love the mostt memorable ...

The Most Memorable Experience In My Life Free Essays
Gisela Lopez
Ms. S. Nylander
English 1A
August 26, 2012
The Most Memorable Day of my... Life
The most memorable day of my life was, September 4, 1995 in Chicago, IL. It was 6:00 a.m. when my alarm clock woke me up. The first day of high school was finally here. I was excited, but a lot more nervous. I got out of bed, got ready, and then was on my way to the bus stop. All I could think of is the stories I heard about high school being so horrible with all the mean teachers, the hard tests...
For many people the most meaningful experience of their lives is well defined, clear and concise. One given occurrence, at a... given time and in a clear setting can change the meaning of life for a person.
One late night I sat down in a quiet room in my house to think about my personal experiences, the only sound in the house came from an old mantel clock, which I like to keep wound and on time. I very much enjoy listening to the rhythmic tic-tock, and I regard it as a remainder of our time here on...
Name: Nur Umairah Zuraimi
Class: 3 Efektif
Title: My memorable experience.
Throughout life I... have had many memorable experiences. The memorable events could be from the worst to the best that I couldn’t explain it myself. But, there was this one moment where I could not get it off my mind for the very moment. The best day of my life was definitely when Mum announced that we are going to South Korea for vacation. I could not believe my ears. Could it be an April Fool? It couldn’t be, it wasn’t...
an integral part of our universe. It is one of the beautiful heavenly bodies. It adds beauty and splendor to the darkness of night. The light of moon has a... soothing effect.
Walking in a moonlit night has its charm and beauty. It is a refreshing experience. It relieves you of all your tension and gives pleasure. Strolling in a moonlit night particularly during the summer add to the delight and pleasure. It elates the mood.
Walking in a moonlit night not only delights our heart and relaxes our mood...
Ten years ago, the Internet was practically unheard of by most people. Today, the Internet is one of the most powerful tools... throughout the world. The Internet is a collection of various services and resources. The Internet’s main components are E-mail and the World Wide Web. Actually, there’s a lot more to the Internet than E-mail, search engines, celebrity web sites, up-to-the-second sports scores, and chat rooms full of discussions. The Net also ranks as one of today’s best business tools. Almost...
Narrative Essay
My Most Memorable Trip
In Hong Kong, 1.25 million chickens were killed due to the outbreak of... the dreaded bird flu, Princess Diana died, and gas was only $1.22 per gallon.
I was newly divorced and working pizza delivery for about nine months when the call came in for a delivery to Eastern Ave. in Manchester, NH.
It was much different than the inner city that I grew up in.
Buildings were riddled with bullets, the streets were filled with thugs and the part of town that I grew...
The Most Memorable Experience in My Life
Perhaps, since I am a high school student,... somebody might say that I have my entire life ahead of me, with all of its beautiful experiences. But, despite being so young, I already have a personal breath-taking experience, which, I am sure, I will carry with me until my last days. What I am talking about here is my first hike to the mountains.
Though traveling is not a big deal today, and lots of my peers rolled over the whole US or even abroad, before my...
Most Memorable Experience
Everyday there are a lot of things that tends to be our... most memorable experience. A number of experiences in our daily lives and we may choose a few things that is most important and it is not forgettable. In my life, though I have a lot of experience, I may choose those things that I may treasure for the rest of my life. When my baby came into my life, when I got married and competing in a competition are the most memorable experience in my life that I...
John Winkel
My Life Experiences
&I, (state your full name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support... and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies,
that I will bear true faith and al and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.” This is the oath that every person joining...
My Life Experiences and Changes
Cynthia Carpenter...
Laura Prout
July 2, 2012
share this information within the organizations that they
work for and as well as for the employees that are working for them.
By taking the Ethic... Awareness Inventory Assessment to see how well I do to realize my own ethical standpoint and compare the result with the inventory analysis. To my surprise, I scored high in the obligation and the results profiles. It stated real clearly that ethical decision-making involves three components awareness, articulation, and application (Ethics Awareness Inventory...
The Memorable Experience
Everyone has memorable moments in their lives, which always stay in their mind and play... an important role in life. I also have some memories from my early life, which includes volunteering with a NGO called Konpal Child Abuse Prevention Society, an organization that deals working against all form of child abuse. While volunteering, I participated in activities such as visiting rural areas, attending medical camps, and did a walk against child abuse and neglect on “Universal...
My name is Melissa Losada. I was born in Michigan in the year 1995. I lived there with my mom until my younger... sister Rebecca was born. Soon after we moved to West Virginia to be with my grandmother, it was 1996 I was two years old when I moved to the city of Beckley, West Virginia and that is the only place I have ever lived since. Beaver elementary is where I went to elementary school, I lived directly in front of the school so I was never really far from home. Back then my mom was our girl scout...
My Most Unforgettable Experience
Whenever somebody ask me to relate an experience that I can never... forget, millions of different experiences comes to my mind. But there is only one experience which I would consider memorable and unforgettable. It was the first time I went to Enchanted Kingdom in Laguna where I rode a roller coaster.
Why? The fear, excitement and anxiety that I felt, is beyond one’s imagination. Let me recall the whole incident.
It happened in 2007 where I started my career in...
Life is full of various events and experiences. But all of these are not equally important, enjoyable and... memorable. All days we come across in our life are not the same. Some are memorable. Memorable day is the funniest and happiest day of our life. However, memories are not just the ones that make us feel like we are in heaven. Sometimes, it is unforgettable because of the joy and fun that has given to us. Be it either good or bad, it will still be the part of us, our life. It will remain in us...
My most memorable event in school
I emigrated from Taiwan to the U.S. when I was 7th grade to receive a better... education.
I was enrolled into Montserrat middle school when I migrated. Although I thought that
My English level was good and fluen I got placed in an ELD
(English Language Development) class. I soon earned my teacher’s (Ms. Kuwait) trust
and validation in class. My most memorable event in school is the first day of my ELD
I and my guardian...
August 14, 2013
A Memorable Event in my life
The excitement around receiving a driver’s license permit is one of... the few crazes that lingers, especially to recent high school graduate students. The events revolving my experience on getting my California drivers permit vary from having to deal with unpleasant surroundings, never-ending lines, and incredibly rude individuals. In the end, it was an experience worthwhile.
As a recent high school graduate, I recall many of my fellow classmates having...
8. | What has been the best day in your life? |
9. | Where do you see yourself in five years |
10. | How to become a... millionaire? |
11. | My most unforgettable moment during my school.. |
12. | My favorite super hero in my childhood…. |
13. | Share with us your dream holiday |
14. | My biggest concern for the future is… |
15. | What characteristics make ideal hero and why? |
16. | The most important lesson of my life so far… |
17. | If I ruled the world…. |
18. | Intelligence...
The most memorable event in my life
Hi everyone, I am Paul. Today I’m going to tell you the... most memorable event that had happened in my life.
When I was only six years old. In the summer vacation before my elementary school, my mom took me to a music school to have me learn the piano. And that was my first time in touch with the musical instrument. Though I was learning the easiest music in the beginning, I soon fell in love with the melody and rhythm in the music.
Suddenly, I had been learning...
An Experience That Changed My Life
Valen C. Hocog
English 101-10
Dr. David Khorram
February 09, 2011...
Seven years ago I gave birth to a healthy boy who changed everything about me and my
life. Before his birth I was an optimistic person who only thought of the fun things that would
make my day. I was an immature girl without a care in the world. After his birth I grew up,
stopped partying, and took on the responsibility that was gifted to me.
It has not been a breezy walk...
: Humanities
Computer experience:...
1. MS Word
2. Ms Excel
3. Power point
4. Internet Etc.
Job experience
: Serving as an office management from 01/05/2009 to
till Now...
Every person has a moment or a few memories which he remembers through out his... life . The joy of that moment is so over whelming, many
of us remember it as the best day of our life , it is mostly about achieving what you strive for, in my case , it is a bit different, I wanted what
most of us usually have. It is what a human at this age is certain to have, it just comes naturally to us, the circle of socializing and friendship
are just a part...
My Memorable Event: My shadow and God Introduction: - What is human life? Everybody has some... memorable events in life; some are good and Some are bad.
What is the relationship with human and God? I believe in God because of some experience.
My first experience: - Departed to meet the girl but don't know how, when, or where? Some buddy helped get information she is coming next day some place Some time.
No choice but to take an older person.
Crying I feel so happy to see...
embarrassing moment in our life, such as fall down from the chair, call some one wrong name, and pee in pant. I this moments, we will be... ashamed or laugh in the end. For me, I will laugh, because when we do the embarrassing thing, we did not intend to do it. Do not ne shy in that moment, because when you looked back, it will be just a funny thing or a joke with family and friends. This will make you happy. In my life, I had three of the most embarrassing moments of my life
First, as a Thailand bowling...
In life we all have something that has changed the way we perceive things. Most things that change a person’s... perception happens to be an experience that they have gone thru and learned from. In my case it wasn’t necessarily an experience, it was a dog that changed my perception on life. My mind and heart was opened in a whole new way. I never thought I could love an animal just as much as I loved the people in my life.
I always thought it was strange that pet owners loved and treated...
moment and celebrated our flying colours results at
one of the well-known restaurants in town.Oh gosh! that was the best moments in our lives
having the... chances to celebrate the occasion
with our female classmates,Siti,Aisyah,Murni,Tipah and our most glamorous girl in the school,Syafiqah.
I recalled three years ago when
Jali,Seli,Stopa and I
were the new students in
this prestigious secondary Arabic school in town,SMUA Taqaddum Maarif which is located in Pasir Tumbuh,Kelantan-the so called...
(Law on Obligations and Contracts)
BSBM 202 – C
MARCH 2014
Photo taken at SM City – Rosario
My most inspiring person is my adviser for two consecutive years, Ms. Juvie Joy Abad y Buhain, 32 years old, born on June 29, 1982 from Tanza, Cavite. She is currently one of the instructors at Cavite State University...
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Most Important Person - mother
Essay By: Sezan Vahpieva
Tags: Most, Important,... Person, Mother
I think mother, is the most important person in life, for everyone...
Submitted:Feb 17, 2012
Reads: 44,452
Comments: 4
Most Important Person: By: Sezan Vahpieva
I think the most important person in my life is my mother. The reason why I chose my mother is because she is really all I have, she is my motivation, and she helps...
26 th of january. Republic Day of India.
Bhuj, home to my aunt and the place where i have been spending my holidays for the past... 10 years or so.
It was 8:55 in the morning. Everyone was ready for breakfast except me. I was always late on the dining table and often made mom angry. But that day mom didnt get angry. Wondering why ?
Bhuj and neighbouring places had just witnessed a powerful earthquake that rocked the whole of gujarat. The word earthquake always evoked something-but that something was...
My most memorable dining experience surprisingly happened on a regular midweek evening. I was packed... and ready for my month trip, my flight was scheduled early in the morning and I knew I had some time on my hands. I wanted to spend it with my best friend before I left, and with that great idea in mind I headed to her place of work, Emeril’s Restaurant. I had never dined there before due to the pricy tag that every fine dining restaurant carries, but that day I decided to start my vacation early...
My Personal Experience
Hillary Locke
December 14, 2012
I. Where am I from?
A. I was born in...
Laura Delgado
Academic writing ILE-322-35
October, 07, 2013
A memorable life experience
At... some point in our lives, when we experience great changes, they affect our perspective on existence. As a result it helps us grow to become better people. A life changing moment in my life was going to the United States. One this day, everything changed. I started to appreciate the differences between the two countries. I could see how many opportunities and freedoms were available to...
The most important person in my life right now and to me will probably always be is my father....
The reason is because he is my role model in my life.
My father is always correct about everything and judges any situation wisely.
When I was a kid, my father was a target of complaint and did not want to resemble. Behavior, speech, values, everything was different with me.
However, as an adult, I could understand a little bit of my father.
After I finished the army, I drank the first...
The Most Important Things in my Life
Vasilios Politis
Professor C. Simpson
17 June 2008...
T: The three things that are most important to me are my family, basketball, and most importantly, being remembered for something great.
I. The most important thing in my life right now is my family.
A. My family will always be there for me and give me the guidance and support that I need.
1. My family has helped me to get my act together and get back...
A memorable experience in my life
I have rarely thought about the so-called... memorable experiences in life. Since there are a lot of things that need to be done now and also in the future, to me, it is quite hard to write about this topic and it took me a lot of time recalling what have happened in my life, what the memorable experiences were and what the most memorable one was.
Finally, I realized that a memorable experience is not only a significant event like getting a university degree, travelling...
My Life Learning Experience with R.S.V
Course Title
Many individuals have experienced problems with their hospitals or health care facilities. An important concept that I learned from facing this family crisis that will be examined in this paper is that, when a family member becomes seriously ill, they need quality medical care. Sometimes, when a person's life is at stake, the further a person lives from medical facilities which can offer...
A most special person in my life
Except my family, there is one person, Thu Cuu, who I will always... remember and respect because of her personalities, she is kind and also she is the one I love. Nothing is impossible with her no matter what is it, where is it and why is it, that is what I learn from her. A girl is perfect she does not need to be dazzling, but people still have looked at her. Basically, I think every man in this world wants this lady to become his wife, even me...
Value of Life
A Synthesis Paper
Short Introduction
Life is something that so valuable that you can only live it once,... not twice, not thrice but just once. “We are the ones who get to die when it’s time for us to die, so we should live the way we want to” This is one way of looking at life and how would you do it. Some people have different perspectives. Some say life is entire we cannot prove it. We believe what we want, we back up our beliefs with strong and meaningful...
Most Memorable Moment
Memories, memories, memories some make you laugh, get angry, even cry but the one thing is... for sure they all share a place deep in our hearts. I have so many memories but the one which stands out most in my mind, heart and soul is the memory of my son Alyxaiden Eric Nicholas Cano. He was born Mothers' day May 8th of 2011 at 9:50 am, weighing 7 lbs and 6 oz and 19'3 absolute perfection. I was in labor with him 7 long painful yet worth while...
Running Head: MY LIFE
My Life, My Passions
Preliminary Outline
I. What was your family like?
a. Strict family
b. Second born son
c. Single parent home
II. What things do you remember about your childhood?
a. Reading Books
b. playing sports
c. Family outings
III. Early Academic Career & Military Enlistment
a. High School
b. Early College Experience
c. Army Life
IV. What are your personal, professional, and academic goals?
I. My family life
a. Growing up as a child
b. Single life
c. Married life...
II. Types of jobs
a. U.S. Navy
b. AutoCAD designer
c. Management
d. Customer Service
e. Dispatcher
III. Educational background
a. Southwestern High School
b. ITT Technical Institute
c. Wayne State University
d. Schoolcraft
e. Park University
f. Ashford University
IV. What are my personal, professional, & academic goals?
the online classroom.
Life Event:
A significant, but not positive nor uplifting event was the death of my father at the age... of nine.
He was in the Air Force and I remember watching him walk out of the door, back straight and his head held high.
I was in awe of this man and even though I was young, I knew he was doing a good thing for this country.
My love for him was phenomenal
even at my young age.
I remember looking at my mom when I found out and asking...
As we grow older, experiences grew together with us. Good afternoon, sir. I am Eunice and today I would like to talk about my... most memorable experience. During the December holiday, my father brought my whole family to Sunway Lagoon. The attractions that I like the most were Scream Park, Extreme Park and Water Park. I didn’t like amusement park and wild life park because I felt that it was board playing in those parks.
In Scream Park, We had to walk around inside the place for 20 minutes. The...
English 111/03
30 Jan 2013
My Best Memorable Sandwich
The best memorable food... experience that I have would be the time that I went to Fuddruckers with my mom, dad, both of my grandmothers and my two brothers. The reason why I say this is because this place was very nice and had the best burgers and sandwiches, so I have heard.
As I was walking in the restaurant I started looking at the menu and there was something that had caught my eyes, and that was the grilled chicken breast...
In your life, you will face situations that cause you grief. One of the toughest of those situations is the death of a loved one. The... grief following the loss can be depressing and may feel unbearable at times, but it is important to remember that grief is a healing process. Everyone deals wi it can either be from the death of a family member, loved one, or close friend.
Dying is usually perceived as a form of defeat and not as something inevitable by most people. So we...
My experience on the class monitor
When I was an undergraduate student, I was the monitor in my class, and at... the same time I was the vice president of the sports department in the student union in out business institute. I am an out going girl, I want to make many new friends in the university so I took many activities. I have to say that to be the monitor and the vice president took many time and I was very tied at that time especially I must to study harder than other students, in order to...
imagining what it would be like to live in such a colossal city. T my chance to do exactly what my mother did her... senior year of high school. The people and places I saw, the events and experiences I got to see and do, and the memories I have the honor of carrying with me are all reasons why this trip to travel to New York City has been one of the most memorable experiences I have had in my young life so far.
Before I even signed up on the roster, I had to know if I could afford...
results when a group arrives at a set of - generally unspoken and unwritten - rules for working together. Culture is not usually defined as good or bad,... although aspects of your culture likely support your progress and success and other aspects of life.
“Employees learn the culture of their workplace by seeing how people react in various situations and by understanding what is important to management by observing what they do (more than by what they say)”.
“Culture is made up of...
7Wenhan Dai
English 101
Out of Class Essay #1
My reading experience
This week, I have read seven articles,... but only Eudora Welty’s ‘One Writer’s Beginnings” left a deep impression on me because it made me recall my own reading experience and education process when I just saw the title of this article. I could not say I am a writer, but I think I am a totally reading lover. After reading the “One Writer’s Beginnings”, I think there is a little bit similar between Eudora Welty’s...
decisions lead to the right path. This is why I think that the most formative experience in my life... started when I decided to drop out of school back in June 2010. I’d never been so scared in my life, but after a serious metamorphosis I was able to overcome my fears and find myself doing something better that what I gave up on the first place
When I started studying architecture back in 2008, everything seemed perfect regarding my career. Because I had overcome the aptitude test which really...
One of the Most Important Moment in My Life.
The terrible robbery incident that happened to me and the rest... members of my immediate family 14yrs ago occurred In the big house my father has labored to build to his comfort, and also , threatened my life, and the entire household. Only a few flashback memories of normalcy, panic, and luck are what are left in my head.
It was a normal raining season back in Nigeria, West Africa, known as summer here in the United States. The month was July and...
The special person in my life...
I am very lucky to have a lot of special people in my life. The one person who I
have been very fortunate to have in my life is my grandma. She has been there for me
since day one, she saw me come into this world...
The Death of my grandmother a life experience that changed my Identity
My sense of... independence was shattered when my grandmother departed from this world. I lost my grandmother and this experience shattered my perspective of life. Losing a loved one was like having a wisdom tooth pulled without any Novocain.
In spite of this painful occurrence happening to me at twenty-four years of age, emotions such as shock, anger, and guilt, came into play creating chaos. I rerun her death in my mind, yet...
begins with dreams and visions you hold for the life that is still ahead of you.
We ask you to write a mission statement that is reflective of... who you are and what your sense of calling, purpose, vocation, or meaning of life.
Mission statements are helpful for many reasons, but primarily they are used as a tool to encourage you to consciously reflect on who you are and what you are doing at the UW.
As you progress through your educational experience here, you will find that you will take many side...
My Life as a Soundtrack
Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if there was to be a... soundtrack playing in the background of it all. The soundtrack would just continue to play making sure to capture every moment in my life a significant one. When approaching a crush the soundtrack would be sure to pick a song that explained exactly how I was feeling, or on the days when nothing seems to be going my way, music that I like to call “thinking music” would continually play. Although having a...
The most frightening experience of my life
I have heard many people telling some frightening stories... that they experienced in their lives. But those stories are not as terrifying as mine. It occurred in a foggy night in a small town called Luján in which i was accompanied by my boyfriend and my brother. Whenever I hear about Luján cemetery, it makes me recall a set of unpleasant feelings like fear and unease that I had once when I was there.
That day, in the morning, I was travelling with my family...
always have those memory’s with me until my last breath on this earth. In this essay I intend to show how my childhood and adult... life to this point has influenced my life, my journey. By utilizing the adult development theories from this class I also intend on showing how they relate to my Life experiences and where I am today as an Adult student.
Its funny how as a child you look at things.
As time passes, those same child memories become life experiences as an adult. It is stated that Environmental...
The most prominent person in my life is Jesus Christ. It is in him that I live, move and find my... being. He is so gentle, kind and loving. He speaks with so much wisdom, signs and wonders he performs. He causes the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the dumb to speak, and the lame to walk. He has never spoken a lie or hated anyone. He is a true symphony of love, peace and joy. He is royalty.
He is indeed the lover of my soul.
Before he left this earth he promised that He is gone to prepare a place...
Deep within every person?s heart, their own childhood experience could be the most valuable memories they have. There could be... just one or many experiences. These experiences indicate the turning point from childhood into teenagers which make them so memorable and unforgettable. These incidents could be good or bad and could be beneficial or not, depending on which angle you are looking at them. I personally speaking, has had good memories and bad memories, however the bad ones has stained deep within...
sweet memorable events of my life
From the very little, like from class five I was stay outside the home on the... hostel at Muradpur Ramakrishna mission. There the base of my life was built with very strong. But I was distance from my mamoni,bapi& dada’s love, affection, illusion & delight. Then I was bounded under the mission’s four wall boundaries. I always fond of these love, affection, illusion & delight, but I never got it properly. When I was in class ten, after the test exam dada...
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