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3秒自动关闭窗口compact 是什么意思_百度知道
compact 是什么意思
把…合成一体.pact.pact.小型汽车.v.v.K?m“p?? [to make an agreement] 拉丁语 compactum
[] compac.J, 6k$m7p#kt]adj?; combine.K.[6kKm7p#kt]K:a wrestler of compact build?:compact clusters of flowerscompact[5kRmpAkt]adj, 6k$m7p#kt]adj?.(名词)AHD, 合同?sc:[k:在尺寸上大于超小型汽车但小于中型汽车的汽车Middle English 中古英语 from Latin comp?s [past participle of] compingere [to put together] com- [com-] pangere [to fasten] * see
pag- compact“lyadv?m-.紧密的花束Occupying little space compared with others of its type,与”等意思的前缀] pangere [to fasten] * see
pag- pangere [紧固] *参见 pag- compact“lyadv.简明的叙述Marked
concise. dense?.J,合同参见 bargainLatin compactum [neuter past participle of] compac.签约?, k:简短的并达到一点?m-:以矮为标志的或有矮且结实的体格:使压紧, and a powder puff.Marked by or having a short.Closely and firmly unite dense:紧密的.粉盒.See Synonyms at bargain Latin compactum [neuter past participle of] compac;小型汽车Brief and to the point?.(副词)compact“nessn:garbage that compacts easily.intr;简明的, k.An automobile that is bigger in size than a subcompact but smaller
a compact car?kt”] D:牢固地挤压或联合在一起,com?:a compact narration:包括镜子?; combine.To press or join firmly together:紧密和牢固地结合或包装到一起.fs[5kCmpAkt]契约:a kitchen device that compacted the trash?m“p.intr.(动词)com, and a powder puff, 小粉盒compactcompact 1AHD???m“p.n?s
[] compingere的过去分词 [放到一起] com- [com-] com- [表示“和, pressed powder?:[k…m-p; compose、挤压的粉末和粉扑的小盒子An automobile that is bigger in size than a subcompact but smaller than an intermediate??} [同意] *参见 pactcompact[5kRmpAkt]n:能够被紧紧地挤压到一起或成为如此挤压的; 签合同(with)compactcompact 1AHD?.[k*m6p#kt.[6k$m7p#kt]n,塞满?kt“.不占空间的摄像机?.pact??:a compact camera.由…组成:简洁的?.(名词)compactcompact 2AHD; a compact car??kt“]
v:[k?, 6kKm7p#kt]K, 6kKm7p#kt]K?.Brief and to the point:a wrestler of compact be capable of being pressed tightly together or to become so pressed?m“p?, solid physique.ed,紧凑的.pacts[k…m-p.To make by pressing or joining together:使压紧??的中性过去分词 [形成协议] com- [com-] com- [表示“和;挤满的, 简洁的n?kt“?s [past participle of] compingere [to put together] 源自 拉丁语 comp.[6k$m7p#kt]n.AHD.容易挤压的垃圾n.pacts[k…m-p.K?,com?.ing?sc?sc:[k.(形容词)Closely and firmly united or packed together, k:不占空间的??, k?,”] D?kt”] A small case containing a mirror:compact concise:a compact narration.[k*m6p#kt.(不及物动词)To be capable of being pressed tightly together or to become so pressed?} [to agree] * see
pact pac?.Occupying little space compared with others of its type:与同类型其他的相比较占的空间小的?kt”] A small case containing a mirror:[k…m-p;稠密的.pact.[6kKm7p#kt]K?kt”] D,com.(名词)An agreement or a covenant, pressed powder.[k*m6p#kt.compactcompact 2AHD.可以压紧垃圾的厨房用具To make by pressing or joining together, kKm-.An agreement or a English from Latin comp?,与”等意思的前缀] pac, 紧密的.(及物动词)To press or join firmly together:通过挤压或联合到一起来制造.紧凑的?.To consolidate:garbage that compacts easily.J.J;结合v?kt”] D? [to make an agreement] com- [com-] pac??.[k*m6p#kt:[k?m“p.结实的摔跤选手v?m“p:强健的?kt“]
v.compact“nessn, solid physique.See Synonyms at bargain 契约?, k$m-.ed, k$m-?:a compact camera;构成T compose?, 协定a five -nation compact to control opium traffic管制鸦片运输的五国协定compact[5kRmpAkt]vi.K, 合同:a kitchen device that compacted the trash?} [to agree] * see
pact compact来自拉丁语 compactus 集中的&lt.契约,com
& vi. 装填紧密的, 条约. 压紧, (使)坚实adj. 协议, 整齐填满的ncompact
compactadj.紧凑的, 紧密的, 简洁的n.契约, 合同, 小粉盒
adj. 紧凑的,紧密的,简洁的 vt. 使装满,使简洁 vi. 变紧密 [名]协议,契约,合同
紧密的;结实的;密集的 合同;契约;协定
出门在外也不愁Compact disc - definition of compact disc by The Free Dictionary /compact+disc
compact disc Also found in: , , , , , , .
com·pact disc or
com·pact disk
(kŏm′păkt′)n. Abbr. CD A small optical disc on which data such as music, text, or graphic images is digitally encoded.compact disc ('k?mpaekt) n (Electronics) a small digital audio disc on which sound is recorded as a series of metallic pits enclosed in PVC; the disc is spun by the compact disc player and read by an optical laser system. Also called: compact audio disc Abbreviation: CD or CAD com′pact disc′
a small optical disc on which music, data, or images are digitally recorded for playback. Abbr.:
Switch to Noun1.compact disc - a digitally encoded recording on an optical disk that is smaller than played back by a laser, ,
- compact discs used to reproduce sound (voice and music), , ,
- a compact disc on which you can write only once and thereafter is read-only memory,
- a compact disk that is used with a computer (rather than with an audio system); a large amount of digital information can be stored and accessed but it cannot be altered by the user,
- a disk coated with plastic that can store digital data as tiny pits e is read with a laser that scans the surface - a storage device on which information (sounds or images) have been recorded
???? ?????kompaktní diskcdcompactdiscCD-levykompakt diskkompaktlemezコンパクトディスク??????kompaktná platňakompaktna plo??acd-skiva?????????yo?un disk??a CDcompact disc n →
f, →
f; compact disc player →
mcompact disc n →
m invcompact2 ('komp?kt)
noun an agreement. The management and trade union leaders finally signed a compact. ooreenkoms, verdrag
???????? ?????
der Vertrag
aftale , ,
???????? ?????
??????, ??????
ugovor, sporazum
perjanjian ,
pakt, ?verenskommelse
угода, догов?р
?????? ? ?????
s? th?a thu?n ?compact 'disc noun (also CD) a disc on which sound or information is recorded.
???? ?????
компакт диск
kompaktní disk
ψηφιακ?? δ?σκο?, ,
CD, laserplaat
????????? ?????, ????
kompaktni disk
CD, kompaktlemez
kompak disk , CD
kompaktinis diskas, kompaktin? plok?tel?
cakera padat , compact-disc
kompaktná platňa
?????????; ???????? , yo?un disk
??a com p?c
激光唱盘,光盘 compact disc →
kompaktní disk cd
kompakt disk
コンパクトディスク ??????
cd-skiva ?????????
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The Compact Disc Recycling Center was founded in 2006 by Bruce Bennett, owner of The American Duplication Supply Group, including Superdups, New England Compact Disc and American Duplication Supply.DVD has much more data storage capacity than compact disc technology--each disc holds 4.Another compression algorithm is being used to create audio/video files small enough to be played on most computers equipped with a compact disc player and speakers.Once the world's largest producer and exporter of pirated compact discs, software and videos, China has created a set of trademark laws modeled after those found in the United States.The Company reports that sales of compact discs are growing rapidly, exceeding that of records and cassettes, and that in 1995 compact discs represented approximately 70% of all music sales in the $12 billion record industry.Pioneer introduced its compact disc recorder last September.A couple of months ago, The Wall Street Journal published a troubling article about the spread of fake compact discs in China.MRC Polymers, which also uses compact discs as part of its feedstock, makes extensive use of impact modifiers, according to Staniulis.The new store will be Compact Disc World's seventh.We take a compact disc that somebody is ready to put in production, and we do cleanup work and preparation for the master CD,'' Joani Waring said.Philips Media is also the first company in the world to bring feature films, music videos and special interest videos to five-inch Compact Disc.And the collector probably would be even more surprised to hear the voice of the athlete when the card is placed inside a compact disc player.
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compact disc
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