
共有 1 位网友向您献上回答啦, 对答案满意?赶快给出你的好评,感谢他们吧!
When you get caught in the rain 当你遇上雨
With no where to run 你无处可逃
When you're distraught and in pain 当你心情纷乱和心痛
Without anyone没有任何人
When you keep crying out to be saved 当你哭喊着求救
But nobody comes 但却没人接近你
and you feel so far away 你感觉如此遥远
That you just can't find your way home 你找不到回家的路
You can get there alone 你可以一个人找到那里
It's okay, what you say is 没关系,你说
I can make it through the rain 我经过了雨的洗礼
I can stand up once again on my own 我能自己再一次站起来
And I know that I'm strong enough to mend 我知道我能勇
When you get caught in the rain 当你遇上雨
With no where to run 你无处可逃
When you're distraught and in pain 当你心情纷乱和心痛
Without anyone没有任何人
When you keep crying out to be saved 当你哭喊着求救
But nobody comes 但却没人接近你
and you feel so far away 你感觉如此遥远
That you just can't find your way home 你找不到回家的路
You can get there alone 你可以一个人找到那里
It's okay, what you say is 没关系,你说
I can make it through the rain 我经过了雨的洗礼
I can stand up once again on my own 我能自己再一次站起来
And I know that I'm strong enough to mend 我知道我能勇敢地诊救我自己
And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith 每次我感到害怕时我就会更坚定我的信念
And I live one more day我又活过一天
And I make it through the rain 我经过了雨的洗礼
And if you keep falling down 如果你继续沉没
Don't you dare give in 难道你就不敢放弃
You will arise safe and sound 你会安全的健康的重新站起来
So keep pressing on steadfastly 所以继续坚持
And you'll find what you need to prevail What you say is 你会发现你胜利了,你说
And when the rain blows 当雨点拍打你的脸颊
As shadows grow close 当黑暗靠近
don't be afraid 别害怕
There's nothing you can't face 任何一切你都能面对
And should they tell you You'll never pull through 如果别人说你不会成功
Don't hesitate决不要犹豫
Stand tall and say站起来说
I can make it through the rain 我经过了雨的洗礼
And I live once again 我又一次存活了
And I live one more day 我又活了一天
And I can make it through the rain 我经过了雨的洗礼
(Ohhh yes you can) 哦 是的 我可以
You will make it through the rain 我会经过雨的洗礼
大家还关注大家帮我英译中一段话吧,十分感谢啊!Any remittances from Factor to Supplier shall be remitted via wire transfer at AV’s sole cost and expense. Further, any such remittances to Supplier shall be made at Supplier’s and AV’s risk and Supplier and AV hereby agree _百度作业帮
大家帮我英译中一段话吧,十分感谢啊!Any remittances from Factor to Supplier shall be remitted via wire transfer at AV’s sole cost and expense. Further, any such remittances to Supplier shall be made at Supplier’s and AV’s risk and Supplier and AV hereby agree to jointly and severally hold harmless and indemnify the Factor and each of its officers, directors, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, losses, costs and expenses including reasonable attorney’s fees which may arise from the Factor’s reliance upon any remittance directions that Factor in its sole discretion believes to have come from or otherwise on behalf of the Supplier which Factor acts upon or Factor’s misdirection of any such remittances for any reason whatsoever or any action or inaction taken by Factor in the event of conflicting remittance instructions received by Factor or resulting from third party claims. Remittances to Supplier shall be made by wire transfer as follows:
Beneficiary Name:
Beneficiary Bank:
Account Number:
Swift Code:
Routing #:
麻烦大家帮我英译中这一段话吧,万分感谢啊! 另外翻译引擎出来的中文太死板了,希望不要给我翻译引擎出来的答案. 好心人帮帮忙吧,万分感谢啊!
任何汇款因子供应商应通过电汇汇在影音的唯一成本和费用.此外,任何此类汇款给供应商应在供应商和AV的风险与供应商和AV同意共同及个别保护和保障的因子和每个管理人员,董事,雇员及代理人免受任何和所有索赔,损失,费用和开支,包括合理的律师费可能出现的因素的依赖任何汇款指示因子自行认为来自或代表的供应商行为的因素时或因子的误导任何此类汇款任何理由或任何行动或不行动而采取的因素,在发生冲突的汇款指示或收到的因素造成的第三方索赔.汇款给供应商应通过电汇如下:收款人名称:[插入全部线材信息]地址:收款银行:地址:帐号:Swift代码:路由# :
共有 6 位网友向您献上回答啦, 对答案满意?赶快给出你的好评,感谢他们吧!
1.写字楼 Office Building多别扭啊,改成Tower就可以了
2.A座 两位一个说“Apartment A”,一个说得比较含糊,应该是Suite
Room 491,Suite A,Tianshunrenhe Tower,
30, Beiwa Road, Haidian District,
关于"A座"的问题,我因为工作的原因经常看到美国人在公司地址里这么用Suite A, Suite C,所以觉得不仅可以解释为"套房",也可以表示大楼的"X座".对于这个地方的翻译,我不建议所谓“查证”:大楼管理处/物业的
1.写字楼 Office Building多别扭啊,改成Tower就可以了
2.A座 两位一个说“Apartment A”,一个说得比较含糊,应该是Suite
Room 491,Suite A,Tianshunrenhe Tower,
30, Beiwa Road, Haidian District,
关于"A座"的问题,我因为工作的原因经常看到美国人在公司地址里这么用Suite A, Suite C,所以觉得不仅可以解释为"套房",也可以表示大楼的"X座".对于这个地方的翻译,我不建议所谓“查证”:大楼管理处/物业的英文水平能有多少?未必有入住大楼的商户的高,比爱问的诸位就更差了。
yes, I am coming for the English corner to make more friends?21.Shall we be friends, but my spoken English is not good enough?4.Hello.3, are you coming for the English corner.May I join you
1. you are good, ask you also are participate English angle 2. is, I also am participate in English angle, my English spoken language is not very good, I come this the goal mainly am an understanding friend. 3. ask I may join your conversation?
4. may become friends with you?
口语最好用 oral english
1.你好,请问你也是来参加英语角的吗 Hello,Do you come for the English corner?2.是的,我也是来参加英语角的,我的英语口语不是很好,我来此的目的主要是认识些朋友。 Yes.I come for the English corner.My oral English is poor,I want to get known some friends.3.请问我可以加入你们的谈话吗? Can I join you?4.可以和你交个朋友吗?Can I make a friend with you?
1 Hallo,do you come here for English Corner too?2 Yes,I do.My oral English is not so good,so I come here mostly for making some friends.3.Please could I join in your conversation?4.Could I be your friend?


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