would you likesend the ...

时间: 05:18 来源:转载 编辑:lucy
为什么玩AVA时总是断线,弹出&Would you like to send the e-mail to the&什么的答复:
正常的话& 重新下一边看看&& 或者换个时间段再上游戏试试答复:
这个 很正常& 内测时 我特定时间段玩都很卡 估计是服务器
曾有几次 玩游戏是检测到使用非法软件 。。。
AVA对 网速 电脑配置都有要求 。。&& 这是官方对我的答复
我记的之前 中毒 ,杀完毒
跟你一样玩的也都是腾讯游戏 CF
虚拟内存可以重新设置下,在C盘的 请把他移出系统盘
大哥 说清楚点
但是你内存还要读取别的程序 或者中了木马程序
内存最起码2GB 2.4HZ以上的双核CPU 内存512MB以上的独立显卡达到这三项标准 才能玩好 不会卡 检查自己的配置吧 你的显卡太差了 必须换显卡 祝你游戏愉快 && 答复:
是不是什么OK,让你选择YES和NO?文件损害了,没办法的, 只有重装游戏,我的就是记住要彻底删除干净、
内存最起码2GB 2.4HZ以上的双核CPU 内存512MB以上的独立显卡达到这三项标准 才能玩好 不会卡 检查自己的配置吧 你的显卡太差了 必须换显卡 祝你游戏愉快 && 为什么我20日晚上玩AVA突然就断线,接着就再也连接不上了?答复:
你也可以分享到:小题1: Would you please send me the stamps as soon as
小题1: Would you please send me the stamps as soon as
&nbsp? I want t&nbsp.
N&&(面对) the difficulty with great courage:
His grandparents take a
w&&&&&&&&&nbsp. 小题8;&&&&&nbsp. 小题4;&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ;(决定);&nbsp. Green’s
a&&&&&&(使用)bot&&&&&&&&&&nbsp. 小题5, we should thin&&&&&&& (完整的)& &&&&& &&nbsp:
Before we make a
&&&that he drank two glasses of water after having the P;&&&& & &&nbsp. He can
&&&nbsp? 小题2:
The government plans to
&&nbsp: If you want &&nbsp: He was so
t&&&nbsp. 小题3.E& ;&nbsp: The pop s&&kno&nbsp: He makes great progress in E&&&&&nbsp, you could
&&&&nbsp. 小题6;&&& &&nbsp:
Could you please tell me Mr;&nbsp. 小题10. 小题7;&nbsp. 小题9;&&&&&in People’s P&&&&&& &&nbsp: H&&(创造) more j&&&&& &nbsp. And he can make
&&&nbsp: Would you please send me the stamps as soon as
动词。 小题9: address 小题4。complete完整的: decision 小题9:如果你想要成为一个环保的人,形容词: create
试题分析。 小题3: 句意?我想要寄一张卡片给他: 句意: 他是如此口渴以致于他体育课后喝了两杯水。take a walk散步,故填Nobody。故填possible: thirsty 小题5。 小题4: face 小题8:
小题1,故填complete,名词: walk 小题6。
小题10。 小题8: use 小题7。故填decision,你可以使用纸的两面: 句意:在我们做决定之前: 句意: 句意: complete 小题10。nobody没有人: 句意: 句意。face面对:你能尽早把邮票送给我吗: 句意。他能够造完整的句子:他是一个勇敢的男孩。故填face。decision决定,故填use?as soon as possible尽早。街上没有人能认出她: 句意。 小题2。
小题6: 句意。故填thirsty: 他英语取得了很大的进步:这个流行歌手有了新的面容。 小题7。thirsty口渴的,故填walk:你能告诉我格林先生的地址吗。他能够以很大的勇气面对困难。故填address,我们应该认真地考虑,故填create,动词。
小题5,其后跟动词原形: 他的爷爷奶奶饭后在人民公园散步。could是情态动词。plan to do计划做某事,decide决定: 政府计划为年轻人创造更多的工作: Nobody 小题3: possible 小题2
出门在外也不愁On 2 Sept 2009, I was one of the guests at a dinner to celebrate the fifth anniversary of
the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. During the dialogue session, I asked Minister Mentor a question about a certain possible, though not probable, political scenario that had intrigued me for years. Suppose a freak what would the PAP do? Would MM send in the army?
By way of softening the rather controversial nature of the question, I made sure there was a friendly, humorous preamble. So I addressed MM thus: ‘Some years ago I was giving a talk to some British businessmen, giving my usual spiel about Singapore politics, civic liberties,etc. During the question and answer session,one of the businessmen raised his hand and said, ‘ I’ve a question, or rather a suggestion. Why don’t you give us your Lee Kuan Yew, and we give you in exchange our Tony Blair, with Cherie Blair thrown in?’ I replied, ‘Mr Lee won’t like your noisy, messy, rambunctious democracy.’ He said, ‘No matter’, and went on to remark that if there were but five Lee Kuan Yews scattered throughout Africa, the continent wouldn’t be in such a direful state today. After this light-hearted sharing, I have a question: Sir, in the event of a serious threat of a freak election, would you do the unthinkable, that is, send in the army?’
Reproduced below is the report in The Straits Times the following day on
both my question (minus the preamble) and MM’s answer, exemplifying, once again, the hard-headed, no-nonsense PAP pragmatism, and the inimitable trenchancy of style that we have come to associate with Lee Kuan Yew:
AT YESTERDAY’S dialogue, writer Catherine Lim posed MM Lee this question: ‘Sir, in the event of a serious threat of a freak election, would you do the unthinkable, that is, send in the army?’ This is an edited extract from Mr Lee’s reply:
‘You look at our record and the moves we’ve made. Let me put it simply like this. First, we maintain a system which gives any opposition the opportunity to displace us peacefully. We allow the system: we’ve not interfered with the civil service, the judiciary, parliamentary procedures, the police and so on.
If you can win an election, so be it. If at some point we are not able to find a team which can equal an opposition team, on that day we deserve to be out. If we become corrupt, inefficient, can’t deliver, we’re out.
What if we have a freak election, as we may well have? Many voters say openly: ‘In my family, three of us voted for you but two voted against, just to let you know that we want an opposition voice.’ In that situation, you may have a freak result. That worries me.
So we’ve set in place a President with blocking powers. Any opposition that comes in will find that he cannot touch the reserves, otherwise you can promise the sky and spend the money. And all our hard-earned savings will go in five years.
Second, you cannot change the top officials without the President’s consent. Any raiding of the funds must be approved by the President who has a council of presidential advisers to advise him yes or no.
Now, why should we do all these if we expect to overturn an election?
We expect that if we are voted out, to stay out, and hope that within one term, that new government, incompetent and unable to deliver, will be out. And there’s enough core competencies and the funds to enable a fresh PAP government to revive the system.
I spent 15 years thinking about these safeguards and finally persuaded my younger colleagues that we needed these because they can’t guarantee that each time they will produce a better team than the opposition just because you’ve done so in the past.
I don’t see any problem in the next election, and probably the election after that. But if we don’t get a good team in the election after that and the opposition does get a good team together, we’re at risk.
One of the first lessons I learnt in politicswas from Harold Laski. He said if you don’t have a system that allows fundamental change by consent, you will have a revolution by violence. If we block all possibilities, we must expect violence. In that violence, eventually the army won’t shoot because you are in the wrong. That’s what happens in Africa, the army goes in and holds up the president and often shoots him.
If we had not these thoughts at the back of our minds, why do we do these things? Just to bluff the people? Doesn’t make sense. An army commander, air force or police, has to be approved by a committee and the President must agree. Why? Because we will appoint the commanders? No, because a stupid government will do the wrong things and when we return, we may find the whole machinery has collapsed, as often is the case. Simple.
September 3rd, 2009
What they created is an elected president(NO POWER) for only eventual loss of power to pull back.
So How to beat the PAP?
Some wise people win the elected president.
Slowly win one GRC
Overall vote count drop below 60% and towardds 50%.
PAP split and a strong opposition appear.
Freak result(it is not, as people are tired and also
can’t wait to have fresh change) off they booted out!
Next, once PAP is out, do you think the grass-root
and inner circle got the power to come back, hard as they
start to know that most PAP members are in for the money(over paid job) and connection. They will run away and slowly PAP will be just another party.
That is my imagine as a Singaporean, Catherine Lim , the old man just can’t see eye to eye with you!试题分析:本文是邮寄东西的顾客与服务人员关于平信与航空邮件的资费的不同。
1.根据Would you like to send
it surface or airmail?要寄东西,故选C。
2.根据If you send the parcel
with surface email, it will take about 2 months to arrive, whereas with
airmail, it will arrive in one week or more.这是说的两者的不同,故选F。
3.根据How much will it cost to
send it airmail?故选A。
4.根据That’s 300 grams.故选G。
5.根据It’s another 5 pounds.故选D。
用下列单词的正确形式填空:1. We went to a beautiful town and spent a/an _________________ (forget) day.2. I have no _______________ (inform) about where he has gone.3. The composer is also a __________________ (gift) pianist.4. When Susan fell off her cycle , her only ______________ (injure) was a twisted ankle.5. The fireman ______________ (brave) went into the burning house.6. Try to make some __________________ (adjust) of your differences so that you can work together without quarrels. 7. This ancient book contains _______________ (describe) of China.8. The new book is full of ______________ (challenge) ideas.9. It causes a lot of ______________ (convenience) when the buses don’t come.10. How can you ____________ (tolerance) all that noise while you are working?
A passenger told an air hostess that he needed a cup
of water to take his medicine when the plane just took off.She told him that she would bring him the water within
ten minutes.
& &&&& Thirty minutes passed.But the air hostess was so busy in the aircraft cabin(客舱) that she forgot to bring him the water! As a result,the passenger couldn’t take his medicine.When the air hostess hurried to him with a cup of
water, he was angry and refused her offer.
In the following hours on the flight,each time the air hostess passed by the passenger she
would ask him with a smile whether he needed help or not.But the passenger never paid attention to her.
When the passenger was going to get off the plane,he said to the air hostess with a smile,“On the flight,you offer
service to me for twelve times in a11.Although l
didn’t accept them, how can I refuse your twelve sincere(真诚的)smiles?”
&&& 你可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不要抄袭阅读材料中的句子。
Once kids hit the teenage years, parenting becomes
more difficult than ever. Establishing effective house rules is one of the best
ways to educate teenagers. House rules must respect teenagers’ desire to be
independent and make sure they behave responsibly.
How can effective house rules be established?
First of all, get your teenager to take part in making
the rules, which can help keep them motivated to follow them. Ask their opinion
about what sorts of things they think are important when creating the rules and
try to include some of their ideas.
When creating the list of rules, don’t list every
single rule imaginable. Instead, try to limit it to the ten most important
rules. I’ve seen some parents come up with several pages of rules which turn
out to be more like a rule book rather than a list. Remember, it is important
to make the list easy to remember and to be a basic guide.
Then, it is important that you write out the list of
rules and hang them in a prominent (显眼的) location.
Keeping the rules on the refrigerator or displayed somewhere where everyone can
see them is a good reminder. Revise the rules whenever there’s a need, not very
frequently though.
Explain clearly in advance what negative consequences
will be in store when a rule gets broken. But ensure that none of your
consequences are equal to abusive parenting. For example, take off the rule
that says — “if you don’t get home by 11 at night, make arrangements to stay
elsewhere until morning”. Let helping with small household chores like cleaning
up their own rooms serve as consequences for disobeying rules.
Following these tips on establishing
effective house rules accompanied by constant positive reinforcement (执行) will help improve your teenager’s behavior. Hope
you can direct your teenager to become a responsible and independent person
with the help of house rules!
Establishing house rules for1.__________
Requirements for house rules
They must respect teenagers’ desire to be
independent and 2._____________ teenagers behave responsibly.
3.________ on how to establish effective house rules
4.________ teenagers in making the rules
Ask their opinions
Include their ideas
Keeping the house rules simple
Avoid 5._______ every single rule
Limit the list to the most important rules
Creating a 6.______ list of rules
Put it up somewhere visible to& 7.______ your
teenager of the rules
Make the rules revised when necessary
Giving a clear 8.____________ of the consequences
Don’t abuse children if they 9.________ rules
Your teenager’s behavior will be 10.____________
with the help of effective house rules.
Pride and Prejudice for the Modern Woman
Let us imagine how Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen's
most famous work, might be updated, 200 years on.
Austen's popularity is rooted in her intelligence. But
today she would certainly have had a very different life, as would her
characters. Here's my own suggestion. . .
It is a truth finally and universally acknowledged
that a single woman with brains deserves to have equal opportunities to men,
however disadvantaged she may feel by sexism.
& My dear husband,& said his hopeful wife
one day, & have you heard that the local store, standing empty for so
long, is taken over by a bright young businesswoman?&
Her dull and indifferent (漠不关心的) husband replied that he had not. &But it is, it
is,& she replied excitedly. Mr Dull-Husband made no reply.
&Don't you want to know her plans?& she
cried with some impatience.
&Well, clearly you think it matters to your silly
little head. .. so I'd better listen. &
&Well, my dear, the rumour (传言) is that she has already set up a string of
successful businesses in northern England, though how a woman can know
anything about that is beyond me. She will move in herself next month.
& &What is her name?& &Bingley. &
&Is she married or single?&
&What a question! And none of your business. But
her coming will be a fine thing for our five boys. & &How so? How can
it possibly affect them? &
&M those lazy boys need something to
wake them up. There are bound to be jobs going. &
& Is that her point in settling here? Surely as a
woman she has simply taken a fancy to the place. &
& Nonsense, my love, how little you've noticed
the world has changed. She's got a first-rate degree and some sort of business
qualification, I'm told. She surely needs one of our boys! Perhaps you might
give her a call. &
& Me? No. Perhaps you can take an interest. You
still have your looks, after all. She may even offer you a job. &
&Oh, that's not likely. These new chances belong to the younger
generation. But now you mention it, I think I'll go along all the same. &
And Mrs Bennet went along. That was 10 years ago. She
is now managing director of a FTSE-listed company.
... It would remain the case, of course, that Mrs
Bennet would be one of very few women on the company board, that her salary
would be lower than her male colleagues, her bonus of a more &female&
dimension and her lifespan (年限) among the city's
business leaders shorter than theirs. Still, she'd no doubt have enjoyed
Davos—and might even have hobnobbed (攀谈) with
influential figures.
1.Which of the following is TRUE according to the
A.Austen was
born 200 years ago.
rewrote Pride and Prejudice.
success lies in her wisdom.
updated work gains popularity.
2.The underlined part in the passage suggests that Mrs
Bennet ____.
A.had mixed
feelings of admiration and surprise about Bingley
B.felt kind of
worried and doubtful about Bingley
C.was extremely
anxious to meet Bingley
D.had a great
curiosity about Bingley
3.In the eyes of Mrs Bennet, Bingley surely needed one
of their boys to ____.
A.get married
to&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.work for her
C.help her move
in&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.take over her
4.What does the writer intend to tell us?
A.Women with
brains can also be as successful as men.
B.Women have to
pay a high price for success.
C.A judgment
must be made free from prejudice.
discrimination still exists nowadays.
Marley is a businessman. His business is freezing
people. He works for a company in California called Trans Time. Trans Time
freezes people after they die. Why does Trans Time freeze people? Doctors today
can cure many diseases, but they cannot cure all diseases. People still get
sick and die. Maybe in the future doctors will have medicine for all diseases.
Some people think so. They want Trans Time to freeze their bodies after they
die. Maybe 100 or 200, or 300 years later, Trans Time doctors will bring the
people back to life. The doctors will cure their diseases, and the people will
be alive and healthy again.
People often ask the scientists at the Trans Time,
“How will Trans Time bring dead people back to life?” They say, “We can freeze
a healthy animal and bring it back to life. We think that someday it will be
possible with human.” When they say “someday”, they mean years from now — maybe
100 or 200 years. How can Trans Time keep people frozen for 200 years?
After a person dies, workers at Trans Time cool the
body with ice and chemicals. When the body is very cold, workers put the body
into a capsule (密封舱). They fill the capsule with liquid
nitrogen (液氮). The temperature in it is 196 degrees
centigrade below zero. Every two weeks workers add more liquid nitrogen. The
liquid nitrogen keeps the bodies frozen.
Trans Time charges $21,000 to freeze a body and
$59,000 to keep a body frozen. That’s $80,000 all together. It is a lot of
money. But some people think that $80,000 is a fair price. It’s a fair price
for a chance to live again, isn’t it?
1.What kind of people does Trans Time serve? (No more
than 2 words)
2.How much should one pay together, if he wants his
body to be cooled and kept by Trans Time?
(No more than 2 words)
3.Why do people want to be frozen? (No more than 9
4.What is the main idea of Paragraph 3? (No more than
6 words)


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