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  广州出台国五条细则次日   昨日是广州公布国五条落地细则的次日,也恰逢国五条细则出台一个月。记者在广州市房地产交易登记中心了解到,广州二手房过户登记量昨日出现大幅下降。而在昨日广州市房管局召开的今年首次土地推介会上,不少开发商对新推出的市中心宅地表现出了浓厚兴趣。   二手房过户量陡降超三成  “往常我们一天发50个号左右,而国五条出台后每天能发出160个到170个号。4月1日只发出了101个号。”市交登中心副主任刘娟告诉记者,从国五条出台后,市交登中心的二手房过户量就一直处于高位,相当于平日的三倍左右,而3月31日晚广州公布国五条落地细则后,4月1日的交易量就相对此前出现大幅下降了。  根据广州国五条实施细则,昨日开始,非本地户籍居民不能再补缴个税及社保购房,对于“自购房之日起前2年内在本市累计缴交1年以上”的要求也调整为“自购房之日起前2年内在本市连续缴交1年以上”。据刘娟介绍,这也减少了部分不符合条件的交易量。  个税的界定时间有待确定  有业内人士表示,经过一个月的消化,许多二手房交易已经提前完成,必然导致二手房交易量出现下降。另外,广州发布的国五条实施细则中,并未就二手房交易个税作出明确规定,仅表示“目前,市地税局牵头、市国土房管局配合,正在对具体操作细则进行研究,待明确后将及时向社会公布。”这也是许多二手房买卖双方不急着过户的原因之一。  记者从广州市房地产交易登记中心窗口了解到,已下发到窗口的通知表明,目前广州市限购限价新政实施界点,不管是一手房还是二手房都是按网签时间为准,不过房产个税的界定时间,还要待下一步细则进行确定。  开发商拿地意愿依然高涨  在昨日广州市房管局召开的广州市今年首次土地推介会上,一口气推出了市中心十幅靓地,而与会的数百位开发商人士对这些土地也非常感兴趣,不少开发商自报家门踊跃提问,颇有高调暗示对相应地块心有所属的意味。  有开发商向记者表示,国五条对于楼市刚需依然持保护态度,而二手房个税把不少买家赶到了一手市场,对于未来的预期比较乐观,加上此次推出的地块位置十分优越,因此相信会有很多房企争抢。  ■数据控  3月全市均价首破1.4万元/m2  新快报讯 记者 陈齐 报道统计数据显示,3月份广州一手楼成交套数相对2月份环比暴涨86.4%,跃上10931套的高位。  据数据统计,3月份广州十区二市一手住宅共网签10931套单位,环比2月成交量5865套暴涨86.4%,同比上涨约78.3%;从成交面积看,当月共网签约129万平方米,环比上升87.5%,与成交套数增幅持平,同比则暴涨了92.8%。楼价方面,3月份全市十区二市均价再创历史新高,达14683元/平方米,环比上涨约6.7%,同比上涨约26%。  部分区域楼价在3月份依旧有较大幅度的增长。据统计,天河区3月份均价已经创下新高为37949元/平方米,环比大涨10.8%;萝岗区3月均价更是首度突破了2万元/平方米关口,高达21558元/平方米,环比暴增38.5%。  根据广州版国五条关于房价调控目标的规定,明确2013年广州新建商品住房价格涨幅要低于全市年度城市居民人均可支配收入实际增幅,广州今年房价调控目标大致应控制在7.5%的增幅左右。  而参考广州市国土房管局年初公布的官方数据,2012年广州十区房价为14044元/平方米、同比上涨4.8%,若算上今年7.5%的增幅,2013年广州房价调控目标应在15097元/平方米以内。根据数据统计,3月份全市十区的均价已经高达17205元/平方米,远超15097元/平方米的调控目标。  ■意见集装箱  中国社会科学院金融研究所研究员易宪容:我国征收20%个税并不算高  新快报讯多位专业人士对各地细则的实施效果普遍持观望态度。尤其是对争议颇大的“20%个人所得税”一项,有人士认为高额税收超出了普通百姓的承受能力。但也有学者认为,20%的税收“征少了”。  地方版细则或难奏效  记者注意到,在大连、合肥、南京等城市的细则中,并没有提出征收“20%个税”的要求。有业内人士质疑这些地方政府的国五条细则“诚意不够”。中国人民大学土地规划研究中心主任严金明指出,土地财政以往为地方政府提供了大量收入,因此他们对于抑制房价上涨的内部动力并不强烈。  中国社会科学院金融研究所研究员易宪容则表示,他并不看好各地国五条细则对调节房地产价格所能起到积极作用。他解释说,这是因为,我国征收20%的个税并不算高,“香港的房地产交易税是43.5%,同时还要缴纳15%的个人所得税和5%的物业税。”  部分地区房价或上涨?  对于“20%个税”的另一个重要疑问是,应该由买方、卖方谁来承担?赵秀池认为,原则上由卖方缴纳,因为卖方获得了房屋增值的收益。然而在实际的交易过程中,可能会出现转嫁现象。比如,北京的房地产市场属于卖方市场,卖房者很可能将“个税”转嫁给买方。严金明也同样担忧,在交税问题上,各地的买卖双方将会展开博弈,博弈的结果可能会有地区差别,部分地区可能会因此出现房价上涨现象。
均价 : 9500元/㎡
位置 : 镇海庄市街道明海大道288号
热线 : 8/5
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位置 : 兴慈五路与金溪路交汇处
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均价 : 10000元/㎡
位置 : 新城北侧核心商务区
均价 : 9000元/㎡
位置 : 新城北区世纪大道与镇海大道交界处(镇海新行政中心正北面)
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位置 : 江南路与沧海路交汇处
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热线 : 6/9
增值电信业务经营许可证B2- 京ICP证030367号The complete genome sequence of Fibrobacter succinogenes S85 reveals a cellulolytic and metabolic specialist.
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2011 Apr 19;6(4):e18814. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0018814.The complete genome sequence of Fibrobacter succinogenes S85 reveals a cellulolytic and metabolic specialist.1, , , , , , , , , , , , , .1DOE Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America.AbstractFibrobacter succinogenes is an important member of the rumen microbial community that converts plant biomass into nutrients usable by its host. This bacterium, which is also one of only two cultivated species in its phylum, is an efficient and prolific degrader of cellulose. Specifically, it has a particularly high activity against crystalline cellulose that requires close physical contact with this substrate. However, unlike other known cellulolytic microbes, it does not degrade cellulose using a cellulosome or by producing high extracellular titers of cellulase enzymes. To better understand the biology of F. succinogenes, we sequenced the genome of the type strain S85 to completion. A total of 3,085 open reading frames were predicted from its 3.84 Mbp genome. Analysis of sequences predicted to encode for carbohydrate-degrading enzymes revealed an unusually high number of genes that were classified into 49 different families of glycoside hydrolases, carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs), carbohydrate esterases, and polysaccharide lyases. Of the 31 identified cellulases, none contain CBMs in families 1, 2, and 3, typically associated with crystalline cellulose degradation. Polysaccharide hydrolysis and utilization assays showed that F. succinogenes was able to hydrolyze a number of polysaccharides, but could only utilize the hydrolytic products of cellulose. This suggests that F. succinogenes uses its array of hemicellulose-degrading enzymes to remove hemicelluloses to gain access to cellulose. This is reflected in its genome, as F. succinogenes lacks many of the genes necessary to transport and metabolize the hydrolytic products of non-cellulose polysaccharides. The F. succinogenes genome reveals a bacterium that specializes in cellulose as its sole energy source, and provides insight into a novel strategy for cellulose degradation.PMID:
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] PMCID: PMC3079729 The wide range of phyla/groups that F. succinogenes
proteins are mapped to indicates it is not similar to other bacterial
genomes, thereby confirming its placement into its own phylum.PLoS One. ):e18814.Enzymes missing from metabolic pathways are indicated with a red cross.
The major fermentative products succinate, acetate, and formate are
shown with gray arrows indicating their export out of the cell.
Predicted transporters are also shown, including sodium ion channel
protein transporters in purple, ABC transporters in red, sec-dependent
protein export in green, and other substrates in blue. Export or import
of solutes is shown through the direction of the arrow through the
transporter. Energy coupling mechanisms are also shown, including
solutes transported secondary transporters with two
arrows into the cell indicating the sol ATP-driven
transporters with an ATP and transporters with an
unknown energy-coupling mechanism, shown with a single arrow. Some
multi-step pathways are not fully-represented, and are denoted with
orange arrowheads. Abbreviations: AA, Ala, Met,
Pro, PRPP,
5′-phospho-α-D-ribose 1- PEP,
Meso 2,6 DAP, meso-2,6- diaminopimelic acid.PLoS One. ):e18814.Publication TypesMeSH TermsSubstancesFull Text SourcesOther Literature Sources
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