let usbooklet是什么么意思

大师都在问皇宝国际怎么样(How 样),就让我们(Let us)用本质行为来报告你:皇宝国际信誉好(Good reputation),实力雄厚(Strong),是您博彩的最好采用。
我们的路 (our road)
让我们自己 (let us)
慢慢的走 (walk slowly) ...
冀教版七年级(下)英语复习笔记(五)(冀教版七年级英语下册教案教学设计) ...
Let\'s 与Let us 不同:
Let us 不包括对方:
1. would like to do sth. 想做某事 ...
求翻译:生有四条腿 是什么意思? ...
你妻子是做什么工作的? >> What does your wife do?
通知我们 >> Let us
九龙壁 >> Nine Dragon Wall ...
Let us see what is on the menu today.
Let us walk in peace.
Let us suppose another planet with conditions similar to those on the earth.
Let us say I want to sell my car but I do not know exactly how much it is worth.
VOA: special.
These two relations involving entropy are also useful because they'll let us see how entropy depends on volume and pressure.
and then let us kind of feel out what we were successful at, what we liked... and all that.
Let us hope that this tentative grand strategy is vigorously examined and debated in the 1996 election.
So let us leave it: and I apologise and will never write a letter so carelessly again.
Let us not allow omens of destruction and death to accompany the advance of this world.
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!Let us find out什么意思
LetThorne let him talk...
Thorne let him talk...
If you let someone do something, you give them your permission to do it.
LetI love sweets but Mum doesn't let me have them very often...
I love sweets but Mum doesn't let me have them very often...
LetThe Americans won't let her leave the country...
The Americans won't let her leave the country...
If you let someone into, out of, or through a place, you allow them to enter, leave, or go through it, for example by opening a door or making room for them.
LetI had to get up at seven o'clock this morning to let them into the building because they had lost their keys...
I had to get up at seven o'clock this morning to let them into the building because they had lost their keys...
LetI let myself into the flat...
I let myself into the flat...
You use let me when you are introducing something you want to say.
LetLet me say it again. I despised Wade's life...
Let me say it again. I despised Wade's life...
LetLet me tell you what I saw last night...
Let me tell you what I saw last night...
You use let me when you are offering politely to do something.
LetLet me take your coat...
Let me take your coat...
LetLet me get you something to drink.
Let me get you something to drink.
You say let's or, in more formal English, let us, to direct the attention of the people you are talking to towards the subject that you want to consider next.
LetLet's consider ways of making it easier...
Let's consider ways of making it easier...
LetLet us look at these views in more detail.
Let us look at these views in more detail.
You say let's
or, in formal English, let us, when you are making a suggestion that involves both you and the person you are talking to, or when you are agreeing to a suggestion of this kind.
LetI'm bored. Let's go home...
I'm bored. Let's go home...
Let'Shall we go in and have some supper?' — 'Yes, let's.'
'Shall we go in and have some supper?' — 'Yes, let's.'
Someone in authority, such as a teacher, can use let's or, in more formal English, let us, in order to give a polite instruction to another person or group of people.
LetLet's have some hush, please...
Let's have some hush, please...
Let'Let us pray,' said the Methodist chaplain.
'Let us pray,' said the Methodist chaplain.
People often use let in expressions such as let me see or let me think when they are hesitating or thinking of what to say next.
LetNow, let's see. Where did I leave my bag?...
Now, let's see. Where did I leave my bag?...
Let'How long you been living together then?' — 'Erm, let me think. It's about four years now.'
'How long you been living together then?' — 'Erm, let me think. It's about four years now.'
You can use let to say that you do not care if someone does something, although you think it is unpleasant or wrong.
LetIf he wants to do that, let him do it...
If he wants to do that, let him do it...
LetLe I'll be dead, anyway...
Let I'll be dead, anyway...
You can use let when you are saying what you think someone should do, usually when they are behaving in a way that you think is unreasonable or wrong.
LetLet him get his own cup of tea...
Let him get his own cup of tea...
LetIf they value these data, let them pay for them.
If they value these data, let them pay for them.
You can use let when you are praying or hoping very much that something will happen.
LetPlease God, let him telephone me.
Please God, let him telephone me.
You can use let to introduce an assumption on which you are going to base a theory, calculation, or story.
LetLet x equal 5 and y equal 3...
Let x equal 5 and y equal 3...
LetThe new man in my life (let's call him Dave) had a very jealous ex-girlfriend.
The new man in my life (let's call him Dave) had a very jealous ex-girlfriend.
If you let your house or land to someone, you allow them to use it in exchange for money that they pay you regularly.
LetShe is thinking of letting her house to an American serviceman...
She is thinking of letting her house to an American serviceman...
LetThe reasons for letting a house, or part of one, are varied.
The reasons for letting a house, or part of one, are varied.
In tennis or badminton, if you serve a let, the ball or shuttlecock touches the net but lands in the correct part of the court. You then serve again.
Let alone is used after a statement, usually a negative one, to indicate that the statement is even more true of the person, thing, or situation that you are going to mention next.
LetIt is incredible that the 12-year-old managed to even reach the pedals, let alone drive the car.
It is incredible that the 12-year-old managed to even reach the pedals, let alone drive the car.
To let someone be means to leave them alone and not interfere in what they are doing.
LetIf your child is really sick and needs sleep and quiet, let him be.
If your child is really sick and needs sleep and quiet, let him be.
If you let go of someone or something, you stop holding them.
LetShe let go of Mona's hand and took a sip of her drink...
She let go of Mona's hand and took a sip of her drink...
LetShe held the photos with the determined grip of a small child and wouldn't
She held the photos with the determined grip of a small child and wouldn't
If you let go of a feeling, attitude, or the control that you have over something, you accept that you should give it up or that it should no longer influence you.
LetIn therapy, she began to let go of her obsession with Mike...
In therapy, she began to let go of her obsession with Mike...
LetThe work should focus on helping parents to let go of their children.
The work should focus on helping parents to let go of their children.
If you let someone or something go, you allow them to leave or escape.
LetThey held him for three hours and they let him go...
They held him for three hours and they let him go...
LetI'm quite happy really to net a fish and then let it go.
I'm quite happy really to net a fish and then let it go.
When someone leaves a job, either because they are told to or because they want to, the employer sometimes says that they are letting that person go .
LetI've assured him I have no plans to let him go...
I've assured him I have no plans to let him go...
LetPeterson was let go after less than two years.
Peterson was let go after less than two years.
If someone says or does something that you think is annoying or stupid and you let it go, you do not react to it or say anything about it.
LetLet it go, he thought. He didn't feel like arguing.
Let it go, he thought. He didn't feel like arguing.
If you let yourself go, you relax and behave much more freely than usual.
LetStop worrying about what you're feeling. Let yourself go.
Stop worrying about what you're feeling. Let yourself go.
If someone lets themselves go, they pay less attention to themselves or their appearance than they used to, so that they look untidy or unattractive.
LetIf you have let yourself go, you should consider doing something about it for the sake of your health.
If you have let yourself go, you should consider doing something about it for the sake of your health.
If you say that you did not know what you were letting yourself in for when you decided to do something, you mean you did not realize how difficult, unpleasant, or expensive it was going to be.
LetHe got the impression that Miss Hawes had no idea of what she was letting herself in for...
He got the impression that Miss Hawes had no idea of what she was letting herself in for...
LetI realized I'd let myself in for something from which there was no turning back.
I realized I'd let myself in for something from which there was no turning back.
If you let someone know something, you tell them about it or make sure that they know about it.
LetThey want to let them know that they are safe...
They want to let them know that they are safe...
LetIf you do want to go, please let me know.
If you do want to go, please let me know.
If you let drop ,let fall, or let slip information, you reveal it casually or by accident, during a conversation about something else.
LetHow could she know about that? He'd certainly never let drop any hint...
How could she know about that? He'd certainly never let drop any hint...
LetHe might have let something slip in a moment of weakness.
He might have let something slip in a moment of weakness.
If you say that someone has been let loose in a place or situation, you mean that they have been given complete freedom to do what they like in that place or situation, and you suggest that this may be risky.
LetShe has all the glee of a little girl let loose in a sweetie shop...
She has all the glee of a little girl let loose in a sweetie shop...
LetTrainees go through a four-hour lesson before they are let loose on the controls.
Trainees go through a four-hour lesson before they are let loose on the controls.
If someone lets loose a sound or remark, they make it, often suddenly.
LetHe let loose a long, deep sigh...
He let loose a long, deep sigh...
LetHill let loose a torrent of abuse against those who prosecuted his case.
Hill let loose a torrent of abuse against those who prosecuted his case.
If something lets you down, it is the reason you are not as successful as you could have been.
LetMany believe it was his shyness and insecurity which let him down...
Many believe it was his shyness and insecurity which let him down...
LetSadly, the film is let down by an excessively simple plot.
Sadly, the film is let down by an excessively simple plot.
If you let down something such as a tyre, you allow air to escape from it.
LetI let the tyres down on his car...
I let the tyres down on his car...
LetRemove wheelnuts, let down tyre, put on spare.
Remove wheelnuts, let down tyre, put on spare.
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let uslet us 双语例句1. Now, let us look at a few pictures of the ice cream.&&&&现在,就让我们来看几张有关冰淇淋的图片。2. So in our timidity, let each of us make a choice: Whether consciously, to rema&&&&虽然我们每个人都是胆怯的,但是让我们做出一个选择。3. 3. Let`s go - the sales and marketing conference for 2008 awaits us!&&&&我们走吧??2008年的市场销售讨论会正在等着我们!4. Let us enter this mad holiday as Luo Huang's camera lens now, in the hour of each jeopardy, the affection that savours dark quick style sends out the sunshine flavor that give -- temporary we are not found out the friendship that is explained again and again in article or be love.&&&&现在让我们随着罗皇的镜头进入这个疯狂的假期,在每一个危难的时刻,品味冥灵式的情感散发出的阳光气息——暂时我们就不要追究文中被一再辩解的友情或是爱情了。5. You are home decorations, gifts or relatives and friends, let us link the products on your relatives and friends at the same time also convey the imprint of the era with nostalgia complex and profound significance.&&&&你是家居装饰,还是馈赠亲友,让我们的产品在您联结亲情、友情的同时也传递着带有时代印记的怀旧情结而意味深长。6. 6. Let us develop best product and service to the client first, pay close attention to the client's feeling sincerely, for client sincere real intention goes out work, so the product that the client can buy you certainly gives your money to say a thank to you even!&&&&先让我们把最好的产品和服务展现给客户,真心的关注客户的感受,为客户实心实意出做事,那么客户一定会买你的产品给你钱还要对你说谢谢!7. 7. The time of testing that marks and mightily enriches a soul's spiritual career is no ordinary one, but a period when all hell seems let loose, a period when we realize our souls are brought into a net, when we know that God is permitting us to be in the devil's hand.&&&&一个人的精神修养,将因试炼而充实,而有显著的进步。但试炼时期是不平常的。在这个时期,地狱好像张开了口的门户,我们的灵魂如入网罗之中,神并且让我们落到魔鬼的手掌中去。8. 8. The time of testing that marks and mightily enriches a soul`s spiritual career is no ordinary one, but a period when all hell seems let loose, a period when we realize our souls are brought into a net, when we know that God is permitting us to be in the devil`s hand.&&&&一个人的精神修养,将因试炼而充实,而有显着的进步。但试炼时期是不平常的。在这个时期,地狱好象张开了口的门户,我们的灵魂如入罗网之中,神并且让我们落到魔鬼的手掌中去。9. 9. This let us produce fuzzily in the actual operation to both relations understanding.&&&&这让我们在实际操作中对两者的关系的理解产生了模糊。10. When we leave the campus of that a moment, let us look at our path, I believe that we have the feelings. The proud have no to idle away one's time, Have the vision for a bright future!&&&&当我们离开校园的那一刻,再让我们回首看我们走过的路,我相信,我们有的是恋恋不舍的感情;有的是没有虚度年华的自豪;有的是对美好未来的憧憬!11. Let us face reality, loyalty to an ideal.&&&&&&让我们面对现实,让我们忠于理想。12. Princess there than I imagined loyalty, she let her lover to return to the small fortress, and she continued the journey with us.&&&&&&公主比我想像的有义气,她让她的小情人先回到堡垒,而她和我们一起继续旅程。13. If you wish to insure FPA, please let us know in advance.&&&&&&如果你方想要投保平安险,请事先告知。14. For this purpose let us suppose that we have two systems, I and II, which we permit to interact from the time t=0 to t=T, sfter which time we suppose that there is no longer any interaction detween the two parts.&&&&&&在 EPR 论文(中文有许良英先生等人的译文和戈革先生的译文可资参考)的第二部分中指出:我们假设有两个体系,I 和 II ,在时间 t=0到 t=T 之间允许它们相互发生作用,而在此以后,假定这两部分不再有任何相互作用。15. Let's rediscover wt it was that made us fall in love to begin with.&&&&&&让我们重寻当初坠入爱河时的激情16. Let us pray for this great opportunity for outreach and raising up of Fuzhou church workers.&&&&&&让我们为这个向福州人传福音的机会祷告,求神开路,并且在教会兴起更多能讲福州话的人来服侍他们,向他们传福音。17. Let us pray for vibrant student ministries in Germany.&&&&&&让我们为欧洲,特别是德国目前正兴旺的学生事工祷告,求神为他们开路,预备一切所需。18. 18. Let us do the work and best of all, this is a FREE service.&&&&&&让我们做这项工作,而且最重要的是,这是一项免费服务。19. Let us work together to create a better tomorrow.&&&&&&让我们携手合作,创造更美好的明天。20. Let us work together to develop a better future.&&&&&&让我们共同发展美好的未来。let us 单语例句1. Let us hope we will not have to wait too long to see changes, or at least for that day when more ordinary citizens think about buying tickets.2. Let us hope our leaders have the wisdom to hear and seriously act on peoples'hopes.3. Alibaba is taking a cue from US Internet companies including Facebook Inc and Twitter Inc, which have used private investment rounds to let employees cash in shares.4. The venture has been sponsored by the " Let Us Marry " wedding company who are paying for the bracelets and handing them out free of charge.5. The quality cinematography and score let us know that while this is schlock, it's not inexpensive schlock.6. But let us not forget that a clause even in our modern law says that children have the obligation to provide for their parents.7. Let us be clear from the outset about the health, environmental and economic impacts of air pollution.8. But let us be frank - once the suspected collusion does prove to exist, the damage to its credibility would be beyond repair.9. Chavez announced the plan while condemning Colombia's negotiations on an agreement to let US forces use seven of its military bases.10. Wang said the Kweichow Moutai company may not let us " suffer great losses ".danci.911cha.comlet us是什么意思,let us在线翻译,let us什么意思,let us的意思,let us的翻译,let us的解释,let us的发音,let us的同义词,let us的反义词,let us的例句,let us的相关词组,let us意思是什么,let us怎么翻译,单词let us是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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