Didhow you doinfinish(doin...

have you finish your work 和 do you finish your work区别这两句话都正确,还是有错误.如果都正确他们有什么区别?
都是错的哦.应该是have you finished your work.用现在完成时态,表示做完了的事对现在的影响.如:have you been to England?这表示对现在的影响是你去没去过英国.再看你这句话,问的是:你完成你的作业了么? 对现在有没有影响呢?其实是没有的.所以不用完成时态.其实有时候用不用完成时态,需要在具体的事件中具体分析.在这方面你好好看看这方面的资料.did you finish your work不可以用do提问.do 是经常性的动作.若用do,句子意思是,你(经常)完成任务吗?did是过去的的动作.本句意思是,你(过去)完成任务了吗?
一般用现在完成时,或一般过去时,询问对方“做完了没有”Have you finished your work?
保险条款精解(一)- 车损,第三者
您大概觉得即使是自然灾害造成的...&(字节数: 0) [转贴
0:03:59]&&李嘉诚为何要买人寿保险(香港巨富李嘉诚说:“别人都说我很富有,拥有很多财富。其实真正属于我个人的财富是给自己和亲人买了足够的保险。”   许多人不解,为什么象李嘉诚那样的有钱人也要买保险呢?难道他的财富还不足以抵御风险?   首先,富有的人比穷人更知道钱是需要投资的,要追求投资回报率。有钱绝不会把钱放在手里(即持有现金)或全部放在银行(因存款利息低),应该把大部分钱用于其它投资:如股票、企业、债券等。但当自己或家庭发生风险时,手头很难筹到钱。所以为了在发生意外...&(字节数: 6724) [转贴
对个人来说,投保人寿保险是获得对未知风险的保障,可以使其在受到意想不到的损害时,本人或家庭可以得到经济上的补偿,确保家庭经济的安定;亦可作为一种储蓄和投资工具,在保险有效期内,被保险人可以得到保险金额和其它报酬。可以...&(字节数: 3615) [转贴
1:21:39]&&多数主机一般都是驻留在只连接一台路由器的网段上。由于只有一台路由器,因此不存在使用哪一台路由器将数据报发表到远程计算机上去的问题,该路由器的IP地址可作为该网段上所有计算机的缺省网关来输入。 但是,当网络上拥有两个或多个路由器时,你就不一定想只依赖缺省网关了。实际上你可能想让你的某些远程IP地址通过某个特定的路由器来传递,而其他的远程IP则通过另一个路由器来传递。 在这种情况下,你需要相应的路由信息,这些信息储存在路由表中,每个主机和每个路由器都配有自己独一无二的路由表。大多数路由器...&(字节数: 2507) [转贴
1:20:14]&&ARP是一个重要的TCP/IP协议,并且用于确定对应IP地址的网卡物理地址。实用arp命令,你能够查看本地计算机或另一台计算机的ARP高速缓存中的当前内容。此外,使用arp命令,也可以用人工方式输入静态的网卡物理/IP地址对,你可能会使用这种方式为缺省网关和本地服务器等常用主机进行这项作,有助于减少网络上的信息量。 按照缺省设置,ARP高速缓存中的项目是动态的,每当发送一个指定地点的数据报且高速缓存中不存在当前项目时,ARP便会自动添加该项目。一旦高速缓存的项目被输入,它们就已经开始走向失效状态...&(字节数: 2134) [转贴
1:18:46]&&IPConfig实用程序和它的等价图形用户界面――Windows 95/98中的WinIPCfg可用于显示当前的TCP/IP配置的设置值。这些信息一般用来检验人工配置的TCP/IP设置是否正确。但是,如果你的计算机和所在的局域网使用了动态主机配置协议(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol,DHCP--Windows NT下的一种把较少的IP地址分配给较多主机使用的协议,类似于拨号上网的动态IP分配),这个程序所显示的信息也许更加实用。这时,IPConfig可以...&(字节数: 1720) [转贴
1:15:18]&&netstat -s--本选项能够按照各个协议分别显示其统计数据。如果你的应用程序(如Web浏览器)运行速度比较慢,或者不能显示Web页之类的数据,那么你就可以用本选项来查看一下所显示的信息。你需要仔细查看统计数据的各行,找到出错的关键字,进而确定问题所在。 netstat -e--本选项用于显示关于以太网的统计数据。它列出的项目包括传送的数据报的总字节数、错误数、删除数、数据报的数量和广播的数量。这些统计数据既有发送的数据报数量,也有接收的数据报数量。这个选项可以用来统计一些基本的网络流量...&(字节数: 1599) [转贴
1:10:22]&&Ping是个使用频率极高的实用程序,用于确定本地主机是否能与另一台主机交换(发送与接收)数据报。根据返回的信息,你就可以推断TCP/IP参数是否设置得正确以及运行是否正常。需要注意的是:成功地与另一台主机进行一次或两次数据报交换并不表示TCP/IP配置就是正确的,你必须执行大量的本地主机与远程主机的数据报交换,才能确信TCP/IP的正确性。 简单的说,Ping就是一个测试程序,如果Ping运行正确,你大体上就可以排除网络访问层、网卡、MODEM的输入输出线路、电缆和路由器等存在的故障,从而减小了...&(字节数: 3024) [原创
:中国&(字节数: 678) [原创
22:45:06]&&号称“海南传统四大名菜之首”:白切文昌鸡 &(字节数: 642) [转贴
22:39:35]&&“三教九流”中的“三教”:佛教、道教、儒教 $value) { if ($param == 'client') { google_append_url($google_ad_url, $param, 'ca-mb-' . $GLOBALS['google'][$param]); } else if (strpos($param, 'color_') === 0) { google_append_color($google_ad_url, $param)...&(字节数: 2797) [原创
22:30:07]&&潘粤明因 第七届大学生电影节最佳新人奖:非常夏日
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第三章 达瑞,一个很能挣钱的男孩(2)
我不能肯定自已是否真的听明白了,但是我想起了一件事。不久前有一次,我忘记要做课堂测验,于是事先没有复习。早晨到了学校,班里的同学和我说起了测验的事。我相信自己可以在很短的时间里复习完,于是我逃了两节艺术课,躲在校园里的一张长衍上开始复习。结果我真的得了个“良好”。如果我不相信自己的能力的...&(字节数: 5531) [转贴
第三章 达瑞,一个很能挣钱的男孩(1)
...&(字节数: 5489) [转贴
第二章 梦想储蓄罐和梦想像册(2)
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第二章 梦想储蓄罐和梦想像册(1)
我根本没办法集中精力做家庭作业。当时钟终于挪到下午6点的时候,我迅速地跑向花园。钱钱已经守候在那里了。我立即牵着它走进树林。我的心里战战兢兢,一路上一句话都不敢和钱钱说。终于,我们...&(字节数: 5240) [转贴
第一章 白色的拉不拉多猎狗(2)
...&(字节数: 4962) [转贴
第一章 白色的拉不拉多猎狗(1)
很久很久以来,我就梦想着有一只属于自己的狗。可是我们住在租来的房子里,而房东又明令禁止我们养狗。父亲曾经几次试着和房东商量,但都无济于事。唉,世上就是有那么一些不好商量的人。房东声明,其他的房客不希望看见房子里有狗。这简直是胡说八道。我认识住在三楼和四楼的人家,他们都很想养一只狗。事实上是房东自己不喜欢狗。&(字节数: 5605) [转贴
前言 结束错误
这种愿望是无可非议的,因为富裕是我们与生俱来的权利。假如我们有充足的钱,我们就能生活得更有尊严,也能更好地...&(字节数: 8662) [转贴
18:52:02]&&Wall Street closed out a bumpy week with a moderate gain Friday as investors, heartened by new inflation data, bought optimistically ahead of next week's rush of earnings releases. The Dow Jones industrials had their 11th advance in 12 sessions, and al...&(字节数: 7271) [转贴
14:40:50]&&Truth arrives as grudgingly as reconciliation in the Chadian film “Daratt” (“Dry Season”). Gently and quietly told, steeped in the kind of resigned sorrow that can come after years of hurt and disappointment, it is an unassum...&(字节数: 5139) [转贴
14:39:31]&&A home equity line of credit is a form of revolving credit in which
your home serves as collateral. Because the home is likely to be a
consumer's largest asset, many homeowners use their credit lines only
for major items s...&(字节数: 2780) [转贴
9:46:21]&&Growing Pains 113 V2.0
Jason: Ok, now we've only got two days left to practise. So we've all got to help Carol work
on her gutter ball
Ben: But why Dad? It's perfect, it goes in the gutter every time.
Jason: Come on Carol! Now, let's try this r...&(字节数: 17697) [转贴
9:43:51]&&Christmas Story Carol: Where are my wise men? Mike: Taking the A train. Carol: Mike what are the wise men doing on the train track? Mi: Well they're wise men. They must know what they are doing Carol: Mike, come on. It's a miracl...&(字节数: 17127) [转贴
9:40:15]&&Growing Pains 111 V2.0 mike: And he's tearing up the board folks, this man cannot be stopped! Alright give me your best shot here Carol, I feel hot, I feel ready. carol: Ok. Ha ha ha! What nineteen fifty seven, Roger Coreman film, starre...&(字节数: 18406) [转贴
9:36:39]&&Growing Pains 110 V2.0 maggie: Mail's here, telephone bill, letter from your mother, "Simone's of Siyasi Sexy Sleepwear" jason: Mmmm. Wonder how we got this. maggie: Mmm. I don't know. Could it be because it's addressed to a Doctor Jaso...&(字节数: 18449) [转贴
9:30:02]&&Growing Pains 109 V2.0 ben: Here she comes and she's mad. jason: Did you finish moving your science project carol? carol: You bet. maggie: Oh we're sorry sweetheart but we needed the guest room. carol: So you throw my volcano out on the street? mike: T...&(字节数: 15188) [转贴
9:24:26]&&Growing Pains 108 V2.0 jason: You know that in certain remote areas of Brazil, coffee is considered to be an aphrodaesiac.Mocca? maggie: Yes please. I think it's working. jason: Well in that case...Well it's there if you need it. &(字节数: 18642) [转贴
9:20:29]&&Growing Pains 107 Employee of the Month V2.0 Maggie: Jason, I don't know what I can do about dinner. I gotta work late tonight, or I would never finish that story. Don't forget Mike start that dentist appointment at three. Jason: I c...&(字节数: 16929) [转贴
9:18:09]&&Growing Pains 106 Mike's Madonna Friend V2.0 Carol: She's definitely a Wendy. Jason: Uh uh, he's clearly a Sam. Carol: Dad I think I she's a Wendy. Jason: Carol I went to medical school ok? So I think I can se...&(字节数: 15819) [转贴
9:14:45]&&Growing Pains 105 V1.0 Ben: Dad. Jason: Mike,Mike,get the animal out of here. Mike:come on dad,stuart was not ***,it was peppy. Jason: Mike,Animals who live off human toes are not peppy. Mike:This is great.you know.I'm trying to ...&(字节数: 18064) [转贴
9:13:02]&&Growing Pains 104 (v 2.0) Maggie: Mike, would you get your sister, please. Mike: Yo, fido ,dinner Carol: I'll be right down, fire-hydrant.Tell mom, I'm just gonna finish this paragraph. Mike: Hey, mom, fido's gonna finish her paragra...&(字节数: 18154) [转贴
9:11:00]&&Jason: I wanna place a Growing Pains 103 Jason: Ok, here we go, how many for scrambled eggs?....... Ok how many for last nights liver?..... how many for scrambled eggs? Jason: Dad, I'm having some trouble with my science project Jaso...&(字节数: 17341) [转贴
9:08:17]&&Growing Pains 102 Springsteen A. Jason: Hi, I'm Jason Seaver. I am psychiatrist. I spent last 15 years helping people with the problems. B. Maggie: And I'm Maggie Seaver. And I spent last 15 years helping our kids with problems, even...&(字节数: 17850) [转贴
8:59:43]&&Growing Pains 101 V3.0 Jason: Alright lady drop that spatula or you're scrambled. Maggie: Go ahead, make my day. Well, I guess I showed you. Jason: Show me more Maggie: Oh Jason, the kids. Jason: I can kiss the kids later. You kn...&(字节数: 15646) [转贴
7:50:28]&& can show you the worldShining, shimmering, splendidTell me, princess, now when did you last let your heart decide!I can open your eyesTake you wonder by wonderOver, sideways and underOn a magic carpet ride (3 verse)A wh...&(字节数: 2060) [转贴
7:49:35]&&Music by Elton JohnLyrics by Bernie Taupin You may not believe itBut I don't believe in miracles anymoreAnd when I think about itI don't believe I ever did for sureAll the things I've said in songsAll the purple prose you bo...&(字节数: 1753) [转贴
7:49:06]&&Artist: Black Eyed Peas Album: Let's Get It Started (single) Song: Let's Get It StartedLyrics:Let's Get it started, in here...And the base keep's runnin' runnin' and runnin' runnin' and runnin' runnin' and runnin' runnin' and ru...&(字节数: 3800) [转贴
7:48:19]&&Rising in the eastAnd fading in the westTo the north and to sleepAt the close of dayThe flame goes outOnly char left in the grateDo you in dying becomeBut a nameI can see you're worn downThe weight upon your shoulder...&(字节数: 1196) [转贴
7:47:52]&&takin' my little voyage again.thinkin' back into my childhood land.drinkin' the white milk she forced me to.hershey's chocolate syrup on sundays,too.pourin'tasteless white milk into the sink.hopin' that grandma didnt see me doin' it...&(字节数: 3164) [转贴
7:47:03]&&(repeat 2X)Can't Nobody Hold Me DownChorus: Mase, Puff DaddyPuff Daddy (f/ Mase)Verse One: MaseVerse Three: Puff DaddyVerse Two: Mase(Puff) Bad Boy... we ain't gon' stopNow with Sean on the hot track, melt like it's hot ...&(字节数: 3947) [转贴
7:45:42]&& have paced these forests for so long I don't know if I am man or I am beast.I, though, hold deep within me a quest for revenge.Then I must be a man as much as I can be.I have learned to speak the tongue of the animalI have learned to r...&(字节数: 3029) [转贴
7:45:10]&&free fallin'
tom petty and the heartbreakers
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She's a good girl, loves her mamaLoves Jesus and America tooShe's a good girl, crazy 'bout ElvisLoves horses and her boyfriend tooIt's...&(字节数: 1917) [转贴
7:44:13]&&Will Smith:Wild Wild West, Jim West, desperado, rough riderNo you don't want nadaNone of this, gun in this, brotha runnin this,Buffalo soldier, look it's like I told yaAny damsel that's in distressBe out of that dress when she m...&(字节数: 4431) [转贴
7:43:20]&&lay down your sweet and weary head night is falling,you have come to journey's end.sleep now,and dream of the ones who came before.they are calling from across the distant shore.why do you weep?what are these tears u...&(字节数: 2435) [转贴
Where do we go from here?This isn't where we intended to beWe had it all, you believed in meI believed in youCertainties disappearWhat do we do for our dream to survive?How do we keep all our passions alive,As we used to d...&(字节数: 1277) [转贴
7:40:58]&&How Do You Want Me To Love You Ha ha ha ha alright, ha ha yeah Ha ha ha ha ha ha yeah Yeah yeah How do you want me to love you? Oh yeah yeah Where did you come from Baby what's your name? I gotta tell you something, plea...&(字节数: 2671) [转贴
7:37:07]&&westlife - unbreakable took my hands, touched my heart held me close, you were always there by my side, night and day through it all, baby come what may swept away on a wave of emotion oh we're caught in the eye of the storm ...&(字节数: 1078) [转贴
7:36:30]&&what makes a man - westlife - coast to coast
what makes a man edit by chuming e-mail: this isn't goodbye, even as i watch you leave, this isn't goodbye i swear i won't cry, even as tears fill my eyes, i...&(字节数: 1628) [转贴
7:35:28]&&no place that far - westlife - coast to coast
no place that far edit by chuming e-mail: i can't imagine any greater fear than waking up without you here and though the sun would still shine on my whole world wo...&(字节数: 936) [转贴
7:34:17]&&An empty street, an empty house I hold inside my heart I'm all alone, the rooms are getting smaller. I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder where they are The days we had, the songs we sang together. (oh yeah) And all my love, I'm hol...&(字节数: 1945) [转贴
7:32:39]&&When I was yong , 当我年轻时, I'd listen to the radio , 常听收音机, Waiting for my favorite songs . 等待心爱的歌曲。 When they played I'd sing along , 听到播放时便随声歌唱。 It made me smile . 这使我欢畅。 Those were such happy times , 那时多么幸福的时刻! And not so long ...&(字节数: 2114) [转贴
7:28:04]&&Where do I beginto tell a story of how great a love can bethe sweet love story that is older than the seathe simple truth about the love she brings to meWhere do I startWith her first helloshe gave a meaning to this empty world ...&(字节数: 1466) [转贴
7:25:01]&& video review: Strife-torn America wanted a meat-and-potatoes romance in the late '60s, and the country embraced Erich Segal's slim, generic-sounding novel in a big way. It did so again for the film adaptation in 1970, starring Ryan O'Neal...&(字节数: 1029)
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