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摘 要:目的:应用荟萃(Meta)分析探讨经腹超声与经阴道超声对异位妊娠诊断符合率。方法:采用Review Manager4.2软件,应用Meta分析固定效应模型和随机效应模型对1995年1月—2008年12月国内外有关经腹与经阴道超声诊断异位妊娠符合率的研究进行综合定量评价。结果:经筛选并纳入本次Meta分析的文献共22篇。累计经阴道超声组2010例,经腹超声组2015例,RR随机值为1.37(95%CI1.24~1.52),差别有统计学意义(P〈0.00001)。结论:经阴道超声诊断异位妊娠优于经腹超声,有条件的单位应将经阴道超声作为诊断异位妊娠的首选方法。
Review Manager 5.2诊断性试验系统评价手册
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3秒自动关闭窗口Review Manager 5.3userguide23-第21页
Review Manager 5.3userguide23-21
Appendices What's new in previous versionsNew in RevMan 5.2Most of the changes in RevMan 5.2 are for DTA reviews.DTA changes:Text of Review/Main textThe changes ONLY apply to new DTA reviews or where an existing review switches to QUADAS-2 for assessment of methodological quality? Background section: 'Alternative test' subheading removed and replaced with 'Clinical pathway'with three optional subheadings. Text can be entered under clinical pathway as well as under any of the subheadingsObjectives section: 'Investigation of sources of heterogeneity' subheading removed and existing text combined with the 'Secondary objectives' subheadingMethods section: removal of the subheading 'Comparator tests'. Existing text merged with 'Index tests'.Discussion section: 'Applicability of findings to clinical practice and policy' changed to'Applicability of findings to the review question' ? ? ?Tables? 'Summary of results table' changed to 'Summary of findings table'.Note this is not the same as the summary of findings table for interventions and does not rely on GRADE.Studies and referencesStudy characteristics for included studies: the changes ONLY apply to new DTA reviews or where an existing review switches to QUADAS-2 for assessment of methodological quality.? New data entry structure for Characteristics of Included Studies and Methodological Quality datatables. Due to overlap between the expected content of the 'Characteristics of included studies' table and that of the description expected for each domain in the QUADAS-2 table, the two tables have been combined into one in RevMan 5.2. However, in the published review both tables are rendered separately. It is possible to preview the characteristics table within RevMan 5.2.Fields in the Characteristics of Included Studies tables renamed or merged:??? Study design becomes Patient sampling Participants and, Clinical features and setting merged into one field as Patient characteristics and setting. Follow up becomes Flow and timing. ?Data and analyses?? Confidence intervals used on SROC and forest plots for individual study estimates of sensitivity and specificity C choice of 90%, 95%, and 99%. The default is 95%. Confidence regions used for summary points C choice of 90%, 95%, and 99%. The default is 95%.95?????? Prediction regions used for summary points C choice of 50%, 90%, and 95%. The default is 95%. Confidence intervals can be plotted on individual study points in ROC space. Option to switch axes off when study points coincide with axes. Scaling overall size of study points to improve their appearance on SROC plots. SROC plots with paired data C appearance of connecting lines. SROC plots with multiple tests or investigation of heterogeneity:????Figures? Study names on SROC plots C if too many or studies overlap considerably, instead of labellingwith study names, study points can be labelled with numbers with a legend added to the plot for the study numbers and corresponding study names.SC ROC axis labels - 'Sensitivity' and 'Specificity' are centered along their respective axes, and 'Sensitivity' displayed verticallyQuality graphs C drawing options for enhancing the graphs.???NOT DTA???????? Import studies C ability to import XML format containing study data, including Study characteristics. For intervention reviews only. Export references in Vancouver style. Preview published PDF C generates a preview of the published PDF version.
In File menu. Active choice of forest plot labels is required, with validation error if left as default. Validation check for the accuracy of references to other Cochrane reviews. Review number displayed in Check out window. Default width when creating a new table Cto make them wider, tables now
start with [Insert text] in the first row Wider default boxes in flow diagrams. Renamed to 'Risk of bias and applicability concerns'. Option to add the number of studies for each response category to each bar on the plot. Produce figures per test group. Plotting options C choice of symbols and colours. Different specificity range for each SROC curve, so option moved from properties to content pane Legend added for SROC plot of a single test. Covariate C option for selecting only some of the categories of a categorical covariate for conducting analyses. ? ?New in RevMan 5.1Text editing?? Extended text character support, including Arabic and Chinese. Multiple links (to studies, figures, etc.) can be added to the text with fewer clicks. 96?????? Links can be ordered chronologically or alphabetically when inserted. Tracked changes can be resolved for a selection of text or table cells. Smaller spacing between paragraphs in tables. Insert Symbol dialog shows the decimal code for the selected symbol (allows Alt+code insertion). Yellow text marker applicable to text with tracked changes and/or text that includes links. Sticky marker maintains switch to highlight text - even after moving insertion point. Review information?? Support for multiple affiliations per author.
Review number is displayed and, optionally, printed.Text of Review / Main text?????Tables???????? Imported Summary of Findings tables are editable in RevMan. When a Summary of Findings table is created in RevMan, you can choose the outcomes and columns to include. Risk of Bias names and descriptions have been reworded. Labels for Risk of Bias judgement have changed to High risk, Unclear risk, and Low risk. Order of Risk of Bias items (domains) can be modified. Risk of Bias tables can be copied between reviews. All Risk of Bias items are enabled by default when a new review is created. Additional tables can be added based on clipboard content. Split screen option for the Text of Review tab. User defined headings can be inserted at the same level as recommended (activated) headings. Any text under a subheading is maintained when the subheading is deactivated. Primary reference is shown when hovering the mouse over a study link. Context sensitive Handbook icon for Text of Review tab.Studies and References????? On the study edit tab you can see the outcomes for which data have been entered for the study. In addition to the standard pick list for journal titles, you can maintain your own list. References in Vancouver format (journal articles only) can be imported. Import of references to Cochrane Reviews from The Cochrane Library works more smoothly. The number of ignored text lines is displayed when importing references.Data and analyses??? Calculator tool facilitates data entry by allowing transformation between effect sizes, confidence intervals, standard errors, Z and P values into data required by RevMan. Test for subgroup differences available for all analyses including Mantel-Haenszel fixed effect and random effects models. Studies can be added to outcomes based on Risk of Bias judgements, year range, or freetext search in the Outcomes section of Characteristics of included studies.97????Figures?? Support for creation and editing of PRISMA flow diagrams. Option for showing four decimals instead of two on forest plot figures. Quick toolbar buttons for switching between effect measures and random effect/fixed effects models. Labels on forest plots can be changed at the comparison level. More options/properties immediately available when adding a new outcome. More outcomes properties can be exported.Review and file management????? My Reviews screen makes it easier to access the reviews you are involved in and helps decide whether to check out a review or open a local file. When opening a review file that you haven’t checked out, you are prompted if you want to mark the review as checked out. Contact person of review is shown on the Check Out screen. Opening a file from a temporary location (e.g. the directory where your browser stores downloaded files) does not change the default directory. When opening a file, list view vs. details view is maintained from last session. Validation?????????? Link from validation report to relevant edit screen for correcting problem. Error if withdrawn reviews contain other events than Amended. Warning if Plain language summary exceeds 400 words. Warning if links in the text to numbered items, e.g. figures, do not appear in numerical order. Warning if date of What’s new event is in the future. Warning if a link in a protocol refers to a section that is only published for full reviews. Warning if an additional reference shares its identifier with a study. Warning if the DOI for a reference to a Cochrane Review is incorrectly formatted. Warning if an outcome using the generic inverse variance data type has enabled the participants columns but has not used them. Warning if there are more than 6 figures.Diagnostic test accuracy reviews????? Default specificity range for SROC plots changed from 0.05C0.95 to 0.7C0.99. Improved symbols for SROC plots with more colours available. Improved legends for SROC plots. Covariate categories can be defined with fewer clicks. Prevalence included in calculator.Miscellaneous???? Welcome screen improved and reorganised. Non-Cochrane mode disables features specific to Cochrane use. Wizard buttons renamed to Continue when a follow up action is chosen. Previous/Next buttons on edit tabs for browsing through references, outcomes, etc. 98Help? ? ? ? ?
Reorganised Help menu, structured by content area. Tutorial for diagnostic test accuracy reviews included. Link to RevMan forum. Link to Handbook for Diagnostic Test Accuracy Reviews updated. Tutorial review available on Mac OS X.99包含各类专业文献、幼儿教育、小学教育、专业论文、应用写作文书、行业资料、高等教育、外语学习资料、Review Manager 5.3userguide23等内容。 
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 想必菜鸟们和我一样吧, 那就让我门大家一 Reviewer manager(简称 RevMan)是国际 Cochrane 协作网为系统评价(systematic review) 工作者所提供得专用软件,是 ...
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