put on an actit to an end 的意...

put an end to是什么意思,put an end to怎么读,put an end to翻译为:结束,终止;杜绝;消... - 听力课堂在线翻译put an end to基本解释v.结束,终止;杜绝;消弭;废止网络释义1. 结束......3. 结束 停止4. 结束,终止5. 废除put an end to的用法和例句Even so
it retorts
it managed to put an end to the violence without outside help . 尽管如此,政府反驳说,就算没有外界的帮助,他们也能结束冲突。Authorities shut down roads in the heart of india 's capital on monday to put an end to a week of demonstrations . 政府当局周一关闭了首都心脏地带的各条道路,以结束持续了一周的示威游行活动。And the fed was signalling from late 1936 that it would put an end to abnormal monetary ease by raising bank reserve requirements . 美联储则在1936年末发出信号,称将通过提高银行准备金率,结束异常宽松的货币政策。Chris huhne
the energy secretary
says he wants to put an end to 25 years of dithering over the country 's energy investment . 英国能源大臣克里斯休恩(chrishuhne)说,他希望结束国家在能源投资上25年以来的犹豫不决。In the past
some chinese may have cut corners that way
but inspectors-from the government and from independent certification bodies like the aquaculture certification council
based in crystal river
fla. - have put an end to the practice
they say . 他们说,过去有些中国人可能会用这种方法省钱,但是政府和独立认证机构(例如弗洛里达水晶河的水产养殖认证协会)派来的检查人员已经杜绝了这种做法。George papandreou
the prime minister
has floated the idea of constitutional reform that would put an end to old-time patronage politics by cutting the number of legislators and altering the electoral system . 总理乔治.帕潘德里欧已经有了改革选举的想法,此改革将通过减少议员的数量和发出选举系统的信号而结束旧日的庇护政治。On august 23rd
for example
beijing 's communist party chief paid a friendly visit to the offices of china 's biggest microblogging site
sina corp 's weibo
and suggested that it
absolutely put an end to fake and misleading information
. 比如,8月23日,北京市委书记对中国最大的微博网站新浪微博的办公室进行了友好访问并建议它要“杜绝虚假和误导人的信息”。We must put an end to this foolish behavior . 我们必须制止这种愚蠢的行为。The political and military leadership including all israeli generals know that military means will never put an end to this violence . 所有的政客和军事领导,包括所有的以色列军官都心知肚明:军事手段终止不了这场暴力行动。Only a tightening of bailment law
ensuring that any issue of fake warehouse receipts is treated as fraudulent and illegal
finally put an end to this clearly impermissible practice . 直到保管法的逐步健全,保证了任何虚假的仓库单据都被视为非法欺诈行为,才最后终结了这种明显不该被允许的行为。put an end to相邻词汇
中文热门查询they put an end to it right away put可以换成什么词_百度知道
they put an end to it right away put可以换成什么词
出门在外也不愁put it to an end
Beethoven's deafness was the sigh that it put an end to a genius to carry on, and then left for an immortal, what is the use?
Question3: so just as you have mentioned, some of them are arbitrary and unreasonable. Why do you think government does not promulgate some regulation to put it to an end?
问题3就象你提到的那样有些是乱 收费不 合理的 收费你认为为什么政府不颁布一些规定来制止这种事情呢?
Death can make us loathsome and helpless as individuals, but it cannot put an end to the immortal four!
Ford himself put an end to his chances by telling the nation that it was "perfectly safe with Coolidge."
VOA: special.
And once you've had enough, you can put an end to it.
The Treaty of Westphalia officially put an end to the 30 Years War, but more than that it ratified two decisive features that would be given powerful expression by Hobbes.
The British Poultry Council has approached the European Commission asking it to put an end to this practice which, it says, is putting unfair pressure on home producers.
This is unconscionable, it is intolerable and it is time to put an end to it.
It's the fact that it's financial - the bit that really hurts is that there is still coal down there that we can get, but due to financial constraints it's put an end to it.
- 来自原声例句


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