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你可能喜欢Digg - What the Internet is talking about right now
With well over half his life ahead of him, the man who created an entire universe, whose persona was synonymous with it and who received the wrath of his community for abandoning it, must now figure out exactly who he is.
One of South America's most active volcanos erupted early Tuesday in southern Chile, spewing heavy smoke into the air as lava surged down its slopes, prompting authorities to evacuate thousands of people.
The placement of Daily Double clues, from Season 1 to 31 are mapped in this awesome animation.
Work doesn't have to be boring. Unlock the skills you need for a successful weekday while having fun.
Remember that bootleg "Power Rangers" short from the other week? Well Adi Shankar is working on a Bond short now, as this motion storyboard shows. Naturally, it stars the best Bond — Sean Connery, or at least an animated version of him.
Just weeks after being convicted under a California revenge porn criminal law, revenge porn mogul Kevin Bollaert has been ordered to pay $450,000 in a default judgment.
"BBC Four Goes Slow" will include three deliberately unrushed programs celebrating craftsmanship, travel and art — each devoid of voiceover or added sound effects.
Jack into your virtual headspace, boot up your digitized courier service terminal, put your arm inside your computer screen, and pull out a bunch of Internet goodies. It's that easy.
An international study of 15,000 penises is being used to reassure men concerned they are not within the "normal range."
Dr. Stephen W. Morris has been researching icicles and their formation for a number of years and is likely the only person in this field of research.
"If you look at the left-hand side of it there's a mantel in the Oval Office and I put a shadow coming into the painting and it does two things. It actually literally represents a shadow from a blue dress that I had on a mannequin, that I had there while I was painting it, but not when he was there. It is also a bit of a metaphor in that it represents a shadow on the office he held, or on him."
First Rollins dissed "The Daily Show," Stewart fired back, Rollins interrupted Stewart's moment of zen, and now this. Something tells us this feud isn't totally over. Skip to 4:04 for the action, or start from beginning for a lot of smack talk.
Shelling out dough at the grocery store can often feel painful. But Americans on average actually spend far less on food relative to their income than they did 50 years ago.
At the most influential Live Action Role-Playing gathering of its kind, the weirdest thing isn’t wizards or witches — it’s new-found fame.
Many of the Yi camera specs outdo those offered by the Hero: 1080p at 60FPS for the Yi versus 30FPS for the Hero, 16-megapixel still photos for the Yi compared to 5-megapixel shots for the Hero, and 64GB max storage for the Yi versus 32GB for the Hero.
Aimen Dean is a founder member of al-Qaeda, who changed tack in 1998 and became a spy for Britain's security and intelligence services, MI5 and MI6. Interviewed by Peter Marshall, he describes his years working in Afghanistan and London as one of the West's most valuable assets in the fight against militant Islam.
Why are we stricter about the use of someone else’s words than we are about claiming his ideas, when the underlying idea is usually more important than the specific wording?
Former chief drugs adviser, Professor David Nutt has answered your sweaty, toilet-bowl-hugging prayers and invented a non-toxic inebriant drug that mimics the effects of alcohol: without the hangover.
A future awaits where countries share intelligence one minute, and hack and cyberattack each other the next.
With modern communication technology failing to halt the disease's spread, traditional healers have stepped in to help.
Both veterans and under-resourced communities are top priorities.
The process of buying a home can seem overwhelming to those of us who haven’t gone through it before. So as any good millennial would do, I decided the first place to start my investigation would be with some good, old-fashioned crowdsourcing. I asked more than a dozen friends who’ve made the plunge in the past couple years about where to get started.
It's a historic day for the internet. The Federal Communications Commission just passed the strongest net neutrality rules in this country's history. This is great news! But let me repeat: The battle for net neutrality is still not over. In a sense, the real battle begins now.
When it comes to tracking down extraterrestrial life, most scientists operate under the assumption is that aliens are likely water-dependent.
But perhaps this emphasis on water casts too small a net, excluding unhydrated worlds with promising properties.
With Tinder, the kids are all right. The mobile dating service, which connects people to chat once they’ve both “swiped” to indicate they’re interested, globally launched a premium version of its service on Monday called Tinder Plus.
Here's a theory about physics you don't hear every day: time is drunk.
A big point in Israel's upcoming contest the voice texture of the two leading candidates, and Bibi's got the deeper one.
In Iran's vibrant art world, navigating restrictions and censorship has become an art form in itself.
Iran must commit to a verifiable freeze of at least 10 years on sensitive nuclear activity for a landmark atomic deal to be reached, but the odds are still against sealing a final agreement, U.S. President Barack Obama told Reuters on Monday.
How we can declare MOOCs a failure in year two, and again in year three, while we simultaneously scan the centuries-old “experiment” that is large lecture halls and ask passively for incremental change?
If you're good, you can build an igloo in about 5 hours with just a saw, a shovel and maybe some ski poles.
There is more to gender equality than making money. Four writers talk feminism, race, capitalism and the appeal of some good, sexy class analysis.
And what happens when the problem escapes from behind bars.
It would be a mistake to call this a retreat, or an admission of failure. This is actually Google doing what Google does best: relentlessly optimizing its products based on data and feedback.
Netflix has acquired "Beasts Of No Nation," the new film by "True Detective" helmer Cary Fukunaga about the experiences of a child soldier fighting in a civil war in an African country.
Wired gave Brent Rose $500 to stress-test Silicon Valley’s overnight sensation, Magic. Now he's the proud owner of a bunch of random crap.
DEA Special Agent Matt Fairbanks's argument — scheduled in between a discussion on prostitution laws and something called "grandparent's rights" — was apparently gleaned from 23 years of experience with the agency, where he's a member of the marijuana task force.
We all know and love the moon. We’re so assured that we only have one that we don’t even give it a specific name. It is the brightest object in the night sky, and amateur astronomers take great delight in mapping its craters and seas. What you might not know is that the moon is not the Earth’s only natural satellite.
Half a lifetime ago, Philadelphia cops put Tony Wright away for a brutal crime he didn't commit. DNA tests have exonerated him. But he's still not free.
R or better yet, live there already.
Unlike it's American, European and Japanese counterparts, Arab comics' progression is difficult to trace.
Because now there's a TIE Interceptor drone out there. After all, Han Solo and Chewie need someone to run from.
Viruses are responsible for countless deaths through history, but their efficacy is being harnessed to destroy one of the diseases we haven't been able to cure.
A short study of the last three films Philip Seymour Hoffman completed before his death: "God's Pocket," "A Most Wanted Man" and "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay."
Build and destroy mountains. Create deep lakes and hidden valleys. Recreate the beautiful fjords of Norway. You are a sand God.
Only one in 10 PhDs will snag an academic job. Many of the rest are drifting into other fields. And critics say the squeeze may be affecting the quality of scientific research and the nation’s international economic competitiveness.
Matt Bowden (sometimes known as Starboy, an "interdimensional traveler") helped create one of the most viral outbreaks of new drugs in history. He might also have the antidote.
The words "eating granola," will now and forever connote the desperations of a man losing his mind after a long week of progressively worsening sleep debt.
They put Helena in a box. That's not gonna end well.
Michael Youlen stopped a driver in a Manassas, Virginia, apartment complex on a recent night and wrote the man a ticket for driving on a suspended license. With a badge on his chest and a gun on his hip, Youlen gave the driver a stern warning to stay off the road.The stop was routine police work, except for one fact: Youlen is not a Manassas officer.
Gnocchi is delicious — here's how one pro makes his version, in depth.
America's constitutional democracy is going to collapse. Some day — not tomorrow, not next year, but probably sometime before runaway climate change forces us to seek a new life in outer-space colonies — there is going to be a collapse of the legal and political order and its replacement by something else.
One year ago this month, Malaysia Airlines flight 370 disappeared from the skies. No trace, not even wreckage. The void has confounded experts, anguished families, and hatched endless conspiracy theories. Some disturbing truths are now emerging, including a clear trail of failure that turned a disaster into something so much worse58cv网址导航


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