
He's diagnosed as a AIDS virus carrier by doctor's careful workup.详细检查这个说法本身就有问题,“详细”一词使用不当.
After the doctor's (如果是多名医生,则用doctors') careful examination, he was diagnosed with HIV. (艾滋病 HIV 用 AIDS 也可以,但个人感觉 HIV 更常用一点)
Under the detailed examination of the doctor, he was diagnosed with AIDS
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&&英​语​翻​译​ ​难​点​解​析
1.His little brother stays at home every day.2.He always meets his friends in the afternoon.3.Mr. Sawyer is watching TV with his wife.(为避免主语过长,可以把妻子这个部分放置句尾作状语,这样显得水平高一点)4.Mary always has a drink of tea with me.(一般把“我”放后面,显得更礼貌,have tea, have a drink等动词短语都可表示喝茶.)5.They are reading newspapers right now.(本句注意newspaper 的用法,为可数名词)6.My gandpa often listens to the stereo at night.7.The Smiths usually watch TV after dinner.(这里就是注意“史密斯一家”的表示,在姓名前加定冠词the后,在姓名后直接加-s)这些据此都是一般现在时,表长期不变的状态,有很明显的比如“经常”、“总是”一类频率副词作为提示.
His little brother
stay at home every day.He always met his friends in the afternoon.Mr. Sawyer and his wife were watching TV.Mary and I often drink tea.They are reading the newspaper.My grandfather often at night to listen to audio.Smith family often watch TV after dinner.
His little brother stays at home every day. He is always in the afternoon met with his friends. Mr. Sawyer and his wife are watching TV. Mary and I often drink tea together. They a...
His little brother stayed at home everyday.He always meets his friends in the afternoon.Mr. Soyer and his wife are watching TV.Mary and I often drink teas together.They are reading newspapers.My grandpa often listens to audio in the evening.The Smiths often watch TV after dinner.
My little brother stays at home all the day.He always meets his friends in the afternoon.Mr. Soje and his wife are watching TV.Mary always has a cup of tea with me.They are reading...
His little brother stays at home every dayHe always meets his friends in the afternoonMr. Sawyer and his wife are watching TVMary and I often drink tea togeetherThey are reading th...
His younger brother stays home every day.He always meets his friends in the afternoon.Mr Suoye and his wife are watching TV.I often have a drink with Mary.They are reading newspape...
His younger brother stays home every day.He always meets his friends in the afternoon.Mr Suoye and his wife are watching TV.I usually have a drink with Mary.They are reading newspaper.My grandfather usually listens to the music at night.The Smiths usually watch TV after dinner.
brother stays
Mr. Sawyer
扫描下载二维码求英语翻译下列句子...1 我们上课的内容可以围绕一个个的话题展开2我想 像一个把英语当母语的人 一样说英语3 我们把英语作为一种通用语言来使用4如果我的表达,不符合英语表达习惯,请帮我指出 用美式口语化的表达翻译出就行了...不一定需要翻译,表达准确即可,3Q
1.We can discuss the issues/problems base on different topics in class.We can set up some relavant/different topics and discuss each of them in class,2.I hope I can speak English as a native speaker.3.We use English as it's a common language.4.please help me to correct my English if I said something wrong/ not properly.我很赞同你最后一句话,其实英语就是一种表达的工具,如果不是做学术报告就不用逐字逐句翻译出来,咱们中国话是表达方式是这样,但是在国外,英语的表达方式完全不一样,尤其是口语,只要翻译的是你想表达的意思就对了,根本不需要和你的原文一致.这样给你的外国朋友/同事说,他们一定会更好的明白.^ _ ^
1 of our class content can be around a topic2 I like English as a native language people speak English3 we have English as a common language to use4 if I expression, do not accord with English usage, please help me out 努力学习啊~~~!
2 I want to speak english as fluently as my mother-tongue.3 Let's take english as a common language.4 If my enlish expressios are not agree with the standard, please point it out.第一个没没时间 翻 先给分啊


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