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iPhone & iPad
Q.What video file formats does Video Stream support ?
Video Stream supports a large number of video file formats. These include:mpg,avi, divx, xvid, wmv, mp4, m2v, m1v, ts, mpeg, mov, flv, mkv, ogg, iso, m4v, vob, asf, 3gp, dvr-ms, rm, rmvb, dvr-ms, wtv, m2ts, m2t, mpeIf there is a format missing that you would like Video Stream to support, please contact us at .au
Q.What subtitle formats does Video Stream support?
With Video Stream Server version 1.0.0 and Video Stream iOS version 1.1 embedded and external subtititles in the .srt, .ssa, .ass formats are supported. External subtitles filenames should start with the same name as the video file and can be placed in the same folder as the video file, or in a 'subs' or 'subtitles' sub-folder.
Q.Does Video Stream support streaming over 3G ?
Yes! In preferences select 'Enable access over Internet' and 'Automatically map port'. In most cases streaming should then work without any extra configuration. The most common issues with 3G stream is your modem/router's firewall and if it is compatible with automatic port mapping standard.
Things to check:
You have "enable access over internet" checked in the server preferences, as well as "automatically map port" on the advanced menu
Verifying on your router that the port map has worked, try configuring the port mapping manually, you will need to look at your modem's router manual to see how to do this, as every model is different. The default port is 8683.
If you having still having issues, please see the extended guide on setting up streaming over the internet.
Q.What do I need to make TV Out work?
For TV Out functionality you need to be running iOS 4.0 and use the , the
or a 3rd party compatible option. Once you have one of these cables, you simply plug it into the device and then into your tv. VideoStream automatically detects when one of the cables is attached and hooked up to your tv and sends output to it.When Apple release iOS4.3 we will provide an update to VideoStream that fully supports
to your AppleTV2 and other compatible devices.
Q.How do I convert movies for offline viewing / importing?
Video Stream not only provides a fantastic means of viewing videos/movies that aren't normally recognised by the iPhone/iPad but it also allows you to convert and import these for local viewing (eg: for those times when you don't have a wifi/3G signal).
Simply hold your finger down on the thumbnail of any video for a few seconds and a popup will appear asking if you wish to 'CONVERT' the movie.
Tap the button and you are off and running. You'll see a little 'spinner' symbol in the conversion menu and a number to reflect the number of movies queued for conversion.
Once converted this progress indicator will disappear and on the iPad will be replaced by a green light to indicate your file(s) are ready for importing.
To import converted movies, click on the 'CONVERSION' menu then simply tap the thumbnail of the freshly converted movie to have it wirelessly transferred to your device. Imported movies are stored under LOCAL FILES.
Q.My videos are constantly buffering, how can I improve this?
There are two reasons a video might be constantly buffering, wireless bandwidth and CPU limitation. If you are streaming from a high definition source (such as a 720 or 1080 Blue Ray rip) the most common limiting factor is the CPU power in the server. You can check the CPU usage of the server in Activity Monitor (for Macs) or Task Manager (for Windows). If the CPU is sitting on 100% usage, this is most likely the problem. If its not and there is idle CPU power, the issue is likely &the quality of your wireless connection. &If you can not upgrade your hardware to attain suitable performance, you will need to lower the streaming quality of your videos. On VideoStream on your iPad, iPhone or iPodTouch, go into Settings and try the SD and then Low quality options.Note: Bluetooth can interfere with wireless performance, for best results please turn off bluetooth on your device when streaming videos.By default SD videos will only use 50% of your CPU to transcode the video. From version 1.0.0 of the server you can modify the amount of CPU used in the Performance perfences, which may help with buffering issues.
Q.How do I make the server start up automatically?
Simply right click the VideoStream icon in the system tray (Windows) or the menu item (Mac) and bring up preferences to ensure that "Start at login" is ticked.
Q.Why does VideoStream constantly display &Searching for server&?
For most people, the automatic detection of the server is automatic and VideoStream will connect quickly over local wireless. If you are having issues finding and connecting to the server, please try the following troubleshooting steps:
Install Bonjour if you're running Windows.
Bonjour is a program designed by Apple that will let Video Stream find your server more easily. It can be downloaded from
Check you are running the latest version of the server.
The latest version can be found here
Reboot your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad by holding down both the power and the home buttons for around 10seconds.&
Temporarily disable any firewalls running on your PC or Mac that has the server software on it. If the connection works with the firewall disabled, you will need to explicitly add a firewall hole for VideoStream. Consult your firewall manual on how to do this, as every firewall is different.If you know your computer's IP address, from&version 1.1 you can enter the following into Mobile Safari on your device to force a manual connection.for VideoStream Paid: videostream://connect/ip:portfor VideoStream Free: videostreamfree://connect/ip:port
If you are still having problems, please submit an error report
An error report can be submitted by going to 'Preferences' in the Server then click on 'Support' and finally 'Send Report'
Please make sure you include your email address so we can contact you with a solution
Q.When should I unauthorize a device?
You generally don't need to unauthorize a device, unless you no longer want that device to be able to access the server. Leaving a device authorized will not leave the application connected, or drain the device's battery. Authorization just means that the server will remember that device and allow it to connect.&If you are selling your device or giving it to another member of the family, you might decide to unauthorize the device to prevent it from connecting.
Q.How do I delete accounts?
To delete an account, as the Master account user, simply swipe across the account you would like to delete. This will then display a red delete button to allow you to delete the account.
Q.Why isn't the authorization code appearing?
If the authorization code is not appearing on your iPad, iPhone or iPodTouch when the server asks you to enter it, please try the following troubleshooting steps:Reboot your device by holding down the power and home buttons for 10 seconds.Delete and re-install the server softwareWe are currently looking into what is causing this issue.
Q.How do I add movies or directories so I can see them on Video Stream?
On the desktop server application you need to click the small '+' sign at the bottom left of the left panel. This will then prompt you to choose the location of the movies stored on your computer.&You can add as many folders as you like and once completed the contents of these directories will be viewable on your idevice via VideoStream.*Note: You need to choose the Folder in which movies are stored, not individual movies.You can also drag folders from Explorer or Finder directly into the server.
Q.Why can't I add movies or folders to the server?
When you first start the desktop server application and connect your device it will show your iDevice as highlighted/selected in the left panel.In order to add folders/directories as above, you need to first ensure the VIDEO FOLDERS section of the desktop Server application is highlighted.
Q.Where do I find the preferences ?
To get to preferences under Windows you need to right click on the Video Stream icon on the task bar, the icon is a little black play button.
Sometimes you may need to press the 'Show hidden icons' button on the taskbar to reveal the icon
To get to preferences under Mac OSX click on the Video Stream icon on the top menu bar
Download Server
Video Stream requires a small server to run on your machine. Below you can select a version for your platform
Video Stream Free
A free version of Video Stream is available to trial before purchasing the full version.
The free version gives you 15 minutes of streaming daily and includes all the features of the full version.
Home or Away
Video Stream can automatically connect to your PC at home and stream over 3G. No setup or port forwarding required.
Format Flexible
Video Stream supports over 25 file formats both streaming and when playing natively so your video is almost certainly supported.
Support for multiple accounts with PIN access means you can rely on Video Stream to keep the most sensitive of media.
Video Stream has a great UI to make playing your videos as easy as possible.
Single purchase will give you both the iPad and iPhone version.
Video Stream can stream all videos over AirPlay to make watching your videos on the big screen simple.
"A must buy for anyone who usually converts avi files all the time"
iTunes Review
"There is no better way to watch videos"
iTunes Review
"Love it, love it, love it!!!"
iTunes Review
"Super easy to setup and works fantastic!"
iTunes Review
"This app just works."
iTunes Review
"I love this app, nice design, works great."
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为啥我去番剧区视频全是video stream not found
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