
公路工程预算 里面 竣工文件 第三方试验检测费用 临时占地费用 承包人驻地建设与标准化管理费用如何确定?_百度知道
公路工程预算 里面 竣工文件 第三方试验检测费用 临时占地费用 承包人驻地建设与标准化管理费用如何确定?
  公路工程预算 里面 竣工文件 第三方试验检测费用 临时占地费用 承包人驻地建设与标准化管理费用根据概算的批复情况,结合实际施工过程中占用费用及使用费用情况计取,没有固定的标准。  工程预算是对工程项目在未来一定时期内的收入和支出情况所做的计划。它可以通过货币形式来对工程项目的投入进行评价并反映工程的经济效果。它是加强企业管理、实行经济核算、考核工程成本、编制施工计划的依据,也是工程招投标报价和确定工程造价的主要依据。根据设计阶段划分的不同、建筑工程预算可分为初步设计概算和施工图预算,统称基本建设预算或简称建设预算。
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发布日期: &&&
&&&& 中招康泰项目管理有限公司(以下简称采购代理机构)受太佳高速公路(吕梁段)建设管理处(以下简称采购人)的委托,对太佳高速公路(吕梁段)日常维修保养费临县1号隧道维护工程项目组织竞争性谈判,欢迎符合本项目资格条件的报价人参与谈判。
&&&& 一.项目名称:太佳高速公路(吕梁段)日常维修保养费临县1号隧道维护工程
&&&& 二.项目编号:ZKGC
&&&& 三.采购内容:
&&&& 1、本次谈判共分为1个包段:报价人所报价包内项目必须完全响应本谈判文件所列内容,采购需求如下:
项 目 名 称
&&&& 2、具体报价范围、采购范围及所应达到的具体要求,以本谈判文件中商务、技术的相应规定为准。
&&&& 3、工期:自签订合同之日起5天内全部完工。
&&&& 4、施工地点:采购人指定地点。
&&&& 四.参与谈判的报价人应具备的资格条件
&&&& 1、满足《中华人民共和国政府采购法》第二十二条的规定:
&&&& 2、具有独立承担民事责任的能力;
&&&& 3、具有良好的商业信誉和健全的财务会计制度;
&&&& 4、具有履行合同所必需的设备和专业技术能力;
&&&& 5、有依法缴纳税收和社会保障资金的良好记录;
&&&& 6、参加本次政府采购活动前三年内,在经营活动中没有重大违法记录;
&&&& 7、法律、行政法规规定的其他条件;
&&&& 8、报价人要求具有山西省交通运输厅颁发的公路养护工程施工二类甲级从业资质;
&&&& 9、本项目不接受联合体形式报价。
&&&& 五. 报价人购买谈判文件须携带的资料
&&&& 1、有效的事业单位法人证书或企业法人营业执照副本、资质证书副本、安全生产许可证副本(企业)、企业组织机构代码证副本、税务登记证副本;
&&&& 2、如报价人代表不是法定代表人,须持有《法定代表人授权委托书》或单位介绍信、经办人身份证;
&&&& 以上全部证件须提供原件及加盖单位公章的复印件贰套(原件审核完毕后退还)。
&&&& 六. 谈判文件发售时间及地点
&&&& 1、发售时间:日至日(北京时间9:00-11:00,15:00-17:00,节假日除外)
&&&& 2、发售地点:中招康泰项目管理有限公司 (太原市迎泽大街388号山西国际大厦26楼)
&&&& 3、谈判文件售价:人民币300元/套,现金支付,售后不退。
&&&& 七.谈判时间及地点
&&&& 1、谈判时间:日上午9时00分(北京时间)
&&&& 2、谈判地点:山西教育宾馆(山西省太原市迎泽区并州北路95号)
&&&& 3、届时请报价人的法定代表人或其授权的报价人代表出席。
&&&& 八.联系人及联系方式
&&&& 采购人:太佳高速公路(吕梁段)建设管理处
&&&& 联系地址:山西省吕梁市方山县积翠乡南虎滩村方山收费站院内
&&&& 联系人:马先生
&&&& 电 话:
&&&& 采购代理机构:中招康泰项目管理有限公司
&&&& 联系地址:山西省太原市迎泽大街388号国际大厦26楼
&&&& 联系人:郭女士
&&&& 电 话:
Copyright 版权所有
A bid of a C Highway Construction Budget and construction design Abstract : the item as 312 National Road Huning of the expansion project in Changzhou tenders part Magazine mileage : (K145 - K150 +880 +950), the total length of 4.93 km. The construction plan budget statement on the construction of the first budget plan and the role of the basis, and a brief overview of the project. Highway engineering calculation of this project including the subgrade for the calculation (cross-sectional area of roadbed and subgrade earth side); P**ement Engineering C protection works and drainage works in engineering calculations. And a detailed
Toone use the software to calculate the construction budget plan. In addition, the **way construction cost estimate for the constitution, the relevant rules and measurement software with the hope that the use of description and. The construction design of the main contents are : expounded on the basis, scope, principles and
Construction to determine the overall objective analysis of the general layout el**rate preparations for the construction
specify a special roadbed, the roadbed construction, road constructi and a related project program. In addition, details of the project quality, time, the assuranc Civilization Construction and environmental Also on the hot, rainy, winter night, and ......余下全文>>
Some level of roads C sign section construction drawing budget andconstruction organization plan Abstract: This project took 312 federal **ways Shanghai andNanjing section extension project Changzhou sign section a part,起讫 the course is: (K145+950 ~ K150+880), the span is 4.93kilometers. This project construction drawing budget instruction booklet firstintro**ced the construction drawing budget function and theestablishment basis, and h**e summarized this project survey.Including carries on the roadbed resilience in the **way engineeringcomputation to this engineering project the computation (roadbed totr**erse area computation and subgrade soil cubic meter of stonecomputation); Road surface re Protection projectas well as dewatering exc**ation resilience computation. Juxtaposesthe detailed resi The use with looks software tocalculate this project construction drawing budget. In addition, to the **way engineering estimated cost composition,the correlation measurement rule and with looks software the use tocarry on the explanation and the intro**ction. This construction organization plan main content includes: El**ratedthe establishment basis, the scope, the principle a The definite overall construction goal, has analyzed theconstruction general El**rated the constructionprep Specifically explained special constructionplan and so on subgrade treatment, roadbed recla......余下全文>>
Abstract: the project as a 312 national **way shanghai-nanjing period of expansion project of changzhou part of the contract, all mileage for: (K145 + 950 ~ K150 + 880), the span of 4.93 kilometers.This engineering construction drawing budget ma**al firstly intro**ces the function and construction drawing budget compilation basis, and intro**ces the general situation of this project. In **way engineering calculation of the project including the calculation of roadbed project (roadbed cross-sectional area of calculation and roadbed calculation conditions); P**eme Protection engineering and drainage engineering the amount of calculation. For a detailed Use of software engineering calculation with hope the construction drawing budget.In addition, the cost composition of the **way engineering budget, the measurement of the rules and related with hope on the use of software instructions and intro**ced.The main contents of the construction organization design are: expounds the compilation basis, scope, principles and To set the overall target of construction, this paper analyzes the construction of the ov Expounds the main content of the cons Specify the special roadbed treatment and filling roadbed construction scheme, p** And format the related engineering project sche**le.In addition, detailed intro**ces the engineering quality, time limit, safety me......余下全文>>
服务声明: 信息来源于互联网,不保证内容的可靠性、真实性及准确性,仅供参考,版权归原作者所有!Copyright &
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