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& Comsenz Inc.英语求助对话
[00:02.69]Useful Expressions
[00:04.47]1.May I help you sir?
[00:07.78]2.I'm looking for a suit.
[00:00.00]53.Travel by trian
[00:02.87]Useful Expressions
[00:04.88]1.Right here.
[00:07.42]2.Right there.
[00:00.00]52.Visit Doctor
[00:02.77]Useful Expressions
[00:04.57]1.She has already spent a lot of money.
[00:09.48]2.We saw t
[00:00.00]55.Looking for a Hotel
[00:03.11]Useful Expressions
[00:04.96]1.I don't know my time of arrival.
[00:00.00]54.In a Restaurant
[00:02.56]Useful Expressions
[00:04.41]1.I like my food well done.
[00:09.12]2.Make my steak
[00:00.00]48.Travel in the U.S.A.
[00:02.87]Useful Expressions
[00:04.75]1.Cheap things are not always good.
[00:00.00]47.This is for you
[00:03.00]Useful Expressions
[00:04.91]1.This is for you,thank you.
[00:10.45]2.I hope you'll
[00:00.00]44.I'm afraid all the seats are fully booked
[00:04.31]Useful Expressions
[00:05.93]1.Would you let me know as soon as you have any c
[00:00.00]50.In a Barbershop
[00:02.95]Useful Expressions
[00:04.86]1.All right,you can come in now.
[00:00.00]49.Cash at the Bank
[00:03.03]Useful Expressions
[00:04.88]1.Can I cash a check here?
[00:08.75]2.Do you have
[00:00.00]46.Can I make a collect call to Taiwan
[00:03.97]Useful Expressions
[00:05.83]1.I'd like to make an overseas call.
[00:00.00]45.I left my watch behind
[00:03.45]Useful Expressions
[00:05.20]1.I left my camera in the hotel.
[00:00.00]43.I'd like to reconfirm my flight reservation
[00:04.75]Useful Expressions
[00:06.56]1.I want to confirm my reservation.
[00:00.00]41.Where's the pharmacy
[00:03.03]Useful Expressions
[00:04.75]1.Do you have something for a headache?
[00:00.00]42.Please call an ambulance
[00:03.27]Useful Expressions
[00:04.91]1.Do you mind calling an ambulance for me,please?
[00:00.00]31.This is not what I ordered.
[00:03.74]Useful Expressions
[00:05.75]1.I ordered consomme,not potage for the soup.
[00:00.00]40.I have a fever
[00:02.66]Useful Expressions
[00:04.57]1.Please call a doctor.
[00:09.12]2.Could you send for a doctor?
[00:00.00]38.Traffic accident
[00:02.98]Useful Expressions
[00:05.09]1.Call the police,please.
[00:09.82]2.Call a doctor for us,p
[00:00.00]39.A traffic accident on a bus tour
[00:04.15]Useful Expressions
[00:06.11]1.I met with an accident.
[00:00.00]37.I can't find my air ticket
[00:03.63]Useful Expressions
[00:05.59]1.I lost my air ticket.
[00:10.58]2.I put
[00:00.00]35.A burglar seems to break into my room
[00:04.47]Useful Expressions
[00:06.09]1.I had my suitcase stolen.
[00:00.00]36.My bag was stolen
[00:03.27]Useful Expressions
[00:05.02]1.My purse was stolen.
[00:09.43]2.I had my wallet st
[00:00.00]34.You added up wrong
[00:03.11]Useful Expressions
[00:04.86]1.I think there is a mistake on the bill.
[00:00.00]32.It's about time I left
[00:03.19]Useful Expressions
[00:04.99]1.I've been waiting for my order for a long time.
[00:00.00]33.Can I take this home
[00:02.93]Useful Expressions
[00:04.62]1.I'd like to take this home.
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你可能喜欢求助英语会话 36.我的提包被偷了
[00:00.00]36.My bag was stolen
[00:03.27]Useful Expressions
[00:05.02]1.My purse was stolen.
[00:09.43]2.I had my wallet stolen on the street.
[00:16.69]3.I had my pocket picked.
[00:22.10]4.I left my passport and traveler's checks in my bag.
[00:31.87]5.I want to call the Chinese Embassy.
[00:38.84]6.This is the number of my traveler's check.
[00:45.82]7.The stolen item was a brown,leather shoulder bag.
[00:54.47]8.Do you have an interpreter?
[01:00.13]Practical Conversation
[01:02.20]A:Excuse me.My bag was stolen.Will you help me?
[01:05.52]B:When did it happen?
[01:07.06]A:Just about half an hour ago.
[01:09.28]B:Tell me where it happened and how?
[01:11.39]A:Yes.It was just when I was walking in the park.I saw some children with a newspaper.
[01:16.80]B:That happens often these days.Well,please fill in this &Report of Theft&.
[01:23.04]A:I want to get in touch with the Chinese Embassy,because my passport was in the stolen bag!
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