they asked who are theythe ...

&&& One evening Mrs Alda asked her husband ti take her to a very expensive restaurant in the city.because many moive stars and other famous people ate there, and she wanted to see some of them. Some after they ordered their meal, a pair of very attractive(引人注目的)man and woman came into the restaurant and sat down at a table nearby. They were beautifully dressed(穿着), and Mrs Alda said to her husband , “Look at those people, George! I’m sure I saw their pictures somewhere.”&&& The man and the woman gave their order(菜单) to the waiter, and when the waiter brought Mr and Mrs. Alda their soup, Mrs. Alda said to him, “Who are those people? Do you know them?” & “Oh! They are nobody famous,” he answered at once(立刻).& “Really?” Mrs. Alda asked with surprise, “How do you know that?”& “Because they asked me who you were,” he answered.根据短文内容回答问题
1.Why did Mrs Alda ask her husband ti take her to a very expensive restaurant?
& ___________________________________________________________________________
2.Did Mrs Alda know the man and the woman who were beautifully dressed?
& ___________________________________________________________________________
3.Mrs Alda saw the man and the woman's pictures somewhewe, so she knew them very well.
4.The man and the woman though Mr and Mrs Alda were famous people.
5.The waiter was very amart.
1.Because many moive stars and other famous people ate there, and she wanted to see some of them.
2.No, she didn't.Israelis Were Asked to Name the ‘Worst’ U.S. President for Israel of the Last 40 Years. Guess Who They Chose. – TheBlaze
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