
谁能帮我检查一下这篇英语作文的错误?这是直接在google翻译的.(1) the mother was ill,lie on the bed,I sat in the mother's bedside computers.(2) mother most of the time is quietly lying in bed,but sometimes she would tempt conside_百度作业帮
谁能帮我检查一下这篇英语作文的错误?这是直接在google翻译的.(1) the mother was ill,lie on the bed,I sat in the mother's bedside computers.(2) mother most of the time is quietly lying in bed,but sometimes she would tempt conside
谁能帮我检查一下这篇英语作文的错误?这是直接在google翻译的.(1) the mother was ill,lie on the bed,I sat in the mother's bedside computers.(2) mother most of the time is quietly lying in bed,but sometimes she would tempt consider talking to me.Said she was felt which place not feeling too well,say again she had a terrible dream,say her young from time to tome how healthy,one is able to do many live.Then I always very impatient.(3) once,mother suddenly crouched over come closer to computer said:"you always do on your computer?Don't you feel tired?" 4 "chat." I impatiently say.[" chat?And who talk?" Mother asked again.[6] "a field of,don't know." [7] "incognizant?" Mother seemed very puzzled,"that is said what ah?" Stuff "anyway also boring,literally say what also do the same." ⑼ "oh." Mother cryptically watched,and as a tired though long give a sigh,to lie to go back to bed.⑽ again I chatted,inadvertently old look at her mother,she is the zheng fix attention on staring at the ceiling with rapture.My heart suddenly move.My name is here with mother,but can do for her some rice pour water outside,also do?My mother is born when mercenary dropped the trouble,for many years has been praised by illnesses,this year is added in the many this elderly patient.Maybe because mother longyear sick,she care,we also become accustomed,sometimes home on the weekends and seldom think to be active and help her do something,always her every ground stem this dry it.⑿ mother the sick,is tired disease.She was ill,not only get our sympathy,but who saw she would complain,think she tire yourself ill,harm we also follow involvement.Whenever we complain mother always didn't say anything,as if she really like doing something wrong.[13] I turn off the computer,give mother cup of water.Without waiting for what I said,the mother said:"see computer tired eyes?Quick lie down with his eyes closed and rest a while." 14 I promise,pull a quilt lay in the mother's side.I said,"mom,you tell me what you had before,let me see if I can write articles." ⒂ mother surprise to temporarily don't know what to say.I lay silent and waited patiently for she said.Displayed suddenly felt that the original lying in mother's side,is such feeling warm.⒄ but I have forgotten for many years
所以,对于文学作品,很多时候,与其机器翻译后再人工修改,就不如一开始就自己翻,虽然 前者已经给出了蓝本,可改的过程会多少受到其误导,而自己写虽然有抬笔忘字、步步艰难之感,但后者具有开创性,更能提高英语、汉语的理解和表达能力.
下面是对一段的修改,楼主可以参照比较一下:原文:mother most of the time is quietly lying in bed, but sometimes she would tempt consider talking to me. Said she was felt which place not feeling too well, say again she had a terrible dream, say her young from time to tome how healthy, one is able to do many live. Then I always very impatient. 修改:Most of time, mother was quietly lying in bed, but sometimes she would tempt to consider talking to me. She said she was not feeling very well and she had a terrible dream and then she said she was healthy when young. Hearing all these, I was very impatient.12年1月SAT语法题目,In appearance much like the traditional yellow-fleshed Peruvian potato,( the hybrid Yukon Gold potato was developed by Canadian researchers.)上面括号里是正确答案,为什么不能是 however,the hybrid Yukon Gold pota_百度作业帮
12年1月SAT语法题目,In appearance much like the traditional yellow-fleshed Peruvian potato,( the hybrid Yukon Gold potato was developed by Canadian researchers.)上面括号里是正确答案,为什么不能是 however,the hybrid Yukon Gold pota
12年1月SAT语法题目,In appearance much like the traditional yellow-fleshed Peruvian potato,( the hybrid Yukon Gold potato was developed by Canadian researchers.)上面括号里是正确答案,为什么不能是 however,the hybrid Yukon Gold potato was developed by Canadian researchers.
考察主语一致in appearance much like the traditional yellow-fleshed Peruvian potato,指the hybrid Yukon Gold,再SAT语法裏面逗号之後就会直接给出主语,不会加however,这是从考试技巧来判断.而再考虑逻辑,前後两句没有转折关系,也没有必要用however
however表示后面分句的意思在前面分句的基础上有转折,但是这句没有这个意思 。这句话的意思是:育空杂交黄金土豆外表上看去很像传统的黄肉Peruvian土豆,是由加拿大研究人员开发的。像传统的黄肉Peruvian土豆,只是描述育空杂交黄金土豆的一个特征,与加拿大研究人员研制开发并不构成转折。...
however是连接两个句子的,然而In appearance much like the traditional yellow-fleshed Peruvian potato,不是一个完整的句子,指标是一种状态。望采纳
但是however是个副词啊,副词一定要连接两个句子吗?一道sat语法题目不会是因为要改成副词吧 我认为这块是说S的项目更具有创新性的而不是说法官的评判更有创新性 应该怎么改_百度作业帮
一道sat语法题目不会是因为要改成副词吧 我认为这块是说S的项目更具有创新性的而不是说法官的评判更有创新性 应该怎么改
一道sat语法题目不会是因为要改成副词吧 我认为这块是说S的项目更具有创新性的而不是说法官的评判更有创新性 应该怎么改
Of the more than 50 entries in the high school science fair,Sarah’s project was declared more innovative by the panel of six judges.首先对划线部分逐一进行判断——A.more than:表示“多于…”或“…以上”,不存在错误;B.entries:用在数词50后的名词应该是复数形式,没错;C.was:主语是单数名词,此处又表示过去,也没有错误;D.more innovative:需要确定词性和比较级的用法是否正确,才能断定是否正确.对 D 项的分析1、从词性判断形容词比较级作动词declared后的主语Sarah’s project 的补足语,如果用主动语态表示即为the panel of six judges declared Sarah’s project more innovative(六人评审小组宣布莎拉的方案比别的人更有创新性),就变成了宾语补足语,形容词作补足语是正确的;2、从比较级的用法判断上文有比较范围 Of the more than 50 entries,说明莎拉的方案是经过与50多个参赛者的方案比较后才被确定为最具创新性的,仔细观察,原来这里是把句型“最高级 + 用of介词短语介绍的比较对象”中of…提前到了句首,恢复回来就应该是the most innovative of the more than 50 entries(50多个参赛者中最有创新性的)由上可得出结论,此处应该时超过两个以上的比较,因此不能用形容词比较级.参考译文:在50多个参赛者中,莎拉的方案被六人评审小组宣布为最有创新性.
应该是the most innovative, 她的项目是这么多参赛者中最具创新意义的
答案应该是 the most innovative:最具创新的因为句前有一个of+n,结构,这个结构是用于三者或三者之间的比较,那么自然是最高级,more是两者之间的比较所以错了
这句话里的also照句意理解应该是副词,表示“同样、也、而且”。并且and和also 在这里不是连用的词组,要分开来看(虽然题目这样给选项),and连接的是谁能帮我检查一下这边英语作文的错误?(1) the mother was ill,lie on the bed,I sat in the mother's bedside computers.(2) mother most of the time is quietly lying in bed,but sometimes she would tempt consider talking to me.Said she was fe_百度作业帮
谁能帮我检查一下这边英语作文的错误?(1) the mother was ill,lie on the bed,I sat in the mother's bedside computers.(2) mother most of the time is quietly lying in bed,but sometimes she would tempt consider talking to me.Said she was fe
谁能帮我检查一下这边英语作文的错误?(1) the mother was ill,lie on the bed,I sat in the mother's bedside computers.(2) mother most of the time is quietly lying in bed,but sometimes she would tempt consider talking to me.Said she was felt which place not feeling too well,say again she had a terrible dream,say her young from time to tome how healthy,one is able to do many live.Then I always very impatient.(3) once,mother suddenly crouched over come closer to computer said:"you always do on your computer?Don't you feel tired?" 4 "chat." I impatiently say.[" chat?And who talk?" Mother asked again.[6] "a field of,don't know." [7] "incognizant?" Mother seemed very puzzled,"that is said what ah?" Stuff "anyway also boring,literally say what also do the same." ⑼ "oh." Mother cryptically watched,and as a tired though long give a sigh,to lie to go back to bed.⑽ again I chatted,inadvertently old look at her mother,she is the zheng fix attention on staring at the ceiling with rapture.My heart suddenly move.My name is here with mother,but can do for her some rice pour water outside,also do?My mother is born when mercenary dropped the trouble,for many years has been praised by illnesses,this year is added in the many this elderly patient.Maybe because mother longyear sick,she care,we also become accustomed,sometimes home on the weekends and seldom think to be active and help her do something,always her every ground stem this dry it.⑿ mother the sick,is tired disease.She was ill,not only get our sympathy,but who saw she would complain,think she tire yourself ill,harm we also follow involvement.Whenever we complain mother always didn't say anything,as if she really like doing something wrong.[13] I turn off the computer,give mother cup of water.Without waiting for what I said,the mother said:"see computer tired eyes?Quick lie down with his eyes closed and rest a while." 14 I promise,pull a quilt lay in the mother's side.I said,"mom,you tell me what you had before,let me see if I can write articles." ⒂ mother surprise to temporarily don't know what to say.I lay silent and waited patiently for she said.Displayed suddenly felt that the original lying in mother's side,is such feeling warm.⒄ but I have forgotten for many years.
  回答:  想必楼主也意识到了,正如另外一位回答者说的那样,机器翻译或网络翻译把文章给糟蹋了.  机器翻译只有在翻译科技论文时才能达到比较可靠的准确率,而文学翻译,甚至生活化的文字翻译都远远不能让人满意.  很多的时候我们让机器或网络翻译,有一个好处是把一些难的词汇给代我们查了出来,但网络或机器还远不能将词汇连接成语法和逻辑都正确的句子,更谈不上文采和风格了.翻译讲求信达雅,而机器翻译只能满足”信“的一小部分而已.  所以,对于文学作品,很多时候,与其机器翻译后再人工修改,就不如一开始就自己翻,虽然 前者已经给出了蓝本,可改的过程会多少受到其误导,而自己写虽然有抬笔忘字、步步艰难之感,但后者具有开创性,更能提高英语、汉语的理解和表达能力.  下面是对一段的修改,楼主可以参照比较一下:  原文:mother most of the time is quietly lying in bed, but sometimes she would tempt consider talking to me. Said she was felt which place not feeling too well, say again she had a terrible dream, say her young from time to tome how healthy, one is able to do many live. Then I always very impatient.  修改:Most of time, mother was quietly lying in bed, but sometimes she would tempt to consider talking to me. She said she was not feeling very well and she had a terrible dream. And then she said she was healthy when young. Hearing all these, I became very impatient.  希望对你有所帮助!


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