Audiatur et altera官网 ...

Absentem laedit, qui cum ebrio litigat.--&He
who quarrels with a drunk hurts an absentee.&
Age quod agis -- &Do what you do&
Amor patriae nostra lex. -- &Love of the fatherland is our law.&
Alea iacta est. -- &The die is cast!&
Ars longa, vita brevis. -- &Art is long, life is short.&
Asinus asinorum in saecula saeculorum. -- &The greatest jackass in
Audaces fortuna iuvat -- &Luck helps those who're brave.&
Audi, vide, tace, si tu vis vivere. -- &Hear, see, be silent, if
you [wish] to be alive .&
Audiatur et altera pars. -- &The other part should be heard, too.&
Beati pauperes spiritu -- &Lucky are those
of a poor mind&
Beatus, qui prodest, quibus potest. -- &He is lucky who helps everyone
Bene diagnoscitur, bene curatur. -- &Something that is well diagnosed
can be cured well.&
Bis dat, qui cito dat. -- &He who gives quickly gives twice.&
Bis repetita non placent -- &Repetitions are not well-received.&
Bona diagnosis, bona curatio. -- &Good diagnosis, good cure.&
Bona valetudo melior est quam maximae divitiae. &Good health is worth
more than the greatest wealth.&
Carpe diem -- &Use the day& or &Seize
Cibi condimentum est fames. -- &Hunger is a spice for any meal.&
Contraria contrariis curantur. -- &Opposites are cured by their opposites.&
Contra vim mortis non est medicamen in hortis. -- &There's no herb
against the power of death.&
Cuiusvis hominis est errare -- &Every human can err.&
Cura, ut valeas! -- &Take Care.&
De gustibus non est disputandum. -- &Matters
of taste ought not to be disputed.&
De mortuis nihil nisi bene. -- &Of the dead, nothing but good.&;
&Say only good things about the dead.&
Diem perdidi -- &I lost the day&
Divide et impera. -- &Divide and conquer.&
Donec eris felix multos numerabis amicos. -- &As long as you're happy,
you'll have many friends.&
Dum spiro, spero. -- &As long as I breathe, I hope.&
Dura lex, sed lex. -- &The law is harsh, but it is [still] the law.&
Dura necessitas. -- &Necessity is harsh.&
E fructu arbor cognoscitur. -- &The tree
can be recognized by its fruits.&
Errare humanum est. Perseverare diabolicum. -- &To err is human.
To repeat error is of the Devil.&
Et nunc reges, intelligite erudimini qui judicatis terram... -- &And
now kings, be warned, you who judge on earth...&
Exegi monumentum aere perennius -- &I built a monument, more durable
Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere -- &Lucky
[is the person] who could realize things&
Festina lente ! &Make haste slowly& - proceed quickly but with
Fide, sed qui, vide. -- &Trust but take care whom.&
Fortes fortuna uvat. or Audaces fortuna juvat. -- &Fortune favors
the brave.&
Gloria victis. -- &Glory to the defeated.&
Gutta cavat lapidem non vi, sed saepe cadendo. -- &A drop drills
the rock not with force but by falling repeatedly.&
Habent sua fata libelli. -- &Books have
their fate.&
Hodie mihi, cras tibi. -- &What's to me today, tomorrow to you.&
Homines quod volunt credunt. -- &Men believe what they want to.&
Homo homini lupus est. -- &Man is a wolf to man.&
Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto. &I am human, so nothing
that is human is foreign to me.&
Ignorantia iuris nocet. &Being ignorant
of law harms.&
Ignorantia legis non excusat. &Ignorance of the law is no excuse.&
Ignoti nulla cupido. &The unknown does not tempt.&
In dubio pro reo -- &When in doubt, in favour of the accused&
In vino veritas. -- &There is truth in wine.& &Wine in
excess will bring out truth.&
Is fecit, cui prodest. -- &Done by the one who profits from it.&
Justitia omnibus. -- &Justice for all.&
Laborare est orare. -- &To work is to pray.&
Laborare omnia vincit. -- &Labor conquers all.&
Major e longinquo reverentia. -- &Viewed
from a distance, everything is beautiful.&
Manus manum lavat. -- &One hand washes the other.&
Medicus curat, natura sanat. -- &The doctor cares [for his patient],
nature heals [him].&
Memento mori. -- &Remember your mortality.& or &Remember
Morituri te salutant -- &Those who are doomed to die greet you&
Naturo abhorret a vacuo. -- &Nature abhors a vacuum.&
Nemo me impune lacessit. -- &No-one attacks me with impunity&
Nihil lacrima citius arescit. -- &Nothing dries more quickly than
Nil sine numini. -- &Nothing without Providence.&
Nomen est omen. -- &A name is an omen.&
Non fui, fui, non sum, non curo. -- &I was not, I was, I am not,
I don't care.& (found
on tombstones abbreviated NFFNSNC)
Non omnia possumus omnes. -- &All of us cannot do everything.&
Non scholae, sed vitae discimus. -- &We don't learn from school but
from life.&
Non ut edam vivo, sed ut vivam edo. -- &I don't live to eat, but
I eat to live.&
Nondum amabam, et amare amabam. -- &I did not love, even if I yearned
Nosce te ipsum! -- &Know thyself!&
Nulla dies sine linea. -- &No day without a line.&
Nulla est medicina sine lingua Latina. -- &No medicine without Latin.&
Nulla regula sine exceptione. -- &No rule without exception.&
Nulla res tam necessaria est quam medicina. -- &Nothing is so necessary
as medicine.&
Nunc est bibendum -- &Now it's time to drink&
O tempora! O mores! -- &Oh times! Oh morals!&
Oculi plus vident quam oculus. -- &Several eyes see more than only
Omnia mea mecum porto. -- &All that's mine I carry with me.&
Omnia vincit amor. -- &Love conquers all.&
Omnium artium medicina nobilissima est. -- &Medicine is the noblest
of all arts.&
Optimum medicamentum quies est. -- &Peace is the best medicine.&
Ora et labora. -- &Pray and work.&
Pax melior est quam iustissimum bellum. -- &Peace
is better than the most just war.&
Pecunia not olet. -- &Money does not smell& (Remark
by Roman emperor Vespasian on the plan to tax public urinals.)
Per aspera ad astra. -- &Through hardships to the stars.& (The
motto of NASA.)
Per scientiam ad salutem aegroti. -- &To heal the sick through knowledge.&
Plenus venter non studet libenter. -- &A full belly doesn't like
Plures crapula quam gladius perdidit. -- &Drunkenness takes more
lives than the sword.&
Post cenam non stare sed mille passus meare. -- &Do not rest after
dinner, but walk a mile.&
Post hoc non est propter hoc. -- &'After this' is not 'because of
Praesente medico nihil nocet. -- &In the presence of a doctor nothing
can harm.&
Praevenire melius est quam praeveniri. -- &It is better to precede
than to be preceded.&
Primum non nocere. -- &First, do no harm&
Qualis artifex pereo'' -- &What a great
artist dies with me.&
Quidquid discis, tibi discis. -- &Whatever you learn, you learn it
for yourself.&
Quidquid id est timeo puellas et oscula dantes. -- &Whatever it is,
I fear the girls, even when they kiss.&
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur. -- &Anything said in Latin
sounds profound.&
Qui habet aures audiendi audiat -- &Those who have ears to hear,
Qui rogat, non errat. -- &Who asks isn't wrong.&
Qui scribit, bis legit. -- &Who writes, reads twice.&
Qui tacet, consentire videtur. -- &Who is silent seems to agree.&
Qui vult dare parva non debet magna rogare. -- &He who wishes to
give little shouldn't ask for much.&
Quo vadis? -- &Where are you going?&
Quod licet Iovis, non licet bovis. -- &All that is allowed to Jupiter
is not necessarily allowed to an ox.&
Quod medicina aliis, aliis est acre venenum. -- &One person's medicine
is another's foul poison.&
Quot capita, tot sententiae. -- &As many opinions as people.&
Quousque tandem? -- &For how much longer?&
Reddite ergo quae sunt Caesaris, Caesari --
&Give Caesar what's Caesar's&
Repetitio est mater studiorum. -- &Repetition is the mother of study.&
Saepe morborum gravium exitus incerti sunt.
-- &The effects of serious illnesses are often unknown.&
Salus aegroti suprema lex. -- &The well-being of the patient is the
most important law.&
Sic transit gloria mundi. -- &Thus passes worldly glory.&
Similia similibus curantur. -- &Like cures like.&
Sine labore non erit panis in ore. -- &Without work there won't be
any bread in your mouth.&
Si decem habeas linguas, mutum esse addecet. -- &Even if you had
ten tongues, you should hold them all.&
Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses. -- &If you had kept your silence,
you would have stayed a philosopher.&
Si vis pacem, para bellum. -- &If you want peace, prepare war.&
Si vis pacem, para iustitiam. -- &If you want peace, prepare justice.&
Sol lucet omnibus -- &The sun shines for everyone&
Summum ius summa inuria. -- &More law, less justice.&
Tarde venientibus ossa. -- &For those who
come late, only the bones.&
Tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis. -- &The times are changed,
and we are changed in them.&
Tres faciunt collegium. -- &Three makes a company.&
Ubi concordia, ibi victoria. -- &Where
there is harmony, there is victory.&
Ubi fumus, ibi ignis. -- &Where there's smoke, there's fire.&
Unum castigabis, centum emendabis. -- &If you reprove one error,
you will correct a hundred.&
Usus magister est optimus. -- &Practice makes perfect.&
Ut ameris, amabilis esto. -- &Be amiable, then you'll be loved.&
Ut sis nocte levis, sit cena brevis! -- &That your sleeping hour
be peaceful, let your dining hour be brief!&
Vade retro -- &Step back!&
Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas -- &Everything's vain&
Veni, vidi, vici -- &I came, I saw, I triumphed&
Ventis secundis, tene cursum. -- &Go with the flow.&
Verba docent, exempla trahunt. -- &Words instruct, illustrations
Veritas odium paret -- &Truth creates hatred&
Video meliora proboque deteriora sequor -- &I see the better and
acknowledge it, but I follow the worse
Vinum et musica laetificant cor -- &Wine and music delight the heart&
Vox populi, vox dei. -- &The voice of the people is the voice ofWelcome to Orthodontic Materials
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Orthodontic Materials Insider& is a quarterly dedicated since 1987
to orthodontic professionals and to the renewal of their habits
by ORTHO-CYCLE CO. , a company that services, buys and
sells orthodontic appliances.
Editor: Claude G. Matasa, Doctor of Chemical Engineering, Doctor of
Technical Sciences, Professor of Oral Bio-Materials
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your order here!
<font color="#. Climbing the
success ladder&
<font color="#. Self-ligating brackets vs. the conventional ones: no difference !
Audiatur et altera pars (Latin: hear the other side)
Buccal tubes& bond strength
A comparison reveals unexpected differences
Celebrating our 35th Anniversay
<font color="#. The Moor has done his duty: the Moor can go....
but still look for its next issue.
How Insider kept its promise
Norman Wahl
O, tempora! O, mores
Prof. Dr. M.M. Kuftinec
Prof. Dr. Federico Tenti.
change, plus &&est lameme chose
Dr. H. P. Bimler on the history
and development of the
Appliance (1999).
Gaps at the interface arch wire-chamfered slot allow old, loose creeping there impairing sliding
The sharper the angle of the elastomeric ligature over the arch wire, the higher the friction
Buccal and section views of two SLBs,
In-Ovation R and Damon 3MX. Their empty spaces renders them resilient.
<font color="#. Can you trust Ortho-Cycle and its &Insiders& ? Others did...
Claude Matasa&s Insiders: exercises in futility or substantial contributions?
<font color="#. Colleagues& biased voice
<font color="#. Today&s one-piece brackets provide higher bond strengths than the foil-mesh-based ones
Base surface measurement. Brackets on millimetric paper before and after spraying with ink. 1. Ormco&s Mini D 2. Dentaurum&s D 3. Forestadent&s S 4. Pyramid Orthodontics& P 5. Unitek&s Miniaturized T 6. ORJ Orthodontics& VST
<font color="#. Flexible brackets and bases are a guarantee against enamel failure
The same mesh retains less adhesive (lower bond strength) when its lamination to the foil takes place under too high pressure
The ace in the hole: some brackets
and bases are flexible, others are not
<font color="#. Nylon O (polycaprolactone), and orthodontics
Break routine: it will make it easier
for you and your lab...
Dr. Matasa at AAO convention demonstrating polycaprolactone&s
Attachments that can be made from
Bond strength tester. 1. Fastened copolymer plate having tubes bonded to bovine teeth, 2. Laminated mesh plate with bonded tubes bo 3. F 4. Paded support with pulleys & 5.Winch
Tubes tested, mesh bases (manufacturers).
Why some tubes do not bond as expected
Just &presumptions&?
Tubes exhibiting the same mesh, but differing in depth.
To compensate, the manufacturer has etched the first&s
Structure of some multi-layered tubes. The red arrow represents the deformation. Maximum stress bearing
areas are marked with grey.
<font color="#. Self-ligating brackets and friction
Arrangement of a dynamometer (tubular scale) and the of the archwires used.
1. Weight to
4. Sliding attachment
Arrangement allowing the recording the force opposed to the ligated bracket
2. Bond Strength&s &Mass Testing& of Orthodontic Attachments
Bond strength tester with a &teeth holder& which self adjusts to tensile by the force exerted.
3. Manufacturers encourage recycling !
In-Ovation R bracket exhibiting holes
Unitek&s Damon 3MX brackets exhibiting
dentification marks in slot
<font color="#. &Orthodontic biomaterials. Properties and Problems&
2. Complications of the Tongue Cancer Treatment & A Case Report
C G Matasa&s PET Scans, September 2006, and September 2009. The white spots reveal tumors
3. Self-ligating brackets& malfunction:
is it due to corrosion ?
Forestadent&s Mobil Lock bracket (1979). Section, brass and then stainless steel &variable slot&
In-Ovation bracket&. a. B
b. Open to sho c. Detail
Effect of a. electroless copper plating (test for passivation) and b. of corrosion on the same self-ligating bracket
4. Where are the Edward Angles and Rafael Bowens of today?
1. Self-ligating brackets, a gain for
almost everybody
GAC/Dentsply&s In-Ovation R &bracket: view of the clip and its closeness to the base. The latter is so thin that the brackets& welding
lines are apparent.
Ormco&s Damon 3MX& bracket: view of the sliding door and of a hole above the base destined to receive a power arm
Group of In-Ovation R& brackets
seen as debonded.
Observe unscathed bases and mesio-
distal whitish borders of the cured adhesive.
Bases of Demon 3MX&
brackets seen after adhesive removal. The first, a, like most of the others, was very likely
de-bonded by mesio-distal attack,
in contrast with the other, b.
2. Self-ligating brackets& malfunction:
is it due to corrosion ? II
Self ligating brackets, with and without their sliding door/clip, showing corrosion
View and section of the self-ligating brackets subjected to accelerated corrosion. The areas prone to malfunction
are shown lightly colored
our Posters
Our booth # <font color="#FF德国民事听审请求权及其借鉴
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