
  嗨,冒昧给你写邮件。希望你的心情像春天一样喜悦。    我是XX。我在XX地方。我在XX杂志上看见你的照片,感觉非常喜欢。希望和你交个朋友。并且希望有一天能和你一起面对面探讨关于时尚以及服饰搭配等话题。相信我们会有共同的话题。    如果你愿意,期待看到更多你的照片。我想,你一定会让我惊喜万分。    期待你的回音。    署名:真诚的XX。  ——————————————  谢谢大家。    谢谢有空的人帮忙翻译成英文。    希望整个邮件的文字读起来有一种能让寂寞的人春心荡漾的魔力。我知道这样很难。但还是谢谢大家。
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张 | 更多
  虽然我还是写过很多乱七八糟的ESSAY..可是...&希望整个邮件的文字读起来有一种能让寂寞的人春心荡漾的魔力。&???  你让我很有压力...╮(╯▽╰)╭
   希望整个邮件的文字读起来有一种能让寂寞的人春心荡漾的魔力。我知道这样很难。但还是谢谢大家。  ============  这个要求好难~~~~~~
    虽然我还是写过很多乱七八糟的ESSAY..可是...&希望整个邮件的文字读起来有一种能让寂寞的人春心荡漾的魔力。&???    你让我很有压力...╮(╯▽╰)╭  =================  排这个    本来都写好了,返回去看了楼主的要求,被吓到。。
  一种能让寂寞的人春心荡漾的魔力·········  靠··这也太有挑战性了··
  本来想写 看到这句话 “一种能让寂寞的人春心荡漾的魔力” 俺还是不写了呵呵
  把那个要求去掉  把那个要求去掉  把那个要求去掉  把那个要求去掉      !!!  
  楼主急了!  看看你,乱加的什么要求
  水平不好。。。  将就、、、、      Hi~take the liberty of writting
E-mail to you , and I hope your mood is as happy as the spring.  
I’mXX ,in XX . I saw your photo in the XX magzine,do you know it’s so attractive and I like it very much.Therefor,I hope one day we can talk over something about fashion & matching clothes. I believe that there will be the same idea between us.  
Looking forward to see more photos from you if you like. And I’m sure you will make me jump right out of my skin.  
Looking forward your reply.  
yours sincerely
  翻得很烂;;;;    将就,,,,,,  Hi~take the liberty of writting
E-mail to you , and I hope your mood is as happy as the spring.  
I’mXX ,in XX . I saw your photo in the XX magzine,do you know it’s so attractive and I like it very much.Therefor,I hope one day we can talk over something about fashion & matching clothes. I believe that there will be the same idea between us.  
Looking forward to see more photos from you if you like. And I’m sure you will make me jump right out of my skin.  
Looking forward your reply.  
yours sincerely
  一种能让寂寞的人春心荡漾的魔力·········    =========    观望有没有人可以翻得出...
  谢谢,终于有了。    看来能用!!
  Hi, this is XX from XX place. It is such an honor of me to write to you and hope u have a joyful heart as smooth as the spring breeze.    The first sight I caught of your photos from XX magazine, your beauty broke into my heart and urged me to write to you. Hope we could become close friends and discuss topics like fashion or clothes-matching problems one day, face to face, heart to heart. Hope we can share the same opinions.    If it is at your will, I am looking forward to seeing more of your photos. I am sure that will be a total surprise for me.    Sincerely waiting for your response.    Your sincerely, XX
Hi,I’m venturing to emial you,hoping you are as merry as the Spring.  
My name is XX,and I come from YY.It happened that I saw your picture in XX magazine. I have feelings for you just at the first sight,so I wanna make friend with you. I hope that one day I can approach the subjects about fashion and dress collocation with you.I firmly believe we’ll have a lot of common topics.  
MayI have the honor of appreciating more of your portraits? I bet they will be amazing for me!
looking forward to your response!     
Yours sincerely,  
Hi,I’m venturing to emial you,hoping you are as merry as the Spring.  
My name is XX,and I come from YY.It happened that I saw your picture in XX magazine. I have feelings for you just at the first sight,so I wanna make friend with you. I hope that one day I can approach the subjects about fashion and dress collocation with you.I firmly believe we’ll have a lot of common topics.  
MayI have the honor of appreciating more of your portraits? I bet they will be amazing for me!
looking forward to your response!     
Yours sincerely,  
  完了,这么多,我该选哪一封啊!    谢谢大家!!!
  春心荡漾 -_-!   春寒料峭,楼主淡定、淡定。
  作者:可儿929 回复日期: 20:33:37        一种能让寂寞的人春心荡漾的魔力·········        =========        观望有没有人可以翻得出...    ---------------------------------------    同观望    
  感觉西山落雨那封很荡漾!因为我看见了“face to face, heart to heart.”    ~
  chun xin dang yang 啊~~
  勿复制广告内容勿发外网链接以免误杀,谢谢——如花-- 梳子来呢喃哦-- 操作时间: 22:14:51 --
  作者:13头发长了侣何在 回复日期: 20:45:59   
    感觉西山落雨那封很荡漾!因为我看见了“face to face, heart to heart.”    =============================================  虽然有人肯定很感谢,不过麻烦看清名字再夸行不?
  作者:花雨西山 回复日期: 20:49:00 
    作者:13头发长了侣何在 回复日期: 20:45:59            感觉西山落雨那封很荡漾!因为我看见了“face to face, heart to heart.”        =============================================    虽然有人肯定很感谢,不过麻烦看清名字再夸行不?        ___________________________________________    不好意思!不好意思!眼花了    可是,为什么我的潜意思里马上跳出“西山落雨”这四个字?    难道我本是浪漫的人??      !!!
  代写医学论文,代发国家级期刊。  优秀的原创文章,全程高效、保密的合作流程,解决您文章写作难、发表时间长的烦恼。  三九论文网
  联系电话:   客服Q Q :  咨询邮箱:  
  作者:veramay 回复日期: 21:04:39 
    把problems去掉更佳,可能翻得太急,有点中式英语了。      ???
  你们太没人性了,楼主我来帮你  =================================== =================  
 hai maomeidegeinixieyoujian.xiwangnidexinqingxiangchuntianyiyangxiyue.  
  stop telling your Korean jokes!
  Hello Sexy~      I am XX, from XX.  I saw your picture on a magzine, I like it.We should meet. We can talk about clothes, or something not involving clothes, if you know what i mean. There’s a lot we can share~      Send me more pictures of you, surprise me~      I’m checking my mail box already.      XX with my whole heart and body~    难得我英文还能写得这么淫荡~ 敬仰自己!!
  作者:GRE词汇 回复日期: 22:10:54 
    Hello Sexy~          I am XX, from XX.    I saw your picture on a magzine, I like it.We should meet. We can talk about clothes, or something not involving clothes, if you know what i mean. There's a lot we can share~          Send me more pictures of you, surprise me~          I'm checking my mail box already.          XX with my whole heart and body~        难得我英文还能写得这么淫荡~ 敬仰自己!!    -------------------------------  这篇虽然措辞简单,但是真的很荡漾的感觉,充满明示和暗示~~~    
  作者:GRE词汇 回复日期: 22:10:54 
    Hello Sexy~          I am XX, from XX.    I saw your picture on a magzine, I like it.We should meet. We can talk about clothes, or something not involving clothes, if you know what i mean. There’s a lot we can share~          Send me more pictures of you, surprise me~          I’m checking my mail box already.          XX with my whole heart and body~        难得我英文还能写得这么淫荡~ 敬仰自己!!  ----------------  这个虽然措辞简洁,但是挺荡漾的,充满明示和暗示,orz
  作者:胸口碎大石头头 回复日期: 21:26:34 
    你们太没人性了,楼主我来帮你    =================================== =================      hai maomeidegeinixieyoujian.xiwangnidexinqingxiangchuntianyiyangxiyue.     woshiXX.wozaiXXdifang.wozaiXXzazhishangkanjiannidezhaopian,ganjuefeichangxihuan,xiwanghenijiaogepengyou,bingqiexiwangyouyitiannengheniyiqimianduimiantantaoshishangyijifushidapeidenghuati,xiangxinwomenhuiyougongtongdehuati.     ruguoniyuanyixiwangkandaogengduonidezhaopian,woxiangniyidinghuirangwowanfenjingxi.     qidainidehuiyin     XXX       作者:13头发长了侣何在 回复日期: 21:59:43 
    靠,楼上     =========================================================  写的不好么?初中文化都可看懂。没人性啊~~
  谢谢。我已经选用了花雨西山翻译的邮件了。    谢谢大家。虽然“GRE词汇”翻译的很荡漾,可是晚了点。    邮件我已经发出了。    期待回音吧。他回信的话还要请大家帮忙滴~ 
  本店专业出售男士时尚休闲内裤,全场满55包邮!    澳洲雄风,TOOT,YPM 等国际品牌款式均为淘宝最低价,低价不低质量!    欢迎天涯网友为情人选购内裤,为老公选购内裤,为男友选购内裤,为自己选购内裤!      /  
  哈哈哈哈,楼主你太牛啦    一种能让寂寞的人春心荡漾的魔力·········    一种能让寂寞的人春心荡漾的魔力·········    一种能让寂寞的人春心荡漾的魔力·········    一种能让寂寞的人春心荡漾的魔力·········    一种能让寂寞的人春心荡漾的魔力·········    一种能让寂寞的人春心荡漾的魔力·········    一种能让寂寞的人春心荡漾的魔力·········    一种能让寂寞的人春心荡漾的魔力·········    一种能让寂寞的人春心荡漾的魔力·········    一种能让寂寞的人春心荡漾的魔力·········    一种能让寂寞的人春心荡漾的魔力·········    一种能让寂寞的人春心荡漾的魔力·········    一种能让寂寞的人春心荡漾的魔力·········    一种能让寂寞的人春心荡漾的魔力·········    一种能让寂寞的人春心荡漾的魔力·········    一种能让寂寞的人春心荡漾的魔力·········    一种能让寂寞的人春心荡漾的魔力·········    一种能让寂寞的人春心荡漾的魔力·········    
  作者:GRE词汇 回复日期: 22:10:54        Hello Sexy~              I am XX, from XX.      I saw your picture on a magzine, I like it.We should meet. We can talk about clothes, or something not involving clothes, if you know what i mean. There’s a lot we can share~              Send me more pictures of you, surprise me~              I’m checking my mail box already.              XX with my whole heart and body~            难得我英文还能写得这么淫荡~ 敬仰自己!!  =============  这个太荡漾了。。赤裸裸。。哈哈。。。
  作者:天蝎火龙 回复日期: 08:58:11 
    对方的回应要跟大家分享哦    --------------------------------  +1  
  希望整个邮件的文字读起来有一种能让寂寞的人春心荡漾的魔力。  ===================================================================    作为英语系的学生,我表示很有鸭梨
<span class="count" title="万
<span class="count" title="
Outstanding implementation team
The implementation team directly faces the project, whether does itsquality directly affect the enterprise resources plan projectimplementation to succeed. As entire project direct drive strength,the enterprise must carry on strict selecting to the project group'smembers with training, caused it to have the technology and theability which adapted with the duty, thus the guarantee projectstructure was a powerful organization, fast effectively impelled theproject carrying on. Simultaneously the management level also shouldmaintain and implement the group the relation, entrusts with itsserious responsibility and the control correlation resources right, toimplements the goal to be responsible, to implement the process to beresponsible, to be responsible for the result.
—— prince421
—— water7550


