
河北保定市2011届高三年级摸底考试历 史 试 题
注意事项:&&& (1)本试卷满分100分,考试时间90分钟。(2)本试卷分为第1卷和第Ⅱ卷,第1卷为选择题,共48分第Ⅱ卷为材料问答题,共52分。(3)将第1卷选择题答案填写在答题卡或答题纸上。
本卷为选择题,共24小题。每小题2分,共48分。在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题目要求的。1.主张“百亩之田,勿夺其时,数口之家可以无饥矣”的是&&(&&& )&A.孔子&&& &B.盂子&&& &C.老子&&& &D.墨子2.商鞅变法中下令废止了“田里不鬻”的规定。对此理解不正确的是&(&&& )&A.以法律的形式确立土地私有制&&& &B.维护新兴地主阶级的利益&C.促进封建经济的发展&&& &D.使该变法直接遭受奴隶主贵族反对3.西汉农民家庭年收入(粮食)与支出情况表项目&收入&支出&粮食&赋&役&日常开支&&田租&算赋口赋&兵役徭役&食&衣&祭祀等仪式数量&&32&300&对表中信息解读不正确的是&&&(&&& )&A.此表记载的是编户齐民的家庭&B.国家负担中人口税很轻&C.国家负担中更赋最重&D.当时农民的家庭入不敷出4.隋炀帝命人编著全国各地风俗,编写者“以吴人为东夷”。隋炀帝加以愤责,并称:“昔汉末三方鼎力,大吴之国,以称人物……自平陈之后,硕学通儒,文人才子,莫非彼至。”从中可看出隋朝时候江南&&&(&&& )&A.经济较为繁荣,经济重心继续南移&B.全国知名的大人物很多&C.文化发展,文人学者云集&D.政治稳定,人民安居乐业5.唐人沈既济说:“故太平君子,唯门调户选,征文射策,以取禄位,此行己立身之美者也……是以五尺童子,耻不言文墨焉。是以进士为士林华选,四方观听,希其风采。每岁得第之人,不浃旬而周闻天下。”这说明当时科举制的影响有&&(&&& )&①张扬了“学而优则仕”&②推动社会向学风气的形成&③科举成为时人走向官场的重要途径&& &④有助于提高个人政治影响力&A.①②③④&&& &B.①②③&&& &C.②③④&&& &D.①③④6.原始史料,为目击者的陈述、文献以及事实自身的遗存。下列有关唐朝的史料中属于原始史料的是&&& &&&&(&&& )&A.昭陵石刻像残块&&& &B.《新唐书》&C.电视剧《贞观长歌》&&& &D.有关唐朝的传说7.今新疆地区成为我国领土的不可分割一部分最早始于&&(&&& )&A.秦朝&&& &B.西汉&&& &C.唐朝&&& &D.元朝8.“仁宗之世,契丹增币,夏国增赐,养兵两陲,费累百万”与此同时的社会问题不包括&&&&&(&&& )&A.“倭患起于市舶,遂罢之”&B.“居其官不知其职者十常七八”&&& &C.“势官富姓,占田无限,兼并冒伪,习以为俗”&D.“兵也收了,财也收了,赏罚刑政,一切收了,州郡遂日就困弱”,9.在中国古代商业不断发展,城市走向繁荣,市民阶层壮大,与这些经济现象相适应,文化领域也成就非凡,这些成就不包括&&& &&&(&&& )&A.小说的出现和繁荣&&& &B.魏晋书法的形成和发展&C.宋朝风俗画的发展&&& &D.话本的兴起10.朱元璋曾经做过一首诗:“百僚未起朕已起,百僚已睡朕未睡,不如江南富足翁,日高三丈犹拥被”。出现上述诗中情况,与下列哪项举措密切相关&&(&&& )&A.废行省,设三司&&& &B.特务统治&C.废丞相,权分六部&&& &D.八股取士11.“督臣谭纶、帅臣戚继光治塞垣,夹垣为台,高数丈,矢石相及,环蓟而台者三千,垣周二千余里。自是,外寇不敢深入”。文中所指的建筑应在今天的&(&&& )& &A.京、冀一带&&& &&B.闽、粤一带& &C.江、浙一带&&& &&D.晋、蒙一带12.清代资本主义萌芽有所发展,其表现不包括&&(&&& )& &A.分工更细密&&& &&B.地区从南方沿伸到北方& &C.部门涉及冶铁、伐木等&&& &D.进入工场手工业阶段
13.1876年,世博会在费城举行,清政府第一次以官方身份组团参加世博会。但清政府的态度并不积极,称之为“炫奇会”“赛奇会”。这反映出&&(&&& )&&& ①天朝上国,盲目自大观念一定程度存在&&& ②对新生事物不愿接受&&& ③缺乏创新意识,对科技发明不重视&&& ④列强侵华,无暇顾及&&& A.①②③④&&& &B.①②③&&& &C.①②④&&& &D.②③④14.在近代中国,资产阶级改良派和革命派都为国家的政治民主化进程作出了重要贡献。以下关于两个派别关系形容正确的是&&&(&&& )& &A.针锋相对势不两立&&& &B.齐心协力& 相得益彰& &C.异曲同工殊途同归&&& &D.相互交融共生共长15.辛丑年初,慈禧太后颁布上谕:“尔中外臣公,须知国势至此,断非苟且所能挽回厄运。惟有变法自强,为国家安危之命脉,亦即中国民生之转机,予与皇帝为宗庙计,舍此更无他策”。文中“变法”指&&&(&&& )& &A.洋务运功&&& &B.戊戌变法&&& &C.清末“新政”& &D.预备立宪16.《中华民国临时约法》深受美国资产阶级民主政治的影响,具有进步意义。颁布这个文献的直接目的是限制袁世凯权力,能体现此目的的相关内容是&(&&& )& &A.确立主权在民原则&&& &B.确立三权分立盼原则& &C.规定国民享有的权利&&& &D.实行责任内阁制17.有人形容某次中日战争说“日本与中国战,并不是日本与全中国战,不过是与北京政府战”文中的“战”指的是&&& &&&(&&& )& &A.甲午中日战争&&& &B.台州之役& &C.多伦之战&&& &&D.抗日战争18.“大学者,囊括大典、网罗众家之学府也。……无论有何种学派,苟其言之成理,持之有故,尚不达自然淘汰之命运者,虽彼此相反,而悉听其自由发展。”此材料反映的办学思想&&&&(&&& )& &A.出自北大校长陈独秀的主张& &B.助长了高等学府自由散漫的风气& &C.培养造就了一批具有新思想的青年& &D.促使新文化运动兴起19.有人认为“社会主义理想甚高,学派甚复杂。惟是说之兴,中国似可缓于欧洲。因产业未兴,兼并未盛行也”。20世纪初又提出“物质文明不高,不足阻社会主义进行。”导致这种认识变化的主要原因是&&&(&&& )& &A.第一次世界大战的爆发& &B.社会主义由理想变成了现实& &C.新文化运动的兴起& &D.五四爱国运动的爆发& 20.平均主义是农民阶级的深切愿望,以下政策或口号违背社会发展规律并引起农民强烈不满的是&&&&(&&& )& &A.均田免粮&&& &&B.无处不均匀& 无人不饱暖& &C.平均地权&&& &&D.一平二调& 一大二公
21.口号印证历史,下列口号出现的历史时期对应正确的一项是&&(&&& )& &A.星星之火,可以燎原――第一次国内革命战争时期& &B.打到南京去,消灭蒋介石――国民大革命时期& &C.自己动手,丰衣足食―一抗日战争时期& &D.打倒列强,除军阀――解放战争时期22.日晚,日军插播了当天在湖北襄河某中国将士阵亡的消息,并称:“我皇军第三十九师团官兵在荒凉的战场上,对壮烈战死的绝代勇将,奉上了最虔诚的崇敬的默祷,并将遗骸庄重收殓入棺,拟用专机运送汉口。”该将士是&(&&& )& &A.项英&&& &B.张自忠& &C.蔡廷锴&&& &D.杨靖宇23.2010年是抗战胜利65周年。65年前的9月2日,日本签署投降书,宣告了中国抗成的最终胜利。硝烟已散,精神永存。抗战中迸发出的“精神”,主要是指&(&&& )& &①天下兴亡、匹夫有责的爱国精神&&& &②万众一心、共御外侮的大局意识& &③百折不挠、愈挫愈奋的必胜信念& &④不畏强暴、血战到底的英雄气概& &A.①②③④&&& &B.①②④&&& &C.①②③&&& &D.②③④24.日,中国第一家电视台―北京电视台开始试播。其试播节目中不可能有的是&&&&(&&& )& &A.有关“大跃进”运动的宣传& &B.介绍会议和报刊上关于人民内部矛盾问题讨论的情况& &C.全国唱响“打造我国先进工业国”口号& &D.全国粮棉严重减产情况
&26.(14分)结合材料及所学回答问题。材料一&&& 就石窟来说,敦煌莫高窟、天水麦积山石窟、永靖炳灵寺石窟、山西大同云冈石窟都修筑于魏晋南北朝时期。该时期盛行“舍宅为寺”的功德活动,许多王侯贵族宅地改建为佛寺。这一时期改建时一般不大改动原布局,而以原前厅为佛殿,后堂为讲堂,原有的廊庑环绕,有的还保留了原来的花园。材料二& 以我国古代最基本最简单的住宅为例,常是以院(南方谓之天井)为中心,四周围以房屋形成,外侧为高厚墙垣封闭。至于官署、皇宫,更是高墙深院,重重屏障。&&&&&&& 所谓“万物负阴而抱阳”,背阴向阳,面南为正。我国古代建筑一般都是背阴向阳,即坐北朝南,不仅王宫正座,一切坛庙、衙署,均采取面南方位。&&&&&&& 江南四大名园之一的苏州留园占地30余亩,集住宅、祠堂、家庵、园林于一身,综合江南造园艺术,吸取四周景色,达到一种“虽由人作,宛自天开”的和谐理想境界。&(1)指出材料一中建筑特点及当时佛教盛行的原因。(6分)&
28.(8分)结合材料及所学回答问题。材料一:日傍晚,金门岛上正在举行宴会。忽然,海峡对岸数百门大炮成弹齐发,一时间岛上一片火海……从此以后,两岸炮战不断。数月后,大陆宣布:单日打炮,双日不打炮。再后来,双方只将炮弹打在无人的滩头上,成为象征意义上的“炮战”。到1961年12月改为唱段打宣传弹,直至1979年元旦,国防部长徐向前发表声明,命令福建前线部队完全停止对金门的炮击行动,两岸炮战正式结束。&&& 材料二:从20世纪80年代至90年代,台湾同胞来大陆探紊、访友、观光或者来做生意和进行学术文化交流活动的已有近800万人次。大陆去台湾探亲和进行学术文化交流的人员也有7000多人次。20lO年9月7日,来自中国内地、台湾等地有影响力的各界华人精英,围绕“华人能为二十一世纪贡献什么?”这一主题,展开了深入的对话与交流。国民党荣誉主席连战先生专门发来录像祝贺。
第I卷& 选择题(48分)1―5BDBCA&&& 6―10ABABC&&& 11―15ADBCC&& 16―20DACBD 21―24CBAD第Ⅱ卷 材料问答题(52分)25.( 8 分)&正面影响:提高粮食产量和国家赋税收入,缓解部分地区人口压力,加速江南地区开发和经济重心南移。(5分)负面影响:生态环境遭到破坏,导致水旱灾害增加,农民受灾尤为严重。(3分)26.( 14分)(1)传统建筑工艺与外来佛教艺术相结合。(2分)&魏晋南北朝时期政治动荡,战争频繁,民众生活日益贫苦,佛教成为贫穷百姓找到解脱的精神之路;适合统治者加强思想控制的需要。(4 分)(2)以面南为尊,封闭性,天人合一。(3分)(3)自给自足的自然经济,专制主义中央集权制度,道家、儒家思想及外来文化。( 5 分)27.(22分)(1)低估西方技术到主动学习;天朝上国观念受到冲击,内忧外患使统治者认识到学习西方先进技术的重要。(4分)(2)得以实现部分:十九世纪六七十年代,清政府发起洋务运动,兴办军事工业,民用工业,筹划海防,培养人才,学习西方先进技术。(6分)&未实现部分:洋务运动没有使中国象日本一样强大,也没有使日本依附中国,明治维新后日本崛起,对中国发动的甲午战争中,中国战败。(4分)(3)鞍山钢铁公司,长春第一汽车制造厂,沈阳机床厂,飞机制造厂等。&进行经济体制改革,实行对外开放。(5 分)&从成套设备的引进――偏向注意引进技术――引进与自主创新相结合。(3 分)28.( 8 分)(1)趋势:两岸由武装冲突对抗至和平对话。&原因:大陆对台政策的重大改变――由主张武力解放逐渐转为以和平方式统一(4分)(2)大陆经济的快速发展,“一国两制”构想在香港、澳门的成功实施;两岸人民血脉相连;两岸的共同利益需要和努力。( 如 有 其它答案只要合理可酌情给分,4分)
情侣拍大尺度婚礼视频 堪比三级片
&#8226; 版权所有 Copyright 2011 All rights reserved.河北省唐山市2011届高三英语第一次模拟考试-考试酷(examcoo)河北省唐山市2011届高三英语第一次模拟考试本页面是考试酷网站的试卷存档,考试酷网站是一个免费的电子作业与在线考试系统平台,登录网站请回到& & &注意事项:本试卷分第I卷(选择題)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。第I卷1至10页.第II卷11至12页.共150分.考试时间120分钟.1. 答第I卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目、试卷类型用铅笔涂在答题卡上.2. 每小題选出答案后,用铅笔把答題卡上对应題目的答案标号涂黑.如需要改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案.不能答在试卷上.3. 考试结束后,考生将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第I卷(两部分,共95分)第一部分英语知识运用(共三节,满分50分)第一节语音知识(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。例:have& A. gave& & B. save& & C. hat& & D. made答案是C。<fortable<mon<puterC.doctorD.brother2.designA.equalB.telegramC.feverD.edge3.treat& & A.dealt& & B.area& & C.breath& & D.reason4.refuseA.insistB.plasticC.hereD.Asia5.collarA.particularB.chargeC.smartD.far第二节语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。6.Families discover that going to see relatives and friends at______ Spring Festival comes at______ high price.A.不填;theB. aC.不填;不填D. the7.We got______ in a traffic jam and missed the flightA.held upB.taken upC.thrown upD.pulled up8._I do almost everything for my son, but he still fails me.一I'm sorry to say that's ______you are mistaken.A.howB.whyC.whatD.where9.一I didn't see you at the party. What happened?“I______after my classmate. He was badly injured.A.have lookedB.was lookingC.would lookD.had looked10.At the table, John taught me the______of pouring wine without dropping any.A.keyB.knowledgeC.techniqueD.point11.--They're all away at a meeting.I can't And anybody here.A.No doubtB.No wonderC.No needD.No good12.He is the only person in the room who smokes______.A.seriouslyB.heavilyC.tightlyD.closely13.--Hey, Mary, you got a second?—Sure. ______?A.What's upB.What's wrongC.Why notD.So what14.Experts believe that most diseases that commonly affect men& & be avoided by preventive measures.A.mustB.mayC.shallD.can15.In recent months, online discussion about change on school education in China& & ______a nationwide debate.A.becomeB.becameC.has becomeD.had become16.1 have spent all my life living in my brother's shadow, ______hard for any possible way to show myself.A.to searchB.having searchedC.being searchedD.searching17.I was walking down a dark street one evening______I heard screams coming frombehind the bushes.A.whenB.beforeC.untilD.while18.His children are well-behaved, while______& & of his sister are rude.A.thatB.the oneC.thoseD.ones19.He couldn't say exactly what it was______& & bothered him.A.whichB.thatC.itD.this20.& & ______last month, the book is ready for printing.<pletedB.Being completedC.Having completedD.To complete第三节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。As I got out of my car near a store, I noticed a small sign stuck to the very bottom of the pole. It stood out because it appeared to be a ______21 .At first I thought it had fallen, but at closer look I saw it had been very securely (牢牢地) ______22__ with several inches of sticking tape (胶条),I was ______23 who would attract people's attention in this way to sell a ______24 , and then I saw more such signs, a little girl and a lady. ______25,I approached them and waited until the little girl ______26 another yard of tape around the last sign."Excuse me, but why are you placing the house for sale signs so close to the ______27 ?” I asked."She is not selling the house. Look ______28 !” the lady said with a smile. I bent down adjusting (调整)my ______29 until I could finally read the small print."We miss you! Come home!" I read out loud. "Then look at the ______30 !” the lady said. I was really ______31 my hands and knees and saw in the picture a child and a ______32 in front yard before standing up with a ______33 look."Her dog, Grace, is lost," the lady explained.'But most people would hang a lost ______34 where people could actually see it," I said."Well, you saw it." the young girl responded.The innocent (天真)answer made me hesitate (犹豫)to ______35 further explanation. Thankfully, the lady continued to explain, "I have told her that it may be______ 36 to find her dog because you can see the store has many signs posted. But she wanted her dog to find her. ______37_ the picture of the house, her and the dog... I didn't want to 38 until she felt she did everything she could.” she said.I got______ 39 . The signs were there for the dog to see. If you want to learn the meaning of______40 ,get down to a child's level. One week later Grace came home. Amazing!21.&A.chanceB.beliefC.mistakeD.cheat22.&A.fastenedB.closedC.lockedD.pressed23.&A.shoutingB.wonderingC.seekingD.testing24.&A.houseB.pictureC.storeD.tape25.&A.ContinuouslyB.CuriouslyC.CarefullyD.Stupidly26.&A.woundB.placedC.toreD.spread27.&A.storeB.poleC.groundD.car28.&A.harderB.closerC.lowerD.further29.&A.directionB.sightC.heightD.position30.&A.designB.pictureC.materialD.explanation31.&A.onB.withC.offD.by32.&A.houseB.motherC.dogD.shop33.&A.frightenedB.surprisedC.disappointedD.puzzled34.&A.posterB.signC.markD.notice35.&A.send forB.ask forC.call forD.look for36.&A.easyB.pleasantC.hardD.hopeful37.&A.ThusB.HoweverC.InsteadD.Otherwise38.&A.put upB.give upC.mix upD.clear up39.&A.thisB.thoseC.theseD.it40.&A.careB.respectC.lifeD.faith第二部分阅读理解(共25小题。第一节每小题2分,第二节每小题1分:满分45分)第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A&&& Recently, my friend John lost his wife Janet. For eight years she fought against cancer, but in the end her sickness had the last word.&&& One day John took out a folded piece of paper from his wallet. He had found it, when he tidied up some drawers at home. It was a small love letter Janet had written. The note could look like a school girl's scrawls (乱涂)about her dream guy. But the small letter was written by a woman who ha a woman who fought for her life and who probably only had a few months left to live.&&& It was a beautiful recipe (秘诀)for how to keep a marriage together.&&& Janet's description of her husband begins thus: "Loved me. Took care of me. Worried about me.&&& John showed great consideration for Janet. Sometimes he came home in the evening to find her in low spirits. In no time he got her into the car and drove her to her favorite restaurant.&&& "Helped me when I was ill," the next line reads. Perhaps Janet wrote this while the cancer was in the stage where everything is — almost 一 as it used to be, before the sickness broke out, and where it doesn't hurt to hope that everything is over, maybe forever."Stood by my side."&&& “Made sure I had everything I needed," she goes on to write.&&& After that she has turned over the paper and added: "Warmth. Humor. Kindness.Thoughtfulness." And then she writes about the husband she has lived with and loved the most of her life: "Always there for me when I needed you."&&& The last words she writes sum up all the others: "Good friend."&&& I stand beside John now, and cannot pretend to know how it feels to lose someone who is as close to me as Janet was to him.&&& "John," I ask. "How do you stick together with someone through 38 years 一 not to mention the sickness? How do I know if I can bear to stand by my wife's side if she becomes sick one day?"&&& “You can," he says quietly. "If you love her enough." 41.How did John get the love letter?A.Janet sent it to him when she was a girl.B.John cleared the drawers at home and found it.C.Janet hid the letter in his wallet before her death.D.the author handed it over to John after Janet's death.42.In Janet's mind, her husband was a& & ______man.A.humorousB.braveC.thoughtlessD.broken-hearted43.In the author's eyes, Janet's love letter is ______.A.a song of praiseB.the secret for marriageC.the will of JanetD.a concern for John44.When Janet felt down, John comforted her by______.A.standing by her sideB.telling her funny storiesC.taking her to eat outD.driving her around in the carB&&& Are you a media addict who would go mad after two hours without TV, friend requests, exciting online games and your mobile - or would you easily survive?&&& Recently, university students around the world were asked to volunteer in a global experiment called Unplugged. It was designed to see how young people would react if they were asked to observe a total media ban (禁令)by unplugging (切断’拨掉)all forms of media devices for 24 hours.&&& Unplugged is being run by Dr Roman Gerodimos, a lecturer in Communication and Journalism at Bournemouth University. Dr Gerodimos said there were already signs of how much the exercise affected volunteers. "They're reporting withdrawal symptoms (脱瘾症状), overeating, feeling nervous, lonely and disconnected."&&& During the 24-hour experiment, three of the experiment's guinea pigs had to bear one intrusion (侵扰)from the media: a BBC reporter and cameraman who followed them around for the day. They were asked to write down 100 lines about their day offline, but of course, they all waited until the next day when they had access to their laptops.&&& Elliot Day wrote: ‘Today, my whole morning routine (常规)was thrown UP into the air. Despite being aware of the social importance of the media, I was surprised by how empty my life felt without the radio or newspapers."&&& And Charlotte Gay wrote: “I have to say the most difficult item for me to be withou not only is it a social tool, it's my main access point of communication."Earlier in the year, a UK government study found that in the UK we spend about half our waking hours using the media, often plugged into several things at once.&&& So, with technology continuing to develop at an alarming rate, how much time will you set aside for sleep in the future?45.What's the purpose of the first paragraph?A.To ask for information.B.To entertain the readers.C.To lead to the topic.D.To present an idea.46.About Dr. Roman Gerodimos' experiment, we know that______.A.volunteers felt uncomfortable in itB.three pigs were included in itC.a BBC reporter discussed the experimentD.volunteers were allowed to take their laptops47.The underlined expression“ Was thrown up into the air” in the sixth paragraphmeans ______.A.went on normallyB.was completely disturbedC.turned out perfectD.was badly designed48.Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?A.Surviving without the MediaB.Unplugging Your LifeC.Valuing Social CommunicationD.Setting Aside Time for SleepC&&& PALM COAST""“ Agatha Lee described her reaction as “disbelief”,when School Board&Chairwoman Sue Dickinson called her name Last Thursday night at Flagler Auditorium.Lee, a second-grade teacher at Belle Terre Elementary School, was named Flagler County's Teacher of the Year today.&&& "I was in such a great group of excellent teachers and I was just shocked.” Lee said in an interview after the announcement.&&& Every Flagler school names a Teacher of the Year once a year and those nominees (候选人) are considered for the district's award. That winner, along with winners from the state's other districts, is then considered for the Florida Teacher of the Year award, which is announced in July.&&& To be qualified for the teaching award, teachers must encourage continuous learning, show skillfulness in their subject area, use creative teaching strategies (策略)’ show leadership and create a caring and respectful environment.&&& Jill Stirling, a kindergarten teacher, Flagler's 2010 Teacher of the Year, said she also met winners from throughout the state to share teaching strategies and best practices. “I often think of those little people that have made me the teacher I am and the person that I am," Stirling said.&&& Lee, the following new winner, who is now in her thirteenth year of teaching, came to Flagler County in 2004 after working in Pasco and St. Johns counties. She worked at the former Indian Trails K-8 school and came to Belle Terre Elementary when it opened in fall 2005.Lee, who comes from a family of teachers, said she has always enjoyed being withchildren.&&& “I love watching their faces when they have that ‘aha’ moment," she said.49.How did Agatha Lee feel when she was crowned Flagler County's Teacher of the Year?A.Excited.B.Astonished.C.Satisfied.D.Proud.50.What did you know about Agatha Lee from the passage?A.Her parents are probably also teachers.B.She woiiced in four counties altogether.C.She has taught in Flagler County since 2005.D.She once shared teaching strategies with Jill Stirling.51.To be a Flagler Teacher of the Year, one is required to______.A.perform life-long learningB.show ability of leadershipC.be careful and respectfulD.share teaching strategies52.Which of the following is correct in order of time according to the passage?①& & Lee came to Flagler County.②& & Lee taught in Indian Trails K-8 school.③& & Lee was named Flagler County's 2010 Teacher of the Year.④& & Lee worked in Pasco and St. Johns counties.⑤& & Lee was named as Teacher of the Year by Belle Terre Elementary School.A.①④②③⑤& & B.④②①⑤③& & & C.①④②⑤③& & D.①②⑤③④Do& & Yonge-Dundas Square&&& 40 Dundas Street West, Toronto, ON, M5G2C2&&& Opened in 2002, the Yonge-Dundas Square provides impressive stonework surfaces, araised stage, and 22 amazing computer-programmed fountains. The square holds events,displays or concerts of various sizes, including very large events by closing part of Yonge Street.&&& When not used for special events, the square becomes an open space for the public to enjoy.o& & CN Tower&&& 301 Front Street West, Toronto, ON, M5V 2T6&&& Visitors can test their courage by walking across the glass floor 113 stories above the ground with only 2 Vi inches of glass holding you 342m in the air.&&& The tower's rotating (旋转的)360 Restaurant offers an award winning wine list andfantastic view for any romantic evening. If you're not wild about heights, at the base of the tower, there is plenty to shop for in the 10,000 sq. foot Marketplace.&&& Tips: Have A Sky High Birthday! The CN Tower now offers birthday parties! To book your birthday party please call 416-601-4704 or email us at birthday @cntower.cao Ontario Science Centre&&& 770 Don Mills Rd.,Toronto, ON, M3C1T3&&& If you talk to anyone who has visited the centre, they'll talk wildly about the hair-raising electrical ball and the simulated (模拟的)Rain Forest.&&& With hundreds of exhibits in a variety of exhibition halls plus visiting exhibitions,&Communication, Sport, Human Body and The Living Earth are a few of the in-depth exhibits worth exploring, along with a film at OMNIMAX theatre, and KidSpark, a learn-through-play area that is specifically designed for kids eight and under.oRoyal Ontario Museum (ROM)&&& 100 Front Street, Toronto, ON, M5S2C6&&& Generations of children and adults have visited the museum since it opened in 1914. th six million objects in its collections and 40 galleries (陈列室)of art, archeology and natural science, the ROM offers a whole world to explore. Four giant carved totem poles (图腾柱)rise in the cent the largest is 24.5 metres tall. The Hands-on Biodiversity gallery offers families a fun interactive experience about the interdependence of people, animals and plants.53.If your classmates would like to explore the secrets of natural science, they should go to& & _______.A.Yonge-Dundas Square< TowerC.Ontario Science CentreD.Royal Ontario Museum54.At CN Tower you can do the following EXCEPT______.A.test your courageB.enjoy a conceitC.do shoppingD.celebrate your birthday55.______ sites on Front Street are introduced in the passage.A.TwoB.ThreeC.FourD.Five56.This passage may appear in a______.A.business newspaperB.guide bookC.geography magazineD.science reportE&&& My students often tell me that they do not have "enough time" to do all their homework. My response often is “You have as much time as the president." I usually carry on a bit about there being twenty-four hours in the day for everyone, and suggest that "not enough time" is not an acceptable explanation of not getting something done.&&& Once in graduate school, I tried to prove to my professor that I was working hard. His answer was "That's irrelevant (不相干).What's important is the quality of your work.” That led me to a new idea: the quality of the work, which is perhaps best explained in a sign: "Don't work harder. Work smarter."&&& If you can't get more time, as few of us can, the only solution is to improve the quality of your work. That means improving ways to get more out of the same time. That should lead us to an analysis of our work habits, which for students should be read as "study habits".&&& Then as a smart student, you will seek to improve those skills that you use in study, chiefly reading and writing. If you can, it will pay off in all your subjects.&&& As to improving reading, one suggestion is to take a quick nap when you feel reading puts you to sleep, which later helps you read better. The second solution is to speed up.&&& But there are other issues. First, you need to find a place where you can work without unnecessary disturbances. Second, you need to take control. Success depends on realizing that you have to take active control over what you are doing. Third, you might as well get hold of a good book on reading and master the reading skills that pay off in all your classes.&&& Talking about advice on good writing habits, you simply have to master the writing skills.Increasing your efficiency in both reading and writing will pay off immediately in terms of the quality of your work and in terms of the time spent doing it. Then you will be able to do better work in less time. And maybe you will find time to play golf with the president.57.What's the main idea of the passage?A.In fact, everyone has as much time as the president.B.The key to having enough time is to improve work quality.C.Reading and writing matter a lot in finishing homework.D.Not having enough time is unacceptable for unfinished work.58.According to the author, the students do not have enough time to get their work done mainly because& & ______.A.they lack good learning habitsB.they only have 24 hours a dayC.they feel sleepy while readingD.they are not good at writing59.The author believes a most important way for a student to improve work quality is to______.A.develop reading and writing skillsB.find a quiet place to read and writeC.take control over his or her workD.read and write in all classes60.According to the passage, "Don't work harder" means that ______& & .A.one should not be more devoted to one's workB.one should not spend more time in workingC.working harder is not allowed in our daily lifeD.working harder is not the key point in work第二节根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(如果所提供的答题卡没有E、F、G选项,则选E涂A、B,选F涂A、C,选G涂A、D)一 Honey, the basketball game is about to start. Could you bring some chips and an icecream?— 61______—No, that's all for now. Honey, you know, I am thinking about joining a company baskelhaliteam. 62______—Well, but …一 What do you mean? 63______一 Yeah, twenty-five years ago. Look, I just don't want you having a heart attack running upand down the court.一 So, what are you suggesting? 64______一 Well... you ought to have a medical examination before you begin. 65______—Well, okay, but..._ And you need to cut back on the fatty foods, like ice cream. I want you to be around for along, long time.A.Shall we begin?B.What do you think?C.Should I just give up the idea?D.Anything else?E.I was the star player in high school.F.You will be on the team soon.G.I mean, it has been five years since you played at all.61.&A.& B.& C.& D.& E.& F.& G.& 62.&A.& B.& C.& D.& E.& F.& G.& 63.&A.& B.& C.& D.& E.& F.& G.& 64.&A.& B.& C.& D.& E.& F.& G.& 65.&A.& B.& C.& D.& E.& F.& G.& 第三部分写作(共三节,满分55分)第一节单词拼写(共10小题;毎小题1分,满分10分)根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空只写一词)(请将答案写在答通卡上的指定位置〉66.Every evening at&&sunset&&(日落)the flag was lowered.67.Your&&personal|||private&&(个人)information has to be removed from the Internet.68.Broadcasting her political views, Sarah Palin appears&&regularly&&(定期)on Fox News.69.A fire&&swept&&(席卷)through the area, killing 11 and injuring 26 people.70.Many citizens are on the&&opposite&&(对立)side about the report.71.&Weighing&&(重达)200 kilograms, the stone is difficult for him to lift.72.After a wrong turn, he slowed down and&&sighed&&(叹气).73.He will promote his&&ssistants&&(助手)to their proper places.74.Wc shall go&&separate&&(各自)ways on the same goal of reelection.75.Be careful or you will fall off the&&ladder&&(梯子)第二节短文改接(共10小题:毎小题1.5分,满分15分)76.此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行做出判断:如无错误,该行右边横线上画一个勾0/):如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。此行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。注意:原行没有错的不要改。(请在答题卡的指定位置作答)短文改错:Dear Sir/Madam,&&& I’m writing to tell you about my recent holiday, that was& &&&&& 76. _____a disaster. The young man at the travel agency tells us that& & &&&&& 77. ___the price including four nights in a five-star hotel with a view.&&&& 78. _____But it was clear not a five-star hotel. There were only two small& & &79. _____beds in our family room, but our son had to sleep on the floor.& & & &80. _____&&& There weren’t clean towels in the bathroom and there were&&&&&&& 81.& ___hundred of insects all over the place. Yes, there was a view&&&&&& & &82.& ___from& bedroom window, but it was a view of a motorway and& &&&&&&&&& &83.& & ____the airport. There was noise all night and they couldn’t sleep.& && &84.& ___&&& No drinks were included in the breakfast, and we paid for extra!& 85.& ____We demand a refund (退 款).&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Yours faithfully,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Mr. & Mrs. Masterson第三节书面表达(满分30分)77.目前,越来越多的青少年参加各类电视节目的才艺表演。对此,中学生的看法各不相同。请根据下列提示写一篇短文,并阐述自己的观点。赞同不赞同1. 丰富社会经验2. 增强自信3. 全面发展1. 模仿多,创新少2. 沉迷“明星梦”3. 不利于学习注意:1.词数100左右。(开头已给出,不计入总词数)2.适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.参考词汇:模仿imitate============ 本试卷共计77题,此处为结束标志。考试酷examcoo ============本页面是考试酷网站的试卷存档,考试酷网站是一个免费的电子作业与在线考试系统平台,登录网站请回到& & &存档时间: 01:20:12试卷编号:127395录入者:魏聪(重外大)


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