
Have or have got?
There are a few differences in grammar,too.The British say
Have you got...? while Americans prefer Do you have...?
An American might say My friend just arrived,but a British person would say My friend has just arrived.Prepositions,too,can be different:compare on the team, on the weekend(American) with in the team,at the weekend(British).Colour or color?
The other two areas in which the two varieties differ are spelling and pronunciation.American spelling seems simpler:center,color and program instead of center,colur and programme.Many factors have influenced American pronunciation since the first settlers arrived four hundred years ago.The accent,which is most similar to British English,can be heard on the East Coat of the US.When the Irish writer George Bernard Shaw made the famous remark that the British and the Americans are two nations divided by a common language,he was obviously thinking about the differences.But are they really so important?After all,there is probably as much variation of pronunciation within the two countries as between them.A Londoner has more difficulty understanding a Scotsman from Glasgow than understanding a New Yorker.Words,words,words
British and American English are different in many ways.The first and most obvious way is in the vocabulary.There are hundreds of different words which are not used on the other side of the Atlantic,or which are used with a different meaning.Some of these words are well know—Americans drive automobiles down freeways the British drive cars along motorways and fill up with petrol.As a tourist,you will need to use the underground in London or the subway in New York,or maybe you will prefer to get around the town bu taxi(British) or cab(American). 间原能打书能翻译面拜托家新标准英语高二必修5第单元第二页 短文全部翻译谢谢
have got?语些同英说:Have you got(...)...?美更喜欢说Do you have...?美能说My friend just arrived(我朋友刚)英却说My friend has just arrived(我朋友刚)介词能同比较团队周末美式英语 on the team, on the weekend英式英语in the team,at the weekendColour
color美式英式英语拼写发音区别美式英语拼写看更简洁比centercolorprogram(、颜色、程序)英式英语拼写center,colur and programme自第批定居者400前抵达美洲美式英语发音收素影响与英式发音相似口音实美东海岸尔兰作家萧伯纳做著名评论:英美通同种语言区两家显考虑发音同问题些真重要毕竟能两内(同区间)发音与两间区别伦敦理解自格拉斯哥苏格兰比理解纽约要困难些词汇词汇词汇英式英语与美式英语面都同首先明显面词汇数百计词汇两都通用或者同含义其些词汇世熟知Americans drive automobiles down freeways the British drive cars along motorways and fill up with petrol.(美高速公路汽车并且给车加满汽油;英高速公路汽车并且给车加满汽油(处比较两词语使用同))作游客需要搭乘伦敦underground(铁)或者美subway(铁);或者更倾向于乘坐英taxi(士)或美cab(士)环城游览篇文章翻译看主旨比较英式英语美式英语同;所要抓住点翻译容易非抱歉我并没教材所能翻译至希望所帮助另外急需面译文拍照发至我邮箱我尽能帮助您解决疑问谢谢祝您
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对于国美人来,说事相对容情些易多,亏了oNa Whbetsre,一名7178从耶年鲁大学业的毕师老。轻年候时曾在美他国立战独时对争英抗人。他国得英语觉书的写该应独在立的美国美有国独人的特写。法
书中的很建多议快被采很了纳。eCtern取代了ectnre ,porgam取r了pr代oragmem,f lvoar代取f了lvoaur.有些则没还采纳被,例把如不音的发字母从词单中删除isl,and中s的 ,xeminea的中后最个一母字e。
Webtes 最有r名的品作美国英语字典,是早出现于1最88年2。书该引进很了新多的美单词,包国括他对们的发音应用法,当,还然有拼写英国。对那人本典字行了批判进。它但是很还快成标准了参考。今天,书eWbsetr的字 仍旧典美是学国们中排名第一的字心典。
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John Snow was a well-known doctorin London in the 19th century.He wanted to find the causeof cholera in order to defeat it.In 1854 when a cholera broke out,he began to gather information.He marked_ on a map where all the dead people had lived and he found that many people who had drunk the dirty water from the pump died.So he decided that the polluted water carried cholera.He suggested that the source of all water supply be examined.Finally,“King Cholera” was defeated


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