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在我的记忆中,每年的春节都是差不多的,热闹、喜庆而祥和。     春节的前几天,是大人们最忙的时候,张罗这张罗那,但是,却是我们小孩子最憧憬的时候。爸爸妈妈买了许多好吃的,而卧却只能眼巴巴地看着,可望而不可即,于是,便急切地盼望着春节的到来。   除夕那一天晚上,当然也是我家最开心的时候,全家三口人一齐静静地看着春节联欢晚会,偶尔外面传来几声鞭炮声,也会觉得特别有趣。电视里搞笑的小品,优美的舞蹈常常逗得我们哈哈大笑,这笑声伴随着窗外的鞭炮声,显得气氛愈加欢乐。   终于要正式过年了,拜年就是我们一家首要的任务了。每到一家,我都要说上一句吉祥话,如:“新年快乐”、“恭喜发财”等等,而爸爸妈妈则送上一份拜年时必备的礼品,主人则会拿出一个红包递给我,这是我最高兴的事了,于是心里盘算着这钱该怎么用,买些零食?或是文具?买点玩的也不错,谁知一回到家就被“无情”的妈妈给收了去,我只好无奈地把这些个幻想的泡泡给吹灭了。     接下来的几天,我们就到处做客,丰盛的饭菜,炫丽的灯光,大人们喝酒时的祝福包围住了我,而我呢?则和哥哥一人拿来一大瓶饮料,东东快快地喝了个够,哪晓得一会儿我的肚子便疼的厉害,难受极了,后悔啊。     正月十五元宵节,我已经上学了,新学年的开始,将意味着春节的结束,但在这一天,我们家还是要吃元宵的,过年的气氛丝毫没有减弱,照旧的笑声,照旧的喜庆,照旧的开心。     就这样,快乐的春节过去了,每当细细回想是,总会不禁笑出声来……-谢谢采纳~~~ 再问: 英语....... 再答: 已私信 再答: 给个满意吧🙏
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求一篇英语作文 初中水平就行哪位好心人给写一篇英语作文 一次奇特的经历 80词就行 初中水平几天
fantastic experiencethere are many unforgetable experice in my past days ,one of the most interesting and fatastic one is my tour to DaLian with my parents last year.i steal remember it was a hot afternoon when we came to watch the show of dolphin in Tiger Beach Ocean Park. i saw the dolpin played balls and jumped out of the water.it was wonderful,and i was very superised when the trainer of the dolpin invited me to shake hands with the dolpin . i was very nervous and exciting when i stood at the edge of the pool ,and the trainer asked me to put out my hand to the dolpin ,i was too afraid to see it ,then , i felt the dolpin touched me with his wet hand ! i was so happy and superised !that is my fantastic experience! 这是本人自己写的,不知道初中是什么水平··没敢用难词,句型也很简单. 尽量还是要自己练习才能进步,希望能够启发你!
求一篇初中水平的英语作文我们要做小报,是介绍意大利的一篇英语文章,welcome to Italy.不要太多字也不要太少.
Welcome to ItalyItaly is a beautiful country with long history.It has so many famous cities,such as Rome,Venis and so on.Italians are proud of there literature and arts.The most well-known picture--Mona Lisa,was drawn by Da Vinci,the Italian artist.Also Rome is the centre of Rinascimento[文艺复兴].Venis is called the city over water.Most people use boats for their transportation because of the rivers through the city.What's more,Italy has so many tasty food.For instance,Pizza was first invented in Italy.Nowadays,this kind of food is known by us and popular in everywhere.【有不够的可以继续找我 = =,如果多了的话自己看着删点吧
1 I'm going to Beijing tomorrow,so now I feel very happy.I will go there by plane and stay there for 10 days.This is my first time to go to Beijing,not only the Olympic Games is coming,but also I can learn more knowledges about the Olympic Games.And it is a great chance for me to communicate with foreigners,so I won't miss it.Therefore,now I want to say:Beijing,I'm coming!2 On July 23rd my parents took me to Beijing.We stayed at YuTingqiao hotel.On the first day,we went to the Great Wall.The Great Wall is very long and old.It has millions of bricks.Each brick is very big and heavy.Lots of people from different countries like climbing the Great Wall.We felt very tired when we climbed to the top of the Great Wall.For the 1st day,we would like to visit Sydney for the well-known Sydney Opera House.It is like a shell lying in the bay.Then,we would go to Melbourne by train.It is the trading center of Australia,and what is more,the best college in Australia,the Melbourne University,is located there.It ranks 22 in the world college billboard.It is such a wonderful chance for us students to pay a visit to the great academy,hoping that one day in the future we will grasp the opportunity of studying there through hardworking.
作文:WeatherGenerally speaking the weather in Beijingis very nice. In winter it’s not very cold. The temperature is about eight degrees centigrade during the day and minus eight degrees centigrade at night. There isn’t much wind and snow in winter. In summer it is very hot. The temperature can reach more than 35 degrees centigrade during daytime. I don’t like very hot weather because I sweat a lot when I feel hot. Sometimes it rains cats and dogs in summer. In spring, the sunshine is lovely. With flowers in blossom and bees flying all around them, I really feel overjoyed. I love the sunny days very much. But sometimes the wind is terrible. Autumn is the best season inBeijing. The sky is blue and the days are warm. The wind is soft and some tree leaves are turning red. It is the lovely time for an outing.


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