杨澜no matter whatt it h...

6 Reasons You Should Never Give Up On Your Dreams No Matter What
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There comes a time in most entrepreneurs’ lives when the challenges seem overwhelming. You've suffered consecutive setbacks and sometimes, you seriously consider throwing in the towel.
You question yourself. Maybe you don't have what it takes after all? Maybe your breakthrough idea just isn't realistic? Maybe you should quit now, rather than continue to make a fool of yourself. Self-doubt leeches onto your heart and soul, and despair begins to take over.
It happens all the time, but I'm here to tell you why you should never ever give up on your dreams. Consider these six reasons:
1. What's the alternative?
If you give up now, what are your options? Where will you be in life? Adrift? Aimless? Imagine how that will make you feel. Perhaps there's a particular product or service you've launched that is plainly not going to be “the one” that leads you to extreme success. Regard it as nothing more than a detour on your journey to success.
We all get sidetracked from time to time and, although you probably can't identify a reason why right now, there's probably a good reason Opportunity #1 didn't work out. But, once Opportunity #10 or Opportunity #20 proves successful, you'll realize why. Consider the billionaire author, J.K. Rowling, who created the “Harry Potter” series. Her idea was rejected 12 times before someone finally gave her a chance. Ultimately, perseverance paid.
2. Mistakes happen.
There's not a straight line to success. You're going to hit bumps in the road that will feel like mountains. But, you can get over them. In fact, making mistakes is necessary to creating a successful company. If you're not making mistakes, you're not experimenting. You're not trying new approaches. You're not going anywhere. They key thing is to make sure that you learn from the mistakes.
We've all heard stories about famous figures who have failed numerous times. Abraham Lincoln, for one, failed to win several positions before becoming president of the United States. Another example, Walt Disney, had to close businesses en route to worldwide success.
And, just last year, while most Americans were relaxing on Labor Day, 64-year-old Diana Nyad became the first person to swim the shark-invested waters between Cuba and Key West — some 110 miles —without a cage for protection. She succeeded after her fifth attempt in 35 years but says she learned something new from each of her failed efforts. Can you imagine what it takes to make that physical and mental journey? Failure is a necessary part of the journey, but it's never the end until you decide to quit.
3. You need passion in your life.
If you give up on your dreams, you're living a life unfulfilled. I can't imagine not being passionate about something. Do you really believe you can build a large company and help tens of thousands of people if you have a wishy-washy approach and don't feel strongly about your personal endeavors? If you don't have a mission — if you don't have a purpose — are you wasting potential? Live life with purpose and you will never be bored. Absolute conviction is everything.
4. Anything can happen.
Don't give up today because the breakthrough you need might happen tomorrow. All of the hard work you invest in yourself will pay off in the long run. It may well be that you're running in a marathon despite the fact that you were only expecting a short sprint. If you're at the point of giving up, give it another shot. “Hail Mary's” exist for this. And then, repeat this every day.
5. The joy of success.
Most of all, don't surrender your precious dreams, because one day, you will achieve them. And, when you do, the ecstasy will make all of the agony so worthwhile. Imagine being able to celebrate with your family and friends who have been rooting for you — think about the pleasure you will all feel.
Crossing the finishing line and realizing that you completed your goal will provide for an indescribable sense of accomplishment. So, go for it and don't quit because you certainly don't want to miss out on the experience of savoring the success.
6. Proving them wrong.
Last, but not least, don't give the naysayers the satisfaction of seeing you give up on your dreams! There's nothing wrong with wanting to prove them wrong. It's quite common to have dream-stealers infiltrate your life. It might be colleagues or business acquaintances or even (sadly) family and friends. They are negative influences who sow seeds of doubt.
I'll never forget when I was trying to raise capital for my previous business, BlueLithium. There was a general partner of a big firm who lectured me for 10 minutes and said, “Your chances of success are pretty much zero.” Of course, that only
I can't help but wonder how he felt when I sold the company for $300 million a year later — I was delighted to prove him wrong. Cheers to those who doubted you because eventually, they will want to be part of your team.
Dreams are essential for an entrepreneur, and with determination, you will achieve them. The road is never an easy one, but it's absolutely worth it. Your dreams are only awake if you are.
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Chairman & CEO at Gravity4.Mattered - definition of mattered by The Free Dictionary /mattered
matter (redirected from mattered)Also found in: , , , , , .Related to mattered: ,
That which occupie physical substance.2.
A type of such substance: organic matter.3.
Discharge or waste, such as pus or feces, from a living organism.4.
In Aristotelian and Scholastic use, that which is in itself undifferentiated and formless and which, as the subject of change and development, receives form and becomes substance.5.
The substance of thought or expression as opposed to the manner in which it is stated or conveyed.6.
A subject of concern, feeling, or action: matte a personal matter. See Synonyms at .7.
Trouble or difficulty: What's the matter with your car?8.
An approximated quantity, amount, or extent: The construction will last a matter of years.9.
Something printed or otherwise set down in writing: reading matter.intr.v.
mat·tered, mat·ter·ing, mat·ters
To be of importance: "Love is most nearly itself / When here and now cease to matter" (T.S. Eliot).Idioms:
as a matter of fact I actually. for that matter So far
as for that. no matter Regardless of: "Yet there isn't a train I wouldn't take, / No matter where it's going" (Edna St. Vincent Millay).[Middle English, from Old French matere, from Latin māteria, wood, timber, matter, from māter, mother (because the woody part was seen as the source of growth); see
in .]matter ('maet?) n1. that which makes up something, e material2. substance that occupies space and has mass, as distinguished from substance that is mental, spiritual, etc3. substance of a specified type: vegetable matter; reading matter. 4.
(sometimes foll by: of or for) question: a matter of taste; several matters to attend to; no laughing matter. 5. a quantity or amount: a matter of a few pence. 6. the content of written or verbal material as distinct from its style or form7.
(used with a negative) consequence8.
(Philosophy) philosophy (in the writings of Aristotle and the Scholastics) that which is itself formless but can receive form and become substance9.
(Philosophy) philosophy (in the Cartesian tradition) one of two basic modes of existence, the other being mind: matter being extended in space as well as time10.
(Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) printing a. type set up, either standing or for useb. copy to be set in type11.
(Pathology) a secretion or discharge, such as pus12.
(Law) law a. something to be provedb. statements or allegations to be considered by a court13. for that matter as regards that14.
See 15. no matter a.
irrespective of: no matter what the excuse, you must not be late. b.
(sentence substitute) it is unimportant16. the matter
the trouble: there's nothing the matter. vb (intr) 17. to be of consequence or importance18.
(Pathology) to form and discharge pus[C13 (n), C16 (vb): from Latin māteria cause, substance, esp wood, or a substance that pro related to māter mother]mat•ter
(ˈmaet ər)
the substance of which any physical object consists or is composed.
physical or corporeal substance in general, whether solid, liquid, or gaseous, esp. as distinguished from incorporeal substance, as spirit or mind, or from qualities, actions, and the like.
something that occupies space.
a particular kind of substance:
coloring matter.
a trivial matter.
an amount or extent reckoned approximately:
a matter of 10 miles.
decisions of little matter.
a matter for complaint.
the substance of discourse or writing.
something written or printed:
reading matter.
things sent by mail.
a substance discharged by a living body, esp. pus.
that which relates to form as potentiality does to actuality.
It matters to me.
to suppurate.
for that matter, as far
as for that.
no matter, regardless or irrespective of:
no matter how we try.
to be the matter, to be be amiss or awry:
What's the matter? Something's the matter.
[;1225; Middle English mater(e), materie & Anglo-French, Old French mat(i)ere, materie & Latin māteria woody part of a tree, material, substance, derivative of māter 1]
mat′ter•ful, adj.
mat′ter•less, adj.
refer to that of which physical objects are composed.
applies to anything occupying space and perce it may denote a particular kind:
vegetable matter.
refers to a definite kind of matter, esp. that used to manufacture or construct something:
building materials.
is an informal term that applies to the basic material of whi it may also denote an unspecified kind of material: Do you have the stuff to make the rug?
is usu. a definite kind of matter thought of in relation to its characteristic properties: a sticky substance. These terms are also used abstractly, esp. with reference to thought or expression:
the substance of a speech. mat·ter (măt′ər) Something that occupies space, has mass, and can exist ordinarily as a solid, liquid, or gas.MatterS. variant crystalline structure in a chemical compound.
& allomorphic, adj., the quality of certain substances to exist in more than one form, with different properties in each form.
allotropic, allotropical, adj.Philosophy. the doctrine that all matter has life.
& hylozoist, n.
& hylozoistic, adj.1. the philosophical theory that regards matter and its phenomena as the only reality and explains all occurrences, including the mental, as due to material agencies.2. attention to or emphasis on material objects, needs, and considerations, with a disinterest in or rejection of intellectual and spiritual values.
& materialist, n.
& materialistic, adj.Metaphysics. any of various theories holding that there is only one basic substance or principle that is the ground of reality.
& monist, n.
monistic, monistical, adj.Chemistry and Geology. the study of the flow and deformation of colloids, especially pastes.
& rheologist, n.
& rheologic, rheological, adj.Obsolete, the branch of physics that studies the properties of matter. Also called somatics.matter1. talking about a problemThe matter is used after what, something, anything, or nothing to talk about a problem or difficulty. You use the matter in the same way as an adjective like wrong. For example, instead of saying 'Is something wrong?' you can say 'Is something the matter?'What's the matter?There's something the matter with your eyes.Be Careful!Don't use 'the matter' with this meaning in other types of sentence. Don't say, for example, 'The matter is that we don't know where she is'. Say 'The problem is that we don't know where she is' or 'The trouble is that we don't know where she is'.The problem is that she can't cook.The trouble is there isn't enough money.2. 'It doesn't matter'When someone apologizes to you, you can say 'It doesn't matter.' Don't say 'No matter'.'I've only got dried milk.' – 'It doesn't matter.'3. 'no matter'You use no matter in expressions such as no matter what and no matter how to say that something happens or is true in all circumstances.He does what he wants, no matter what I say.Call me when you get home, no matter how late it is.Don't use no matter to mention something that makes your main statement seem surprising. Don't say, for example, 'No matter the rain, we carried on playing'. Say 'In spite of the rain, we carried on playing' or 'Despite the rain, we carried on playing'In spite of his ill health, my father was always cheerful.See 4. used as a countable nounA matter is a situation that someone has to deal with.I wanted to talk to you about a personal matter.This is a matter for the police.You can use the plural form matters to refer to a situation that has just been discussed.There is only one applicant for the job, which makes matters easier.His attitude did not help matters.Be Careful!When matters has this meaning, don't put 'the' in front of it. Don't say, for example 'His attitude did not help the matters.'matterPast participle: matteredGerund: matteringImperativePresentPreteritePresent ContinuousPresent PerfectPast ContinuousPast PerfectFutureFuture PerfectFuture ContinuousPresent Perfect ContinuousFuture Perfect ContinuousPast Perfect ContinuousConditionalPast ConditionalImperativemattermatterPresentI matteryou matterhe/she/it matterswe matteryou matterthey matterPreteriteI matteredyou matteredhe/she/it matteredwe matteredyou matteredthey matteredPresent ContinuousI am matteringyou are matteringhe/she/it is matteringwe are matteringyou are matteringthey are matteringPresent PerfectI have matteredyou have matteredhe/she/it has matteredwe have matteredyou have matteredthey have matteredPast ContinuousI was matteringyou were matteringhe/she/it was matteringwe were matteringyou were matteringthey were matteringPast PerfectI had matteredyou had matteredhe/she/it had matteredwe had matteredyou had matteredthey had matteredFutureI will matteryou will matterhe/she/it will matterwe will matteryou will matterthey will matterFuture PerfectI will have matteredyou will have matteredhe/she/it will have matteredwe will have matteredyou will have matteredthey will have matteredFuture ContinuousI will be matteringyou will be matteringhe/she/it will be matteringwe will be matteringyou will be matteringthey will be matteringPresent Perfect ContinuousI have been matteringyou have been matteringhe/she/it has been matteringwe have been matteringyou have been matteringthey have been matteringFuture Perfect ContinuousI will have been matteringyou will have been matteringhe/she/it will have been matteringwe will have been matteringyou will have been matteringthey will have been matteringPast Perfect ContinuousI had been matteringyou had been matteringhe/she/it had been matteringwe had been matteringyou had been matteringthey had been matteringConditionalI would matteryou would matterhe/she/it would matterwe would matteryou would matterthey would matterPast ConditionalI would have matteredyou would have matteredhe/she/it would have matteredwe would have matteredyou would have matteredthey would have matteredmatterThe physical being.
Switch to Noun1.matter - a vague "several matters to attend to"; "it is none of your affair"; "things are going well",
- something that interests you because it is impo "the safety of the ship is the captain's concern" - something that "it is the least I can do"; "that is the least of my concerns"2.matter - some situation or event t "he kept drifting off the topic"; "he had been thinking about the subject for several years"; "it is a matter for the police", , , ,
- the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned - "it was his area of specialization"; "areas of interest include..." - a subject about which you are ignorant or prejudiced and fail to ex "golf is one of his blind spots and he's proud of it" - the topic that a person, committee, or piece of research is expected to deal with or has au "they set up a group with a remit to suggest ways for strengthening family life",
- a matter alre cannot be raised again3.matter - that which has mas "physicists study both the nature of matter and the forces which govern it" - an entity that has physical existence - the real physical matter of which a pers "DNA is the substance of our genes" - a particular kind or species of matter wit "shigella is one of the most toxic substances known to man",
- matter that has been deposited by some natural process - (cosmology) the original matter that (according to the big bang theory) existed before the formation of the chemical elements - (cosmology) a hypothetical form of matter that is believed to make up 90 per it is invisible (does not absorb or emit light) and does not collide with atomic particles but exerts gravitational force - matter consisting of elementary particles that are the antiparticles of those making up normal substances - any gu usually unpleasant - continuous amorphous matter that tends to flow and to conform to the outline of its container: a liquid or a gas, , , , , , , ,
- any thick, viscous matter - (physical chemistry) a sample of matter in which substances in different phase "in a static system oil cannot be replaced by water on a surface"; "a system generating hydrogen peroxide" - matter that remains after something has been removed - matter that is solid at room temperature and pressure - the dissolved
the component of a solution that changes its state - something that is emitted or radiated (as a gas or an odor or a light, etc.) - matter produced by plants or growing in the manner of a plant4.matter - "is anything the matter?",
"one trouble after another delayed the job"; "what's the problem?"5.matter - (used with negation) "they were friends and it was no matter who won the games", ,
- having important
"decisions of great consequence are made by the president himself"; "virtue is of more moment than security"; "that result is of no consequence"6.matter - written works (especially in books or magazines); "he always took some reading matter with him on the plane", ,
anything expressed in letters of the alphabet (especially when considered from the point of view of style and effect); "the writing in her novels is excellent"; "that editorial was a fine piece of writing" - matter that has been dict "he signed and mailed his dictation without bothering to read it",
- the words
"there were more than a thousand words of text"; "they handed out the printed text of the mayor's speech"; "he wants to reconstruct the original text" - the main body of a written work (as distinct from illustrations or footnotes etc.); "pictures made the text easier to understand" - typewritten matter especially a typewritten copy of a manuscript,
- written matter preceding the main text of a book,
- written matter following the main text of a book - (computer science) matter that is in a form that a computer can store or display it
"he sent them soft copy of the report" - (computer science) matter that is held in a computer and is typed "he ran off a hard copy of the report", ,
- textual matter that is adde usually at the end - written matter that is recited from memoryVerb1.matter - have import, "It does not matter much",
(copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer",
- to be oppr "weigh heavily on the mind", "Something pressed on his mind",
- be of impor "This matters to me!"matternoun1. , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
It was a private matter.2. , , ,
A proton is an elementary particle of matter.3. , , , , , , , , , ,
This conflict forms the matter of the play.4. (Medical) , , , ,
If the wound starts to produce yellow matter, see your doctor.5. , , , , , , ,
F it's of no matter.6. , , , , , , , ,
(S. African) What's the matter?verb1. be important, , , , make any difference, mean anything, , , cut any ice (informal), be of consequence, be of account It doesn't matter how long you take.as a matter of fact , , , , , , , in actual fact,
As as matter of fact, you may be wrong.no matter , , , don't apologise, it makes no difference or odds 'I forgot to bring it.' 'No matter.'Quotations"What is matter? - Never mind.""What is mind? - No matter" Punchmatternoun1. That which occupies space and can be perceived by the senses:, .2. That from which things are or can be made:, , .Idiom: grist for one's mill.3. What a speech, piece of writing, or artistic work is about:, , , , , , .4. Something to be done, considered, or dealt with:, , .verbTo be of significance or importance:, , , .
?????? ?????????????? ?????????????hmotazále?itosthnismít v?znamvěcbetyde nogetsagmaterieanliggendeaineh?t?materiaolla v?li?ongelmabiti va?nopitanjeanyagdologügyefnigr?fturmálefniskipta máli物質重要である??????blaivusbūti svarbiamdalykasgin?ijamas dalykas?prastas dalykasbūt svarīgamjautājumslietamatērijastrutassnovstvarzadevatvarsakspela rollstoff?????????????????????????????nemi olmakcó t?m quan tr?ngv?n ??matter [ˈmætəʳ]A. N1. (= substance) →
f2. (Typ, Publishing) →
madvertising matter →
m printed matter →
mpl3. (Med) (= pus) →
f4. (Literat) (= content) →
mform and matter → la forma y el 5. (= question, affair) →
fin this matter → en este that's quite another matter, that's another matter altogether → ésa es otra , eso es
business matters →
mplthe matter is closed → el
está as a matter of course → it's a matter of course with us → con nosotros es
de that's a very different matter → ésa es otra , eso es
it's an easy matter to phone him → es
llamarleit will be no easy matter → no será as a matter of fact as a matter of fact I know her very well →
I don't like it, as a matter of fact I'm totally against it → no me ,
"don't tell me you like it?" - "as a matter of fact I do" → -no me
-pues sí,
sías a matter of fact we were just talking about you →
de tifor that matter → it's a matter of form → es
formalidadthe matter in hand → la
money matters →
mpl it is no great matter → es poca , in the matter of → , there's the matter of my wages →
de mi it will be a matter of a few weeks → será
de unas a matter of minutes →
de it's a matter of a couple of hours → es
de in a matter of ten minutes → en
de diez it's a matter of great concern to us → es
para nosotrosit's a matter of taste → es
de it's a serious matter → es
as matters stand → tal como están las to make matters worse → para
de see also
B26. (= importance) no matter!; it makes no matter (frm) → ?no !, ?no le ! (LAm)no matter how you do it →
cómo lo no matter how big it is → por
que seano matter how hot it is → por mucho
que get one, no matter how →
que seano matter what he says →
what matter? (frm) → ?qué ?no matter when →
cuándono matter who goes →
7. (= difficulty, problem etc) what's the matter? → ?qué ?, ?qué hay?what's the matter with you? → ?qué te ?, ?qué ?what's the matter with Tony? → ?qué le
a ?something's the matter with the lights → algo les
a las , algo
con las what's the matter with my hat? → ?qué
con mi ?what's the matter with singing? → ?por qué no
?, ?es que está
?nothing's the matter → no
nadaas if nothing were the matter → como
tal B. VI → does it matter to you if I go? → ?te
que yo ?why should it matter to me? → ?a mí qué
me da?it doesn't matter (unimportant) → ; (no preference) → (me) da
or what does it matter? → ?qué
da?, ?y qué?some things matter more than others → algunas
que otrasmatter [ˈmætər] n (= question) →
fa matter of → une
deIt's a matter of habit → C'est une
d'habitude.it's a matter of life and death → c'est une it is only a matter of time → ce n'est qu'une
de It would be only a matter of time before he left → Ce ne serait qu'une
avant qu'il ne .to be a matter of opinion → être une
d'opinion (= affair) →
fthat's another matter, that's a different matter → c'est une autre , c'est une autre that's quite a different matter → c'est une toute autre , c'est une toute autre it's no easy matter → ce n'est pas
it's no laughing matter →
that's the end of the matter → He's moving in, and that's the end of the matter → Il , point .the fact of the matter is (that) ... →
...the truth of the matter is (that) ... (= the truth is) → la
c'est que ... (= material) →
fplwaste matter →
vegetable matter →
The termites feed almost entirely on vegetable matter → Les
. organic matter, reading matter (in adverbial phrases) as a matter of urgency adv → I need to talk to him as a matter of urgency → J'ai
d'urgence.as a matter of course adv → They are carrying arms as a matter of course → Ils sont
.Shouldn't I be told all this as a matter of course? → Ne devrais-je pas être
de tout ceci?The best companies do this for staff as a matter of course → C'est une
pour leur .as a matter of fact adv → for that matter adv → He'd not seen her, nor for that matter had anyone else → Il ne l'avait pas , et personne d'autre
d'ailleurs. (= problem) what's the matter? → qu'est-ce qu'il y a?what's the matter with him? → qu'est-ce qu'il a ?what's the matter with your office? →
ne va pas à ton ?she told him there was nothing the matter → elle lui a
bien (in time phrases) in a matter of days (= within a few days) → en l'espace de In a matter of days she was back at work → En l'espace de , elle était
au .in a matter of hours → en l'espace de
no matter what (= whatever happens) → I'll do it no matter what → Je le
quoi qu'il . (= whatever happened) → quoi qu'il He had decided to publish the manuscript no matter what → Il avait
quoi qu'il .no matter what your age →
votre no matter how small it is, no matter how small →
soit-il (or aussi petite soit-elle)Any dog bite, no matter how small, needs immediate medical attention → Toute
soit-elle, doit être
par un .no matter who you are → qui que vous soyezno matter who you are or where you're from → qui que vous soyez et
l'endroit d'où vous
f (= secretion) →
f fecal matter matters npl (= situation) to improve matters →
les It is hard to see how this would improve matters → On ne
comment cela pourrait
les .to make matters worse →
les Don't let yourself despair, that will just make matters worse → Ne vous
qu'aggraver les . vi (= be important) → , It's the only thing that matters → C'est la
qui ., C'est la
qui .to matter to sbIt matters a lot to me → C'est
pour moi.it doesn't matter (= it's not important) → cela n'a pas d'importance"Shall I phone today or tomorrow?" - "Whenever, it doesn't matter." → "Est-ce que j'appelle aujourd'hui ou ?" - "Quand tu veux, cela n'a pas d'importance." (= I don't mind) → , ?a ne
rien"I can't give you the money today." - "It doesn't matter." → "Je ne peux pas te
l'argent aujourd'hui." - "?a ne
rien."it doesn't matter anymore → cela n'a plus d'importanceUnder the new rules, this doesn't matter any more → Avec le
, cela n'a plus d'importance.matter-of-fact [&#x2mætərəvˈfækt] adj [person, statement] → matter n (= substance, not mind) → die ; organic/inorganic matter → /anorganische
pl (particular kind) →
m; advertising matter →
f, →
f; printed matter → Büchersendung f; colouring matter → (e) m(pl); vegetable matter →
pl (Med, = pus) →
m (Typ) (= copy) →
nt; (= type set up) →
m (= content) →
m; the main matter of his speech was … → (der) Hauptgegenstand seiner
war … (= question, affair) →
f, →
f; (= topic) →
nt, →
m; can I talk to you on a matter of great urgency? → kann ich Sie in einer ?usserst
?; this is a matter I know little about → darüber
ich wenig; in the matter of … → was … (+acc) → , hinsichtlich … (+gen); in the matter of clothes etc →
etc; there’s the matter of my expenses → da ist (noch) die
mit meinen ; it’s no great matter → das
nichts, das ist
so ; that’s quite another matter → das ist etwas (ganz) ; that’s another matter altogether, that’s a very different matter → das ist etwas
anderes; it will be no easy matter (to) … → es
sein, zu …; it’s a serious matter → das ist eine
ist ; the matter is closed → die
matters pl →
pl; business matters →
pl, → (s) nt; as matters stand → wie die
; to make matters worse →
(noch) for that matter → ; I haven’t seen him for weeks, nor for that matter has anybody else → ich habe ihn seit
; he wants to complain about it and for that matter, so do I → er will sich darüber
auch a matter of → eine
(+gen), → eine
von; it’s a matter of form/time → das ist eine Formsache/ or
der Zeit; it’s a matter of taste/opinion → das ist -/; it’s a matter of adjusting this part exactly → es
darum, dieses
; it will be a matter of a few weeks → es
; it’s a matter of 10 miles from … → es sind 10
von …; it’s a matter of a couple of hours → das ist eine
; if it’s just a matter of another 10 minutes, then I’ll wait → wenn es sich nur noch um 10
ich solange; in a matter of minutes → innerhalb von ; it’s a matter of great concern to us → die
ist für uns von
; it’s not just a matter of increasing the money supply → es ist
damit , die Geldzufuhr zu ; it’s just a matter of trying harder → man muss sich
; as a matter of course → ; it’s a matter of course with us → für uns ist das eine ; you should always take your passport with you as a matter of course → es sollte für Sie eine
bei sich zu haben; earthquakes happen as a matter of course in that part of the world →
sind in der
no matter! →
nichts; I’ve decided to leave tomorrow, no matter what → ich
was ; no matter how/what/when/where etc … → , wie/was/wann/wo etc …; no matter how you do it → wie du es auch , , wie du es ; no matter how hot it was → auch or selbst bei der
; no matter how hard he tried → so sehr er sich auch
something is the matter with somebody/something →
ist mit / ; (ill) →
; what’s the matter? → was ist (denn) los?, was ist (denn)?; what’s the matter with you this morning? — nothing’s the matter → was hast du denn
nichts; what’s the matter with having a little fun? → was ist denn schon dabei, wenn man
hat?; something’s the matter with the lights → mit dem
; as if nothing was the matter → als ob nichts (los) w?re vi it doesn’t matter → (es or das) macht nichts, ist schon ; what does it matter? → was
das schon?; I forgot it, does it matter? — yes, it does matter → ich habs , ist das ? — ja, das ist ; does it matter to you if I go? →
es dir etwas aus, wenn ich ?; doesn’t it matter to you at all if I leave you? →
es dir denn
nichts aus, wenn ich dich ?; why should it matter to me? → warum sollte mir das etwas ?; why should it matter to me if people are starving? → was
es mich an, wenn
?; it doesn’t matter to me what you do → es ist mir (ganz) , was du ; some things matter more than others → es ist aber
alles gleich ; the things which matter in life → was im
ist or ; poverty matters →
jeden etwas anmatter [ˈmætəʳ]1. na. (substance, gen) (Phys) → , colouring matter →
mforeign matter →
advertising matter →
f invreading matter (Brit) → qualcosa da b. (content) → c. (question, affair) →
f, money matters →
the matter in hand → l'argomento or la
there's the matter of my wages → ci sarebbe la
del mio and to make matters worse ... →
...that will only make matters worse → questo
la it's a matter of great concern to us → è una cosa che ci
moltoit's no laughing matter → è una cosa or
it will be a matter of a few weeks → ci vorrà qualche it's a matter of a few pounds → si
di poche in the matter of → in
di, for that matter → as a matter of course → , come cosa as a matter of fact → per (dire) la , it's a matter of opinion → è una
di that's another matter → quella è un'altra it's a matter of habit → è una
di d. (importance) no matter! → non !do it, no matter how → ,
che tu lo no matter how you do it →
tu lo no matter what →
no matter what he says → qualsiasi or
no matter how big it is →
siano matter when → no matter who → chiunquee. (difficulty, problem) what's the matter? → cosa c'è (che non va)?what's the matter with you? → cos'hai?what's the matter with my hair? → cos'hanno
che non va?there's something the matter with my arm → c'è qualcosa che non va al as if nothing was the matter →
niente fossesomething's the matter with the lights → le
hanno qualcosa che non vanothing's the matter → non è
nientenothing's the matter with me → non ho nientef. (Med) (pus) →
m2. vi → it doesn't matter (I don't mind) → , what does it matter? → cosa ?, che
ha?what does it matter to you? → ma
che te ne ?why should it matter to me? → e perché dovrebbe importarmi?matter ('m?t?)
solids, liquids and/or gases in any form, from which everything physical is made. The entire universe is made up of different kinds of matter. materie
die Materie
tvar, materija
unsur , , ,
???? ?? ?????? ????? ???
materia, ?mne
???? ? ????
ch?t; v?t ch?t 2.
a subject or topic (of discussion etc).
money matters. saak
????????? ????????
věc, zále?itost
die Angelegenheit
- -anliggende , ,
sadr?aj, predmet
málefni ,
dalykas, reikalas
jautā lieta
persoalan ,
chestiune ,
предмет; питання
???? ????? ?? ??????
事情,题材,课题 3.
pus. The wound was infected and full of matter. vuilis
?????? ?????
??? ??????
verb to be important. That car matters It doesn't matter. beteken
важен съм
mít v?znam
betyde noget
t?htis olema
????? ?????
olla t?rke?
??????? ??????
?????? ????, ???? ?? ????, ????????? ????
skipta máli
būti svarbiam, tur?ti reik?m?s
būt svarīgam
ma? v?znam
biti va?an
betyda, vara av betydelse
?nemi olmak
мати значення
có ? ngh?a quan tr?ng
有关系,要紧 ?matter-of-'fact adjective keeping not fanciful, emotional or imaginative. a matter-of-fact account/statement/opinion/attitude. feitelik
?? ?????????? ?? ???????? ????????
saglig , ,
asiallinen ,
?????? ???
tényleges, tárgyilagos, tárgyszer?
bó sem heldur sig vi? sta?reyndir ,
dalyki?kas, objektyvus, blaivus
?? ????? ???
фактический; прозаический
saklig, prosaisk, realistisk, rakt p? sak
??????????? ,
фактичний, буквальний
就事论事的,讲求实际的 be the matter (often with with)
to be the/a trouble, difficulty or thing that is wrong. Is anything the matter?; What's the matter with you? fout
???? ??????????? ?? ???????
ser o problema
b?t v nepo?ádku
vaere i vejen
ser el problema
lahti olema
olla ongelmana
ce qui ne va pas
??? ????????, ??????????
??? ???? ???
biti lo?e s
vmi baja van
sem amar a?
c'è qualche problema?;
aan de hand zijn
i veien med,
by? nie tak, stanowi? problem
ser o problema
a se ?nt?mpla
быть не в порядке
neby? v poriadku
biti narobe
st? p?, vara [fatt] med
sorunu olmak
складн?сть; непри?мн?сть
???? ????? ?? ??? ???
ch? v?n ?? gì ?ó a matter of course something that one expects to happen, be done etc. You don't have to ask her – she'll do it as a matter of course. van nature, vanselfsprekend
????? ??????????
очаквано нещо
coisa natural
samoz?ejmá věc
κτ. φυσικ? και αυτον?ητο
por costumbre
odotetusti tapahtuva asia
tout naturellement
????? ????????????
????????? ???
sam po sebi razumljiv
e?lilegur, sem má búast vi?
(cosa naturale)
?prastas dalykas
pa?saprotama lieta
iets vanzelfsprekends
co? oczywistego, na porz?dku dziennym
?? ?? ????
coisa natural
de la sine (?n?eles)
само собой разумеющееся дело
samozrejmá vec
sj?lvklar (naturlig) sak
beklenen/umulan ?ey
звичайна справа
vi?c t?t nhiên
理所当然之事,必然的结果 a matter of opinion something about which different people have different opinions or views. Whether she's clever or not is a matter of opinion. nie in klip gegiet nie, nie seker nie
???????? ???
въпрос на мнение
quest?o de opini?o
věc názoru
et holdningssp?rgsm?l
ζ?τημα γν?μη?, υποκειμενικ? θ?μα
cuestión de opinión
vaieldav asi
affaire d'opinion
????? ???????????
???????? ????
stvar shva?anja
felfogás kérdése
questione d'opinione,
gin?ijamas dalykas
uzskatu jautā kā uz to raugās
een kwestie van zienswijze
kwestia punktu widzenia
quest?o de opini?o
felul ?n care vede fiecare o pro-blem?, chestiune de opinie
спорный вопрос
vec názoru
stvar gledanja
stvar shvatanja
en fr?ga om tycke och smak, en fr?ga (sak) som man kan ha olika ?sikter om
g?rü? meselesi
сп?рне питання
????? ?????? ??? ????
v?n ?? còn tranh c?i no matter it is not important. `He's not here.' `No matter, I'll see him later.' maak nie saak nie
?? ????? ???? ?????????
няма значение
n?o importa
to je jedno
lige meget
δεν πειρ?ζει
pole viga, pole hullu
????? ????
?????????? ????
nem baj,...
tidak penting
sem skiptir ekki máli
(non importa)
nav svarīgi, nekas
tidak penting
n?o importa
nu conteaz? ,
to je jedno
det spelar ingen roll
?nemli de?il
байдуже; не ма? значення
kh?ng v?n ?? gì no matter who/what/where etc whoever, whatever, wherever etc. No matter what happens, I'll go. ongeag wie
?? ????? ??? ? ???? ? ???
без значение кой
n?o importa
kdokoli, cokoli, kdekoli
gleichgültig wer, ,
ligegyldigt hvem/hvad/hvor , , , ?που και αν , sea lo que sea
kes / mis / kus tahes
kuka, mit?, miss? jne. hyv?ns?
qui/quoi/o? que ce soit
?? ?????? ???, ???...
??? ???? ????
neovisno, bez obzira
mindegy (, hogy/ki/mi/hol stb.)
tidak peduli
(alveg) sama hver/hva?/hvar
(non importa)
?? ???(?? ??, ??, ???, ??, ?, ???) …????(????)
kad ir kas/k?/kur
vienalga, kas/kur
tidak kira
samme hvem/hva/hvor
bez wzgl?du na to kto, , gdzie itd.
n?o importa
oricine, orice, oriunde
бы ни...
ktoko?vek, ?oko?vek, kdeko?vek
kdorkoli, karkoli, kjerkoli
bez obzira na
vem (vad) som ?n, var (vart) ?n
???; ????; ??????; ?????
kim/ne/nerede vb. olursa olsun hi? farketmez
хто б не
不管谁/什么/何地等 matter →
b?t d?le?it?, zále?itost betyde noget, sag ,
aine, olla v?li? ,
biti va?no, pitanje ,
物質, 重要である ??, ???? ,
sak, spela roll ???????????????, ????????????? ,
có t?m quan tr?ng, v?n ?? , mat·ter n. materia,as a ___ of fact → en realidad; gray ___ → ___ gris; Let's take care of this ___ → Vamos a hacernos cargo de este asunto; What is the ___ ? → ?Qué pasa?, ?Qué ocurre? matter n (anat) gray — white — sustancia blanca
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If she could but get that conviction firmly fixed in her mind, what mattered about the rest?
"what mattered it whether he struck the rock living or dead His error lay in supposing that this age, more than any past or future one, is destined to see the tattered garments of Antiquity exchanged for a new suit, instead of gradually renewing the in applying his own little life-span as the measure of an inte and, more than all, in fancying that it mattered anything to the great end in view whether he himself should contend for it or against it. It mattered little for his object, whether celestial or from what other region.
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