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[03:54.48]Hi!My name is Wei Hua.[03:58.42]Whats your name? My name is Ann Read.[04:03.77]Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you,too.[04:09.13]Hi!Im Polly.
[06:00.99]X Y Z Now you see,I can say my A B C.[06:12.53]10 Sing this song[06:17.78]Hello!How are you?[06:22.22]Hello!How are you?I am fine.Thank you.Thank you very much
[01:18.89]Are you Liu Ying? Yes,I am.[01:24.45]Are you in Row 5? No,Im not.Im in Row 1.[01:33.10]Lesson 10 2.Listen and say[01:43.08]10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 ZERO!
[02:07.24]Look!Thats a car.[02:11.00]Yes.Its a Chinese car.[02:15.05]Is that an English car?[02:18.40]No,it isnt.Its a Japanese car.[02:22.84]Look!Thats an English car!
[02:29.81]A:Whos that girl?[02:32.76]B:Thats my sister,Joy.[02:36.11]A:How old is she? B:Shes seven.[02:41.36]A:Whos that man? B:Thats my father.[02:46.71]A:Is the woman your mother?
[03:34.49]Mum,these are my friends Kate and her brother Jim,Ann and her brother Tom.[03:43.84]MUM:Hi! Nice to meet you.[03:47.32]CHILDREN:Hi! Nice to meet you.[03:50.40]MUM:Welcome to e in, please.
[06:12.85]My brother is twelve.[06:16.40]He is a student in No.14 Middle School.[06:22.04]Li Lei and Lin Tao are his good friends.[06:26.90]Polly is his bird. It is a parrot.
[05:44.16]My students are very good. We are friends.[05:50.69]8.Sing this song.The spelling song[05:56.64]Polly,can you spell its name?One,two,three!Yes,we can!P-O-double L-Y!
[05:24.49]Come and see my family.Under the old apple tree![05:41.63]This is my father.How do you do?Sit down and have a cup of tea with me![05:55.08]Come and see my family.Under the old apple tree!
[03:40.58]A:No,it isnt.Oh,its in my pencil-box.Wheres my cat,Mom?[03:48.31]B:Oh,look! Shes on the fish bowl![03:52.54]Words and expressions in each unit
[03:54.45]Whats in it?[03:57.19]Theres a small bed,a table and a clock.[04:01.66]Great!Lets go and have a look.[04:05.32]Lesson 44 1.Listen,read and say
[04:45.02]In a dark,dark wooods theres a dark,dark house.[04:49.12]In the dark,dark house,theres a dark,dark room.[04:54.77]In the dark,dark room,theres a dark,dark cupboard.
[07:21.55]8.Whats in his bedroom?[07:25.91]9.Is it a very nice room?[07:30.59]10.What colour are the chairs and desk?[07:35.86]11.Is there a TV in the house?[07:40.51]12.Is there a car in it?
[02:01.50]Lucy and Lily! Come here,please.Are these sweaters yours?[02:09.65]Yes,theyre ours.[02:13.90]Here you are.You must look after your clothes.[02:18.48]Yes,thank you,Miss Gao.
[05:19.90]chair Chinese teacher[05:26.35]Jim jeep orange[05:32.54]5.Count and write[05:36.98]Count from one to one hundred.[05:41.05]write some of the numbers yourself.[05:44.89]See page 201 and check your spelling.
[03:23.05]I like Chinese very much,and I like her,too.[03:28.09]I can speak some Chinese now.Xiexie!Zaijian!See you next term!Goodbye![03:39.56]Words and expressions in each unit
[07:01.02]3 Listen,read and talk[07:06.19]Read the following words.[07:09.53]Put each of them in the right place of the picture.[07:13.97]Then talk in pairs about the doll.
[06:40.07]But a boy broke me.Now I have no arms,no hands,[06:44.14]但是一个男孩把我弄坏了.现在我没有了胳膊,手.[06:48.22]no legs and no feet.I cant work.Could you help me,please?[06:51.69]腿和脚也没有了.我不能工作了.请问你能帮我吗?
[05:56.47]dear ice cream ice cream[06:01.44]亲爱的;可爱的 冰 奶油 冰淇淋[06:06.42]USA different vegetable sometimes[06:12.55]美国 不同的 蔬菜 有时
[07:13.06]LET YOUR KITE FLY HIGH[07:17.13]Fly,fly,fly your kite.[07:25.18]High in the sky!Up and down,Round round,[07:31.06]Let your kite fly high![07:34.50]Fly,fly,fly your kite.
[05:07.51]Look at that big tree.Under it are some men.[05:10.60]看那颗大树.树低下有些人.[05:13.68]Three of them are playing cards.One of them is looking at two cats.[05:17.20]当中有三人在玩牌,一个在看两只猫.
[08:27.90]Lucy and Lily are thinking.Han Mei is writing something.[08:31.48]Lucy和Lily在思考.Han Mei在写东西[08:35.06]All of them are working hard.[08:37.04]他们所有人都很努力.
[07:11.64]Could you come on Thursday afternoon?[07:13.52]你可以星期四下午来吗?[07:15.40]LI FEN:Sorry.We have a meeting that afternoon.[07:17.74]LI FEN:对不起.那天下午我有一个会议.
[10:28.43]Australian Canadian city foreigner[10:34.51]澳大利亚人 加拿大人 城市 外国人[10:40.60]visit word well why[10:46.43]访问;参观;拜访 词;单词 好 为什么[10:52.25]English-speaking letter[10:55.67]说英语的信
二、笔试部分(满分80分)Ⅰ.单项填空(每小题1.5分,满分15分)21. Jane likes to tell jokes. She never stops talking. She is _______.
A. serious
D. outgoing22. Liu Ying is _______ student in the class. So she always gets the best grades.A. a hard-working
B. more hard-workingC. the most hard-working
D. hard-working23. He likes to do the same things _______ me.A. in
D. as24. He always _______ the match when we play ping-pong.A. beat
D. wins25. My best friend Tina is _______ than any other students in our class.
A. popular
B. more popular
C. most popular
D. the most popular26. -How do you feel when you see the national flag of China?
-It makes me _______ proud.
B. to feel
D. feeling27. We are having fun _______ computer games.
A. playing
C. to play
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【网络综合 - 英语听力】★无忧考网英语听力频道为大家整理的人教版初中英语听力下载材料,供大家参考。更多阅读请查看本站频道。Tips For Predicting Baseball Scores如何预测棒球比赛成绩?If you’re a true sports fan, you’ve probably lost sleep wondering if jet lag affects the performance of your favorite teams.如果你是铁杆体育迷,你可能会通宵熬夜,想要知道时差是否会影响你所喜爱的球队的表现。You’re not the only one. To answer this important question, scientists analyzed three years of major league baseball games to see if they could find a link between jet lag, and home field advantage.许多人和你一样。为了回答这个重要的问题,科学家们分析了职业棒球大联盟三年的比赛,看看能否找出时差和主场优势之间的联系。They discovered that baseball teams playing at home won over half the time. However, if the visiting team had just traveled eastward, say, from L.A. to New York, the home team scored more runs. If the visiting team had just traveled west, this didn’t affect the point spread.他们发现主场比赛的棒球队赢的次数超过半数。然而,如果客队是刚刚去过东部,比如说从洛杉矶去纽约,主队会多赢几轮。如果客队去过西部,则不会影响比分。These findings support other studies that show that traveling east is harder on your body than traveling west.这些发现支持了其他一些研究,即向东旅行对身体的的负担要比向西重。Why? Well, your body is tuned to what are called circadian rhythms which determine things like when you fall asleep, and when you wake up. If you lived under a rock, your body’s natural cycles would be slightly longer than 24 hours.这是为什么呢?身体遵循生理节律,比如它决定你何时入睡,何时醒来这样的事情。如果你活得与世隔绝,你身体的自然周期要比24小时略长一点。However, exposure to factors like daylight, temperature, and other people fine-tunes your body’s cycles to your local time zone. When you travel, this tuning is thrown out of whack, and it takes your body time to readjust. This adjustment is easier if you’re heading west because this lengthens your day in the natural direction of your internal clock. However, if you’re heading east, you’re compressing your day, and working against your internal clock, which makes adjustment more difficult.然而,受到像阳光,温度,和人群这些因素的影响,你的身体循环会与本地时区同步。当你去旅行时,调节变得紊乱,身体要花费时间最新版2013版人教版新目标初中英语八年级下册(课文+听力+单词)录音MP3音频+LRC同步字幕_Unit1.rar
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