Timfour is foreverur years o...

Tim is four years old.His father works in a middle school and
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Rainy River Analysis GC
Rainy River Analysis GC
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Eugene Ciesla
English AP 11
31 August 2014
The Hardest Choices We Don’t Make
To have to make a choice that will change the rest of your life is one of the hardest things to face.
In Tim O’Brien’s novel, The Things They Carried, this is precisely what he is talking about.
The chapter titled “On the Rainy River” is the point in the story where Tim needs to decide whether he will go into the war he doesn’t believe in or run away and escape to Canada.
This chapter is only about his decision but it becomes so much more to the reader by O’Brien’s use of a variety of ways to make his language dramatize the situation.
The author starts this passage off by drawing a picture.
Right from the start the writing shows that even the elements are against O’Brien.
He is headed towards Canada and there is a breeze coming from the north along with a fast current.
These elements show that everything is working against him to make him stay.
Tim also describes how “All around us, I remember, there was a vastness to the world, an unpeopled rawness, just the trees and sky and the water reaching out to nowhere.”
The reader can feel that he is scared of the unknown beyond him.
He starts to focus, and his view of the “vastness” gets narrowed so much that he can “see the tiny red berries on the bushes.”
He talks about how he could see all of the tiniest details over on shore.
This narrowing and focus is him showing exactly what he wants to do.
Of his choices, this is the one he wants.
Something changes at the end of his second paragraph.
He changes verb tense.
He says “I could see” and then “I could’ve done it.”
This is the first place that he shows that his decision is made.
Later in the reading he moves from describing the scene to talking about himself.
He talks a lot about the tightness in his chest.
He felt a “terrible squeezing pressure” inside him.
This pressure was the weight of the decision on him.
He is setting himself into the story then...
...Text Talk for “On the Rainy River”
Theme/Thesis for the text talk: Tim O’Brien has spent his life and his career as a writer finding redemption for the “cowardice” he mentions in “On the Rainy River”.
He wants the reader to believe that having the courage to say “no” to injustice is the only way to make that injustice end.
When the text talk has concluded, the students will be able to understand that Tim O’Brien
regrets his ultimate decision to go to war, and that it is the responsibility of those who recognize injustice to stand against it even in the face of shame and exile. The students will recall other examples of people exhibiting the courage to stand against unjust laws.
Materials: envelope, needles, note, video of Tim O’Brien discussing what “he carries”, questions on index cards, slides with examples of people standing up to injustice
Introduction: (How will the instructors gain the students’ attention and prepare them for the lesson?)
The teacher will take out an envelope with “draft notice” written on the front.
She will remove the draft notice items from the envelope and present them to the class.
Lesson content: (Describe what the instructors will do during the lesson.)
1. The teacher will ask the class to chart the angst of the character in “On the Rainy River”.
What were the concerns and fears related to his decision about his draft card?...
...The relationship you have with others often has a direct effect on the basis of your very own personal identity. In the essay &On The Rainy River,& the author Tim O'Brien tells about his experiences and how his relationship with a single person had effected his life so dramatically. It is hard for anyone to rely fully on their own personal experiences when there are so many other people out there with different experiences of their own. Sometimes it take the
experiences and knowledge of others to help you learn and build from them to help form your own personal identity. In the essay, O'Brien speaks about his experiences with a man by the name of Elroy Berdahl, the owner of the fishing lodge that O'Brien stays at while on how journey to find himself. The experiences O'Brien has while there helps him to open his mind and realize what his true personal identity was. It gives you a sense than our own personal identities are built on the relationships we have with others. There are many influence out there such as our family and friends. Sometimes even groups of people such as others of our nationality and religion have a space in building our personal identities.
In the essay O'Brien is faced with a conflict, a moral dilemma. He had to decide whether he was either going to go to the war and fight or was he going to run away and avoid the draft. The relationship he had with Berdahl was not of friends or even regular acquaintances. Rather they...
...Diana Nguyen
English 2 Pre-AP 2
5 November 2013
On The Rainy River prompt
In Tim O’Brien’s “On the Rainy River”, Tim is presented with a conflict that would change his life depending on which choice he makes. Tim narrates the story in a mix of present day and flashbacks, being that the voice of the younger Tim O'Brien is less mature and less morally complex than present day Tim. In the summer of 1968, Tim, a recent college
graduate, receives a draft notice to fight in The Vietnam War. This is where the conflict begins. Tim O'Brien, while not exactly a pacifist, does not support the war. He almost feels as if he is too good to fight in the war, describing himself as &too smart, too compassionate, too everything…[he] had the world-Phi Beta Kappa and summa cum laude and president of the student body, [he even had] a full ride scholarship for grad studies at Harvard.& (1003) His world had suddenly come to a complete halt and he has to make the decision whether or not to go to war.
Tim mentions that &[that if our nation was using military force to] stop a Hitler, or some comparable evil, [he] told [himself] that in such circumstances [he] would've willingly marched off to battle…..The problem, though, was that a draft board did not let you choose your war.& (110) Tim can go off and fight a war he does not believe in or leave his life behind and fleeing to Canada. Tim talks about how much he detests how some...
...Personal Law Vs. Written Law
Morals are defined to be the principle of what is right from what is wrong. What defines whether something is right or wrong is based purely on ones judgment and perspective. Staying true to personal beliefs and morals can sometimes be problematic to retain when conflicting with the written law. In Antigone by Sophocles, Antigone disregards the decree of her uncle Creon, King of Thebes, which forbids anybody to bury Antigone’s brother Polynices who was
killed in battle. Although Polynices is considered a traitor to the land of Thebes, Antigone feels that to respect the wishes of the gods she must burry him. She faithfully acts upon her morals, even though they oppose the law. However, in the story “On the Rainy River” by Tim O’Brien, Tim is not so persistent with his loyalty to his morals. Although he is very against the war he has been drafted into, in the end he ends up going to battle due to his fear of letting his family and country down. While both Tim and Antigone struggle with a moral decision, Antigone is more genuine than Tim about her commitment to her beliefs and as a result ended up having a greater impact on her society and family.
Without even contemplating the repercussions she would face, Antigone selflessly decides to bury her brother against her uncle’s will. She states, “I will bury him by myself. And even if I die in the act that death will be a glory” (Sophocles 63). She shows her...
...Our Choice … or Theirs?
In Tim O’Brien’s “On the Rainy River”, Tim is faced with the most difficult decision of his life. The Vietnam War is unfolding overseas and Tim is drafted into the military. As Tim has the option of staying and fighting a war he doesn’t believe in or facing the embarrassment of fleeing to Canada, O’Brien illustrates how other’s opinions sway our decisions in life more than we think they do. Tim battles himself over what should be an
easy choice. Will he stay or go? His hometown is “a conservative little spot on the prairie” (1005). There, it is all about tradition and duty. If he chooses to go, he can already imagine his fellow townsfolk gathering around to talk, shamefully, about how “that damned sissy [has] taken off for Canada” (1005).
Tim talks about his hatred for those who mindlessly comply to it all. Not understanding the war or the reasons and history behind it, they just smile and blindly swallow it down. There was no grey area for them, just “their love-it-or-leave-it platitudes” (1005). Although he is the one who can make the decision to flee or flight, he holds them all personally responsible. He holds them responsible for making his decision so hard. Already fearing the law, Tim now fears condemnation, mockery and exile.
With everything going well for him, Tim can’t understand why he is the one being drafted. Frustrated by the fact that the military could have picked better suited soldiers, Tim thinks...
...ELA 30 – 1: Personal Essay
October 16, 2012
Gaddiel O. Matira
Is it fair to hold individuals responsible for a choice society pressured them to make?
Canada might have been one of the best places in the world but for me and Tim, Canada is a lot more than that. For Tim O’ Brien’s “On the Rainy River”, Canada is freedom: freedom from the draft letter that pressures him to go to war, freedom from the war that he never understood and always hated, freedom
from the dirt, tent, and mosquitoes, freedom from that dense greasy pig-stink and blood clots in the slaughterhouse, freedom from his country, and freedom from his conscience… or is it? On the other hand, for me, Canada is separation: separation from the friends and family who I most dearly loved and looked up to, separation from the institutions which developed the principles and character I have today, separation from the culture, language, and traditions that I grew up in, separation from the life I have lived for seventeen years, and separation from the dreams I have dreamed for seventeen years… or is it? Tim and I might have totally different definition of Canada but for both of us the decision to move or to stay was merely just a choice.
I lived seventeen years of my life in the Philippines, four years of which is with my mom separated from us because she had to move and work in Canada while my dad also seemingly separated from us since he had to work longer hours shifting his...
...Andrea Esparza
Mrs. Kinder
English II Pre-AP – 1
September 16, 2012
A Secret Hero
At the beginning, Tim O’Brien’s story, “On the Rainy River”, suggests to be about a story never told. He never told his story to anyone, not his wife, not his siblings, or his parents. The author, Tim O’Brien uses condemnation of the Vietnam War, his decision to run, and expatriation versus the war to illustrate the conflicts he faced in his life. The conflicts make the
reader think about how the decision would reflect his life in every way.
Tim O’Brien’s conflicts begin when he was fresh out of college. Twenty-one years of age, being young, na?ve, and uncertain. It all began when he was sent a letter. O’Brien remembered it perfectly, “I remember opening up the letter, scanning the first few lines, feeling the blood go thick behind my eyes.” H he had no intentions of ever being in something he hated so much, something that was not right. “I had taken a modest stand against the war.” O’Brien was very chaste about the war, yet hated it. He thought there should be a law, if you supported the war, then you should have to sacrifice yourself to the war and “put your own life in the line.”
O’Brien’s disapproval of the war was made him feel like he was “burned down to a smoldering self-pity, then to numbness.” H the draft letter was not for him.
Another conflict O’Brien faced was his decision. This conflict was the most...
...Key Question #11 The Rainy River questions and answers
1. I was surprised at how much I actually enjoyed this story. Not only did it give some fascinating insight into the mind of a man forced to go to war, but he explained his argument with such eloquence and passion that I found myself thoroughly intrigued. The way he describes having to face the draft and the terrifying obstacles that seemed to crop up out of nowhere, really makes me think and try to put
myself in his position. I would not know what to do with myself, honestly, it’s such a complicated moral dilemma, choosing between your own best interests and upholding your patriotic expectation to stand up for your country. I found this story to be really moving and I actually read th it’s something I will not forget anytime soon. I recall reading O’Brien’s work before, The Things They Carried, but this re I had a whole new outlook on
I guess I was ignorant to the reality of it all before. I think the language choice throughout is part of why I felt it so touching, O’Brien is able to connect with his reader through sophisticated vocabulary, which is an author’s most powerful tool to utilize in my opinion.
2. Why did the narrator not want to go to war?
This is a very broad question, and the narrator’ why should he, or America as a whole for that matter, put himself in harms way to help those who...
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More great study tools:八. 任务型阅读 Frank is four years old. In the past, he was a special boy. He didn’t want to play with o——精英家教网——
八. 任务型阅读 Frank is four years old. In the past, he was a special boy. He didn’t want to play with other children or say any words to others. His parents were worried about him. However, Billy, a cat, helped Frank get out of his world. When Billy saw Frank, it ran to him quickly. It sat on Frank’s legs. Now they look like two old friends. Billy likes to stay with Frank. They play together, listen to stories together and sleep together. When Frank walks in the garden, Billy always follows him. When Frank is sad, Billy always lies beside him. Billy is like Frank’s angel . Now Frank is happy every day and he doesn’t have to see a doctor. 61题判断正误(“T 表示正确.“F 表示错误),62题完成句子,63题简略回答问题,64题找出并写下第二段的主题句,65题将文中划线句子译成汉语. 61. Frank liked to play games with other children in the past. ( ) 62. Frank and Billy now look like . 63. How old is Frank? 64. 65. 【】
&&&& Lucy is one of my friends. She is fourteen.&She lives in England.&She likes fish.&She doesn't like ice cream or strawberries. This is my friend,&too.&His name is Dick.&He is ten.&&He lives in America.&He likes meat.&Hedoesn't like broccoli.&He likes&ball games.&This is me.&My name is Wu Dong.&I'm a&Chinese boy.&I am ten.&Ilike fruit and vegetables very much.&I don't like eggs or meat.
任务型阅读&&&&&& Here is a family.&&&&&& Betty and Henry are parents of Emma, Anna and Dave. Anna is single(单身的).Emma is married(已婚的). Her husband's(丈夫的)name is Paul.&&Emma and Paul are parents of Tommy and Jane.&&Tommy is their son and Jane is their daughter. Dave is also married. His wife's(妻子的)name is Sonia.&&Sonia and Dave are parents of Sally and Tim.&&Sally is their daughter, and Tim is their son.&&&&&& Tommy, Jane, Sally and Tim are cousins.&&They are also the grandchildren of Betty and Henry.根据文章内容完成下面的家谱1.&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2.&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 3.&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 4.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 5.&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 6. &&&&&&&&&&
&任务型阅读 Here is my family photo① . I am a girl. My name is Jane. This is my grandmother. She is old(年龄大的). These are my parents. My father is Harry Smith. My mother is Kate Smith. These are my three sisters and my brother. My brother is the only(唯一的)boy in my family②. My grandmother and my parents love him(他). My sisters and I love him, too. He is a good boy. Is my family a big one? 根据短文内容,完成下列任务 任务一:把①、②两处画线句子译成汉语。 61. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 62. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 任务二:写出My name is Jane.的同义句。
63. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 任务三:把These are my parents.变成单数句子。 64. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 任务四:给短文最后一句做出肯定答案。 65. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
任务型阅读&&&&&& He is a young man who seems to have brains in his feet as well as his mind.&&&&&& Brazilian(巴西的) football star Ricardo Kaka's performances make the point well. He is one of the top scorers in the UEFA Champions League(欧洲冠军杯).&&Kaka helped AC Milan beat Manchester United 3 -0. The win took Kaka and AC Milan to the finals of the UEFA cup in 2007.Like many Brazilian football players, Kaka is now world famous. But he is not like most Brazilian players. Most of his pals were once poor. Football made them famous and rich. The 27-year-old Kaka is a different kind of star.He was born in a rich family and enjoyed a comfortable early life. He joined Sao Paub club at eight and signed as a professional(职业的 )player at 15.&&Three years later, he was the best player in the team.&&&&& "I plan my career(事业) by setting myself goals," he explained." My goals drive me, they are what I fight for. "&&&&&&And his next goal is to help the poor children.&&"When I was with the national learn, we went to play in some of the poorer areas. " He said.&&"You see children who don't have enough to eat. "&&&&& Kaka believes he can do some thing. Since November 2004, Kaka has been an Ambassador(大使) Against Hunger for the UN World Food Program.根据短文内容,完成下列各题。l. Ricardo Kaka is one of the&&&& &&&& in the UEFA Champions League(欧洲冠军杯) .2. Kaka is&&&&&&&&&& years old this year.3.&&Ricardo Kaka's next goal is to &&&&&&&&&& .4. Ricardo Kaka went to play in some of&&&&&&&& _ when he was with the national team.5. Kaka has been an Ambassador(大使) Against Hunger for the UN World Food Program since&&&&&&&& .
任务型阅读.&&&& David is in his school curling(冰壶运动) team in Scotland.&&He also plays for two clubs. let's listen to his story and learn more about curling."I first started playing it four years ago when I was 10 years old. My father, my brother and sister all curl and I would go and watch them play.&&I enjoy curling because I like the feeling of playing on real ice.&&I also like it because it is mentally challenging(智力挑战) .&&In the play,you have to think about how to achieve your goal and how to beat the other team. "&&& "Sweeping( 清扫冰道)&&is probably the most difficult part of the game, It is very important because this decides the speed of the stone and keeps it straight. "&&& "Games can go on for three or four hours and I play about three times a week. Some of my friends thought it was funny when I started curling. Then they tried it and now they play it, too. "&&& "Curling has been a Winter Olympic game since 1998. I would like to play at the Winter Olympics in the future.&&I would surely recommend(推荐) curling to everyone, because it's different from other sports. "1.&&David plays for _______ and_______ in Scotland.2.&&He enjoys curling because he likes _______on real ice and it's also3.& The most difficult part of the game must be ________.4.& A curling game can go on for__________.5.& The reason for recommending curling to others is that it's_________.


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