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How can I help students who are comparatively poor at their English
How can I help
students who are comparatively poor at English?
by Ma Hong,
China’s Experimental
Centre for Educational Action Research in Foreign Languages Teaching, Guyuan
Teachers College, Guyuan, 756000, Ningxia Province. P.R. China
In this paper
I explain what I mean by ‘comparatively poor’ and outline the problems that
this creates in teaching my students. I explore the three reasons for choosing
my question: firstly, for the development of the class, which at the very
beg secondly, because of my teaching methods, which
rendered the classroom t thirdly my own experience as a
poor student gave me insights into teaching these students. During the process
of research I collaborated with colleagues and discussed imagined solutions
with them. By helping the comparatively poor students I also wanted to create a
friendly, well-disciplined and uni to help these students
become more confident and take more initiative as well as responsibility for
their study. A variety of methods were employed and evaluated, and these
constitute the remainder of my study. Results show there was an improvement in
learning both on the students’ part as well my own. My claims to knowledge for
this paper have been validated through meetings, journal entries,
questionnaires, interviews, and students’ actions and self-evaluations.
Unexpectedly, my research resulted in some de-motivation amongst the more
high-achieving students, and thus my new question is: ‘How can I
differentiate in ways, which will help each student to reach his or her
potential for learning?’
I am a teacher of two years’ experience.
For more than ten years I was exposed to a teacher-centered formula. I was
brain-washed to believe that a good teacher is one who can make use of every
minute of the class to explain to the students every important language-point.
I had thought teacher should be a skillful speaker, s/he can make students into
good listeners, so they could do what I said, in order to learn what I knew. In
order to help students learn well the correct answers are considered very
important. I did the very job just like Diane Larsen-Freeman said in her book:
&If students make errors or do
not know an answer, the teacher supplies them with the correct answer.& (Diane Larsen-Freeman, 2003).
I kept this thought and behavior as my
teaching belief till I myself became a teacher, but in putting the belief in
teaching I found it doesn't work well. After each class, I was tired out. And
my students were, no better than I was. Till that time teaching methods were
some vague and distant concepts for me. With Dr. Moira Laidlaw's help I got a
little idea about AR, but taking it as some unpractical theories that could not
be applied to teaching, I paid little attention
to it. Also because the
constant change of the classes which I took as AR subjects , I became less and
less confident with it. This kind of feeling remained until I learned about Tao
Rui and other colleagues' achievements in their teaching. Action Research
method. I was inspired by what they had done as well as by Dr. Moira Laidlaw's
constant encouragement. From the first semester of 2003 I started with a class
that I would teach for two years. All these made me decide to have another try.
I began my work one month after the beginning of the semester (October, 2003).
The class I chose is made up of 40 English-majored students age from 15 -18, of
whom 98% had failed in the entrance examination for senior middle school. I
meet them for a two-hour class three times a week.
What am I concerned about?
I want to help those students who are
comparatively poor at their English learning to learn well. By ‘comparatively
poor’ I mean the students did not achieve the English level they should have got
in comparison with my own earlier achievements in learning English. These
students had very limited vocabulary, they could not read even simple words
correctly, they could understand very little of my teaching language, they
could not speak out a complete English sentence without making mistakes, and
they were at a loss in the basic grammar they had learned in junior middle
school (12 – 14). In helping these students I wanted to make them more
confident, show more initiative and become more motivated in their English
learning. With this idea in mind, and according to the individual needs of the
class, in which more than 80% of the students were comparatively poor, I took
the whole class as the AR in other words my research-methods were used
with all of the students in the class, but three of the poorest students were
chosen as the main concern in terms of the research knowledge I would be
creating. They are Ma Jie, Ma Fei and Yu Jinghu. I believe if I could help
these three students in their learning, I could also help the others in the
Why am I concerned about?
Mainly there were three reasons for me to
choose this subject. First, it is for the development of the whole class. The
students in my class are of middle school age.
Most them come from very poor
and backward countryside areas. They failed in the entrance examination for
senior middle school. After they came to this college they had no confidence in
learning English. They had a lot of spare time but don't seem to know how to
use it, except for chatting and laughing, making the class, especially the
self-study course, more like a noisy free market-place. Some students who
wanted to work hard told me that they lost their confidence in this class. So
as the headteacher I think to change this situation students should be
self-disciplined and be responsible for their own study. They should learn to
study by themselves actively instead of only when monitored by the teacher.
Second, it was because of my teaching
methods. As far as I know most of the students had been exposed to the same
teacher-centered model as I had. They were trained to be audiences. They were
used to learning passively, waiting for the teacher to tell them what to do,
what is wro waiting for the answers to questions from the
teacher instead of thinking out by themselves. Because both teacher and
students set too much store by the correct answers only, they were unwilling to
answer questions in class for being afraid of making mistakes. They were
reluctant to ask questions and took it as loss of face. These made my teaching
very hard. As well as that, the class was boring. Even I felt that it was
torturous to have this class. I tried to make myself work very hard but the
result of the first test I set them shocked me. All the points of the test were
the important ones I had emphasized again and again, but their performance
showed they were confused by most of them. Obviously the hard work I had done
had had little effect on them. I was very depressed and later realized it was
partially my fault by working too much for the students instead of making
enabling them to have a chance to practice and think. Like many people I take a
successful profession to be a very important part of life. But the job I was
doing was making me depressed, and was having a bad influence on my life. So I
determined to change my teaching method which was quite teacher-centered
according to Diane Larsen—Freeman (2003).
Third, I was concerned about this
specific issue because of my own experience as I had once also been a poor
student in junior middle school but later became one of the top students. In my
day I had been a bad student amongst other poor students. I knew even that
being bad students we still wanted to be cared for and not neglected by the
teacher. We wanted to learn as well as all the others. With this experience I
think I know how the poor students feel in their life and study, and I believe
the comparatively poor can become better with the help of the teacher and with
their own hard work.
What can I do to help?
To help to create a friendly, well
disciplined and a united class atmosphere, in which I believe it is good for
students to study
To help the students be more confident
with themselves.
To help the students have more initiative
and self-responsibility for their study.
Who can help me?
Dr. Moira Laidlaw, Li Peidong, Tao Rui as
well as other colleagues helped me greatly in my work. I was much inspired by
what they had done. Their teaching methods and experience helped me a lot. In
the coming days I also needed all of their help to watch my class and give me
suggestions. I realised I needed to sit together with them to share their
teaching methods or some other ways they used in helping the students. If it
possible I also decided to visit other teacher's class to learn more. Here I
would like to show my gratitude for the group leaders, for they helped me a lot
by helping and monitoring others' study, and by the journals they kept. The
work they do will of great help in the future teaching as well.
What did I do in solving the problem?
(I) Group work.
&... it is a universal phenomenon
that the students are filled with anxiety and worry and fell insecure in
English learning,... &(Pan Hongyin, 2002:24 ).
According to my own observation the
poorer a student is in foreign language study, the less sense of security s/he
has. In my teaching I found that one of the main reasons that students didn't
want to act voluntarily in the class was because they were afraid of making
mistakes and being laughed at by others.
&Research shows that anxiety and
sense of insecure will have negative influence on language learning. Group
co-operative work helps to relief the sense of anxiety....The co-operation
among the group members and inter-dependence help to set up students' self
-esteem and confidence, and as a result will inspire the students'
motivation.&(Li Weihang, 2002:33)
To help to alleviate the students' sense
of anxiety, I divided the whole class into 8 groups. And 8 students who are
comparatively good were elected to be leaders of each group to help and monitor
others' study. Usually students were asked to find out questions on their own,
then they would work in groups and discuss these questions and try to solve the
problems by themselves. Some of the questions they couldn’t work out could be
left for later when they could ask for my help. Time was given for students to
work together and make preparations before they stood up and show their
opinions and give answers to questions. During the procedure I found students
really became more and more confident, especially the poor ones. Many times
there were so many students put up their hands vyeing to answer a question,
that it became difficult for me to decide which one to choose. And mostly it
appeared that when I chose one the others were not so happy, as they frowned.
At these moments I had to ask them to understand the reasons why I was using
this particular methodology.
During this term some students who had never
done any task voluntarily and who used to bend their heads because they were
afraid of being called on to answer began to hold up their heads and listen to
my questions carefully to see whether they could indeed answer them. Take Mao
Yajuan, one of the comparatively poor students as an example. She used to keep
silent all the time and never dared answer a question, but on March 19th, 2003
she volunteered for the first time during oral practice. And during that class
period altogether she did answered without being told three times.
(II) Make students to have initiative
in their learning.
The New Curriculum for the teaching of
English requires that students should be encouraged to discover by themselves
about the language. As a result of teacher-centered teaching, most of the
students were very dependent in their learning. As a famous Chinese
interpreter, who is also famous for his methods in English learning once said:
”Easy come, easy go.”(Zhong Zhaolong). Students got answers easily from the
teacher or from other students, and then they easily left them behind.
Everything seemed to be becoming clearer in the class, but everything seemed to
be confusing after class. To help the students to take more initiative I tried
the question-answering way in their learning. I required them to work out their
own questions and then try to solve these questions by themselves before we
discussed the so-called ‘best’ answers together as a class.
At first they were not used to it and
were reluctant to ask questions, so sometimes I had to force them to do so: in
other words, if there were no question raised I would ask them some questions
instead. For example, when they are learning the pronunciation of the new
words, first I told them that they should read through all the words and mark
those, which were difficult for them. Then they could work in groups and ask
others (either students or teacher) to help them out with those difficult
words. After that they would check their pronunciations one by one. And finally
I checked the pronunciation of each group together with other students and made
corrections. Students were asked to preview the parts before we learned and I
would check how they did through questions and exercises.
(III) Encouragement.
Professor Jean McNiff said: “A good
teacher doesn’t mean he/she teaches well, but can make students know they can
learn well. To make students interested in their learning, first we should make
them aware that they are capable.&
In helping students build up their
self-confidence I used the following ways:
I paid attention to every little progress
each student made, especially towards those who were slow in their learning. I
showed my appreciation of their hard work and progress they made either by
praising them in front of the whole class or through written comments in their
homework. I can’t see anything is wrong with this method, because every time
someone was praised there was a big smile on their face and the other students
threw them admiring glances. When some poorer-attainment students read a word
correctly or answered questions voluntarily I would ask the whole class to
applaud them. During one class period when we were dealing with the exercises,
a girl named Liang Huirong, who always had kept silence in the class before,
answered one question voluntarily for the first time. I praised her and asked
the class to applaud her. Then to my surprise as well as showing gladness she
stood there half way between sitting and standing, waiting to answer the next
question. I also told my students that the times they hold up their hands to do
the practice or exercises, it would be recorded as a part of their final mark.
As the mark concerned them a lot, they became more active. They began to get
used to holding up their hands or standing up to answer questions instead of
shouting together.
Another way I used to build students'
courage was to make them aware that making mistakes can be a learning
experience. I wrote the sentences such as, &Making mistakes doesn't mean
we are stupid, but that we are learning,& on the blackboard, and then
asked them to bear those thoughts in mind when they lacked courage to put up
their hands and answer my questions. And when we later had a group competition
I showed my gratitude to the students who'd voluntarily done the exercise in
front of others. I told my students that it is the courage of those groups of
students who are not afraid of losing face that has helped us to find out more
problems with our learning. It took a long time for students to believe that I
really just wanted to help them to improve through practice and not make them
embarrassed or lose face in front of the whole class.
A Variety of ways in helping the poor
students according to their own characteristics. Every student comes from a
different family, from a different life, family and educational background.
This will inevitably lead, to variations in character. (Liang Hanping,2002: 32).
&As each tree of a different
height has its own right to grow, students also should be treated according to
their individual abilities and their
they should be
treated as individuals.” (Jean McNiff)
Each student, whether of poor achievement
or not, has his or her own sense of identity. They may be slow in their
learning for a variety of reasons. And in my research I found that the reasons
for these three students I chose as my subjects are quite different from each
other. Ma Jie is very intelligent, but also very lazy. He learns everything
very quickly but shows little concern about study. In addition he received a
poor knowledge-foundation in his former learning. So it is not so easy to make
my ways work on him as he was not so concerned about his study and would be
easily depressed by the new content-requirements if he could not get them
easily. Ma Fei is also very clever and was not so bad in his basic knowledge
but seemed to have lost interest in learning. But it is easy to motivate him
because he could be encouraged by the job he had already done. On the other
hand Yu Jinghu is a very hard working student, but very slow either in
imitation-reciting or understanding. It takes a much longer time for him to
read a word correctly and to understand the grammar rules. Therefore the
teaching methods used to help these three students should also be varied. For
Ma Jie pressure can also help to
monitor him to be more active in his learning
besides encouragement. For Ma Fei there should be encouragement as well as
challenge otherwise he will take everything as being too simple for him and he
can assimilate the knowledge very quickly. But for Yu Jinghu only encouragment
will do the work, because he has a self-disciplined attitude to learning.
Emotional teaching. A prominent foreign
language teaching expert said: &Emotion, at least is of the same
importance as that of the skills of learning in foreign language teaching. Even
is of more importance. The cohesion of the
teacher will be of great help for students learning, especially for the poor
students to be better students.’ (Wang Hongda,
2002:47). In my class most of the students who were comparatively poor at
English learning come from very poor and backward rural areas. When we had a
chance to talk with each other, I asked them things about their families,
talked about how hard their parents and families worked in order to enable them
to come to this college. And how hard it is for them to get the chance. We also
talked about self-respect, value of a person and the situation after their
graduation. All these had become power for them to study harder. Also I tried
to spend more time with my students as in doing some labor work. I worked hard
with them, sometimes even do more work than they do. By this I wanted to show
my students that I am a member of the class. I am concerned about the honor of
the class and value it very much. And I think my students understood me because
they worked harder and did the job excellently. There were smiles and laughter
instead of the usual complaints during the work time. These ways also took a
lot of time and energy, but I think it was a very effective way in helping me
to develop a good relationship with the students and to be trusted by them.
This is of great importance according to the NC (New Curriculum). It (see note
at the end for details) states that teachers should be learning assistants,
organizers, counsellors and participators. In order to make students do what
you want them to do, there must be trust and willingness for an active learning
atmosphere. And as many teaching experts believe that a harmornious and
friendly relationship is of great importance to motivate students especially
those who are comparatively poor and help them to learn in a relaxed atmosphere
not a one full of intense.
Varying of teaching methods to make the
teaching become more interesting. Grammar is the most difficult part in my
teaching. Students were easily bored by the rules and my repetition as I
frequently tried to emphasize the points. In order to make these tiresome rules
and practice more interesting, I tried to make up short stories with the rules
we learned. Students were asked to listen to the stories carefully and find out
what was wrong with the grammar. I also tried to make students this method for
grammar: The time before we had grammar class, I asked students to preview the
part we would learn. Then, when we had the class, I gave them 7-10 minutes to
make a review. During that time I wrote some exercises corresponding with the
grammar rules we would learn but in a random order. Then students were asked to
finish the exercises using the rules, bearing them in mind throughout the
preview and review. After that they checked the answers according to the rules
in the textbook and wrote down the rules as well as example sentences used in
the textbook. Finally they were encouraged to work in groups and discuss the
exercises and check their mastery of the grammar. They were able to ask others
about the points they couldn’t understand. Throughout the two-hour class
period, every one worked very hard and none of them fell asleep which had been
a very common phenomenon in grammar teaching classes before. After trying this
method I also asked them to give me a feedback about the method. Only three
students showed it was too difficult for them to understand some of the points
even after the explanation of others. (And later I made this up by work with
the students either in groups or individually.) This way, as I later found out,
is in accordance with the New Curriculum, which requires that learning should
be task-based, knowledge should be learnt by doing not just thinking about it.
In the checking procedure I was amazed at how well the students understood the
rules. Ma Jie, Ma Fei and, Liu Zhibang who was another student who had
difficulty in telling the tense of sentence like &She works in a
factory,& was easily able to explain the reasons for the answers.
In my teaching I reorganized some of the
teaching context according to the students' learning needs. For instance, in
the textbook we were using then more concern was being paid to grammar
learning, only a little to practising oral skills but very little about
listening comprehension. I think students should follow a comprehensive
development-programme in their language learning, which consists not only of
grammar, words and expressions but also their speaking and listening abilities.
Therefore I utilized the dialogue part as listening practice material. Students
were asked to listen to this part without any preview and do the exercises
including statement-judging and question answering. Different types of
exercises were designed for students of different levels. For example statement
judgement or easy questions for the poor ones and slightly more difficult
exercises for the better ones.
Show thankfulness and appreciation to
students. Every time when we had a class meeting or an important occasion, I
never forgot to show my thankfulness and appreciation to my students. I thanked
the group-leaders for their commitment in helping others. I thanked the
students who were on the duty that day for the work they were doing in making
our classroom a more lively and comfortable place to study in. I thanked the
members of the class committee in helping me make the class work more orderly.
I told them each commendation other teachers had given to the class because of
their unity, their spirit of hard work and their unselfishness in helping
others. I went on to thank everyone for the contribution they were making for
our communal achievement. I began to feel that students were becoming aware of
their individual influence on the whole class as well as the class as a whole
becoming a more and more ordered one with little noise during the self-study
courses. Many times when I checked the self study courses at random, the group
members were sitting beside the leaders learning to read new words or discuss
problems. There were fewer complaints by the poorer students about the better
ones for being reluctant to help others which had once been a big problem for
me. And I always heard some leaders say, &We will check text reciting
tonight.& &Please remember to bring your exercise book tonight, we
will have a dictation.& & Did you catch the teacher’s meaning? If not
I will explain it to you.& In this way they have a conducive and positive
learning atmosphere in which to study. And the atmosphere in the class became
more and more friendly and united .
Moral teaching. If a teacher can only
teach students knowledge, I think it is a great loss. ‘One of the ultimate goal
of teaching is to create better citizens for the society,’ (Dr. Moira Laidlaw,
2004). In my teaching I have found that to make the students aware of the value
of hard work, to help each other, and to create a good and a harmonious
learning atomophere, is to help the students become aware of something to do
with the morality of being human. Being unselfish can make them more active in
helping others and do more work for others. Being honest can make them be more
realistic about the work they've done. During the teaching, I gave them topics
such as &What will you do if you were done wrong? &, &What is
real friendship?&, &What is real beauty?& to talk about as oral
practice but more importantly as a chance to teach them the value of being in
the world, the relationship with others and so on. The New Curriculum (2004)
also requires that teaching should also take students' emotional development
into consideration when devising learning programmes.
How can I evaluate what I did?
I am claiming that the situation was
improved in the following ways:
Class performance.
The students became more and more active
in class. Sometimes there were too many students putting up their hands wanting
to answer questions, and it became extremely difficult for me to choose one, as
all them were very eager. In order to get my attention they waved their hands
constantly. Or they just stood up immediately without my asking as the previous
question was being answered by someone else. In addition, some of them became
more and more confident within themselves, it seemed to me. For example, Ma Jie
began to read out the new words we learned loudly. But before this term he was
even reluctant to learn to read new words, because, as he said, &Be afriad
of making mistakes.& He also began to stand up voluntarily to do the oral
practice, which he once said would be impossible for him to do. This also
happened with Ma Fei and Yu Jinghu. And when we practiced some new knowledge
the students were willing to be the first triers, which shows they were no
afraid of making mistakes but wanted to learn from the mistakes they
may make.
On April 25th ,2004 Yu Jinghu really
surprised all the students as well as me. When I asked students to read words,
he put up his hand. But there were more than ten other students who also wanted
to do the job. I chose others instead of him, wondering if he would give up
next time. When we were doing the translation part, I asked students to give
their translation for the passive voice sentence: &Putting a basin of
water outside in
winter, soon it will be covered with ice.&.
The following are the translations of two
of the best students’ attempts and one by a middle-level student:
1) 冬天在房子外面放一盆水,很快就会被冰覆盖。
2) 在冬天的屋外放一盆水,它很快就会被冰覆盖。
All of the three students had problems in
using the translation skill we had learned previously to change passive voice
into active voice. After the three students had given their translation I
offered my
&冬天在屋外放一盆 水,水面很快就会结冰&.
Then I asked a ritual question:
&Anyone else who thinks he have a better one than this.& The usual
answer has always been &No&. But Yu Jinghu stood up and gave us his
answer“冬天在室外放一盆水,水面很快就会结冰.” I think his translation is really superior to mine because &室外&is more
formal than &屋外& and is more suitable in translating something from science
For Yu Jinghu, the boy who used to be
very passive and shy this was really a rich surprise for us.
The group leaders' journal.
Every group leader keeps a weekly journal
about what they did during the week. The journal includes how the group members
performed in their dictation, text-reciting, and in asking questions and
solving problems. In each journal you can read sentences like this: &
..made great progress in dictation this time&, &Our group members
become more and more active in asking questions&, &Everyone in my
group works very hard, and sometimes there were even too many questions for me,
so they went to ask other leaders.&...
Conversation with some students.
More than one time some students came to
talk with me in their spare time. They told me that they felt a lot of pressure
because everyone in the class was working so hard and making such rapid progress
that they were afraid to be left behind. They were so worried that it became
very hard for them to fall asleep! When I asked them about the situation during
self-study time, they told me the whole classroom was not noisy and messy
anymore. They felt there was a lot of things to do, a lot questions to think
about and ask. (I corroborated their words later by checking the class at
random times.) They were no longer at a loss about what to do during this time
period without teacher to monitor them.
One of the important dimensions of
concern in the NC is evaluation. I also take students' self--evaluation as one
of the most important ways to reflect on my teaching. I asked my students to
make a self-evaluation about any changes in their interest in learning,
learning dependency and motivation.
The following scores phases were the
criteria I given them: 1---3 ( very bad); 3----5 (bad/ not so good); 5---7
(good); 7---10 (very good). According to the marks they gave themselves of the
above three aspects in the past and at present respectively, 35 students
thought they made some progress. In another questionnaire I asked students to
write to tell me whether they had developed more interest in learning and
independence within the process. First they were asked to do it anonymously,
and after I collected them all I asked Yu Jinghu and Ma Fie to pick out their
notes. The following is Ma Fei's note:
About learning initiative: Changed from
no before to a lot now.
Interest: Now I am very interested in
English learning.
Yu Jinghu's note:
‘I feel I am much better than last time.
I am making progress though I am still not good at English. Thanks for the
teacher and classmates' help.’
Altogether 35 students think they are
taking more initiative in their learning. And they felt they became more
interested in English learning.
Other colleagues' comments on my class.
I invited Dr. Moira Laidlaw and Li
Peidong, one of the advanced teachers whose research field is Teaching
Methodology, to observe my teaching. In the lesson notes Dr. Moira Laidlaw
&My first impression is that her
class is willing to learn and that there is a very warm atmosphere....
Throughout the two lessons the students were very committed to learning, and
seemed to gain something from the lesson educationally. They seemed to take
responsibility for their learning in the way which they asked questions and you
were subordinating your own ideas to their learning needs. This is very student
And the note of Mr. Li Peidong: Humorous.
All the students are concentrating on their learning except one who paid a
little attention to the teachers observing the class.
What I have learned from AR.
Teaching is a procedure that intimately
involves both the students and teacher together. In doing AR, I became aware
that when there are problems in teaching and learning it is not just because of
the students’ learning abilities, but also the responsibility of the teacher
and the methods s/he employs. AR is a procedure using teacher's self-reflection.
Just as professor Jean McNiff said:
&It is important to help teachers
to make self-improvement so to make students learn better.&
AR is helpful. AR is not easy, and it
takes a lot of time and devotion. AR needs creativity and imagination, it needs
you to take your teaching to heart, to care about each problem. AR needs
sincerity. In the procedure of doing Action Research teaching became clearer
and clearer for me because I became concerned about the educational purpose of
each teaching period.
Just like life itself, we will encounter
troubles and difficulties but also times of happiness and surprises. Just as
life is worth living, AR is worth doing. When I tried the new ways, and kept on
trying, I found that my teaching became wiser, more systematic and more
enjoyable. If I compared my role in my former teaching to a speaker, or a
dancer who dominated the stage myself with my students as the audience who
appreciates or dislikes my performance but have little chance to express
themselves, now I have changed to become an organizer, a director who help the
‘audience’ to be actors and actresses themselves. They do most of the work
themselves, and I have more time to reflect on, and record, what happens in the
class and make an instant evaluation of my teaching. Though I work less during
the class period in speaking, in explaining, during the work after class I now
have a more focused role in making preparations for my class. What do I want my
students to learn this time? Which way would be better for them to learn? How
can I help them to learn?... And after class I believe there should be an
evaluation of the methods used and the learning need in the class as a whole.
Another thing I have learned in doing AR
is that as teachers we should be creative and imaginative. We should think out
various ways and try them out in teaching, as it will help to make the class
more interesting and create more chances for us to improve the teaching.
In my teaching in helping the
comparatively poor students, new problems arose: the better students were less
motivated because of the attention given to the lower achieving students
perhaps. So my next problem is how to teach students differently according to
their different learning needs.
References and Additional Resources
1. Diane Larsen-Freeman, 2003. Techniques
and principles in language Teaching. Oxford university.
2. Liang Hanping, 3rd, 2002.中学英语教学中在大班条件下如何兼顾个体差异
Language Teaching and Research in Basic Education.
3. Li Weihang, 9th, 2002. 外语学习焦虑与以学生为中心的教学 。Foreign Language
Teaching and Research in Basic Education.
4. Pan Hongying , 6th , 2002 . 论英语教学中怎样建立和维护学生的安全感。Foreign
Language Teaching and Research in Basic Education.
5. Wang Hongda, 9th, 2002. 谈谈教师的亲和力—— 由带学生逛街所
想到的。Foreign Language
Teaching and Research in Basic Education.
6) The New Curriculum for the Teaching of
English, (2004), Beijing Normal University.


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