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>>The United States has not had an official diplomatic relationship with Taiwan since
officially recognizing China in 1979. Today the Obama administration faced criticism
from both parties over its Taiwan policy, including arms sales to Taiwan and the country's
participation in free trade talks. From the house foreign affairs committee, this is an
hour and 20 minutes.
>>This hearing will come to order. I'm going to ask all members take their seats. This
hearing on the promise of the Taiwan relations act let me just say it's been 35 years and
for that period of time, the Taiwan Relations Act has served as the legal framework governing
the important relationship between the United States of America and the Republic of China
Taiwan. Since the Act came into force in 1979, there have been few other pieces of foreign
policy legislation as consequential as the TRA. Indeed, it is the steadfast support of
the United States Congress that has helped Taiwan become what it is today: a thriving
modern society that strongly support human rights, strongly support the rule of law,
and free markets. The purpose of today's hearing is to consider
whether the Administration is doing enough to fulfill the larger promise of the Taiwan
Relations Act. America's support for Taiwan is now more important than ever, and it is
vital that we speak with one voice when it comes to our support for Taiwan.
Strengthening the U.S. relationship with Taiwan is one of the Committee's top legislative
priorities. In fact, I have led two bipartisan delegations to Taipei in the past 13 months.
Last year, our delegation's trip included a visit to Taiwan's World War II-era submarines
based near Kaoshiung. And just last month, the Committee delegation of eight members
of congress travelled to Tainan to see firsthand the fleet of fighter jets that serves as the
backbone of the Taiwanese air force. The fact that the first batch of these jets entered
into service in 1965 is a stark reminder that Taiwan needs continuous U.S. support in order
to maintain a credible deterrence across the Taiwan Strait.
On this front, I reluctantly submit that we are not doing enough to meet the spirit of
the Taiwan Relations Act. We need to do more here in the United States.
Just as necessary as defense sales are to Taiwan, it is equally important that the U.S.
actively support Taiwan's efforts to maintain and expand its diplomatic space. When it comes
to matters of public safety or public health, the U.S. must do its utmost to ensure that
Taiwan has a seat at the table. For this reason, I authored legislation that was signed into
law to help Taiwan participate at the International Civil Aviation Organization last year. Taiwan's
absence from ICAO prevents it from obtaining air safety information in real-time. The recent
disappearance of the Malaysians aircraft highlights the importance of cooperation in the aviation
field. As a result of my legislation, Taiwan was finally able to have a seat at ICAO for
the first time since 1976. Taiwan's participation in the Trans-Pacific
Partnership free trade agreement is an important opportunity that we must not overlook. By
working to include Taiwan in a high-quality, multilateral trade agreement, the U.S. would
be helping to preserve Taiwan's ability to do business internationally. The events
unfolding in the Ukraine reminds us of the strategic weakness of relying on one major
trading partner. I understand that the Government of Taiwan
will soon announce its intention to seek membership in TPP. As Chairman of this Committee, I strongly
urge the Administration to support Taiwan's inclusion in TPP. American consumers and exporters
would benefit. The story of Taiwan is really a story about
transformation -- from the grinding poverty of the postwar era to a military dictatorship
to a thriving multiparty democracy. The investment that the American people made in Taiwan has
more than paid off. Today, Taiwan is a beacon of democracy in a region of the world that
still yearns for freedom. The good people of Taiwan have also been a part of America's
own success story with many Taiwanese Americans participating as leaders in business, government,
and in their own communities. As we acknowledge the 35th Anniversary of
the Taiwan Relations Act, let us come together to support and strengthen the U.S.-Taiwan
relationship. Our actions will directly impact the future of Taiwan, and our strategic and
economic standing in the critical Asia-Pacific region. Let me turn to Mr. Elliott Engle of
New York for his opening remarks our ranking member the committee.
>>Chairman Royce thank you for calling this hearing on the Taiwan relations act I am a
big supporter of Taiwan I have traveled there many times most recently with you last year
on your first co-deal as Chairman. I want to agree with everything you just said about
Taiwan and next month marks the 35th anniversary of the Taiwan relations act. The act passed
in 1979 is the cornerstone of the relationship between our two nations is been instrumental
in maintaining peace and security across the Taiwan Straits and East Asia and serves as
the official basis for friendship and cooperation between United States and Taiwan. I'm proud
to be a lead sponsor with you Mr. Chairman, on HRS- 494, which reaffirms the importance
and relevance of the Taiwan relations act three decades after the adoption. Taiwan is
a flourishing multiparty democracy of over 20 million people with a vibrant free market
economy is a leading trade partner of the United States alongside much bigger countries
like Brazil and India over the past 60 years the US Taiwan relationship has undergone dramatic
changes for Taiwan's development into a robust and lively democracy underpins the strong
US Taiwan friendship we enjoy today. Our relationship with Taiwan was initially defined by a shared
strategic purpose of stopping the spread of communism in Asia. With the end of the Cold
War, Taiwan's political revolution from authoritarianism to one of the strongest democratic systems
in Asia has transformed the US Taiwan relationship from one based solely on shared interests
to one based on shared values. One of the main obligations of United States under the
Taiwan relations act is to make available to Taiwan defensive arms, so Taiwan is able
to maintain a sufficient self-defence capability. Despite improvement on the political and economic
ties between Taiwan in Mainland China, Beijing's military buildup opposite Taiwan is continuing
in the balance of course great military forces continues to shift in China's favor. I encourage
the administration to work closely with Congress in meeting our obligations under the Taiwan
relations act and to provide Taiwan with the defensive weapons it requires. In that light
I'm very concerned about the decision of the U.S. Air Force not to fund the so called
Capes program in next year's budget. They would've upgraded the avionics system of F-16
fighter jets including about 150 of Taiwan's F-16s.
The Taiwan Defense Ministry now faces a tough decision on how to move forward with the upgrade
of its fighters at a reasonable cost, an upgraded it desperately needs. I hope all witness will
be able to shed light on this issue and on a way forward for Taiwan and the United States.
Taiwan's political economic and social transformation over the past 60 years has demonstrated that
a state can be modern, democratic, and thoroughly Chinese.
Taiwan's example is inspiration for other countries in Asia and throughout the world
that that linger under the control of one person or one party the fact that Taiwan has
now held 5 direct presidential elections is a clear sign of the political majority of
the Taiwanese people and frankly a signal to Beijing a change in relations between Taiwan
and China cannot be imposed by the mainland. For many years I've been a staunch supporter
of the people in Taiwan and I will continue to lead efforts here in Congress to demonstrate
continued US support for Taiwan I think it's a more obligation to the United States to
defend Taiwan and to be supportive of Taiwan and to stand with Taiwan so I look forward
to the testimony of our witness this morning, and hearing his view on how to further strengthen
ties between United States and Taiwan. Thank you Mr. Chairman.
>>Thank you Mr. Engle. We'll have 2 more opening statement. 2 minutes from Mr. Chabot
of Ohio, chairman of the Asia sub-committee. And 2 minutes from Mr. Brad Sherman of California.
>>Thank you Mr. Chairman for calling this important hearing. I was pleased to join you
and traveling to Taiwan just couple weeks ago and I think we have productive trip and
certainly have the opportunity meet with a host of top Taiwan officials especially President
Ma. I know my colleagues were very happy with our warm reception and the many courtesies
extended to us by our house we appreciate that. As one of the original founding co-chairs
of the congressional Taiwan caucus, I am, of course a strong supporter of the strong
US Taiwan alliance. Taiwan is democracy. It's a loyal friend and ally and it deserves to
be treated as such by the US government as we commemorate the 35th anniversary of the
Taiwan relations act this year. It's only appropriate that we strive to move even closer
to the policy objectives set out in that landmark piece of legislation, Chief among which is
the principle that our diplomatic relationship with the PRC the People's Republic of China
is premised on the expectation that the future of Taiwan will be determined by peaceful means.
For over three decades the Taiwan relations act has served as the cornerstone of US Taiwan
relations along with President Reagan six assurances in 1979. The Taiwan relations act
is played an indispensable role in the maintenance of peace and security in the East Asia Pacific
region. Taiwan is come a long way since 1979 is conducted direct presidential elections
something that would've been unthinkable back in 1979. This open and vigorously contested
electoral campaigns to the values of pluralism, transparency, and the rule of law shared by
our two nations and deeply rooted in Taiwanese society. At the same time, the threat of military
aggression posed by the PRC to Taiwan is grown exponentially over recent years when I first
came to Congress back in 1995, China had perhaps a couple of hundred missiles pointed at Taiwan.
Since then it grew to a hundreds of them and it is now 1,600 short mid-range ballistic
missiles. I look forward to hearing from our witness this morning and the continued relationship
between United States and Taiwan which is very important to both countries. Thank you.
>>Mr. Sherman.
>>Yes, I want to commend the chairman for putting together and leading an outstanding
codell to Asia particularly to Taiwan I see Mr. Weber, Mr. Messer, and of course, Mr.
Chabot was on that Codell and I remember Mr. Chabot leading us in our efforts to seek the
release on humanitarian parole of former Pres. Chen. I don't think we can conclude one way
or the other about the judicial determination there but certainly given his poor health
given his service to the country and given the unifying effect this would have, I would
hope that we would continue to press for a humanitarian treatment and release of Mr.
Chen. I think that it's important that we provide Taiwan for the tools to defend itself.
But Taiwan needs to act as well. Taiwan spends less than $11 billion on its defense less
than 1/5 per capita what we in America do and God blessed us with the Pacific ocean
separating us from China. Taiwan has only the Taiwan Straits. On a percentage of GDP
basis Taiwan spends roughly half what we do so we should be willing to sell them the tools
and they should be willing to spend the money to buy those tools I'm also concerned with
the reduction in the reserve at requirements imposed on young people in Taiwan for military
service. Finally I do it disagree only slightly with the chairman I do want to see Taiwan
involved in the trade negotiations so long as America's out of those negotiation until
such time as we revamp our trade policy which has given us the largest trade deficit in
the history of life on the planet . This morning were pleased be joined by Mr.
Kin Moy, the deputy assistant secretary for East Asian and Pacific affairs a career member
of the senior foreign service Mr. Moy previously served as deputy executive secretary in the
office of Secretary of State Clinton, was director of the executive Secretariat staff
and deputy director of the office of Maritime Southeast Asia I were going to ask him to
summarize his prepared statement if you would and will remind members that you all have
five calendar days to submit statements or questions or any extraneous material you want
to put in the record for this hearing and so Mr. Moy.
>>Thank you so much Mr. Chairman and members of the committee. I am grateful to appear
today to share news about the strength substance and success of our unofficial US Taiwan relationship.
I would to thank you Mr. Chairman for your leadership and strong interest in regional
prosperity and stability you're coming and was evidenced by the large congressional delegation
you left last month to Taiwan Japan and South Korea. As you note earlier and your remarks
April 10th marks the 35th anniversary of the Taiwan relations Act. The resilience and development
of our robust relations at Taiwan over the past 35 years of been greatly fostered by
the framework the Congress established into TRA. The US Taiwan relationship is grounded
in history shared values and our common commitment to democracy and human rights maintaining
of deepening our strong relations with Taiwanese and important part of the US rebalanced to
the Asia-Pacific region .Through the American Institute in Taiwan we work closely with Taiwan
authorities on a wide range of issues. In security, maintenance of peace across the
Taiwan Strait is crucial to stability and prosperity throughout the Asia-Pacific you've
vomited ministration has notified Congress of over $12 billion worth of arms sales to
Taiwan. It's a tangible sign of the seriousness with which we regard Taiwan security we encouraged
Taiwan to adopt an innovative approaches to maintain a credible self-defense capacity
on an austere defense budget in order to effectively deter coercion or aggression. In a reason
that has experienced tensions United States appreciates Taiwan's cooperative efforts to
peacefully resolve disputes and share resources. In the area of the economy and economic engagement
in 2013 Taiwan is the 16th largest export market for US goods and eight largest export
market for US agriculture fish and forestry products. In 2012, direct investment from
Taiwan to United States stood at a approximately $7.9 billion. Our commercial relationship
with the people on Taiwanese is vibrant and continues to grow. Last year we were pleased
host 2 large delegations of Taiwan business leaders.
First, at the select USA summit at the end of October and again in mid-November. During
a visit of Taiwan's CEOs led by former Vice President Vincent Siew.
The Siew delegation brought news of over $2 billion in new or ongoing Taiwan manufacturing
investments in United States. In March 2013, we restarted our engagement with Taiwan under
our trade and investment framework agreement, otherwise known as TIFA.
After a six-year hiatus, we have taken note of Taiwan's intention of formulate new economic
reforms demonstrate its willingness and capability of joining in regional economic integration
initiatives. The United States will continue to encourage Taiwan to further liberalize
its trade and investment matters. And as you noted, Mr. Chairman, the area of concern also
to us is Taiwan's international space. It's a top twenty world economy and a full member
of the WTO and APEC. Taiwan plays a constructive role into the Asia-Pacific region and worldwide.
Taiwan participates in about sixty international organizations as well as hundreds of international
nongovernment organizations. United States supports Taiwan's membership in international
organizations that do not require state with membership and we support Taiwan's meaningful
participation and other international organizations we're pleased that is in 2009 Taiwan has
participated every year in the world health assembly as an observer.
We welcome Taiwan's participation at the international civil aviation organization otherwise known
as ICAO .That ICAO assembly in Montreal in 2013 as guests of the ICAO council president,
and we support Taiwan to expanded participation in the future. We also encourage the UN, UN
system agencies and other international orginazations to increase Taiwan participation in technical
expert meetings. Taiwan's role as a responsible player in the global community has been well
demonstrated by disaster relief efforts in the region.
Taiwan was a quick and generous donor of supplies in funding after the 2011 triple disaster
in Japan and after last November's Typhoon Haiyan off the Philippines. In short Taiwan,
a stable incapable friend in the region contributes to peace and security. Finally, Mr. Chairman
members of the committee I thank you again for the opportunity to appear today to highlight
the strength and durability of ties between the people of United States in the people
Taiwan. and you underscore the substance success of our corporate efforts within the context
of unofficial relations. Taiwan has earned a respected place in the world every society
wishes dignity for itself and people on Taiwan are no exception. Thanks to the Taiwan Relations
Act, people of good will in the United States and on Taiwan have a firm foundation on which
to strengthen our further strengthen and our robust relationship. With that I thank you
so much and I look forward to answering your questions.
>>I thank you Mr. Moy. I have to tell you there's one really disappointing thing to
me. And that is I frequently speak to Assistant Secretary Daniel Russell on the phone about
different issues and I believe he intended to be here to testify. I believe I talk to
him twice about it but time after time this is something that the subcommittee on Asian-Pacific
has talk to me about. For whatever reason, the administration pulls the witnesses and
I know it isn't a lack of engagement on the part of Danny Russell's part because we've
talked him repeatedly about issues but there is something about the relationship here with
the State Department when Elliot Engle and I make these requests or subcommittee Chairman
Chabot on the Asian-Pacific subcommittee. for some reason the witnesses are always canceled
and what we want to talk about his Asia policy and as far as I know Danny Russell and I are
in concurrence on a lot of these issues but I don't know about further up in the administration.
So when I ask questions, for some reason the State Department I am going to ask you question
now for example as I mentioned in my opening statement I strongly believe that Taiwan should
be included in the transpacific partnership. Does the US government support Taiwan's inclusion in the TPP?
That's my question to you can you can you speak? You know, behalf of the
>>Thank you very much, I do appreciate your comments and I did have a chance to Danny.
Danny Russell before coming out. He wanted me to pass on his regrets and also his appreciation
for your setting up this meeting. I can say that from our part I don't think that's
anything preventing us from talking about Taiwan issues here.
>>Well, it's not just Taiwan. If Chairman, Subcommittee Chairman Chabot wasn't equally
concerned about this, equally disappointed, as he brought up with the Secretary of State
here yesterday, I probably wouldn't bring it up. But it's is just a pattern. But at
this point to us, Asia-Pacific region is vitally important we spend a lot of time on it, on
this issue. And we wanted the administration to be equal engaged on this and so if you
carry that information back again. But again, particularly given Taiwan's, almost singular
alliance on cross strait trade... Does the US government support Taiwan's inclusion in
>>Thank you and I will relay those comments to my colleagues at it. It certainly isn't
a statement about our commitment to very strong US Taiwan nonofficial relations. In fact that
we have a very strong record and I think we have a very good story to tell about that.
With regard to your question about TPP we welcome Taiwan's interests and be heard from
them very recently about their their interest. We also welcome and then I think that you
met with the President Ma Ying-jeou on your recent congressional delegations.
But we welcome his steps to liberalize Taiwan's economy. I think that, as you know we are
ongoing the negotiations and on TPP. And I think that what I can say about this is that
you perhaps it's best if we move toward the conclusion on those negotiations before we
discuss additional membership. But I think that you know, we're taking a step-by-step
approach here my we have heard from Taiwan as well as others about interest in TPP and
then we certainly again welcome that interest and we are willing to definitely consider
along with some countries and approaches most recently we are we are willing to discuss
TPP in the future.
>>One of the most important aspects of TPP beyond the important trade-related benefits,
is that the grouping will help shape East Asia's multilateral political architecture
by the firmly anchoring nation states in a binding legal agreement. I want to make certain
that Taiwan is part of that agreement. I think it's critical to Taiwan that it be included
not only because it's in one of the worlds top 20 economy. But also because it is in
our own strategic interest and adding Taiwan to TPP will allow it greater access to other
trade agreements, with Europe for example. It's going to serve as a strong symbol of
Americans support and and that is why I strongly support this and there was another issueI
wanted to just briefly talk to you about that's the F-16 upgrades.
Does the United States remain fully committed to Taiwan's F-16 upgrade program?
>>We do just back on TPP what we would encourage Taiwan to do is you know TPP is is is a consensus
type membership and so we would encourage Taiwan to raise its interest in membership
with all of the other parties as well. I'm absolutely that I know that's Congressman
Engle also raised his concerns about the issues of the Capes program. So as I understand and
the U.S. Air Force funding for the Capes program will continue through 2014. The U.S. Air Force
F-16 program office at determined that the lack of U.S. Air Force participation beyond
fiscal year 2014 will not have a significant impact on the Taiwan program and that all
funding can be covered in Taiwan's current letter of offer and acceptance as a results
of potential cuts in USAF or U.S. Air Force funding for the Capes program will not negatively
impact the Taiwan F-16 retrofit program. Mr. Chairman we we certainly are committed
to the F-16 retrofit program I think that we have demonstrated that and we have certainly
had discussions with Taiwan in that regard.
>>It is discouraging to me and the others because many of us here including myself wrote
you talk to the administration about sale of new F-16. So now were talking about retrofit.
We want to make certain that this goes forward I would suggest the sale of new F-16s would
be an easy solution to this. I strongly support this but my times expired I best go to Mr.
Elliot Engle of New York.
>>Well Mr. Chairman thank you. Let me pick up where you left off. Of course, in my opening
remarks I talked about the F-16 and the Capes program ,and I am really very very concerned
about it and you know the Taiwan defence ministry now faces a tough decision on how to move
forward with the upgrade of its fire at a reasonable cost. This is an upgraded that
they desperately needs so you know maybe they'll continue with it maybe they won't. I'm concerned
about Taiwan being able to maintain its fleet of F-16s and certainly the decision that we
apparently made, the US Air Force made, not to fund the Capes program. Was a poor decision
it just makes no sense to me whatsoever and you know when it comes to Taiwan this is sort
of undercurrent that we feel all the time where, you know, we we we bend over backwards
to try not to upset the sensitivity of the Beijing regime, and frankly it irks me. Not
that I don't wish to have good relationship with Beijing, because we should, but not at
the expense of our relations with Taiwan or not expenses of our friendship with Taiwan
and so it really just irritates me that we make decisions like this which has an adverse
impact on my friend Taiwan and I doesn't seem to be for any good policy purpose other than
to placate Beijing. So I just... Chairman and I have said the same thing we haven't
even really discuss this with both, independently come up with this because we're just very
disturbed about it.
>>Well, thank you very much. I regret I'm not able to speak for my colleagues in in
the airforce with that I do understand your concerns and I will relay those to my colleagues
but what I do want to do is to strongly emphasize that our improvements in bilateral relations
with the PRC does not come at the expense of our relationship with Taiwan. In fact I
think that our relationship with Taiwan right now is as strong as it ever has been.
And we have often times emphasize that point that certainly we have an interest in strengthening
relations with Beijing but absolutely not at the expense of our very strong relationship
with Taiwan and the people of Taiwan.
>>Well I certainly hope that that continues to be the case because sometimes it appears
that that's not really the case. But I certainly. I'll take you take your word and then you
know I want it dually noted that we on the committee feel very strongly about it.
Let me ask you this, Mr. Moy. What steps is the administration taking to ensure that Taiwan
is accorded in appropriate level of participation in international ororganisations. Such the
World Health Organization and international civil aviation organization?
>>Yeah thank you very much as I stated in my introductory remarks. It is an area that
is primary importance to us. It is a priority that the expertise from Taiwan is recognized.
There is so much professional expertise there's so much knowledge in Taiwan. It deserves to
be recognized in international organizations. This is not just a matter of knowledge however
it's a matter dignity too. And we take very seriously so we do a review on different opportunities
to expand I think just one of the Chairman noted in an e-mail also as well earlier was
the international aviation organization ICAO and I think that it's working together with
a number of other countries we have to support it not just Taiwan's sort of guest participation
as as they appeared as a guest last year at the assembly but more frequent interaction
with ICAO because there is a lot of technical expertise they can bring to those types of
meetings but as you noted world health assembly we also look at opportunities working on climate
change issues. Varies types of international organizations we often consult because they're
often times are issues where Taiwan has a unique ability to provide knowledge of recommendations,
Imaginative ideas beyond just their technical expertise and we want to take advantage of
that and we will continue to do that.
>>Thank you let me ask you this final question. Is the administration providing Taiwan the
defensive weapons it requires as required by the Taiwan Relations Act? Are there defensive
weapon systems the Taiwan has requested it, but we had decided not to provide and if so
what are they?
>>I'm I'm not aware of such systems but we are absolutely in compliance with the Taiwan
relations Act in making available to Taiwan defense articles and services that are necessary
to enable Taiwan to maintain sufficient self-defence capability. We will continue to be in compliance
with that we often review we mean the US government often review their defensive capabilities
and I think that we are very strong record in this administration of providing that.
>>Thank you. Thank you Mr. Chairman.
>>Thank you Mr. Engle. Ms. Ileana Ros-Lehtonen, from Florida.
>>Thank you so much Mr. Chairman. Thank you to you and to our ranking member for holding
this important hearing because relations of between the US and Taiwan are at a critical
juncture. I'm concerned, as all of us are, about China's continued rise and aggression
in the East and South China seas and the feeble response by our State Department to North
Korea missile launches which are clear violation of international sanctions the people of Taiwan
have every reason to fear developments in the West Pacific to worry about the future
of their land and to question both the resolve and the commitment of the United States, how
tragic. And as we approached the 35th anniversary
of the very important and essential Taiwan Relations Act that anniversary we remember
that this crucial legislation forms the cornerstone of US Taiwan relations it is the foundation
of policy that has been and will be and will remain forevermore the anchor of peace and
security in the West Pacific but as we reflect on the promise of the Taiwan relations act
on this 35th anniversary we must also gage the fulfillment of a specific policies and
re-examine the lack of strategic vision in this part of the world and talk about where
we go from here as we watched China again increases defence budget by double digits.
Begin construction on the second aircraft carrier, establishing air defense identification
zone in East China Sea and continued its aggression over the Senkaku island there's no better
time to reaffirm to clarify and to strengthen relations with our democratic ally and our
strongest friend Taiwan. But instead of we committing to Taiwan, we continue to hear
our State Department speak and half-truths invent a laundry list of items that hinder
our relations with Taiwan and our pacific allies and do everything it can to not provoke
China and that sadly seems to be our policy with Taiwan. "Don't antagonize China".
The Taiwan policy act introduced by my colleagues, the chairs of the Taiwan caucus and me, pass
out of this committee last August the bill aims to rectify these problems by advancing
the sale of the essential defence articles in at that it point I'd like to point out
that the new sales of F-16s is included in this bill it encourages high-level visits
between the US and Taiwan officials. It promotes bilateral trade agreements. What is the administration's
policy on the Taiwan policy act? Secondly, how does the administration plan to counterbalance
China's power when we don't even commit to our democratic ally Taiwan and by extension
any of our other regional allies. And thirdly what is the administration going to do to
develop Taiwan's economic bond with the United States, its independence and strengthen our
our economic bonds. What is the state department's policy. The Obama administration's policy
on Taiwan? Other than "Don't make China mad"?
>>Thank you very much. I don't think that our Taiwan policy is founded on the principle
of let's not make China mad in fact I think that if you can look at the record would have
done an enormous amount to expand our relationship strengthen it in all areas. It's not just
the security aspects of its the economic side it's also the people to people side as well.
As you may know with the help of others, we granted Taiwan.
>>I apologize, but the time is so limited, only 35 seconds. Have you read the Taiwan
policy act that we have filed? I would like to give that to you and and have a administration
policy on it. And how are we counterbalancing China's power and committing to Taiwan?
>>Thank you very much. I think that's... I'm of course very pleased to go take a
look with my colleagues at the legislation. But I think again we have a very strong record
of support for Taiwan and through our unofficial relations and in accordance with the Taiwan
relations act as I noted the 35th anniversary is reason to celebrate. As a reason to also
commemorate just how far we've come. What we need to do in the future. We can still
you know refine, enhance...
>>Excuse me, I appreciate it that I know my time is up Mr. Chairman, but I don't believe
that the people of Taiwan share those sentiment I don't think that they see us as upholding
the principles that are enshrined in the cornerstone of our US foreign policy related to Taiwan
which is the Taiwan Relations Act. It promises a lot and I think the people of Taiwan would
think that we haven't really fulfilled those missions. Do you think that we have?
>>I do believe I mean I haven't seen any recent polls but I would imagine that the people
on Taiwan regard the US relationship, if not the most important relationship for Taiwan.
It has got to be right up there. They are good friends of ours. They think like we do.
Their values we share I would think that they're very supportive of the things we have done.
>>Do you think that we need to do more?
>>We can all... we are always looking for ways to strengthen relations just as we're
looking in the larger context in our rebalanced Asia, we want to strengthen our relationships
with our allies. We want to strengthen our relationships...
>>And new sales of new F-16s and higher technology planes for defensive need of Taiwan?
>>Again, we have had a very strong record of providing defence articles to Taiwan, and
... Thank you, Thank you Mr. Chairman.
發佈於 2014 年 4 月 4 日
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這代表將影片上傳至 YouTube 的使用者已將影片移除,請按此回報。
如果影片播放不順暢 (收看時斷斷續續) 或提早結束,請嘗試以下疑難排解步驟:
.檢查您的網際網路連線。如果想獲得最好的播放品質與效果,請使用連線速率 500kbps 以上的寬頻網路服務。
.如果影片仍無法載入,請先清除瀏覽器快取與 Cookie,然後再嘗試收看影片。
如果您在播放 YouTube 影片時沒有聲音出現,請嘗試以下疑難排解步驟:
.調整 YouTube 影片播放器左下角的音量控制項。
.嘗試調整其他影片播放器的音量 (例如 Quicktime、Realplayer 或 Windows Media player)。
.更新 Flash Player 至最新版本。
.允許電腦播放第三方 Flash 內容:請造訪 Adobe 說明網頁以瞭解詳情。
.檢查是否有任何防毒及防火牆軟體阻擋第三方 Flash 內容。
請至網頁版 & 個人頭像 &,並選取「密碼」,便可以更改您的密碼囉!
請至網頁版 & 個人頭像 &,並選取「上傳頭像」,便可以變更您的頭像囉!
是唷!若想隱藏,請至網頁版 & 個人頭像 &,並選取「隱私設定」,將「是否要開放讓其它使用者知道你查過的單字」變更為 OFF 。
請檢查瀏覽器有無安裝 YouTube 外掛,已知會發生問題的外掛有:Chrome Extension "FVD Video Downloader" 等,請先移除外掛。
請至搜尋 YouTube 上您想匯入的影片。
您查詢的影片可能是因為 YouTube 並沒有英文字幕,所以無法新增。請多利用我們的查詢您想要學習的影片。
請參考允許網站存取您的攝影機和麥克風,並且確認您的 Flash player 為最新版本。
很抱歉,VoiceTube 目前尚無提供 iPhone、iPad 錄音功能。歡迎下載!
請至影片頁面字幕右上方的「印表機」圖示,便可以選擇下載 英文 / 中文 字幕的 srt 檔囉!
VoiceTube 翻譯社群歡迎所有翻譯高手加入!請至填寫申請表,我們會在3個工作天內寄發試譯文喔!試譯文是我們審核翻譯志工的標準。
1. 單字查詢佳句收藏
2. 單句重複播放
3. 使用快速鍵
4. 關閉語言字幕
5. 內嵌播放器
6. 展開播放器
(C) REDIdea Co., Ltd. 2017
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