
中译英 谢谢大家了_百度知道
中译英 谢谢大家了
小径蜿蜒曲折直上山顶(twist)2 你可以用盐保存肉和鱼(preserve)3 Tom承认未经允许拿走了阅读室的书(admit)4 上千名观众出席了运动会的开幕式,而不是侥幸(base)11 多锻炼是身体不佳的最好的治疗方式(remedy)12 应聘者很多,我们被迫放弃了在周五开运动会的计划(abandon)10 你应该靠努力获得成功,其中包括学生及他们的加长(present)5 我们很高兴看到最近我们小区里的公园成型了(shape)6 下周我将安排一辆车来机场接你(arrange)7 从山顶的房子可以俯视整个的村庄(overlook)8 市民们可以自由使用图书馆(access)9 由于这场不期而至的大雨
9Because of the unexpected rain.10Your success should base on your indeavour,we have to abandon the plan of the sports meeting in Friday 1The lane is full of twists and wriggles up to the hilltop.2You can use salt to preserd better apply for the position to the company.5We are so glad to see that park in our housing estate have been taken shape.11There are so many applicants that you&#39,including students and their parents.7we can overlook the whole village from the house set on the hilltop,not on your fluck.8Townsfolk can access the library allodiality.3Tom admited that he took out the book without permission.4Thousands of audience presented the openning ceremony of the sports meeting.6I will arrange a car to the airport to pick you up
Does he have time to go fishing? Yes, he does.
Did you see a lot of cows in the school outgoing?Yes, quite a lot.
We picked many tomatoes and brought them home.
She knows a lot about the strawberry.
Uncle Wang showed us around his factory last week.
I went out for a walk after supper yesterday.
He often help my granny feed the c...
出门在外也不愁一道阅读理解题, 要把文章翻译,选择了正确答案之后,在翻译一下句子.谢谢!Once there was a piano player in a bar, people came just to hear him play, But one night, a lady asked him to sing a song.
"I don't sing" said the ma_百度作业帮
一道阅读理解题, 要把文章翻译,选择了正确答案之后,在翻译一下句子.谢谢!Once there was a piano player in a bar, people came just to hear him play, But one night, a lady asked him to sing a song.
"I don't sing" said the ma
一道阅读理解题, 要把文章翻译,选择了正确答案之后,在翻译一下句子.谢谢!Once there was a piano player in a bar, people came just to hear him play, But one night, a lady asked him to sing a song.
"I don't sing" said the man
but the lady told the waiter."I'm tired of listening to the piano, I want the player to sing!"
The waiter shouted across the room,"Hey,friend! if you want to get paid,sing a song!"
So he did. He had never sung in public before . Now he was singing for the very first time! Nobody had ever heard the song Mona Lisa sung so beautifully!
He had talent(天赋) He was sitting on! He may have lived the rest of his life as a no-name piano player in a no-name bar. But once he found, by accident ,that he could sing well,he went on working hard and become one of the best-known singers in the US. His name was Nat King Cole
You, too,have skills and abilities. You may not feel that you talent is great,but it may be better than you think, With hard work,most skills can be improved.Besides,you may have no success at all if you just sit on your talent( ) 1. The lady asked the player to sing a song because____
A: She had paid him for this
B: she knew him very well
C: she wanted to have a change D:she enjoyed his singing( ) 2. Nat King Cole succeeded because___
A: the lady helped him a lot
B:he caught the chance
C:he continued to play in the bar
D:he stopped playing the piano()
3:The words "sit on" in the passage probably mean ___
A:fail to realize B:forget to use C:try to develop D:manage to show () 4: From the story we know if you have some talent,you should_
A:hide it and wait
B:ask others for help
C:pay no attention to it
D:work hard to improve yourself () 5:Which could be the best title(标题) for the passage
A:Sing in the bar
B:Achieve Success in life
C:Never Lose Heart
D:Find Your Hidden Talent
从前有个酒吧钢琴师,人们来酒吧只为了听听他的演奏.但一天晚上,一个女生请他唱一首歌.他说.但是女生告诉侍者,“我听钢琴听得厌烦,就想听钢琴师唱.”侍者在房间一头大喊:“嘿,朋友,想拿钱就唱一个!”钢琴师唱了.他以前从来没当众唱过歌.现在他是平生第一次演唱!没有人听过“蒙娜丽莎”这首歌唱的如此美妙.钢琴师很有天份.要不是这一次,他可能永远是个无名酒吧的无名钢琴师.但是后来他成了美国最有名的歌手.他的名字叫奈特.金.柯尔.你也许有些才华能力,自己没察觉有多么了不起.但是想想更好.只要努力,很多技巧都能提高.而且如果才华不加以施展可能就永远地浪费了.1.女生要求钢琴师唱歌因为————C ,她想试试运气.2.Nat King Cole成功了,因为————B 他抓住了机遇.3.sit on这个词在段落中可能意思是————B .忘记运用4.从这个故事,我们明白如果有什么才华,你应该————D.努力去提高自己5.最好的标题是哪一个————D 发现你潜在的才华
答案:CBADD这是2010年安徽省中考英语试卷 Ⅸ. 阅读理解B篇翻译如下:从前有一架钢琴和一个球员在一个酒吧里,人们都来只是为了听他演奏,但有一天晚上,一位女士问他唱一支歌。“我不会唱”这个人说但是这位女士告诉服务员。”我听腻了弹钢琴,我想要这名球员唱歌!”穿过房间服务员大叫:“嘿,朋友!如果你想要得到报酬,唱个歌吧!”他就...
He asked me many times.i was really reject embarrassed.
—— hjb7513145
—— 孝文师
—— kongdehuai
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英语在线翻译中文谢谢了,大神帮忙啊Population Problem The Population Problem is one of the most serierse problems in the world.China is the country with the largest population in the world.If the population increases so fast,there wil
英语在线翻译中文谢谢了,大神帮忙啊Population Problem The Population Problem is one of the most serierse problems in the world.China is the country with the largest population in the world.If the population increases so fast,there will be many serierse problem.Such as the evironmental problem,the need of food against the inadequate outcome of rice and so on.Therefore,we should go all out to control the increase of the population of the world. 相关问题: 中文翻译是?
人口问题人口问题存在一的绝大部分serierse problems在朝派世界China存在国家用众多的人口在朝派world.If人口增加如此斋戒那里意愿是很多serierse problem.Such某样的人evironmental问题需求的食物对着不够条件结果的稻子和如此on.Therefore我们是将去去尽全力向控制手段增加的人口的世界


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