
最新听力教程South Korea and Japan are adding to recent international punishment against North Korea for its nuclear testing programs.Japanese and South Korean officials announced the sanctions
From VOA Learning English, this is the Health & Lifestyle report.United Nations researchers are reporting progress in the fight against the disease malaria.The researchers confirm
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump says he would not be tweeting as much if he got fairer news coverage.But he wrote on Twitter, Monday, that he did not know if &that will eve
The United Nations, or U.N., is asking for $22.2 billion dollars to provide life-saving help for nearly 93 million people worldwide.The U.N. made the request on Monday to internati
The promotion of labor rights is an integral part of United States foreign policy. U.S. Special Representative for International Labor Affairs Sarah Fox says supporting fundamental
The U.S. State Department partnered with the Smithsonian Institution to engage religious minority groups directly, providing them with training and information on preserving cultur
The growing trend of intentional shutdowns of the Internet and mobile networks threaten Internet freedom. According to estimates, some 25 governments on almost every continent have
The United States welcomes the holding of elections on November 20 as an important step towards returning Haiti to full constitutional rule and addressing the serious challenges th
The son of one of the leaders of the Iranian revolution has been sentenced to a 21 year prison term &- 6 of which he is being required to serve. Ahmad Montazeri is the son of
Austria has elected Independent candidate Alexander Van der Bellen as president. The former Green Party leader defeated Freedom Party candidate Norbert Hofer.Van der Bellen capture
This is What&s Trending Today.The United States Army Corps of Engineers has denied a permit that would be needed to complete a major oil pipeline under the Missouri River.The
South Korea and Japan are adding to recent international punishment against North Korea for its nuclear testing programs.Japanese and South Korean officials announced the sanctions
The United States Air Force has a shortage of mechanics to provide support for its fighter airplanes.VOA recently reported that the Air Force has 725 fighter pilots less than the 3
One day, &supercharged plants& may help feed people around the world.Supercharged plants are ones that grow faster than normal plant life.Scientists can speed up the gr
A report about a new public opinion survey shows that a ten-year-long period of Africans demanding democracy has recently ended, and such demands have been declining since then in
The United States Air Force has a shortage of mechanics to provide support for its fighter airplanes.VOA recently reported that the Air Force has 725 fighter pilots less than the 3
Lilly Alfonso is one of the top fashion designers in Lilongwe, the capital of Malawi.Alfonso has shown her creations at fashion shows in London, Paris and Amsterdam. Her clothes ar
Join us now for Words and Their Stories, a program from VOA Learning English.On this show we talk about the origins and meanings of common expressions in American English. Every we
There is a commonly held belief in the United States about the best path to a college education.Many Americans would say this path involves graduating from high school at age 17 or
Greece has a new football team called Hope Refugee United.Every one of its players is a refugee.It all started with a few young men kicking a football around at a refugee camp near
Promoting the human rights of persons with disabilities has been a key objective of U.S. President Barack Obama's administration both at home and internationally.&Disability
LONDON & As Syrian government forces continue to push deeper into the rebel stronghold of eastern Aleppo, analysts say the wider geopolitical ramifications are being felt acr
Russian President Vladimir Putin recently signed an agreement establishing a joint military force between Russia and leaders in Abkhazia, a so-called &breakaway& region
As Syrian and Russian planes continued their horrific bombing of eastern Aleppo, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power excoriated the Syrian regime and its Russian a
General Qamar Javed Bajwa has taken command of Pakistan&s army, the sixth-largest in the world.The official change of command ceremony took place earlier this week near the G
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