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声明:本站为我们域名爱好者共同分享知识的平台,非域名注册机构.Foolscap - definition of foolscap by The Free Dictionary /foolscap
foolscap Also found in: , .
Chiefly British
A sheet of writing or printing paper measuring about 13 by 16 inches.2.
A fool's cap.[From the watermark of a fool's cap with bells originally used for this paper.]foolscap ('fu:lz?kaep) n1.
(Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) chiefly Brit a size of writing or printing paper, 13 by 17 inches or 13 by 16 inches2.
(Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) a book size, 4 by 6 inches (foolscap octavo) or (chiefly Brit) 6 by 8 inches (foolscap quarto)3.
a variant spelling of [C17: see fool1, so called from the watermark formerly used on this kind of paper]fools&#8226;cap
a type of inexpensive writing paper, esp. legal-size, lined, yellow sheets, bound in tablet form.
[;1700; so called from the watermark of a fool's cap formerly used on such paper] fool's&#8242; cap`
a traditional jester's cap or hood, often multicolored and usu. having several drooping peaks from which bells are hung.
Switch to Noun1.foolscap - a size of paper used especially in Britain, ,
- paper used for writing or printing
????? ??????? ?? ????? ?????formát psacího papíruskrifpappírs?rkpopieriaus formatas 34×43 cmlielformāta rakstāmpapīrskancelársky papierbüyük boy ka??tfoolscap [&#x2c8;fu&#x2d0;lsk&#xe6;p]A. N &#x2192;
B. CPD foolscap envelope N &#x2192; sobre m
foolscap sheet N &#x2192;
mfoolscap [&#x2c8;fu&#x2d0;lzk&#xe6;p] n &#x2192;
m fool's gold n (= iron pyrites) &#x2192; or m des
(pyrite de fer)a quest for fool's gold (fig) &#x2192; un
foolscap n (also foolscap paper) &#x2192; ~ Kanzleipapier nt, britisches Papierformat (13 1/4
Zoll)foolscap [&#x2c8;fu&#x2d0;lz&#x2k&#xe6;p] n &#x2192; foolscap ('fu:lsk?p)
noun a large size of paper for writing or printing.
????? ??????? ?? ????? ?????
формат хартия
papel de ofício
formát psacího papíru
das Kanzleipapier
papirformat lidt mindre end A3
papel de tama?o folio
(kantseleiformaadis) kirjutuspaber
(suuri) kirjoituspaperi
papier ministre
??????? ??????????
???? ?? ?? ???
format papira (42.5 sa 34)
kertas folio
????(判), ?? ??
popieriaus formatas 34×43 cm
lielformāta rakstāmpapīrs (34x43 cm)
kertas folio
papier w arkuszach 34/43 cm
??? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ??× ?? ?? ?? ???? ??
papel de ofício
kancelársky papier
veliki format hartije
büyük boy ka??t
формат паперу
??? ???? ?? ????
gi?y vi?t hay gi?y in kh? to
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There were several foolscap sheets, containing many particulars respecting the life and conversation of one Hester Prynne, who appeared to have been rather a noteworthy personage in the view of our ancestors. As to the books and furniture of the schoolhouse, they belonged to the community, excepting Cotton Mather's History of Witchcraft, a New England Almanac, and book of dreams and fortune- in which last was a sheet of foolscap much scribbled and blotted in several fruitless attempts to make a copy of verses in honor of the heiress of Van Tassel. The ANZEIGER is an eight- its page is one inch wider and one inch longer than a foolscap that is to say, the dimensions of its page are somewhere between those of a schoolboy's slate and a lady's pocket handkerchief. without getting to the second, now burst forward, drew the ruler from his breast (apparently as a defensive weapon), and produced from his pocket a foolscap document, folded in the form of a large letter. Never mind," said he at length, "" and he drew from his waistcoat pocket a scrap of what I took to be very dirty foolscap, and made upon it a rough drawing with the pen. The elder partner of the firm, however, would allow me only one penny of the charge, and took it upon himself to show in what manner four of the same sized conveniences could be got out of a sheet of foolscap. However, in the morning I determined to have a look at it anyhow, so I bought a penny bottle of ink, and with a quill-pen, and seven sheets of foolscap paper, I started off for Pope's Court. Out of the envelope he took a half-sheet of foolscap paper folded into four. Perhaps I shall get the credit also at some distant day, when I permit my zealous historian to lay out his foolscap once more--eh, Watson. She was thinking all the way up Southampton Row of notepaper and foolscap, and how an economy in the use of paper might be effected In less than the time mentioned he was seated again by his companion's side with a square sheet of foolscap spread out upon the round table. Thomson had risen slowly from his place and, with a sheet of foolscap in his hand, closely covered with writing, crossed the room.
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