
粉笔生涯 开学了,寂寞的教室,突然热闹起来。一到晚上,满院子电灯辉煌,嘹亮的读书声非常悦耳。整天和一群年轻的孩子在一块,自己也好像年轻了许多。上课的时候,难免要装出一副老师的面孔骗一骗孩子们;一到下课,便现出真面目来了。我和她们一同散步,一同谈笑,讲故事给她们听;常常就寝铃摇了,还有躲在我房子里玩的学生。只要她们不妨碍功课,我是喜欢她们来玩的。孩子们是可爱的,他们天真,坦白,热情,心里想到说什么就说什么,没有丝毫勉强。我爱他们,我愿永远和他们在一起生活。
Career together with chalksA term begins, so the quiet classroom comes to a hustle. When the dusk falls, the lights makes out a brilliant campus, where the loud and clear reading voice let your ears feel sweet. Staying with a flock of young kids all days, It seems that I'm getting much younger. In class, I'd have to take on a teacher's pAfter class, my real features will come out. I take a walk with them,talk and laugh with them, and tell stories to them.When the ring for curfew rings, there're often some students playing in my room. As long as it doesn't matter to their classes. I like playing with them. The kids are lovely,naive,candid and zelous. They will say whatever they think of, without a trace of reluctance. I love them so as that I want to live with them forever.
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求英语好的哥哥姐姐帮忙翻一下这段文章 要自己翻译 不要软件翻译的 急用 谢谢!!!!
追求精神上的超脱,以“仁”和“孝”作为文化的核心。而西方的文化则受文艺复兴的影响,跟没有学是一样的。而在素质教育的体制下,” 西方教育很少用分数作为衡量一个学生的标准。中西方的文化存在着很大的差异,and that is it,其实不论在什么教育体制下,我们都应该做到学以致用,以孔子修订后的“六经”作为文化基础,如果不能够灵活的运用所学的知识,这种教育方式很容易造成书呆子,“Tomorrow,而西式教育中的课本只是一个参考资料而已,就极大的提高了学习的灵活性,考试后的内容页以课本为主,很难提起学生学习的兴趣,也可以说是没有课本,具有开放性的外向型文化。中式教育使人更加注重整体的利益,西方文化主要表现在注重个人的自由与权力,也需要变通。要能做到学而活用,考试分数的高低作为评价一个学生好坏的标准,但是不代表西方教育就是完美。西方教育也有其漏洞,you don’t have get a higher mark,中西方文化的差异是的中西方教育有了本质的区别。我觉得我们应该创造自己的教育特色。虽然西方教育有很多地方中国教育是要学习,中国的家长和老师更加看重的是学生考试所得的分数,中国文化受儒家思想和佛教,don’t afraid,课本基本是由学校的老师准备的,而且需要学生死记硬背的东西也多,并不能代表全部,更加重要的是学生能不能灵活的运用这些知识,这样一来, we will have a test,自己的教育模式。中国教育学习西方教育的同时,而西方教育则使人更加注重个人的利益,而且不一定适合中国的国情。我们应该吸取西方教育好的一面,改进自己的教育模式。,记得我一个朋友跟我说过,而且没有硬性规定的课本, Achieve is enough,加入自己原有做得好的,注重道德的力量,这种文化主要表现在注重个人修养,这样学生就能够做到学以致用,而不是按章办事。考试和分数,道教文化的影响深远,在应试教育的体制下,与中国传统文化不同的是西方人更加注重对自然的探索和求证,反对武力,注重实践和探索,很难让学生做到学以致用,考试的分数就不是那么的重要了,他的一个老师有一天对他们说,学生有更多的时间去自己搜寻资料,注重与他人和自然的和谐相处,you just have get 60%,创出一套全面的,我觉得考试分数只不过是证明学生有没有记住一个知识点,而且学习的先后顺序也是由老师决定的,中国的“填鸭式教育” 由于课堂比较沉闷,Guys,
s standards, it is difficult to mention students&#39,treated&quot, China&#39, and the education mode is very easy to create the bookworm, in this way, so that students can do to apply it, the more important is the student can not flexible use of these knowledge, as the core of the culture, Taoism culture far-reaching influence to Confucius revised &quot, the system in should try education, and need something more than rote students also, western education seldom use score as the measure of a student&#39,cramming the education&quot, I think the examination score is just proof students have to remember a knowledge, and not suitable for China&#39, Achieve is enough, interest in study, pay attention to moral strength,行不, and that it, the test scores are not so important, we should all do application, due to the classroom is more depressing, and learn the order in also by the teacher decided, students have more time to go to their search for material, will greatly increase the flexibility of the learning,Tomorrow, and not by rules, if not to the use of flexible learned knowledge, against the force, it is hard to make the student achieve application,t afraid, and education and western-style the textbook is only a reference material just, remember one of my friends told me that one of his teacher one day said to them, don &#39, and China&#39, While the western culture by Renaissance influences, and Chinese traditional culture is different westerners pay more attention to natural of exploration and verification, you just have get 60%, Chinese culture by the Confucianism and Buddhism, test score, Chinese education make people pay more attention to the interests of the whole, the attention and the others and the natural harmonious get along, the test score height as a good student evaluation standard, &quot, and no hard and fast rules textbooks, China&#39, And in quality education of the system, the pursuit of spiritual being, as a cultural foundation,filial piety&quot,s &quot, and western education makes people pay more attention to the interest of the individual,我就是英语学得好
我给你说哈,The exam and scores, To learn and can do work, after the test the content page on textbook is given priority to, t have get a higher mark,&quot,Chinese and western culture is very big difference,In fact no matter in what education system, creates a set of comprehensive, with &quot, and to pay attention to the practice and exploration, not be the whole,s national conditions, to join the oneself original well done, also can saying is no textbooks, We should learn from western education good side, basic books by school teacher preparation of, improve their education mode, with no learning is the same, Guys, Western education also has its vulnerability, the cultural mainly displays in pay attention to personal accomplishment, we will have a test, You don&#39, the Chinese and western cultural differences between Chinese and western education have the essence, Although western education has many local Chinese education is to study,benevolence&quot,s parents and teachers more value is students&#39, an open export-oriented culture, and &quot, but do not represent the western education is perfect, western culture mainly displays in personal freedom and power, also need flexibility,你看看这些单词那个不会, their education mode,I think we should create their own education characteristics, yes the difference,s education learn western education at the same time,
哈哈哈 谢谢了 可以看懂的
And the order of learning is determined by the teacher,注重与他人和自然的和谐相处,而且需要学生死记硬背的东西也多, We should aim to learn and apply in practice so as to improve our educational model, it greatly improves the flexibility of learning, &quot, you just need to get 60% and that is it, we should be capable to apply our knowledge in daily use,我们都应该做到学以致用,,也需要变通。要能做到学而活用,以“仁”和“孝”作为文化的核心。而西方的文化则受文艺复兴的影响, In the Chinese &quot, there is no mandatory textbooks or no textbook at all, The western and Chinese cultural differences are the fundamental differences between Western and Chinese education systems,这样一来, Chinese education pays more attention to the overall interests while the western education pays more attention to one’s personal interests,在应试教育的体制下,Guys,并不能代表全部, While textbook in western-style education is a reference only,更加重要的是学生能不能灵活的运用这些知识, and &quot,这种教育方式很容易造成书呆子,我觉得考试分数只不过是证明学生有没有记住一个知识点, add the merits of our own system to create a set of comprehensive education mode, Under a quality education system, we will have a test,而且学习的先后顺序也是由老师决定的,考试和分数, Achieve is enough,中西方文化的差异是的中西方教育有了本质的区别。A great difference exists between Chinese and western culture, The more important is that the students can flexibly use this knowledge,具有开放性的外向型文化。中式教育使人更加注重整体的利益,考试的分数就不是那么的重要了,“Tomorrow, focusing on practice and exploration,其实不论在什么教育体制下,t be afraid, The western culture mainly emphasizes on personal freedom and power,这样学生就能够做到学以致用, Although the western education system has a lot for the Chinese education system to learn,很难提起学生学习的兴趣, regardless of what the education system is,很难让学生做到学以致用,西方文化主要表现在注重个人的自由与权力,也可以说是没有课本, search for their information,
In the examination-oriented education system,benevolence&quot,我觉得我们应该创造自己的教育特色。虽然西方教育有很多地方中国教育是要学习,课本基本是由学校的老师准备的, While the Chinese education system is learning from the western education system,” 西方教育很少用分数作为衡量一个学生的标准。Examinations and scores, It is difficult to bring students&#39,如果不能够灵活的运用所学的知识,自己的教育模式。中国教育学习西方教育的同时, and do not represent everything,跟没有学是一样的。而在素质教育的体制下, interest in learning,创出一套全面的,反对武力,注重道德的力量, If they cannot use flexibly the knowledge, and the pursuit of detachment from the spirit, focusing on harmony with others and the nature, This culture mainly emphasizes on personal integrity,and that is it, You don&#39,与中国传统文化不同的是西方人更加注重对自然的探索和求证,Tomorrow, classroom teaching is more boring,things because examination is based on textbook contents,以孔子修订后的“六经”作为文化基础, Such education is likely to produce bookworms,而且不一定适合中国的国情。我们应该吸取西方教育好的一面,t have to get a high mark,道教文化的影响深远, In this way, Thus students can apply their knowledge, it makes no difference to learning nothing at all,这种文化主要表现在注重个人修养, Chinese parents and teachers are more focused on the students&#39,而西方教育则使人更加注重个人的利益, examination scores,就极大的提高了学习的灵活性, I remember a friend of mine told me that one of his teachers said to them,而不是按章办事。In fact, Students have more time to prepare &#47,而西式教育中的课本只是一个参考资料而已,而且没有硬性规定的课本, style, as the core of culture, anti-violence, We should learn from the bright side of the western education system,don’t afraid,但是不代表西方教育就是完美。西方教育也有其漏洞,中西方的文化存在着很大的差异, The difference of western to that of the traditional Chinese culture lies in westerners paying more attention to the exploration and confirmation of the nature which is more open and outgoing-oriented culture,他的一个老师有一天对他们说,追求精神上的超脱, don&#39, students are required to remember many hard facts&#47,考试后的内容页以课本为主,you don’t have get a higher mark, Achieve is enough, Textbooks are basically prepared by the school teachers, we will have a test, Western education system also has its flaws and it may not necessarily suit China, Western culture is influenced by the Renaissance,加入自己原有做得好的, we also call for flexibility, I feel that examination scores only show that you can remember a piece of knowledge fact,spoon-fed education&quot,中国文化受儒家思想和佛教,改进自己的教育模式。I think we should create our own specific education system, Buddhism and Taoism cultures, Chinese culture is influenced deeply by the Confucianism,中国的家长和老师更加看重的是学生考试所得的分数,考试分数的高低作为评价一个学生好坏的标准,注重实践和探索,记得我一个朋友跟我说过,filial piety&quot, Confucius revised the “Six Classics”as the cultural basis, It bases on &quot,学生有更多的时间去自己搜寻资料,
The level of examination scores is used to evaluate the quality standards of a student, examination scores are not so important, rather than simply obeying to what the book says, focusing on the moral strength,” Western education system rarely uses scores as the standard measure for a student, but it does not mean that western education system is perfect,you just have get 60%, It is difficult for students to apply their knowledge in daily use,中国的“填鸭式教育” 由于课堂比较沉闷, Guys,
A. The outer wing consists of the structural units and associated components and members which support the airplane in flight. These include spars,skins, ribs, stringers, etc., and integral fuel tank structures.B. The front and rear spars on the left and right wing boxes are primary structural components of the main wing frame. They extend from the wing root rib to the wingtip. The spars consist of vertical sheet metal webs tapering down in depth towards the wingtips and provided with chords along the upper and lower edges. Vertical stiffeners are attached to the vertical faces of the spare (Fig. 1).(1) The deployment of flight control surfaces exposes the spars to the ground and near ground air contaminants, thrust reverser soot, runway dirt and debris and inclement weather elements all of which contribute to corrosion.(2) The spar chords are found to be particularly susceptible to corrosion originating most likely at the fasteners common to the chord and web.(3) Stress corrosion cracks, have been reported on the front and rear spar upper chords (Fig. 1, Section A-A). On airplanes through line number 310 inspection requirements and repair instructions for cracked chords are described in SB 57-1067 and SB 57-1081. Production changes at cum line number 311 include material change of the upper and lower chords of the rear spar and the upper chord of the front spar from 7178-T6 to 7075-T73. There is no change to the front spar lower chord.NOTE: The preventive modification in SB 57-1081 R3 was changed for SB 57-1081 R4 due to recurrence of stress corrosion cracking in airplanes modified by SB 57-1081 R3. This has been attributed to improper shimming and fitting of the angles installed for preventive modification. Airplanes modified by SB 57-1081 prior to Revision 4 must be reinspected per Revision 4 (or later) and may incorporate preventive modifications of Revision 4 (or later) to improve corrosion protection. An Airworthiness Directive has been issued on this subject. Revision 3 of SB 737-57-1067 came out to add more recommended repair on wing spar chord for aging 737 airplanes. This service bulletin supersedes SB 57-1046 and SB 57-1062.(4) Stress corrosion cracks have been reported on the Krueger flap actuator support fittings mounted on the front spars. Inspection procedures for checks in the fittings are outlined in SB 57-1129 for airplanes through line number 813. Material changes were made to steel for airplanes line number 814 and on.
(1)飞行面的控制将梁暴露在地面和近地空气污染物、反推力装置烟灰、跑道灰尘碎片和恶劣的气象因素等导致腐蚀。(2)梁特别容易从扣件开始腐蚀以至于缘条和腹板。(3)报告称,应力腐蚀裂纹会产生在前后梁上缘条(图1,A-A段)。行号到310的飞机,裂纹的检查和修复指南SB 57-1067和SB 57-1081叙述了。产品升级从行号为311的飞机开始,包括后梁的上下缘条和前梁的上缘条的材料从7178-T6变化到7075-T73。前梁的下缘条没有改变。
注:预防限制方案从SB 57-1081 R3变为SB 57-1081 R4以减少SB 57-1081 R3情况下的应力腐蚀裂纹。这归因于不适当的填隙法和设备的安装角度。飞机的改良从SB 57-1081到Revision 4必须重新考察通过Revision 4(或更晚的)并且要包含Revision 4(或更晚的)的预防和修改以太高防腐蚀能力。就这个问题已经颁布了一条适航性指令。SB 737-57-1067的Revision 3更多地被建议在737成熟的飞机中修复翼梁缘条。这项服务公告取代了SB 57-1046和SB 57-1062。
(4)有报告称,应力腐蚀裂纹发生在安装在前梁上的克鲁格襟翼驱动支承组件。组件上裂纹的检查程序列在SB 57-1129用于行号至813的飞机上。行号为814及以后的飞机已经做好材料升级的准备。
The wing structure composed of units and relevant parts and members of the supportAircraft in flight. These measures include rod, skin, etc., whole ribs, longitudinal tank structure.Second, the front and rear of the left, right wing box bar is the main wing main structureFrame. They put in the ribs with sharp. Including the vertical bar plank tapered netsFall on the wing tip depth and the lower edge of the chord, provide. Vertical stiffenerAdhering to the vertical facing spare (figure 1).(1) the flight control surfaces exposed the bar to deploy and near the ground surface contaminants in the air,FanTuiLi soot, dust and debris runway and bad weather helps factors corrosion.(2) SPAR chord was found to be particularly vulnerable to corrosion fasteners originating in the most likelyCommon chords and network.(3) stress corrosion cracking, has reported the front and rear SPAR strings (figure 1, the aa). aboutThrough the inspection requirements, aircraft and cracked chord 310 repair introducedIn the event with SB -1081. At the moment, and the production adjustment, including and physical changesThe rear SPAR and low chord on the T6-7178 summaried.especially, with the former string T73 7075 -. Any changesAhead of low SPAR.Note: 57-1081 prevention in the modification of the event is for someone R3 57-1081 R4 due to the stress changesCorrosion by SB revision of 57-1081 R3 plane craze. This is due to improper evenly andDecorate the reconstruction is used to prevent the installation Angle. Modified by SB 57-1081 fourth revision before the planeTo inspect every fourth edition (or later versions), and may the fourth revision (or in preventing modificationLater) to improve the corrosion protection. It has been an airworthiness instructions. Edition threeEvent 737-57-1067 out of aging aircraft increased more than the nickel-ferric suggest the 737 string repair. This service,57-1046 bulletin replace event with SB 57-116.The stress corrosion cracking (4) has been reported in Kruger flaps actuator support, front assembliesBeam. For inspection procedures outlined in aircraft parts by line 57-1129. EventNumbers 813. The change of material on the plane and steel line 3391.


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