
英语句子成分问题Whatever be the reasons for it,we cannot tolerate this disloyalty.我想知道Whatever be the reasons for it中的be 是什么成分 为什么这么用还有一般什么时候这么用_百度作业帮
英语句子成分问题Whatever be the reasons for it,we cannot tolerate this disloyalty.我想知道Whatever be the reasons for it中的be 是什么成分 为什么这么用还有一般什么时候这么用
Whatever be the reasons for it,we cannot tolerate this disloyalty.我想知道Whatever be the reasons for it中的be 是什么成分 为什么这么用还有一般什么时候这么用
动词原形用于if,though,however,whatever,whether,whoever,so long as 等引起的分句中表示推测、让步、忧虑等.(这种用法不太多)However hard it rain,I shall go there.If the rumor be true,everything is possible.Whatever be the reasons for it,we cannot tolerate this disloyalty.无论是何原因,我们都不能容忍这种背信弃义的行为.Whatever be the difficulties,we must go on with the work.无论出现什么困难,我们都必须继续工作.Whatever be the reasons for it=whatever the reasons be for it,因为强调,所以倒装.意思应该是这样的:No matter what the reasons are(be)
Be 是连接动词。英文为linking verb.其用法和 is are等 用词 一样 为连接动词 功能是连接主语 和谓语 ,让这个英文句子成为规范句子.
你好。这是“让步状语从句”。 Whatever be the reasons for it 的原始句应该是Whatever the reasons may be for it. --------这两种都属於非常严肃或者比较old 的英语, 在现代英语中,人们往往说:Whatever the reasons are for it .---------这样简单,容易理解。 What...
whatever 是主语, be 谓语
您可能关注的推广回答者:英语句子结构问题Passing the local firehouse one day, I saw a sign: &Volunteers wanted: Fire/EMT.& The EMT part pointed to everything cowardly in me--my fear of death and disease.The EMT part pointed to everything cowardly in me.
英语句子结构问题Passing the local firehouse one day, I saw a sign: "Volunteers wanted: Fire/EMT." The EMT part pointed to everything cowardly in me--my fear of death and disease.The EMT part pointed to everything cowardly in me.
Passing the local firehouse one day, I saw a sign: "Volunteers wanted: Fire/EMT." The EMT part pointed to everything cowardly in me--my fear of death and disease.The EMT part pointed to everything cowardly in me.
The EMT part pointed 是不是指 招自愿者的部分条件(条款)?
EMT是紧急救护技术员The EMT part pointed to everything cowardly in me.翻译:紧急救护人员这职位正好包含所有我最害怕的东西.(死亡和疾病)这是一个主谓宾得简单句主语:The EMT part谓语:pointed to宾语:everything cowardly in meThe EMT part(紧急救护技术员这个职位) pointed 动词~不是条款 这里是正好满足 正好直指要害那样的意思~
您可能关注的推广回答者:请教英语句子结构请问在这个英语句子中Experts estimate that ten times as much petroleum exists in such sources as tar sands,heavy oil,and perhaps even shale as in conventional reservoirs.主Experts ,谓estimate,that引导宾语从句,问题就在that宾从的内_百度作业帮
请教英语句子结构请问在这个英语句子中Experts estimate that ten times as much petroleum exists in such sources as tar sands,heavy oil,and perhaps even shale as in conventional reservoirs.主Experts ,谓estimate,that引导宾语从句,问题就在that宾从的内
请问在这个英语句子中Experts estimate that ten times as much petroleum exists in such sources as tar sands,heavy oil,and perhaps even shale as in conventional reservoirs.主Experts ,谓estimate,that引导宾语从句,问题就在that宾从的内部结构是怎样的呢?宾从的主谓各是什么呢?
翻译:专家们估计:在诸如油砂,重油甚至可能是页岩此类的资源中,存在着十倍于常规储库所储有的石油.1.that所引导的宾语从句中的结构分析如下:1)主干:主语petroleum,谓语exists,地点状语in such sources2)ten times as much为定语,修饰主语petroleum;3)as tar sands,heavy oil,and perhaps even shale为介宾短语做后置定语,修饰宾语sources.such...as...意思是“像...这样的...”;4)as in conventional reservoirs为比较状语从句,其中含有省略为:as in conventional reservoirs= as (petroleum exists) in conventional reservoirs此句的as为连词,引导该比较状语从句,且和前面的ten times as...构成as...as的倍数比较句型:倍数词ten time + as + 形容词原级much + 名词petroleum...+ as.该比较状语从句中,主语petroleum,谓语exists,都被加以省略(为避免和前面重复),in conventional reserviors为地点状语.
这是一个as as 的结构,第二个as 后省略了主语petroleum 和谓语动词exists。关于as as 前使用倍数的结构,我可以推荐这个句子。'Four times' as many Herefordshire strawberries as 2010,这是来自bbc的新闻标题,意思是2011年赫里福郡的草莓产量是2010年的四倍。如有谬误,望不吝指正。...
ten times 主语
as much petroleum exists in such sources as tar sands, heavy oil, and perhaps even shale as in conventional reservoirs.
as……as…… 和……一样在that从句中,有两个并列的分句,由as……as……连接,一个是much petroleum exists in such sources as tar sands,其中much petroleum是主语,exists谓语,地点状语。而另一个分句中, tar sands, heavy oil, and perhaps even shale as exists...
您可能关注的推广回答者:英语句子结构问题:There has been a relationship...There has been a relationship between human beings and such animals have become a common and essential part of people's daily life.,...between human beings and such animals这一句完了不是就结束了么,怎么后边_百度作业帮
英语句子结构问题:There has been a relationship...There has been a relationship between human beings and such animals have become a common and essential part of people's daily life.,...between human beings and such animals这一句完了不是就结束了么,怎么后边
There has been a relationship between human beings and such animals have become a common and essential part of people's daily life.,...between human beings and such animals这一句完了不是就结束了么,怎么后边还有 have become a common and essential part of people's daily life.还是说这是两个句子,如果是两个句子的话,between human beings,这样就说不通了.请问下怎么断句?
如果原文无误的话,那就应该是两句话,and前后各一句.a relationship between human beings 可能指的是“人与人之间的关系”,但是such animals指代的是什么有点费解,如果指前面提到的human beings(人是高级动物嘛) 意思有点说不通,前后意思也不连贯.如果指的是其它的什么动物,那就取决于上下文了.
There has been a relationship between human beings and such animals为主语,后面省略了which
There has been a relationship between human beings and such animals(which) have become a common and essential part of people's daily life.
There has been a relationship between human beings and such animals为主语,后面省略了which
There has been a relationship between human beings为一句such animals have become a common
and essential part of people's daily life为一句判断根据是and前后都是一个完整的句子between
human beings是说得通的, human beings泛指人类您现在的位置:
更新日期: 23:03:03 &&&&
要点领悟&&&&&&& 马克思生在德国,他非常擅长学习语言。他不仅能自如地运用英语,而且只用了六个月时间就掌握了足够的俄文,能阅读俄文版的报刊和杂志。不过,他在介绍英语学习的经验时,也曾诉苦说:“I am not too sure about two things, the grammar and some of the idioms.”。英语学习中,句型结构和固定搭配的确是初学者的“拦路虎”。信息提示&&&&&&& 众所周知吸烟有害健康。请以“Smoking is harmful to health”为题写一篇至少100词的英语短文,来介绍一下吸烟的危害,以唤起人们戒烟。习作实况&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Smoking is harmful to health&&&&&&& As (1) is known to all that smoking is bad for health. In China there have (2) millions of smokers. Each year millions of people die from smoking.&&&&&&& Smoking makes many people ill. Those who often smoke have black teeth. Lots of smokers cough day and night. Lung cancer is one of the most serious illnesses that are caused by smoking. Many people suffer from this terrible disease and lose their lives.&&&&&&& Smoking does harm not only to smokers themselves, but also to non-smokers, especially women and children. They may have their health harm (3) because of the smoke caused by cigarettes.Everyone agrees that smoking is not good for health, but it is not easy for smokers to giving up smoking (4). I hope all the smokers will stop smoking for the good of their own health and also for the people around them. Let’s enjoying (5) clean and fresh air together.精讲点拨(1)将As改为It。“It is known to all that+从句”是一个固定结构。意思是“众所周知……”。(2)句型there is/are表示“某地有某物”,该句型强调“存在”,而have/has常用来表达“某人有某物”,强调“所有”,其主语通常是人。因此,将have改为are。(3)将harm改为harmed。“have sth. done”是一个固定结构,意思是“使 / 让某物遭受……”。本句的意思是“吸烟产生的毒气很可能使他们(妇女、儿童)的健康遭受到侵害”,因为health被smoke损害,因此,要用过去分词harmed,以表示被动的含义。(4)英语中表达“某人做某事很不容易”常用句型“It is not easy for sb. to do sth.”。 应将giving up smoking改为give up smoking。(5)let’s后要跟动词原形构成“Let’s do sth.”结构。应将enjoying改为enjoy。精彩例文&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Smoking is harmful to health&&&&&&&& It is known to all that smoking is bad for health. In China there are millions of smokers. Each year millions of people die from smoking.&&&&&&& Smoking makes many people ill. Those who often smoke have black teeth. Lots of smokers cough day and night. Lung cancer is one of the most serious illnesses that are caused by smoking. Many people suffer from this terrible disease and lose their lives.&&&&&&& Smoking does harm not only to smokers themselves, but also to non-smokers, especially women and children. They may have their health harmed because of the smoke caused by cigarettes.&&&&&&& Everyone agrees that smoking is not good for health, but it is not easy for smokers to give up smoking. I hope all the smokers will stop smoking for the good of their own health and also for the people around them. Let’s enjoy clean and fresh air together.
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