
  表示“真实的”的形容词可以有true, genuine, real等,不一而足,但含义上彼此有差异,用法也不尽相同,比如true强调“符合真理的,正确的”,genuine强调“非人造的,货真价实的”,real则强调“事件的真实性”,可理解为“显示的,并非虚假的”。此时就要注意结合考题的上下文,选择符合要求的词汇。
  英语单词的构成可包含三个成分:前缀(prefix)+词根 (root)+后缀(suffix)。下面我们以respectable(体面的,高尚的,值得尊敬的)这个词为例:“re-”是前缀,表示“重复做某动作”;“spect”是词根,意思是一个动作——“看”;而“-able”是后缀,它首先揭示了该单词的词性是形容词,另外,这个形容词后缀的意思是“能够……的,值得……的”。而英语中,很多单词含有相同的词根,即含义上有一定的联系性,此时就比较难判断词义用法。如respectable的同根词有 respectful (态度恭敬的)和respective (各自的)。这三个单词的词根都是“spect”,拼写也有些相似,但词义相去甚远。平时复习时,考生应当重点积累这类含有相同词根的词汇,并且背单词时要学会掌握常见词根、前缀、后缀的含义,从而在解题时才可以运用构词法知识来判断词语含义。
  动词词组永远是考试的重点,尤其要注意同一个动词与不同介词组合,可结合成含义不同的词组,以动词give为例:“give out”表示“分发物品”;“give off”表示“散发出光芒或气味”;“give up”表示“放弃”;“give in”表示“屈服,投降,让步”。考题中常给出一个动词,而后面用什么介词与之搭配,则需要考生在选项中选词填空。因此,考生在背单词时,需要专门花时间积累“动词+介词”词组。
  这类题目通常在选项中出现表示不同逻辑关系的连词,如表示转折关系的but,表示递进关系的then,表示并列关系的and和or,表示因果关系的 because, since, therefore等。此类题目要求考生理解上下文的逻辑关系,再选择符合要求的连词。平时复习时考生要把上述常考的逻辑关系词反复熟悉并练习使用。
  英语词根词缀的概念之前已经介绍过,这些构词成分往往都带有鲜明的含义特色,而很多英语单词就是各个词根词缀的排列组合。如果能够熟练了解词根词缀的含义,那么当考生看到时此类生词时就能马上推测出其含义了,比如respect这个词,“re-”前缀表示“重复做某事,再一次做某事”,“spect”则表示“看”,可由此想到:反复看某人或某事,表示心存尊敬,因此可轻松记住的单词含义。再比如前文所举例的 respectful和respectable这两个词,很多考生总记不清两者的含义区分,因为都是由同一个动词respect派生出来的形容词。此时,应抓住两者唯一的不同——后缀的区别来进行突破。“-able”后缀表示“值得……的”,所以respectable用以形容人或事物“值得尊敬的”;而 “-ful”后缀表示“充满……的”,因此respectful是形容一个人对待他人或事物的态度“充满尊敬的,恭敬的”。词根词缀法不仅是词汇记忆体系的基石,更能帮助考生有效应对词义辨析题目。
  此方法指背单词时,不能只背孤立的个别单词,而是要把与之相关联的搭配用法和词组一网打尽,从而使自己的词汇量在短期内成倍数增长。如 accordance (符合,依照),考生不应仅仅满足于把单词的拼写和中文意思记住,考试中真正常考的是词组 “in accordance with sth.”,只有记住了单词的用法,才能在考试中解答出题目。另外,也要特别关注一些看似简单的动词,如 give, take与不同介词搭配的词组。
  每背一个单词或词组,就同时熟悉与之含义用法有类似的词汇,也是迅速而有效的背词法。如前面所提到的词组 “in accordance with sth.”, 与另一个词组“be in line with sth.”含义接近,都表示“符合,依照”,因此可把含义相似的词组串联在一起同时记。而如果同义词之间含义用法有细微差别,尤其要注意辨清。
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&&专​四​词​汇​ ​专​四​考​试​ ​英​语​学​习
来源:  10:14:56 【】 
  41. John has to prepare the mathematic examination ____.
  A. he can as best B. best as he can C. as he can best D. as best he can
  42. He is the best investment adviser and____can tell you which share you should buy.
  A. as such B. as to C. so as to D. such as to
  43. They have____to cover both of them.
  A. too small an umbrella B. very small an umbrella C. a too small umbrella D. a small umbrella
  44. “Where is your farther?”
  “He ____flowers in the garden.”
  A. waters D. must water C. must be watering D. must have watered
  45. The girl under the tree is____my sister.
  A. no one than B. no other than C. no one that D. none other than
  46.____ the book?
  A. What do you like  B. What do you think C. How do you think of D. How do you like
  47. She is going to have____ X-rays examination this morning.
  A. a B. an C. the D. some
  48. She can’t have written to me, or____the letter by now.
  A. I’ll get B. I would get C. I’d have got D. I’ll have got
  49. This____boy is John’s nephew.
  A. Japanese handsome little B. little handsome Japanese C. little Japanese handsome D. handsome little Japanese
  50. There are many kinds of metals,____ its special properties.
  A. each having B. every having C. each has D. one has
  41. 答案 D
  【参考译文】 约翰不得不尽最大努力准备数学考试。
  【试题分析】 本题是固定用法结构题。
  【详细解答】 as best (one) can表示尽最大努力,是固定用法,其余选项均不成立。
  42. 答案 A
  【参考译文】 他是最好的投资顾问,因此能告诉你该买哪些股票。
  【试题分析】 本题是固定用法结构题。
  【详细解答】 as such在此句中意为作为(这样)一个……。such相当于不定代词one,但由于此时是在as之后必须用such。as为介词。
  43. 答案 A
  【参考译文】 他们的伞太小,容不下两个人。
  【试题分析】 本题是句型结构题。
  【详细解答】 首先应确立too...to结构,因此B、D两项可排除;其次umbrella可数,其前应加不定冠词,因此C项也要排除。
  44. 答案 C
  【参考译文】 “你父亲在哪里?”“他一定正在花园里浇花。”
  【试题分析】 本题是句型结构题。
  【详细解答】 从句子内容的逻辑关系来分析,这里需使用对进行着的行为“推测”的句型,其句型有,①主语+must+be+形容词或名词,表示对性质、状态、属性、职业……等方面的推测;②主语+must,表示对一般行为的推测;③主语+must+不定式的进行式,表示对正在进行的行为的推测;④主语+must+不定式的完成式,表示对过去行为的推测。本句符合句型③。
  45. 答案 D
  【参考译文】 树下那女孩不是别人,正是我的妹妹。
  【试题分析】 本题是固定用法结构题。
  【详细解答】 none other than表示不是别人(或他物)而正是,一般用在以人为主语的句子中,其余选项都不对。
  46. 答案 D
  【参考译文】 你对这本书怎么看?
  【试题分析】 本题是固定句子结构题。
  【详细解答】 询问别人对某事的想法、看法时,应使用what do you think of...或How do you like...这两种句型。用What,就搭配用How就搭配like不能互换。
  47. 答案 B
  【参考译文】 她今天早上要去做X光检查。
  【试题分析】 本题考查冠词的用法。
  【详细解答】 辅音(而不是辅音字母)开头的词前用a,元音(而不是元音字母)开头的词前用an,本句中X光读音为元音开头,因此用an。
  48. 答案 C
  【参考译文】 她不可能给我写过信,不然我早该收到了。
  【试题分析】 本题是句型结构题。
  【详细解答】 本句中or相当于or else或otherwise,相当于if she had written to me,可看作是通过上下文来表示假设条件,构成虚拟语气结构,因此要选C项表示对过去行为的假设。
  49. 答案 D
  【参考译文】 这位英俊的日本小男孩是约翰的侄子。
  【试题分析】 本题考查限定词的用法。
  【详细解答】 限定词、形容词和名词定语修饰某一名词时,其语序通常是:限定词―泛指形容词―年龄―形状,尺寸―颜色―国籍―名词定语―名词,即同名词关系越密切的形容词距名词越近,关系越疏远的距名词越远。
  50. 答案 A
  【参考译文】 金属有很多种且每种都有自己独特的特性。
  【试题分析】 本题考查分词做状语结构。
  【详细解答】 此处应用现在分词表示主语所拥有的特性,可排除C、D项。而each专指个体,是名词;every指全体,且多作副词,因此B项也应排除。1&&&  编辑推荐:  
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淘豆网网友近日为您收集整理了关于英语专业大专生词汇发展调查的文档,希望对您的工作和学习有所帮助。以下是文档介绍:英语专业大专生词汇发展调查摘要二语词汇习得研究与语言教学以及语言习得研究的发展密切相关。Laufer提出,在研究词汇量时,研究者应从接受和生成两个角度来考察。在以往研究二语词汇习得的文献中,研究者大多都对学习者的接受性词汇量和生成性词汇量分别进行考察,而研究两者之间关系的论文较少;同时,这些研究大多都以英语专业四年制本科学生为研究对象。本文从新的角度对接受性词汇量和生成性词汇量进行研究,以英语专业三年制大专学生为研究对象,采用横断研究设计来考察其接受性词汇量,生成性词汇量的发展及其在各个不同学习阶段的相互关系。湖南某专科学校英语专业6个自然班的372名学生积极参与了本次调查。本文采用Nation提出的词汇水平测试来测量学习者的接受性词汇量,采用Laufer&Nation提出的自由的生成性词汇知识测试来考察学生的生成性词汇量,采用Nation设计的词汇频率概貌分析软件RANGE来分析学生作文中的词汇使用情况。按照分层随机抽样方式,每个年级抽取30名学生作为本文的研究对象。通过分析相关数据,本研究得出如下结论:第一,英语专业一到三年级学生的接受性词汇量在每一学年都有显著增长。第二,英语专业一到三年级学生的生成性词汇量的增长在低频词族和高频词族上都没有达到统计学上的显著意义,学生的生成性词汇量发展缓慢。第三,英语专业一到三年级学生的接受性词汇量与生成性词汇量在每一学年都没有显著相关,学生的接受性词汇量与生成性词汇量发展的速度和途径不一样。本文从语言学和心理学的角度对以上结论进行解释,分析和反思,并指出其对词汇习得的理论建设,研究方法与教学实践产生的指导意义。总之,本研究是对中国英语专业大专学生词汇能力发展的一次探索,无论是从研究角度还是研究方法,都有别于国内外的相关研究。作者希望本文的研究发现能在一定程度上揭示出我国英语专业大专学生接受性词汇量和生成性词汇量的发展特点及两者在不同学习阶段的关系,有助于教师在教学实践中能找到适当的学习方法,使课堂环境下的英语词汇教学更具有系统性,目的性与时效性。关键词:二语词汇习得;接受性词汇量;产出性词汇量HAbstractSecond language vocabulary acquisition is closely related tolanguage teachingand language acquisition.In the field of second language vocabulary acquisition,Laufer makes it SO salient thatlearners’vocabulary size should be investigated fromreceptive and productive perspectives.In the past,researchers who did research onsecond language acquisition mostly investigated the students’receptive vocabularvsize and productive vocabulary size respectively,and only a few of them focused onthe relationships between them at different learning stages.In addition,most of thestudies made the four year undergraduate students as their subjects.Through a cross—sectional study,the present research investigates the learners,vocabulary size in a new way:simultaneously study the developmental features ofreceptive vocabulary size and productive vocabulary size of the English maiors in athree。year vocational college and the relationships between them at different learningstages.372 English majors from six intact classes from Year 1 tO Year 3 in a vocationalcollege in Hunan province took part in the investigation.The Vocabularv Levels Testproposed by Nation was adopted to measure the learners’receptive vocabularv size andthe Active Vocabulary Test put forward by Laufer&Nation was used to measure thestudents’productive vocabulary size.Then the Lexical Frequency Profile analysissoftware RANGE,designed by Nation,was exploited to analyze the percentages ofdifferent word levels in the subjects’writing.90 students(30 freshmen,30 sophomoresand 30 seniors)were selected on a stratified.random sampling basis.After analyzing all the data,we got the following conclusions:first,the receptivevocabulary size of the English majors from Year 1 to Year 3 increases significantlsecond,the rising use of‘‘basic 2000’’category beyond2000”category does not reach statistical significance in the development 0f Englishmajor’s productive vocabulary size,which reveals that the learners’productivevocabulary sIZeexperiences a slow dthird,the relationshipsbetween the learners’receptive vocabulary size and productive vocabulary size atdifferent learning stages do not correlate with each other significantly,that is to say,the developmental features of the subjects’receptive vocabulary size is different fromthat of their productive vocabulary size.Then,the researcher discusses about the aboveconcIusions from the perspectives of linguistics and psychology,trying to find outtheir theoretical,methodological andpedagogical implications on the second languageIIIvocabulary acquisition·In a word,this research is an exploration into the lexical development of theEnglish majors in athree·year college and it is different from other relative studies athome and abroad in the method and the angle of the study.It is expected that thepresent study will reveal the distinctive developmental features of the receptivevocabulary size and productive vocabulary size of the English majors in the three。yearcollege and the relationships between them at different learning stages.Thus,it canhelp the teachers find out the appropriate study methods in the teaching practice tomake English teaching under classroom circumstance more systematic,purposeful andefficient.Key Words:Second language voRecepProductive vocabulary sizeIV硕十学位论文List of TablesTable 3.1 General demographic information of the subjects.....….….......…................15Table 4.1 Mean scores and SDs of the VLT of the four groups of subjects…………….23Table 4.2 Means of word families of the five word levels and the total wordfamilies of the four groups of subjects.............…........….…........................24Table 4.3 One-way ANOVA:differences of the four groups of subjectsin the total RVS scores…………………….…..….…….……………………………….:!!;Table 4.4 parisons of differences in total RVS across the four groups..25Table 4.5 One-way ANOVAs:differences of the four groupsin scores on 00,10000 word levels and AWL.…………….….26Table 4.6 parison analyses of differences of the score.son 00,and 10000 word levels and AWL across the three groups…………….27Table 4.7 Lexical frequency profiles of the three groups of subjects……………….……28Table 4.8 One-way ANOVAs:differences of the three groups in the meanpercentages in 181 1000,2nd 1000,AWL and not.on.the—lists word level….29Table 4.9 parisons of differences in 1吼00,AWL andnot-on—the-lists word level across the three groups………………………………30Table 4.10 Mean percentages of basic 2000 and beyond2000 of the three groups of subjects…………………………………………………..29Table 4.11 Spearman correlations between learners’RVS and PVS………………………30Ⅵ1AWLEFLL1L2LFPPVSRVSSLASDSPSSVLT英语专业大专生词汇发展调查List of Abbreviationsacademic word levelEnglish as aforeign languagefirst languagesecond languagelexical frequency profileproductive vocabulary sizereceptive vocabulary sizesecond language acquisitionstandard deviationStatistical Package for Social ScienceVocabulary Levels Test湖南大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。作者签名:吴霞日期:加口甲年∥月广日学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权湖南大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。本学位论文属于1、保密口,在年解密后适用本授权书。2、不保密团。(请在以上相应方框内打“4”)作者签名: 吴应导师签名:乡砩二月5-日6月0 EtChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research 0rientationThe main purpOSe of the study is to investigate the developmental features of RVS(receptive vocabulary size)and PVS(productive vocabulary size)of the Englishmajors in a three.year vocational college and the relationships between them atdifferent learning stages.The researcher gets some useful conclusions through theinvestigation on the over three hundred students from Year 1 to Year 3 in a vocationalcoIIege in Hunan province.The VLT(Vocabulary Levels Test)put forward by Nation(1990)is adopted to measure the students’RVS and the Active Vocabulary Testinvented by Laufer&Nation(1995)is used to measure the students’PVS.The studentshave plete a positionwithin a limited period of time.In respect of data analysis,RANGE software is exploited here to analyze the useof different word levels in the students’writing.SPSS(Statistical Package for SocialSciencel is carried out to make an analysis of all the data.Descriptive analysis,one.way ANOVA analysis and parison analysis are used to measure thedevelopment and change of RVS and PVS;Spearman correlation analysis is adopted tomeasure the relationships between them at different learning stages.The significant1evel is defined as.05.From the study,it is hoped that peoplelanguage vocabulary acquisition and theinstructions in the practical teaching.will have a better understanding of secondteachers will be given more guide andThe present study tries to figure out the following three questions:(1)What development occurs in the subjects’RVS from Year 1 to Year 37(2)What development occurs in the subjects’PVS from Year 1 to Year 37(3)What are the relationships between RVS and PVS for the subjects at‘he‘hreedifferent stages?1.2 RationaleThe present study probes into the development and change of vocabulary size ofcoliege students by taking the following theoretical and practical facts intoconsideration:From the practical perspective:as an English teacher of foreign languagedepartreent in a VOCational college,the author has a lot of expefience in teaching1英语专业人专生词汇发展调奄English reading,listening and writing.In the teaching process,it is found out that moststudents’reading ability improves a lot and their RVS rises up surprisingly,but theimprovement is not SO pronounced in their writing or speaking.They do not make greatprogress in their writing ability.Thus,some e into the author’S mind.What developments occur in different lexical aspects of the tertiary English majorsover three years’study?What are the relationships between learners’reading abilityand writing ability?How should we promote the development of them in the teachingpractice?To answer these questions,the author has to read much literature on secondlanguage vocabulary acquisition and do some empirical studies.Based on the paperstudy and the practice investigation,we canget some useful conclusions of thedevelopment of the learners’RVS and PVS and the relationships between them atdifferent learning stages.The discussion about these conclusions will help US a lot invocabulary teaching.We can speculate on the potential factors that may exert influenceon second language vocabulary acquisition in the classroom context.From the theoretical perspective:second language vocabulary acquisition isclosely related to language teaching and language acquisition.In the process oflearning the target language,second language learners must grasp three essentialfactors of language:speech,vocabulary and grammar.In history,grammar acquisitionplayed a central role in the language teaching and language acquisition,whilevocabulary and ics acquisition ranked second.However,as we all know,vocabulary is one of the indispensable elements of language,SO the study of itshouldn’t be ignored.Many scholars have gradually realized the importance ofvocabulary acquisition and been devoted to the study on it.Many scholars claim that learners’lexical knowledge should at prise twodimensions,which arevocabulary breadth,or size,and depth(Read 1 989,Wesche&Paribakht 1996,Qian 1999).Vocabulary breadth refers to the number of words whosemeanings a learner has at least some superficial knowledge about.Depth of vocabularyknowledge means how well a learner knows aword.According toQian(1999),thedepth dimension should cover ponents as pronunciation,spelling,meaning,register,frequency and morphological,syntactic and collocational properties.Due tothe limited space and survey time,the present study just focuses on one dimension oflexical knowledge:the vocabulary size.At present,there are two kinds of ideas about learners’lexical knowledge.Onedeclares that lexical knowledge is anall-or—nothing phenomenon,while the other,2硕.Ij学位论文which is acknowledged by most scholars,claims that lexical knowledge is not anall··or·-nothing extreme phenomenon but a continuum containing differentdevelopmental levels:from receptive toproductive,from superficial to deep and fromlittle to much(Palmberg 1987).Based on the view of“continuum”,the researcher doessome painstaking research on the development of the second language learners’vocabulary size,trying to find out the developmental patterns and rules that can beused in English teaching.As for the way to study the learners’vocabulary size,most scholars think that thevocabulary size should be investigated from the receptive and productive perspectives.(Laufer 1998,Nation 1990,Henrisken 1999)RVS refers to the words whose basicmeaning the students are able to understand in listening orreading.PVS is thevocabulary the learners can usefreely in their speaking and writing.Most researchersadopt the VLT to measure the subjects’RVS and the Active Vocabulary Test(theSUbjects have.plete position within a limited period of time)to measuretheir PVS.The present study adopts the most acknowledged way to investigate thevocabulary size,that is,to explore the developmental features of learners’RVS andPVS and their relationships at different learning stages through the VLT and a writingtask,which is called multiple-test approach.To put it briefly,the selection of the general research questions results from boththe author’S personal experiences as anEnglish teacher and apreliminary review of thecurrent research into second language vocabulary acquisition.The personalexperiences prompt the author to find some unusual phenomena in the development oflearners’RVS and PVS and then try to dig the reasons that lead to the irregularitiessuch as the slow development of learners’PVS.The preliminary reading of theliterature strengthens the author’S confidence in doing a survey of vocabulary sizefrom the receptive and productive perspectives and results in her choice of themultiple—test approach.1.3 Outline of the dissertationIn response to the research questions,the present dissertation explains its idea infive chapters.The first chapter,as specified above,demonstrates the purpose of theresearch and its rationale.The second chapter is literature review,presenting therelated research about second language vocabulary acquisition at home and abroad.Tobegin with,it reviews some theories about second language vocabulary teaching andacquisition from a historical angle and points out the strengths and weaknesses of3英语专业人专生词汇发展凋查different teaching methods.Then,some researches about lexical knowledge are probedinto in detail,such as the definition of a word,lexical knowledge,vocabulary size andmeasurement of vocabulary size.At last,some theoretical and practical surveys aboutthe development of second language learners’RVS and PVS and the relationshipsbetween them are discussed.The third chapter tackles the whole process of doing the research.First of all,theresearch questions are raised.Then,y subjects are chosen from the over threehundred testees and their dada is typed into puter.Next,all the data is analyzedby SPSS and some efficient charts aregenerated.Finally,some descriptions about thedevelopment of the learners’vocabulary size are addressed in this chapter.Thelearners’RVS follows a linear increasing pattern,while their PVS almost keeps thesame among the three years,experiencing a Plateau Phenomenon.The relationshipsbetween them every academic year do not correlate with each other significantly.The fourth chapter deals with the discussion of the special developmental patternsof the learners’RVS and PVS.Input Hypothesis,Output Hypothesis,motivation municative Strategy are all taken into account when exploring the reasons thatlead to the quick development of the students’RVS and the slow development of thetheir PVS and the irrelevance between them.Furthermore,some theories onpsychology and recognition are also quoted in this chapter.The fifth chapter attempts toexplain the theoretical,methodological andpedagogical implications on the second language vocabulary acquisition and points outthe creative points of the present dissertation and its weakness.It provides US a newway to investigate the first or second language learners’vocabulary size by adoptingthe multiple—test approach and helps the teachers topay more attention to the scientifictransformation of the learners’RVS into PVS and build a more balanced vocabularylearning frame.4播放器加载中,请稍候...


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