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To learn how to use Meshmixer visit
System Requirements
Microsoft Windows 7 or later or OS X / macOS 10.7 or later
4GB system RAM
Integrated or discrete graphics card with latest drivers
Release History
Meshmixer 3.2 (April 18, 2017)
NOTE: requires graphics card drivers update
fixed startup crashes for certain machines
fixed the Cancel button for long-running tools
fixed intermittent mesh disappearing after running Make Solid or Remesh
Meshmixer 3.1 (March 29, 2017)
decoupled from 123D
completed Japanese version of Meshmixer
reduced install size
updated hotkey help files
automatic support for high-DPI displays on Windows
improvbent to Help menu
rboved third-party print services that weren't really working anyways
hotbox improvbent: using Shift+Space will keep the hot box open until you hit escape
new command line parameter: "--yup", which forces y axis to be the vertical axis, overriding the config setting
preserve settings for Uniform Scaling, Add Tube
save support structure generation settings in Overhangs tool as custom Presets
updated existing analytics functionality
API scripting improvbents related to C#
new simplified Print UI/workflow
ported to Qt5
sample printer definition included in meshmixer folder, in \meshmixer\printers. Copy and edit custom_printers.xml to add your own printers, they appear under Custom in printers panel. You can have multiple printers in the same file. Note that the custom_printers.xml file itself may be replaced by future installers, so put your printer in a copy!
added read/write support for 3MF file format, with colors and uv-mapped textures
revamped the Advanced Support properties panel
improved Thickness analysis, various new parameters and can bake thickness colormap to vertex colors
Orientation tool now can use print bed as volume constraint (and revamped property panel)
added support for meters and feet in Units
Clearance and Deviation now display min/max measured values in panels
can now assign materials to objects individually. Drag-drop onto background to set scene-level material. Drag-drop onto object to set for object. Hold shift while drag-dropping material to set for all objects in scene.
added Height Field mode to Fit Primitive
added resolution control to Fit Primitive
added Most-Recently-Used files list
updated Booleans property panel
added option to discard undo history under Edit/Actions menu
'd' hotkey now drops copies in DropSolid tool (only in Create new Object mode)
added RobustSmooth to Surface Brush
bug fixes:
fixed memory leaks
fixed opening .MIX files by double clicking in the file browser
fixed having an odd angle when adding a tube at a pivot point.
fixed recently used colors and palette in the color picker for Windows.
fixed picking in Orientation tool.
fixed "Send to Makerbot Desktop"
fixed UI button behavior
fixed bug in taking screenshots when making part for Meshmix
fixed screen goes black after exporting an OBJ
fixed intermittent crash on startup due to a multi-threaded race condition
fixed file corruption when flipping normal
fixed screen freezing up when using Analysis-Orientation and Analysis-Layout/Packing
fixed language selection in the Installer appears to have no effect
fixed bug reporting functionality
fixed potential crash in printer settings panel
fixed a bug in the Mac installer
fixed "reverse" arrow in Align tool
fixed wrong icons displayed in menus
fixed bug in brush texture menu after importing a new texture
fixed checkmarks in menu for drawing of boundaries and wireframe
fixed a bug where overhang menu always forgot Strut Density and Contact Tolerance, as well as not resetting when default settings were applied
fixed the secondary brush mode, where the secondary brush icon is displayed while painting (i.e. Shift key is pressed)
prevented Meshmixer from connecting to online print services until requested by the user
changed Preferences shortcut key to Alt-T in Windows, to match the documentation
fixed display of EULA and the About Meshmixer text
updated a certified publisher info in the Windows installer
can now undo first sculpting stroke without exiting Sculpt tool (finally!)
improved behavior of Restrict to Groups in sculpting
can now multi-select files in Import dialog.
fixed UV issue in Weld Boundaries
restored Replace property panel
bugfix for cylinder frame in Fit Primitive
changed version number in About box to show 3 instead of 11
Meshmixer 3.0 (January 28, 2016)
- new Complex objects that contain internal partitions (beta!). Complexes make it easy to design for multi-material 3D printing!!
- Generate Complex tool to create a Complex from face groups
- Split Complex decomposes a Complex into separate solid shells
- new Export mode that automatically decomposes Complex on write
- new Align to Target tool to automatically align meshes in 3D
- new Unwrap tool flattens surface patches
- new SVG Export can export meshes as SVG (edges, colors, etc). Try it with Unwrap!
- new Mesh Query tool for visualizing mesh properties
- new measurement-based scene scaling workflow in Units/Dimensions tool
- new Select Intersecting action in Select tool (double-click on other scene objects)
- new Preserve Group Borders and Project To Target options in Smooth Boundary
- Remesh can now automatically preserve sharp edges
- Make Pattern can now clip to active Target object
- Make Solid updates and new mode to automatically preserve sharp edges (slow!)
- huge Booleans stability improvements
- minor improvements to Transform, Smooth, Replace and Reduce
- export support for SMESH format
- Pivot-drag positioning shortcut can now terminate on any surface in scene
- new unlit-texture shader
- support for
- crazy bugfixes
- tons of UI improvements to indicate disabled/unavailable menus and settings
meshmixer 2.9
- updated most Tools to properly handle Texture Maps
- new Pivot objects for simplifying precise positioning
- new Create Pivot tool to place Pivots in many different ways
- existing Tools now snap to Pivots when possible
- updated Transform Tool with precise input of translate/rotate/sizing
- Transform Tool can use a Pivot as arbitrary center-of-rotation
- rewritten Align Tool with many new alignment modes
- fast Pivot-to-Pivot snapping to rapidly position objects
- rewritten Remesh Tool with new remeshing modes
- new Adaptivity setting in brush tools (in Refinement panel)
- improved support for multi-user installations
- improved stability, particularly startup crashes, network-related crashes, and GPU issues
- support for Anti-Aliased Rendering in Preferences (disabled by default)
- support for Importing .mix files
in the forum
June 23, 2015 update 2.9.1
- Incorporation of 3D Hubs as a 3d printing service option
- Ability to add an alternate proxy server
August 19, 2015 update 2.9.2
- new Tinkerplay part libraries
- Make Solid can now bake uv/vertex colors to vertex colors of new mesh
- new region-growing capability in Selection tool
- Pivot improvements (.mix import, duplicating linked pivots, new Create modes)
- many bugfixes! (texture support, vertex color painting, remeshing, ...)
in the forum
October 21, 2015 update 2.9.3
- Japanese language is now available from Preferences dialog
- new Send To 123D Design option under File menu
November 10, 2015 update 2.9.4
- Resolve various crash issues
meshmixer 2.8
- 123D account support (brose/import from 123D Gallery, 123D Catch, Sculpt+, save/load from your 123D account)
- Ember support structures
meshmixer 2.7
- New Layout/Packing Tool for 3D print bed layout
- New Deviation Tool analyzing differences between meshes
- New Clearance Tool for verifying tolerances
- Additional modes in Reduce Tool (triangle count, max deviation)
- Improvements to Support Structure Generation (better DLP/SLA preset, horizontal bars, …)
- Boolean options when dropping Solid Parts
- Snapping options in Measure Tool
- Print Bed now visible in Modeling View
- Improved support for lower-end graphics hardware
- Full Release Notes in the forum
meshmixer 2.6
- simplified 3D Print UI
- support for Dremel 3D Printer (support preset, send prints to Dremel Idea Builder software)
- (experimental!!) DLP/SLA support preset
- new Orientation tool for optimizing print orientation to miminize support volume/area, and/or maximize print strength
- new Add Tube tool for creating tubes through/between shapes
- new Preserve Boundaries option in Smooth Boundary
- new Allow Top Connections option in Support Generator
- brought back Strut Density option in Support Generator
- fix longstanding Axis scaling bugs in transforms
- Face Transform
Soft Transform tools now infer local frame from selection, and can optionally have separate frame for each ROI
- (optional) parameter-saving for Reduce and Remesh tools
(add SaveToolSettings=true in meshmixer.ini)
meshmixer 2.5
- new Preferences dialog to centralize settings
- improved 3D Print Services integration
- new Hollow tool, with escape holes (auto-generated and interactive - try double-clicking)
- new Bridge tool
- new Thickness Visualization tool
- Improved Support Structures for 3D printing, with new Presets and Support Graph Optimization
- Make Pattern now has Linear and Spherical Gradients, better behavior for sizing parameters
- new Select Visible command (under Selection / Modify)
- Project Face Groups and Minimum Thickness options in Make Solid tool (min thickness requires Accurate mode)
- VRML (.wrl) export (with vertex colors)
- improved Drop Solid behavior, Create New Part option
- smooth boundaries improvements
- better behavior of Remesh when smoothness=0
- Units tool only shows dimensions for visible objects
- various tools now remember settings
meshmixer 2.4
- integrated 3d printing services: Sculpteo, i.materialise, and Shapeways
- direct printing to Type A Machines 2014 series 1 (networked printer)
- new Patterns (random, borders)
- Offset parameter in Drop Solid
- Selective undo/redo (skip slow tool computations with ALT+SHIFT+left/right arrows)
- many bugfixes, cleanups, and optimizations
- many new hotkeys (see forum)// 全图默认背景
// backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
// 默认色板
color: ['#ff7f50','#87cefa','#da70d6','#32cd32','#6495ed',
// 图表标题
x: 'left',
// 水平安放位置,默认为左对齐,可选为:
// 'center' ? 'left' ? 'right'
// ? {number}(x坐标,单位px)
// 垂直安放位置,默认为全图顶端,可选为:
// 'top' ? 'bottom' ? 'center'
// ? {number}(y坐标,单位px)
//textAlign: null
// 水平对齐方式,默认根据x设置自动调整
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
borderColor: '#ccc',
// 标题边框颜色
borderWidth: 0,
// 标题边框线宽,单位px,默认为0(无边框)
padding: 5,
// 标题内边距,单位px,默认各方向内边距为5,
// 接受数组分别设定上右下左边距,同css
itemGap: 10,
// 主副标题纵向间隔,单位px,默认为10,
textStyle: {
fontSize: 18,
fontWeight: 'bolder',
color: '#333'
// 主标题文字颜色
subtextStyle: {
color: '#aaa'
// 副标题文字颜色
orient: 'horizontal',
// 布局方式,默认为水平布局,可选为:
// 'horizontal' ? 'vertical'
x: 'center',
// 水平安放位置,默认为全图居中,可选为:
// 'center' ? 'left' ? 'right'
// ? {number}(x坐标,单位px)
// 垂直安放位置,默认为全图顶端,可选为:
// 'top' ? 'bottom' ? 'center'
// ? {number}(y坐标,单位px)
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
borderColor: '#ccc',
// 图例边框颜色
borderWidth: 0,
// 图例边框线宽,单位px,默认为0(无边框)
padding: 5,
// 图例内边距,单位px,默认各方向内边距为5,
// 接受数组分别设定上右下左边距,同css
itemGap: 10,
// 各个item之间的间隔,单位px,默认为10,
// 横向布局时为水平间隔,纵向布局时为纵向间隔
itemWidth: 20,
// 图例图形宽度
itemHeight: 14,
// 图例图形高度
textStyle: {
color: '#333'
// 图例文字颜色
dataRange: {
orient: 'vertical',
// 布局方式,默认为垂直布局,可选为:
// 'horizontal' ? 'vertical'
x: 'left',
// 水平安放位置,默认为全图左对齐,可选为:
// 'center' ? 'left' ? 'right'
// ? {number}(x坐标,单位px)
y: 'bottom',
// 垂直安放位置,默认为全图底部,可选为:
// 'top' ? 'bottom' ? 'center'
// ? {number}(y坐标,单位px)
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
borderColor: '#ccc',
// 值域边框颜色
borderWidth: 0,
// 值域边框线宽,单位px,默认为0(无边框)
padding: 5,
// 值域内边距,单位px,默认各方向内边距为5,
// 接受数组分别设定上右下左边距,同css
itemGap: 10,
// 各个item之间的间隔,单位px,默认为10,
// 横向布局时为水平间隔,纵向布局时为纵向间隔
itemWidth: 20,
// 值域图形宽度,线性渐变水平布局宽度为该值 * 10
itemHeight: 14,
// 值域图形高度,线性渐变垂直布局高度为该值 * 10
splitNumber: 5,
// 分割段数,默认为5,为0时为线性渐变
// 文本,默认为数值文本
textStyle: {
color: '#333'
// 值域文字颜色
toolbox: {
orient: 'horizontal',
// 布局方式,默认为水平布局,可选为:
// 'horizontal' ? 'vertical'
x: 'right',
// 水平安放位置,默认为全图右对齐,可选为:
// 'center' ? 'left' ? 'right'
// ? {number}(x坐标,单位px)
// 垂直安放位置,默认为全图顶端,可选为:
// 'top' ? 'bottom' ? 'center'
// ? {number}(y坐标,单位px)
color : ['#1e90ff','#22bb22','#4b0082','#d2691e'],
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', // 工具箱背景颜色
borderColor: '#ccc',
// 工具箱边框颜色
borderWidth: 0,
// 工具箱边框线宽,单位px,默认为0(无边框)
padding: 5,
// 工具箱内边距,单位px,默认各方向内边距为5,
// 接受数组分别设定上右下左边距,同css
itemGap: 10,
// 各个item之间的间隔,单位px,默认为10,
// 横向布局时为水平间隔,纵向布局时为纵向间隔
itemSize: 16,
// 工具箱图形宽度
featureImageIcon : {},
// 自定义图片icon
featureTitle : {
mark : '辅助线开关',
markUndo : '删除辅助线',
markClear : '清空辅助线',
dataZoom : '区域缩放',
dataZoomReset : '区域缩放后退',
dataView : '数据视图',
lineChart : '折线图切换',
barChart : '柱形图切换',
restore : '还原',
saveAsImage : '保存为图片'
tooltip: {
trigger: 'item',
// 触发类型,默认数据触发,见下图,可选为:'item' ? 'axis'
showDelay: 20,
// 显示延迟,添加显示延迟可以避免频繁切换,单位ms
hideDelay: 100,
// 隐藏延迟,单位ms
transitionDuration : 0.4,
// 动画变换时间,单位s
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.7)',
// 提示背景颜色,默认为透明度为0.7的黑色
borderColor: '#333',
// 提示边框颜色
borderRadius: 4,
// 提示边框圆角,单位px,默认为4
borderWidth: 0,
// 提示边框线宽,单位px,默认为0(无边框)
padding: 5,
// 提示内边距,单位px,默认各方向内边距为5,
// 接受数组分别设定上右下左边距,同css
axisPointer : {
// 坐标轴指示器,坐标轴触发有效
type : 'line',
// 默认为直线,可选为:'line' | 'shadow'
lineStyle : {
// 直线指示器样式设置
color: '#48b',
type: 'solid'
shadowStyle : {
// 阴影指示器样式设置
width: 'auto',
// 阴影大小
color: 'rgba(150,150,150,0.3)'
// 阴影颜色
textStyle: {
color: '#fff'
// 区域缩放控制器
dataZoom: {
orient: 'horizontal',
// 布局方式,默认为水平布局,可选为:
// 'horizontal' ? 'vertical'
// x: {number},
// 水平安放位置,默认为根据grid参数适配,可选为:
// {number}(x坐标,单位px)
// y: {number},
// 垂直安放位置,默认为根据grid参数适配,可选为:
// {number}(y坐标,单位px)
// width: {number},
// 指定宽度,横向布局时默认为根据grid参数适配
// height: {number},
// 指定高度,纵向布局时默认为根据grid参数适配
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
// 背景颜色
dataBackgroundColor: '#eee',
// 数据背景颜色
fillerColor: 'rgba(144,197,237,0.2)',
// 填充颜色
handleColor: 'rgba(70,130,180,0.8)'
// 手柄颜色
// width: {totalWidth} - x - x2,
// height: {totalHeight} - y - y2,
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
borderWidth: 1,
borderColor: '#ccc'
categoryAxis: {
position: 'bottom',
nameLocation: 'end',
// 坐标轴名字位置,支持'start' | 'end'
boundaryGap: true,
// 类目起始和结束两端空白策略
axisLine: {
// 坐标轴线
show: true,
// 默认显示,属性show控制显示与否
lineStyle: {
// 属性lineStyle控制线条样式
color: '#48b',
type: 'solid'
axisTick: {
// 坐标轴小标记
show: true,
// 属性show控制显示与否,默认不显示
interval: 'auto',
// onGap: null,
inside : false,
// 控制小标记是否在grid里
length :5,
// 属性length控制线长
lineStyle: {
// 属性lineStyle控制线条样式
color: '#333',
axisLabel: {
// 坐标轴文本标签,详见axis.axisLabel
show: true,
interval: 'auto',
rotate: 0,
margin: 8,
// formatter: null,
textStyle: {
// 其余属性默认使用全局文本样式,详见TEXTSTYLE
color: '#333'
splitLine: {
show: true,
// 默认显示,属性show控制显示与否
// onGap: null,
lineStyle: {
// 属性lineStyle(详见lineStyle)控制线条样式
color: ['#ccc'],
type: 'solid'
splitArea: {
// 分隔区域
show: false,
// 默认不显示,属性show控制显示与否
// onGap: null,
areaStyle: {
// 属性areaStyle(详见areaStyle)控制区域样式
color: ['rgba(250,250,250,0.3)','rgba(200,200,200,0.3)']
// 数值型坐标轴默认参数
valueAxis: {
position: 'left',
nameLocation: 'end',
// 坐标轴名字位置,支持'start' | 'end'
nameTextStyle: {},
// 坐标轴文字样式,默认取全局样式
boundaryGap: [0, 0],
// 数值起始和结束两端空白策略
splitNumber: 5,
// 分割段数,默认为5
axisLine: {
// 坐标轴线
show: true,
// 默认显示,属性show控制显示与否
lineStyle: {
// 属性lineStyle控制线条样式
color: '#48b',
type: 'solid'
axisTick: {
// 坐标轴小标记
show: false,
// 属性show控制显示与否,默认不显示
inside : false,
// 控制小标记是否在grid里
length :5,
// 属性length控制线长
lineStyle: {
// 属性lineStyle控制线条样式
color: '#333',
axisLabel: {
// 坐标轴文本标签,详见axis.axisLabel
show: true,
rotate: 0,
margin: 8,
// formatter: null,
textStyle: {
// 其余属性默认使用全局文本样式,详见TEXTSTYLE
color: '#333'
splitLine: {
show: true,
// 默认显示,属性show控制显示与否
lineStyle: {
// 属性lineStyle(详见lineStyle)控制线条样式
color: ['#ccc'],
type: 'solid'
splitArea: {
// 分隔区域
show: false,
// 默认不显示,属性show控制显示与否
areaStyle: {
// 属性areaStyle(详见areaStyle)控制区域样式
color: ['rgba(250,250,250,0.3)','rgba(200,200,200,0.3)']
center : ['50%', '50%'],
// 默认全局居中
radius : '75%',
startAngle : 90,
splitNumber : 5,
show: true,
textStyle: {
// 其余属性默认使用全局文本样式,详见TEXTSTYLE
color: '#333'
axisLine: {
// 坐标轴线
show: true,
// 默认显示,属性show控制显示与否
lineStyle: {
// 属性lineStyle控制线条样式
color: '#ccc',
type: 'solid'
axisLabel: {
// 坐标轴文本标签,详见axis.axisLabel
show: false,
textStyle: {
// 其余属性默认使用全局文本样式,详见TEXTSTYLE
color: '#333'
splitArea : {
show : true,
areaStyle : {
color: ['rgba(250,250,250,0.3)','rgba(200,200,200,0.3)']
splitLine : {
show : true,
lineStyle : {
width : 1,
color : '#ccc'
// 柱形图默认参数
barMinHeight: 0,
// 最小高度改为0
// barWidth: null,
// 默认自适应
barGap: '30%',
// 柱间距离,默认为柱形宽度的30%,可设固定值
barCategoryGap : '20%',
// 类目间柱形距离,默认为类目间距的20%,可设固定值
itemStyle: {
// color: '各异',
barBorderColor: '#fff',
// 柱条边线
barBorderRadius: 0,
// 柱条边线圆角,单位px,默认为0
barBorderWidth: 1,
// 柱条边线线宽,单位px,默认为1
show: false
// position: 默认自适应,水平布局为'top',垂直布局为'right',可选为
// textStyle: null
// 默认使用全局文本样式,详见TEXTSTYLE
emphasis: {
// color: '各异',
barBorderColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
// 柱条边线
barBorderRadius: 0,
// 柱条边线圆角,单位px,默认为0
barBorderWidth: 1,
// 柱条边线线宽,单位px,默认为1
show: false
// position: 默认自适应,水平布局为'top',垂直布局为'right',可选为
// textStyle: null
// 默认使用全局文本样式,详见TEXTSTYLE
// 折线图默认参数
itemStyle: {
// color: 各异,
show: false
// position: 默认自适应,水平布局为'top',垂直布局为'right',可选为
// textStyle: null
// 默认使用全局文本样式,详见TEXTSTYLE
lineStyle: {
type: 'solid',
shadowColor : 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', //默认透明
shadowBlur: 5,
shadowOffsetX: 3,
shadowOffsetY: 3
emphasis: {
// color: 各异,
show: false
// position: 默认自适应,水平布局为'top',垂直布局为'right',可选为
// textStyle: null
// 默认使用全局文本样式,详见TEXTSTYLE
//smooth : false,
//symbol: null,
// 拐点图形类型
symbolSize: 2,
// 拐点图形大小
//symbolRotate : null,
// 拐点图形旋转控制
showAllSymbol: false
// 标志图形默认只有主轴显示(随主轴标签间隔隐藏策略)
// K线图默认参数
// barWidth : null
// 默认自适应
// barMaxWidth : null
// 默认自适应
itemStyle: {
color: '#fff',
// 阳线填充颜色
color0: '#00aa11',
// 阴线填充颜色
lineStyle: {
color: '#ff3200',
// 阳线边框颜色
color0: '#00aa11'
// 阴线边框颜色
emphasis: {
// color: 各异,
// color0: 各异
// 散点图默认参数
scatter: {
//symbol: null,
// 图形类型
symbolSize: 4,
// 图形大小,半宽(半径)参数,当图形为方向或菱形则总宽度为symbolSize * 2
//symbolRotate : null,
// 图形旋转控制
large: false,
// 大规模散点图
largeThreshold: 2000,// 大规模阀值,large为true且数据量>largeThreshold才启用大规模模式
itemStyle: {
// color: 各异,
show: false
// position: 默认自适应,水平布局为'top',垂直布局为'right',可选为
// textStyle: null
// 默认使用全局文本样式,详见TEXTSTYLE
emphasis: {
// color: '各异'
show: false
// position: 默认自适应,水平布局为'top',垂直布局为'right',可选为
// textStyle: null
// 默认使用全局文本样式,详见TEXTSTYLE
// 雷达图默认参数
itemStyle: {
// color: 各异,
show: false
lineStyle: {
type: 'solid'
emphasis: {
// color: 各异,
show: false
//symbol: null,
// 拐点图形类型
symbolSize: 2
// 可计算特性参数,空数据拖拽提示图形大小
//symbolRotate : null,
// 图形旋转控制
// 饼图默认参数
center : ['50%', '50%'],
// 默认全局居中
radius : [0, '75%'],
clockWise : false,
// 默认逆时针
startAngle: 90,
minAngle: 0,
// 最小角度改为0
selectedOffset: 10,
// 选中是扇区偏移量
itemStyle: {
// color: 各异,
borderColor: '#fff',
borderWidth: 1,
show: true,
position: 'outer'
// textStyle: null
// 默认使用全局文本样式,详见TEXTSTYLE
labelLine: {
show: true,
length: 20,
lineStyle: {
// color: 各异,
type: 'solid'
emphasis: {
// color: 各异,
borderColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
borderWidth: 1,
show: false
// position: 'outer'
// textStyle: null
// 默认使用全局文本样式,详见TEXTSTYLE
labelLine: {
show: false,
length: 20,
lineStyle: {
// color: 各异,
type: 'solid'
mapType: 'china',
// 各省的mapType暂时都用中文
mapLocation: {
x : 'center',
y : 'center'
showLegendSymbol : true,
// 显示图例颜色标识(系列标识的小圆点),存在legend时生效
itemStyle: {
// color: 各异,
borderColor: '#fff',
borderWidth: 1,
areaStyle: {
color: '#ccc'//rgba(135,206,250,0.8)
show: false,
textStyle: {
color: 'rgba(139,69,19,1)'
emphasis: {
// 也是选中样式
// color: 各异,
borderColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
borderWidth: 1,
areaStyle: {
color: 'rgba(255,215,0,0.8)'
show: false,
textStyle: {
color: 'rgba(139,69,19,1)'
// 数据map到圆的半径的最小值和最大值
minRadius : 10,
maxRadius : 20,
density : 1.0,
attractiveness : 1.0,
// 初始化的随机大小位置
initSize : 300,
// 向心力因子,越大向心力越大
centripetal : 1,
// 冷却因子
coolDown : 0.99,
// 分类里如果有样式会覆盖节点默认样式
itemStyle: {
// color: 各异,
show: false
// textStyle: null
// 默认使用全局文本样式,详见TEXTSTYLE
nodeStyle : {
brushType : 'both',
color : '#f08c2e',
strokeColor : '#5182ab'
linkStyle : {
strokeColor : '#5182ab'
emphasis: {
// color: 各异,
show: false
// textStyle: null
// 默认使用全局文本样式,详见TEXTSTYLE
nodeStyle : {},
linkStyle : {}
radius : ['65%', '75%'],
center : ['50%', '50%'],
padding : 2,
sort : 'none', // can be 'none', 'ascending', 'descending'
sortSub : 'none', // can be 'none', 'ascending', 'descending'
startAngle : 90,
clockWise : false,
showScale : false,
showScaleText : false,
itemStyle : {
normal : {
show : true
// textStyle: null
// 默认使用全局文本样式,详见TEXTSTYLE
lineStyle : {
width : 0,
color : '#000'
chordStyle : {
lineStyle : {
width : 1,
color : '#666'
emphasis : {
lineStyle : {
width : 0,
color : '#000'
chordStyle : {
lineStyle : {
width : 2,
color : '#333'
calculateStep: 0.1
// 滚轮可计算步长 0.1 = 10%
markPoint : {
symbol: 'pin',
// 标注类型
symbolSize: 10,
// 标注大小,半宽(半径)参数,当图形为方向或菱形则总宽度为symbolSize * 2
//symbolRotate : null, // 标注旋转控制
itemStyle: {
// color: 各异,
// borderColor: 各异,
// 标注边线颜色,优先于color
borderWidth: 2,
// 标注边线线宽,单位px,默认为1
show: true,
position: 'inside' // 可选为'left'|'right'|'top'|'bottom'
// textStyle: null
// 默认使用全局文本样式,详见TEXTSTYLE
emphasis: {
// color: 各异
show: true
// position: 'inside'
// 'left'|'right'|'top'|'bottom'
// textStyle: null
// 默认使用全局文本样式,详见TEXTSTYLE
markLine : {
// 标线起始和结束的symbol介绍类型,如果都一样,可以直接传string
symbol: ['circle', 'arrow'],
// 标线起始和结束的symbol大小,半宽(半径)参数,当图形为方向或菱形则总宽度为symbolSize * 2
symbolSize: [2, 4],
// 标线起始和结束的symbol旋转控制
//symbolRotate : null,
itemStyle: {
// color: 各异,
// 标线主色,线色,symbol主色
// borderColor: 随color,
// 标线symbol边框颜色,优先于color
borderWidth: 2,
// 标线symbol边框线宽,单位px,默认为2
show: false,
// 可选为 'start'|'end'|'left'|'right'|'top'|'bottom'
position: 'inside',
textStyle: {
// 默认使用全局文本样式,详见TEXTSTYLE
color: '#333'
lineStyle: {
// color: 随borderColor, // 主色,线色,优先级高于borderColor和color
// width: 随borderWidth, // 优先于borderWidth
type: 'solid',
shadowColor : 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', //默认透明
shadowBlur: 5,
shadowOffsetX: 3,
shadowOffsetY: 3
emphasis: {
// color: 各异
show: false
// position: 'inside' // 'left'|'right'|'top'|'bottom'
// textStyle: null
// 默认使用全局文本样式,详见TEXTSTYLE
lineStyle : {}
textStyle: {
decoration: 'none',
fontFamily: 'Arial, Verdana, sans-serif',
fontFamily2: '微软雅黑',
// IE8- 字体模糊并且不支持不同字体混排,额外指定一份
fontSize: 12,
fontStyle: 'normal',
fontWeight: 'normal'
// 默认标志图形类型列表
symbolList : [
'circle', 'rectangle', 'triangle', 'diamond',
'emptyCircle', 'emptyRectangle', 'emptyTriangle', 'emptyDiamond'
loadingText : 'Loading...',
// 可计算特性配置,孤岛,提示颜色
calculable: false,
// 默认关闭可计算特性
calculableColor: 'rgba(255,165,0,0.6)',
// 拖拽提示边框颜色
calculableHolderColor: '#ccc', // 可计算占位提示颜色
nameConnector: ' & ',
valueConnector: ' : ',
animation: true,
animationThreshold: 2500,
// 动画元素阀值,产生的图形原素超过2500不出动画
addDataAnimation: true,
// 动态数据接口是否开启动画效果
animationDuration: 2000,
animationEasing: 'ExponentialOut'


更多关于 cup or shell type 的文章

