
深圳市2011年初中毕业生学业考试科学试卷说明: 1.答题前,请将姓名、考生号、考场、试室号和座位号用规定的笔写在答题卡指定的位置上,将条形码粘贴好。 2.全卷分二部分,第一部分为选择题,第二部分为非选择题,共8页。考试时间90分钟,满分100分。 3.考生必须在答题卡上按规定作答;凡在试卷、草稿纸上作答的,其答案一律无效。答题卡必须保持清洁,不能折叠。 4.本卷1—38题为选择题,每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔将答题卡选择题答题区内对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案;39—48题为非选择题,答案必须用规定的笔,按作答题目的序号,写在答题卡非选择题答题区内。 5.考试结束,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 6.可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1
Ba-137 第一部分
D.系统2.植物分类的依据很多,根据有无种子这一特征,将下列植物进行分类,找出与其它不同类的一种植物是 A.蕨
DNA6.生物适应环境的现象在自然界普遍存在,如无毒蛇具有毒蛇样鲜艳的色泽斑,此现象是 A.保护色
D.生长激素分布不均8.日常生活中酿酒、做面包、蒸馒头等都离不开酵母菌。酵母菌属于真菌,其细胞结构与动植物细胞有明显不同,比动物细胞多和比植物细胞少的结构分别是 A.细胞壁
秦皇岛市海港区2011年初中毕业生升学模拟考试(一)         英
卷本试卷分卷Ⅰ和卷Ⅱ两部分。卷Ⅰ为选择题,卷Ⅱ为非选择题。本试卷共120分,考试时间120分钟。卷Ⅰ(选择题,共85分)注意事项:1、答卷Ⅰ前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、科目填涂在答题卡上。考试结束,监考人员将试卷和答题卡一并收回。2、每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。答在试卷上无效。3、听力部分共包括两小节:第一节在卷Ⅰ,第二节在卷Ⅱ。完成第一节后,请根据录音指令,在卷Ⅱ完成第二节。听力部分(第一节,共25分)Ⅰ. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每题1分,共5分)1. A. storm
C. store2. A. make a mistake
B. mend his bike
C. make a decision3. A. 6:45 pm
B. 6:45 am
C. 7:15 am4. A. The ticket isn't too dear for us to afford.B. The ticket is not expensive so that we can afford it.C. The ticket is too expensive for us to afford. 5. A. Lucy loves beautiful places.  B. Lucy loves places with mountains.  C. Climbing mountains is Lucy's favorite.Ⅱ. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每题1分,共5分)6. A. Yes, please.
B. Not at all.
C.No, please don't.7. A. Quite well.
B. I'd love to.
C. They are friendly.8. A. Put on some warm clothes.
B. Take off your coat.  C. Keep the door open, please.9. A. In the evening.
B. Yes, of course.
C. Good idea.10. A. No, I don't.
B. Yes, I did.
C. Yes, I am.Ⅲ. 听对话和问题,选择正确的选项。(共5小题,每题1分,共5分)11.
What color is Carl's bedroom?A. Green.
C. Yellow.12.
What do you think Mr. Brown is?A. A teacher.
B. A doctor.
C. A policeman.13.
How many days does the man plan to stay here?A. Eight days.
B. Seven days.
C. Fifteen days.14.
C.Ⅳ. 听语段、对话和问题,选择正确答案。 (共10小题,每题1分,共10分)16.
A. Seven meters.
B. Five meters.
C. Six Meters.17.
A. Thousands of people.
B. Millions of people.
C. Hundreds of people..........................................................................................................18.
C. 9:0019.
A. Yes, all of them are.
B. None of them.
C. Most of them are ..........................................................................................................20.
A. They have no cars.B. Bikes are cheap and good for health.C. They don't need cars at all.21.
A. They park their cars at home.B. They sell their cars.C. They gave their cars to friends..........................................................................................................22.
What does Jack want to do?A. Sell a car.
B. Buy a car.
C. Meet his friend.23.
How old is the car?A. One year.
B. Two years and a half.
C. One year and a half.24.
How much does Stella want for her car?A. 10,000 dollars.
B. 1,000 dollars.
C. 100 dollars.25.
When will the two speakers meet?A. At 4:30 am.
B. At 4:45 pm.
C. At 5:00 pm.笔试部分Ⅴ. 单项选择。(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)  选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。  26. This is ______ boy I've told you about. Isn't he ______ honest boy?A. a
D.a; the27. Now the air in our city is ______ than it used to be. Something must be done to stop it.A. very good
B. much better
C. rather bad
D. even worse  28. ---How is the plan going on?  
---I have no idea. _______ of us know it.A. Any
D. None  29. ---Did you go to Ann's birthday party?  
---No, I __________.A. didn't invite
B. wasn't inviting
C. hadn't invited
D. wasn't invited30. _______ hard it is to plant so many trees around lake!A. What
D. How a31. She has to _______ some of her hobbies because she doesn't have enough time to study.A. put up
C. look up
D. give up32. ---The winner of the race is a tall and thin boy with glasses.---Then it _______ be my friend, Tom, who looks like a "ball".A. mustn't
D. should33. The art club is for the club members. You can't go in ______ you are a member.A. unless
C. because
D. though  34. Tom's never been abroad before, _______ he?A. isn't
D. is  35. His bag fell off his bike. He stopped _________ it up.A. picking
D. to pick  36. ---Could you please tell me _______?  
---Let me see. In twenty minutesA. how often you go to your uncle's houseB. when are you leaving for BeijingC. how soon the meeting will beginD. how long it takes from your home to school37. Don't worry. Twenty minutes _____ enough for us to get to the station.A. takes
D. will38. What did you do ______ April Fools' Day?A. at
D. from  39. ---Is this the Greens' house?  
---No. ________ is over there, next to the post office.A. Theirs
D. Hers  40. ---Do you know the woman who is wearing a beautiful hat?  
---Yes. She is _______ mother. She is a great writer.A. Tom and Mike's
B. Tom's and MikeC. Mike and Tom
D. Tom's and Mike's41. That is the only thing ______ I can do now.A. how
D. that42. ---Jack, you look very tired today.---Yes, actually I've been _____ busy these days _____ I can't get enough sleep.A. so, that
B. such, that
D. that43. Money is very important, ______ it isn't the most important thing.A. and
D. but44. She said she ______ to the party last night, but she couldn't make it because of the heavy rain.A. went
B. had gone
C. will go
D. would go45. Yao Ming is one of the best players in the NBA. We are all ______ him.A. angry with
B. strict with
C. worried about
D. proud ofⅥ. 完型填空。(共10小题,每题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给出的四个选项中选出最佳选项。  Life gets noisier every day and very
people can be free from noise of some kind or another. Whether you live
the center of a modern city or a village far away---the chances that you will
by planes, cars, radios, etc, are almost everywhere. We seem
be used to noise, too. Some people feel quite lonely without background music while they are working.  Tests have shown that total silence can be very frightening experiences.
,some people enjoy
to pop music which is very loud, and this can do harm to their ears. The noise level in some places is far above the usual safety level for heavy industrial areas.  One recent report about
said that although
people say that any noise disturbs their attention, only a sudden change in the level of noise really affects people's attention. It goes on to say that a background noise, which doesn't change too much. Music, for example, may even help people to pay attention.  People are testing ways to make
noise. There are even laws controlling noise. We cannot return to the "good old days" of peace and quiet. But we can make less noise--- if we shout
about it.46.
D. a little47.
A. disturb
B. disturbed
C. disturbing
D. be disturbed49
D. with50.
A. Whenever
B. Whatever
C. However
D. What else51.
A. to listening
B. listening
C. to listen
D. listenning52.
D. noise53.
B. a lots of
D. less55.
A. enough loud
B. enough loudly  C. loud enough
D. loudly enoughⅦ.阅读理解。(共15小题,每题2分,共30分) 阅读A、B、C三篇材料,然后从各小题所给出的四个选项中选出最佳选项。A  My little brother is six years old, in first grade. Yesterday, he gave mum a letter from his teacher. "I got a red flag today. Could you please sign this note?" he said. The note showed that he had been talking during reading time. He gets a "red flag" only once in a while. His real worry is that he never gets top scores in his schoolwork. The best he gets is "OK", but often his score is "You can do better than this." My mum tells me "You can do better than this" would mean "Very bad" in China.  It's interesting, though, because teachers for little kids in America never say anything too bad
even if the students are making trouble in class or not working hard enough. The worst they might say is "Please be nicer tomorrow." Many parents are pleased with a B-grade for each subject.  I've heard that things are different in Chinese schools. Expectations(期望)are very high for students. Even from first grade, homework was quite a lot for my relatives in Nanjing. I sometimes felt that my first-grade Chinese cousin spent more time on homework than I did when I was a 6th grader in the US ( this is the same as the 6th grade in China )! Yet his parents and school thought he was a bad student. But to me, he was smart, even though he didn't meet his parents' expectations. My parents tell me that some students are years earlier in math and science!  Do you think it's too strict in China? Or do you think that it's not strict enough in America? Maybe both are true!  56. The writer's little brother got a red flag yesterday because he __________.A. did something good
B. worked hard enoughC. got top scores
D. made trouble in class57. When students get "OK", it means they get _______ scores in their schoolwork.A. top
C. the lower
D. the best58. Many parents in America don't get _______ when their kids get a B-grade in their school.  
D. pleased  59. From the passage we can clearly see the writer thinks ________.A. American teachers are better than Chinese teachers   B. expectations in China are too high for students   C. teachers should be strict with their students   D. Chinese teachers are not kind enough to students  60. The story mainly tells us __________ .  
A. about the different expectations for students between China and America  
B. Chinese kids spend less time on schoolwork than American kids doC. it's as strict in American schools as that in Chinese schoolsD. Chinese teachers should treat students like American teachersB  Trip 1
One Week In The Mountains  Bring your strong shoes and warm clothes for this walk in a beautiful area of the Green Mountains. You may go hiking or have a try of rock climbing. This is also a protection area for wild animals. You can find many kinds of animals living in this area.  Time: May 7 ---- May 14
  Adult: $ 110.00
Child: $ 55.00  Trip 2
Three Days In The Country  There are many beautiful gardens. Take your camera and enjoy the wonderful sight in Hunter Valley. It is a good place for fishing and horse riding. You can also find different kinds of flowers here. This is also a great walk for bird-lovers.  Time: May 20 --- May 22
Tel:   Adult: $ 50.00
Child: $ 25.00  Trip 3
Flashlight Adventure  Put on your warm clothes, bring a flashlight, and come for a night walk along the Dungog Valley. It is a trip full of adventure. A guide will lead the tour. Many of the plants you will see on this trip can only be seen at night.  Time: May 16 --- May 18
Tel:   Adult: $ 30.00
Not for children  Trip 4
Five Days By The Sea  Wear your sun hat and enjoy wonderful sunshine all the time from morning to evening. Our hotel is next to the sea. We have our own boats, too. You can swim in the sea or in the swimming pool. Every day our boat will take you to different places for swimming.  Time: May 23 --- May 27
Tel:   Adult: $ 80.00
Child: $ 40.0061. What number may you call if you and your friends want to enjoy the sunshine at the seaside?  
D. 62. Sam wants to stay in Hunter Valley with his wife, his five-year- old daughter and his seven-year-old son. How much will it cost?  
B. $ 50.00
C. $ 100.00
D.$ 150.0063. David loves sports. He will take his holiday from May 7 to May 15. What activity will he probably take part in?  
A. Hiking in the mountains.
B. Fishing in the country.  
C. Watching plants at night.
D. Swimming in the sea.64. Tim and Jim are brothers. Tim is 20 years old and Jim is only 8. They are both quite interested in science. They want to know something about the life of plants at night. Who can take part in the Flashlight Adventure?  
A. Both of them.
B. Neither of them
D. Jim  65. Which of the following is NOT mentioned according to the four advertisements?A.
D.C  In 2009, what is the most popular English word in the website on the Internet? Maybe the answer is "unfriend". Is that true? In fact, "unfriend" is often used on social networking (社交的) websites. It has become so popular that Oxford University Press recently chose it as the 2009 word of the year.  If you are a member of a social networking website such as QQ, My Space or Facebook, you can add a new friend be sending someone a friend request(请求). If you later fall out with that person, what can you do? You can hit the "unfriend" button(操作框) and remove him or her from your friend list. That means you won't talk, exchange information, or see each other's updates on the website any more.  Experts at Oxford University Press look at how the words of the English language change from year to year. They chose words that are popular and have important culture meanings.  Christine Lindberg, editor for Oxford's dictionary program, said the word "unfriend" is popular now and may stay popular for a long time. People understand its meaning in the online social networking context, and also "accept" it as a modern verb. So it makes an interesting choice for the Word of the year.  How to use the word? You can say "I decided to unfriend my roommate on Facebook after we had a fight" or "I unfriend Alice on My Space when she does something bad to me".66. How many social networking websites are mentioned in the passage?A. Two.
D. Five.  67. If you hit the "unfriend" button, you can ___________ .A. remove a person from your friend listB. send a person a friend request  
C. send messages to a person  
D. share information with a person  68. The underlined part "fall out with" in the passage probably means "_________".A.争吵
C. 与某人交友
D. 爱上某人69. "Unfriend"was chosen as the 2009 word of the year because of the following
EXCEPT ____________.  
A. it is widely used on the web   B. it has important culture meaning  
C. it is a good way to solve problems between friends   D. it is understood and accepted by many people  70. The passage mainly tells us _________________ .  
A. it is very easy to make friends on the InternetB. you can unfriend someone you don't like on the social networking websiteC. how to use the word "unfriend"D. why the word "unfriend" became the most popular word in 2009秦皇岛市海港区2011年初中毕业生升学模拟考试(一)英语试卷卷Ⅱ(非选择题,共35分)   注意事项:1、答卷Ⅱ前,将密封线左侧的项目填写清楚。2、答卷Ⅱ时,将答案用蓝色或黑色钢笔或圆珠笔直接写在试卷上。题
分听力部分 (第二节)Ⅷ. 听短文,填空。(共5小题,每题1分,共5分)Information Sheet71.
is the most important of all the things we eat and drink.72. The human body(人体) can live without food for a long time, but for onlydays without water73.
percent of the human body is water.74. Most people need about 5 to 7 liters of water every day. And most of the water we need comes from
.75. What kind of water is the best drink?
.笔试部分Ⅸ. 任务型阅读。(共5小题,每题2分,共10分)  阅读下面一篇短文,并按要求完成短文后的任务。  I need friends who can share my emotions(情感). When I get very happy or excited, I need someone to share with me. When I was full of sorrow or sadness, I need to talk about it with someone. I need friends who can give me a hand when I come across difficulties or am in trouble. Of course, we take time to make friends. We choose a friend and are chosen by a friend. We may get a lot from a friend but also need to give much to a friend, and that is friendship. We know that it is very difficult to get help or to have a friend when we are in trouble. So we take time to make friends so that we can have good friends to get help from if we come across difficulties. I need friends to spend my spare time to avoid loneliness. A lot of activities require a partner. For example, when we play table tennis or badminton, we need a partner. In this way, a friend can make my life more exciting and meaningful.  It seems that everyone needs a friend to live a happier life. Without friendship, life is not complete. We need friendship for different purposes, and different purposes may need different friends. Life is made up of friendship. Let us open our hearts and make more friends to live a happier life.A) 根据短文内容判断正误(正确的填"T",错误的填"F"):76. The best title of the passage is How to Make Friends.
)B) 将短文中划线的句子译成汉语:77. _____________________________________________________________C)
根据短文内容,回答下列问题:78. According to the passage, what is friendship?________________________________________________________________D) 根据短文内容,完成下列句子:79. You need friends who will _____________ when you come across difficulties or get in trouble.80. Playing table tennis or badminton with your friend in your spare time is a great way to make _____________________ .Ⅹ. 词语运用。(共5小题,每题1分,共5分)根据下列句子的意思及所给的汉语、英语及首字母提示,写出空缺处词语的正确形式。81. He was so sleepy that he could h__________ keep his eyes open.82. Tom is __________ ( thin ) in his class.83. All the __________ ( thief ) have been caught.84. I can't buy that book. I have ________________ (用完)my money.85. My mother often ______________(鼓励)me to be brave when I was very young.Ⅺ. 基础写作。(包括A、B两部分,A部分5分,B部分10分,共计15分)A) 连词成句(共5小题,每题1分,共5分)根据所给单词或词语,完成句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出)86.
prefers, playing, he, soccer_______________________________________________________________.87.
class, boy, is, sleeping, in, noticed, the_______________________________________________________________.88.
your, where, like, weekend, to, you, would, spend_______________________________________________________________?89.
is, don't, I, lazy, think, a, he, boy_______________________________________________________________.90.
the, when, the, was, UFO, the, walking, street, boy, landed, down_______________________________________________________________.B). 书面表达 (计10分)  初中的校园生活即将结束,在这四年的学习生活中,你一定和你的老师、同学之间建立了深厚的情谊。请你以"My Favorite Teacher"为题,写一篇短文。(文稿的开头已给出,不计入总词数)要点:1. Describe the teacher whom you like most.2. Why do you like her / him best?3. What do you think a good teacher should be like? ( give at least three suggestions)要求:1. 短文必须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。2. 文稿中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名。3. 词数:60~80词。My Favorite TeacherEveryone has his favorite teacher. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________听力材料第一节第一题:听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。下面你将听到五个句子,每个句子读两遍。请你听完句子的第二遍朗读后,从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中,选出包含所听信息的选项。No.1,
There are many kinds of useful things in that store.No.2,
They will make a decision after making a survey about it.No.3,
The train from Nanjing arrived at a quarter to seven in the morning.No.4,
The ticket is so expensive that we can't afford it.No.5,
Lucy likes places where there are mountains.第二题:听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。下面你将听到五个句子,每个句子读两遍。请你听完句子的第二遍朗读后,从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中,选出该句的最佳答语。No.6,
Would you mind if I smoke here?No.7,
How do you get on with your classmates?No.8,
It's cold outside.No.9,
Shall we meet this afternoon or in the evening?No.10, Wow, Mario, you look different. You used to be short, didn't you?第三题:听对话和问题,选择正确的选项。下面你将听到五组对话和问题,每组对话和问题读两遍。请你听完对话和问题的第二遍朗读后,从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中,选出正确选项。No.11,
Come and look at my bedroom this weekend, Nancy. I've just painted it.W:
What color this time, Carl?Green?M:
No, I've painted it blue.W:
Oh, good. I hate those yellow walls.Question:
What color was Carl's bedroom?No.12,
Peter isn't very well. He has a bad cold. He's still in bed now.M:
Why don't you call Mr. Brown?W:
I did. He said he would be here soon.Q:
What do you think Mr. Brown is?No.13,
How long have you been here?M:
For eight days.W:
When will you leave?M:
In another week.Q:
How many days does the man plan to stay here?No.14,
M: Excuse me, can you tell me how I can get to the Green Village?W: Well, it's a little bit far, and we have no bus or taxi in this place. But I have a bike, I can lend it to you.M: OK. Thank you so much.Q: How will the man go to the village?No.15,
W: Were you born in America, Jim?M: No, I was born in Australia. What about you, Betty?W: I was born in London.Q: Where was Betty born?第四题:听语段、对话和问题,选择正确答案。下面你将听到四篇听力材料和十个问题,听力材料和问题读两遍。请你听完听力材料和问题的第二遍朗读后,根据所听内容,从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中,选出正确答案。下面请听第一篇材料,并回答第16--17题。The Great Wall of China is the longest wall in the world. It is about 6,000 kilometers long, 7 meters high and 5 meters wide. The Great Wall was built more than
twenty centuries ago. It was very difficult to build such a great wall without
any modern machines. Millions of people worked for it. Thousands of men died while they were building the wall.No.16,
How high is the Great Wall?No.17,
How many people took part in building the Great Wall?下面请听第二篇材料,并回答第18--19题。In a big city, everyone is in a hurry early in the morning. People hurry out of stations, buses and cars. Some people only have a cup of coffee because they don't have time for breakfast. By eight thirty, shops start opening for business. People work busily all day. At six o'clock in the evening, people hurry home after work. Most of the offices are closed, but some shops are still open.No.18,
When do the shops start opening for business?No.19,
Are all the offices closed at six o'clock in the evening?下面请听第三篇材料,并回答第20--21题。More and more American people go to work on bikes. Do you know why? First, bikes do not need gas. So people can save much money. Also, bikes do not need much room on the road. So it is easy to find a place for them. And riding a bike is good for one's health. That's why more and more Americans are now riding their bikes, and they are parking their cars at home.No.20,
Why do more and more Americans go to work by bike?No.21,
What do they do with their own cars now?下面请听第四篇材料,并回答第22--25题。W: Hello, this is Stella speaking.M: Hello, This is Jack. I'd like to ask about your car.W: Of course. What would you like to know?M: Hmm. First, can you tell me how old it is?W: Well, I bought it one and a half years ago, but it still looks good.M: How much do you want for it?W: About 1,000 dollars.M: I'm looking for a second-hand car. Yours sounds rather expensive.W: The car is in good condition. There is nothing wrong with it. Would you like to see it?M: Yes. When can I come?W: Hmm, I will be free at four thirty. Can you come this afternoon? How about five? It's at 78 Center Street.M: That's fine! See you then!W: See you!No.22,
What does Jack want to do?No.23,
How old is the car?No.24,
How much does Stella want for her car?No.25,
When will the two speakers meet?下面请同学们打开第二卷,我们稍做放松,准备好做听力测试的第二节。第八题:听短文,填空。下面你将听到一段短文,短文读两遍。请你听完短文的第二遍朗读后,根据短文意思,填入合适的信息。  Of all the things we eat and drink, water is the most important. Not many people realize this, but it is quite true. The human body can live without food for a long time, but two or three days without water usually results in death.  Many people do not understand how much water the human body needs, and many people don't drink enough, especially in hot weather. Most people drink when they are thirsty, and often need water after doing exercise.  Sixty-five to seventy-five percent of the human body is water. Water is important in several different ways. Most people need about five to seven liters of water every day, but we don't need to drink this amount because a lot of water comes from the food we eat. However, if we don't have enough water, we will feel tired and may become ill. Do you know what the best drink is? Yes, you are right: Cold water.  听力部分到此结束,请继续答笔试部分。参考答案卷Ⅰ(选择题,共85分)注意: 1~55小题,每小题1分;56~70小题,每小题2分。1~5
11~15 BBCCB
16~20 ABBCB
21~25 ABCBC
26~30 BDDDC
31~35 DBABD
36~40 CCCAA
41~45 DADDD
46~50 ABDCC
51~55 BDCDD
56~60 DBCBA
BAACD卷Ⅱ(非选择题,共35分)Ⅷ. 听短文,填空。(共5小题,每题1分,共5分)71. Water
72. two or three
73. sixty-five to seventy-five / 65 to 7574. the food we eat
75. Cold water笔试部分Ⅸ. 任务型阅读。(共5小题,每题2分,共10分)76. F77.我们选择朋友,同时也被朋友选择。78. Friendship is that we may get a lot from a friend but also need to give much to a friend./ We may get a lot from a friend but also need to give much to a friend, and that is friendship.79. help you / give you a hand80. your life more exciting and meaningfulⅩ. 词语运用。(共5小题,每题1分,共5分)81. hardly
82. the thinnest
83. thieves
84. run out of / used up
85. encouragedⅪ. 基础写作。(包括A、B两部分,A部分5分,B部分10分,共计15分)A) 连词成句(共5小题,每题1分,共5分)86. He prefers playing soccer.87. The boy is noticed sleeping in class.88. Where would you like to spend your weekend?89. I don't think he is a lazy boy.90. The boy was walking down the street when the UFO landed. / When the UFO landed, the boy was walking down the street.B). 书面表达 (计10分)(略)


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