望; 期待,展望; 期待着; 期盼,盼望; 期盼,期望; 期望,盼望(北京安 ...... &&&&&&回答最后一个/... &&&&&&请回答; 望回信... &&&&&&热望收到你的回信... &&&&&&盼即示复... &&&&&&盼复... &&&&&&回复贵电... &&&&&&请早日答复... &&&&&&一直努力的向前看决不回头... &&&&&&展望美好的明天... &&&&&&向往幸福生活... &&&&&&期待,盼望; 期待做某事... &&&&&&盼望着做某事; 期盼着... &&&&&&着眼未来... &&&&&&期待着... &&&&&&期于... &&
例句与用法We are looking forward to your reply to our inquiry我们期待你方对我方的询盘做出答覆Thanks again . i look forward to your reply再次感谢!我盼望着你的来信。 714 we are looking forward to your reply to our inquiry我们期待你方对我方的询盘做出答复。 P > 714 we are looking forward to your reply to our inquiry我们期待你方对我方的询盘做出答复。 Looking forward to your reply(书信末尾处)等待你的回复。 We hope we can cooperate . looking forward to your reply我公司真诚希望双方优势互补,合作发展;并期待你的回复。 Looking forward to your reply期待着您的回答。 Look forward to your reply盼早日答复I really appreciate your help , and i look forward to your reply as soon as possible我非常感谢你们的帮助,希望尽快收到你们的回信。 I really appreciate your help , and i look forward to your reply as soon as possible我非常感谢你们的帮助双人小游戏希望尽快收到你们的回信。 更多例句:&&1&&&&
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发布于: 16:05
很多人在给客户写完邮件后,都会在结尾礼貌地来上一句,&Look forward to your reply
&或者是&Looking forward to hearing from you&,这句话很经典,很多人都在用,同时对于客户来说,也很无聊!原因很简单,大家都在写一样的,没有新鲜感。而且,这句话对于客户来说没有任何意义,你很期待收到我的回复,但问题是我不一定很期待要回复你呀!那我等有需要的时候再回复你吧,但不幸的是,等客户有需要的时候,早就把你忘得一干二净了。
所以,不要再跟客户说,&Look forward to your reply & ,“I am looking forward to
hearing from you,”了,给他们一些有吸引力的,看了以后马上行动起来的话吧!
1. & & & “Could you
return all proposal feedback by Friday?”
&Look forward to your reply & 或者“I look forward
to hearing from you” “我很期待收到您的回复”这个句子最大的问题是没有给到客户一个明确的截止时间。“我很期待收到您的回复”,那是什么时候收到呢?是明天,下周,还是明年,抑或是永远都收不到?你永远都不知道客户什么时候回复你,你将会处于绝对的被动状态。
当然,在问这句话的时候,也不要说得太死,给客户太大的压力,比如你可以这么说:“Could you return all proposal feedback by Friday? Does this
timeline meet your expectations? ”“您可以在周五之前就我们的方案给出反馈吗?您看这个时间怎么样?”当然,如果客户说:“这周五还不行,我还需要多几天时间考虑”,那你就可以回答,“No problem. Let’s move the deadline to next Wednesday.”“没问题,那我们把截止日期定在下周三吧。”记住,在给客户设定截止日期时,给予他们一定压力的同时,也需要给到客户一定的灵活性。
2. “Could you help me find the answer here?”“我可以请您帮个忙吗?”
比如你可以和客户这么说“I’d like to speak with the person in purchasing at your company, but
I’m not sure who to reach out to. Could you help me?” “我想和贵公司的采购联系,但我不确定要联系谁,您可以帮一下我吗?”,比你说“Are you the person in charge of purchasing at X Enterprises?”“您是X公司的采购吗”要有效100倍。
3. “I saw X and thought
of you. What are your thoughts?”“我看到了X(通常是重要的人或者事),想起了你。”
4. “It would really help
me out if you could reply by Wednesday.”“如果您能在周三以前回复我,就真的是帮我了一个大忙了!”
这一招和第二点类似,如果你想客户尽快回复你,就以求助的方式去问客户。但必须记住,是要以请客户帮忙的形式和语气去问,而不是以要求的形式,你可以说“It would really help me out -- and help us stick to our timeline --
if you could give me an answer by the end of Thursday.”“如果您能够在周四以前回复我,那就真的是帮了我们一个大忙了!”
作者简介: Jamal Mernissi
公众号 :Jam-Dimark
发布于: 16:33
发布于: 16:58
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facebook旗舰店、LinkedIn公司主页、Google+曝光、lnstagram品牌推广。 七大社交的流量统计汇总,及时回复客户询盘,减去翻墙麻烦。了解老客户兴趣爱好等等。培训:facebook一对一指导操作,新版LinkedIn实操培训,Pinterest高效运营,YouTube营销推广。B2B实操培训,跨境电商一整套培训,Wordpress建站实操培训,外贸SEO优化实操培训,展会技巧拔高等等.....印度市场开发、德国市场开发,美国市场开发等更大国家开发技巧实操培训:Q、微信号私聊(在做外贸社交,做的很好的,要开始去操作,只是想了解的)统统欢迎咨询我!
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哈萨克斯坦/俄罗斯双清关包税专线 包清关必到,不到立即赔偿 风险我们全包客户只要接货一手价市场最低 陆运10~20天 空运8~12天 时效保证 安全稳定 全程跟踪 货到付款 正规白关能退税北上广深江浙等全国收货 QQ: 电话/微信: 李先生
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look forward to your reply 中文翻譯
中文翻譯盼早日答復:&&&&vi. 1.看,注視,盯 (at). Look! 你瞧! ...... &&:&&&&adv. 1.向前,前進 (opp. backward) ...... &&:&&&&pron. 〔you 的所有格〕 1.你(們)的。 2. ...... &&:&&&&n. 答復,回答;(用行動等)應戰;反響;【法律】(原告 ...... &&:&&&&期望您的到來... &&:&&&&期待您的光臨... &&:&&&&希望早日得到你的答復... &&:&&&&我們期待你的不斷光臨... &&:&&&&曲協盼望,期待; 向前看; 向前平看... &&:&&&&盼望,期待;預期; 期待, 盼望; 期待,盼望; 期待,盼望;朝前看; 期待,希望; 期待,展望; 期待著; 期盼,盼望; 期盼,期望; 期望,盼望(北京安 ...... &&:&&&&回答最后一個/... &&:&&&&請回答; 望回信... &&:&&&&熱望收到你的回信... &&:&&&&盼即示復... &&:&&&&盼復... &&:&&&&回復貴電... &&:&&&&請早日答復... &&:&&&&一直努力的向前看決不回頭... &&:&&&&展望美好的明天... &&:&&&&向往幸福生活... &&:&&&&期待,盼望; 期待做某事... &&:&&&&盼望著做某事; 期盼著... &&:&&&&著眼未來... &&:&&&&期待著... &&:&&&&期于... &&
例句與用法We are looking forward to your reply to our inquiry我們期待你方對我方的詢盤做出答覆Thanks again . i look forward to your reply再次感謝!我盼望著你的來信。 714 we are looking forward to your reply to our inquiry我們期待你方對我方的詢盤做出答復。 P > 714 we are looking forward to your reply to our inquiry我們期待你方對我方的詢盤做出答復。 Looking forward to your reply(書信末尾處)等待你的回復。 We hope we can cooperate . looking forward to your reply我公司真誠希望雙方優勢互補,合作發展;并期待你的回復。 Looking forward to your reply期待著您的回答。 Look forward to your reply盼早日答復I really appreciate your help , and i look forward to your reply as soon as possible我非常感謝你們的幫助,希望盡快收到你們的回信。 I really appreciate your help , and i look forward to your reply as soon as possible我非常感謝你們的幫助雙人小游戲希望盡快收到你們的回信。 更多例句:&&1&&&&
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look forward to英 [luk 'f?:w?d tu:] 美 [l?k 'f?rw?d tu] look forward to 基本解释企; 期望,盼望; 瞩望; 属望手机查看look forward to的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 look forward to 即可look forward to 相关例句ph.1. 1. My family and I look forward to seeing you next month.&&&&我及家人都期待在下个月看到你。look forward to 网络解释1. 期待:今日,美国人都殷切地期待(look forward to)假期的到来. 几乎所有的工作者,每年都有一个长达两星期的假期. 有些雇员甚至有三星期,或者更长的假期. 每年夏天,成群的(8warln$of)美国人收拾行装(pack up),前往(head to)各个不同的旅游区(tourist area).2. 期盼着:我早就买好票期盼着(look forward to)这一天早日来到. 演唱会于晚上7:00开始,持续三个小时. 刘德华比实际年龄显得年轻,他的歌令歌迷很激动. 中国加入WTO后,有一大批想到中国投资(invest)的外国人来你市参观考察. 假设你是接待员,3. 3. 盼望:look for 寻找 | look forward to 盼望 | look into 向. . . 里面看去,调查4. 盼望,期待:look for 寻找;寻求;期望;指望 | look forward to 盼望;期待 | look into 调查;深入了解;研究look forward to 双语例句1. Endeavor in the Qian Heng people look forward to working with your co-operation to create a better future.&&&&奋进中的乾亨人期待与您的合作,共同开创美好的未来。2. 2. Division I FCL, LCL price concessions, service excellent, and sincerely look forward to working with you for your cooperation!&&&&我司整箱、拼箱价格优惠,服务优良,真诚期待与您的合作!3. Every success in the future, the meantime the great pace of quarter-hing is follow the new century, the pace of the times, climbing to new heights and I look forward to more friends with us to create a better future.&&&&百尺竿头,更进一步,肆季兴的巨大脚步,正踏着新世纪的时代步伐,向新的高峰攀登,并期望更多的朋友与我们携手共创未来。4. We look forward to your coming here.&&&&我们期望你的到来。5. In fact, this is what they look forward to.&&&&事实上,这正是他们所期待的。6. Deeper look forward to working with oil-related companies to establish long-term strategic relationship of cooperation and seek common development.&&&&深广石油期待与相关企业建立长期的合作战略关系,谋求共同的发展空间。7. We look forward to working with all clients at home and abroad set up long-term trade relations with China.&&&&我们期待与国内外所有客户建立长期的贸易关系。8. We sincerely look forward to working with you in co-operation to contribute to environmental protection!&&&&我们热忱的期待与您的合作,共同为环保事业贡献力量!9. 9. We look forward to working with all sectors of society friends to work together to create a new future!&&&&我们期待与社会各界朋友携手合作,共创崭新未来!10. 10. I also look forward to a brighter future.&&&&我也期待一个美好的明天。11. 11. I will wait to look forward to a better future&&&&&&我会等待,以期待更美好的未来12. look forward to的解释12. We appreciate your patience and look forward to continue working with you.&&&&&&我们感谢您的耐心等待,并期待与您继续合作。13. 13. We look forward to the day when the clix debuts with more internal memory.&&&&&&我们期待着有一天,当clix亮相,与更多的内部记忆体。14. 14. Though I admit I am not an historian of China I always look forward to my visits and the reconnection to my old friends.&&&&&&虽然我承认我不是一个中国的历史学家,但我仍然期待我的访问,并拜访我的老朋友。15. We will offer the most favorable price to you and look forward to cooperate with you.&&&&&&我们将给您最优惠的价格,期待与您合作!16. 16. We look forward to hearing from you in the near future.&&&&&&我们期待着听到你的,在不久的将来17. I look forward to the day when I will yet pay another visit.&&&&&&我期待着重游中国的那一天。18. Now I am more concerned about the Olympic Games, interest in China's Corps, looking forward to the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games beyond the history of each session, few expect China's gold medal first place, look forward to the Olympic flame at the national sports center of the nest ignited the moment.&&&&&&现在我更加关注奥运,关注中国军团,期待北京奥运会的开幕式超越历史上的每一届,期待中国的金牌数位居第一,期待奥运圣火在国家体育中心鸟巢点燃的那一刻。19. Looking forward to President Hu Jintao in September this year in Pittsburgh, leaders of the Group of 20 financial summit in the third period to meet with you once again, welcome and look forward to your visit to China this year.&&&&&&胡锦涛主席期待着今年9月在匹兹堡二十国集团领导人第三次金融峰会期间与你再次见面,欢迎并期待你年内访问中国。20. We look forward to hearing your vision, so we can better do our job.&&&&&&我们等着听你们的高见,以便我们干得更好。look forward to 词典解释1. 期待;盼望&&&&If you look forward to something that is going to happen, you want it to happen because you think you will enjoy it.&&&&e.g. He was looking forward to working with the new Prime Minister.&&&&&&&&&&&他期待着与新首相共事。2. 预期;预料&&&&If you say that someone is looking forward to something useful or positive, you mean they expect it to happen.&&&&e.g. Motor traders are looking forward to a further increase in vehicle sales.&&&&&&&&&&&汽车经销商预期汽车销量会进一步攀升。look forward to 单语例句1. Astronauts also gave high praise to the domestically developed spacecraft and rocket carrier, and look forward to sharing experiences with astronauts from other countries in the future.2. The author of the book can now look forward to adding a section on " Days which have been completely rained off except on Center Court ".3. " We look forward to speedy resolution and for us to come in shortly afterwards, " he said on Friday.4. As factors conducive to maintaining peace and containing conflict continue to grow, mankind can look forward to a future that on the whole is bright.5. We are pairing the food with the Admiral's Reserve wines, and look forward to converting more fans for the Admiral's collection.6. Perhaps we can look forward to a World Cup final one day in which both teams consist entirely of imported mercenaries.7. The people will have more extensive democratic rights, show higher ethical standards and look forward to greater cultural achievements.8. We look forward to letting more guests in China to experience the classic elegance and modern grandeur embodied in this iconic brand.9. It called on the people to emancipate their minds, seek truth from facts and look forward with unity.10. " We look forward to receiving the president in Denmark, " he said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua ahead of Hu's arrival.look forward to是什么意思,look forward to在线翻译,look forward to什么意思,look forward to的意思,look forward to的翻译,look forward to的解释,look forward to的发音,look forward to的同义词,look forward to的反义词,look forward to的例句,look forward to的相关词组,look forward to意思是什么,look forward to怎么翻译,单词look forward to是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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