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#1 命运和宿命是紧紧连接在一起的没有人可以改变命运以及宿命1 Fate and destiny are tightly connected together, no one can change them作者用了symbolism去描写命运以及宿命的主题,命运以及宿命是早已经安排好的.在电影中一开始时我们可以看见一个少年冷漠的眼神,看起来有些不寒而栗和神秘.他的眼神看起来彷佛已经了解自己的命运他和其他的孩子被武装分子压著剃头发,这个象徵著与童年的生活道别,等待他们的是战斗以及战争廝杀,电影从这个孩子的眼神和脚後跟开始了.这个孩子脚後跟上面有三个黑点而这三个黑点也可以象徵命运的暗示以及身分,也就是主角儿子的三个身分父亲哥哥以及虐待者.The author used symbolism to portray fate and destiny and destiny as the main theme. Fate and destiny are already arranged. In the beginning of the movie, we could see a youth’s Indifferent eyes, which made you shiver and feeling mysterious. The way he looks seemed that he already understood his own fate. When he was compelled to have his hair shaved with the other children, it symbolized saying farewell to his childhood life. Only fighting and battle were waiting for him. The movie started from the expression of this child’s eyes and his heels. There were three black dots on one of his heels.
These three black dots can be the symbol of his fate and status, also the leading character’s three different identities: a father, an elder brother and a torturer.导演用了flashback 去带出有关命运以及宿命的线索,母亲奇怪的遗嘱让jeanny和simon开始了对母亲过去漫长的探索.在这部电影中,不能忽略的是宗教冲突和战争使人性变得荒芜.狭隘的种族思想使主角失去了爱人.我们可以看见这个孩子的出生就是一种耻辱.The movie director used the flash back technique to bring out clues of fate and destiny. A strange will of their mother started off Jeany and Simon’s long exploration of their mother’s past. In this movie, we cannot ignore the conflicts between religions, which had driven humans to become desolate. Narrow Ethnic thoughts lead to a love loss on mankind of the main character. We could see the birth of this child was already a disgrace.
影片中我们会发现主角母亲和他儿子都读过同样一所大学,也在同样一所监狱里呆过,只是读完大学後,母亲成了革命者,而儿子成了反动者,在监狱的时候,母亲是受虐者,而儿子是施虐者.命运把他们紧紧牵连在一起.In the movie we know that the mother (main character) and her son were both educated in the same university, also had spent time in prisons before. The only difference was that the mother had become a revolutionist and his son was a rebel. When in prison, the mother was being tortured but the son was a torturer. Fate had connected them together.在电影中主角母亲在去营地寻找儿子的途中,遇到了迎面驶来的Muselim难民的车.我们可以看到主角迅速解下胸前的十字架,在头上包上纱巾,成为一位Muselim妇女的形像,不仅仅是主角的机智,更多的是宗教的冲突让其变得无可奈何.而主角母亲毫不犹豫解下的十字架,是象徵著她对宗教之外的母性的热情,她得用一切办法去寻找儿子.In the movie, when the mother was on her way to the camp looking for her son. She met with a Muslim refugees’ truck coming from the opposite direction and we could see that she quickly took off the cross from her chest and wrapped up her head with a scarf to become a Muslim woman. She was not just quick witted but she also realized that the conflicts between religions had become helpless for her. She took off her cross without any hesitation,which had showed that she possessed the love of a mother outside of religion. She would do whatever it takes in order to find her son. 後来Muselim难民的车遇到基督教民兵,统统被後者枪杀,最後还在车身浇上汽油,後来她再一次举出了十字架,说自己是基督教徒,然後捡回一条命,这个片段带出主角母亲心境开始大转变转变成Muselim组织的卧底暗杀了基督教的领袖.而因为这样而坐了十五年的牢而因为这样的转变更发展出命运以及宿命的主题.Later, when the Muslim refugees’ truck met with the Christian militias, they were shot by the latter. When they were pouring petrol on the truck, she had to hold up her cross again and said she was a Christian, which had saved her life. From this clip of the film, the mother’s thought went through a great transformation. She had transformed herself into a Muslim groups’ mole and had assassinated the leader of Christians. For that, she went to jail for 15 years. And from such a transformation, the theme of fate and destiny had developed even more in the movie.是什麼事物可以让原本亲密的血缘关系在真相的遮蔽下荡然无存,走向截然相反的状态?是宿命,个人的演变,历史,战争还是宗教呢?What exactly was the cause to make intimate relationships under the hidden truth to disappear completely and ended up in a totally opposite state? Was it fate, personal change, history, wars or religion?命运以及宿命会带出人生中不一样的发展,命运以及宿命一切都是咎由自取.Fate and destiny lead to different development of our life. And fate, destiny and everything are all just self-inflicted.#2作者用了说明去描写命运以及宿命的主题2 The author used a narration to portray the theme of fate and destiny在戏剧中克里昂的命运早已注定好是悲剧了.给个例子,creon在Oedipus垮台之後取得了王位,Oedipus的一个儿子Eteocles为保护城邦而献身,而另一个儿子波里尼可斯却背叛城邦,勾结外邦进攻底比斯而战死.In this drama, Creon’s fate had long bound to be a tragedy. For instance, after the downfall of Oedipus, Creon had claimed the throne. One of Oedipus’ son Eteocles died defending the city state. Another son Pollinicus had betrayed the city state and had joined the other foreign state. He died attacking Thebes. 战後,克瑞翁给厄忒俄克勒斯举行了盛大的葬礼,而将波里尼可斯暴屍田野.克瑞翁下令,谁埋葬波里尼可斯就处以死刑,波里尼可斯的妹妹安提戈涅毅然以遵循,“天条”为由埋葬了她哥哥,於是她被creon下令处死.与此同时,creon遇到了一个占卜者,说他冒犯了诸神.creon後悔了,去救Antigone时,她已死去了.creon的儿子,也是Antigone的未婚夫,站出来攻击creon而後自杀,creon的妻子听说儿子已死,也责备creon而後自杀.creon这才认识到是自己一手酿成了悲剧.After the war, Creon held a great funeral for Eteocles and left the body of Pollinicus to rot in the field. Creon gave an order that whoever buried Pollinicus
would be executed. But Pollinicus’ sister Antigone had disobeyed the order. She buried her brother for the reason of the dogma. Therefore she was executed by Creon. At the very same time, Creon met a fortuneteller, who told him that he had offended the gods. Creon was regretted that he went to save Antigone’s life but it was too late. She was already dead. Creon’s son, who was also Antigone’s fiancé stood up to attack Creon and then suicide. When his wife had heard that his son was dead, she also criticised Creon and also suicide. Creon started to realize that all the tragedies were caused by him single-handedly.
最後,克瑞翁终於意识到,千万不要犯不敬神的罪,“凡人都逃不了注定的灾难,因为她偏激的想法导致悲剧命运的发生.在这部戏剧中,creon拥有最大的权力,并确定著法律;安提戈涅是被克里昂统治之下的弱者,creon忠诚於他的国家;Antigone虽是一位女性,但她勇敢反抗权威,信仰神明,热爱她的家人和兄弟.Creon finally realized that gods must not be offended. No mortals could escape from destined calamities, because of his radical thoughts, which had caused all the tragedies to happen. In this drama, Creon had the ultimate power and could set the law. Antigone was one of the weak under the rule of Creon. Creon was loyal to his country and although Antigone was a woman, she bravely rebelled against the authority. She believed in gods. She loved her family and brothers.但是,他们都有各自的性格缺陷,这是造成他们悲剧人生的原因之一,克里昂狭隘,而安提戈涅总是有男子气概.他们的悲剧是如此惊心动魄,展现了人性中不可避免的个性弱点、嫉妒、坚持等,这使得他们作出错误的决策,并最终导致悲剧.坚持己见一直被认为是人面对困难时的一种美好品德,但极端的坚持己见却会给人们带来致命後果的性格缺陷.creon与Antigone都非常坚持.creon坚持他的命令不应该受到质疑和国家利益的最高性,而Antigone坚持宗教法高於人的法律.However, they both had flaws in their characters, which was the reasons that had caused the tragedy. Creon was narrow-minded and Antigone always had the masculinity. Their tragedy was so terrifying that had developed the unavoidable character flaws, jealousy, stubbornness and so on conflicts, which had caused them to make decision mistakes and eventually lead to the tragedy to happen. To stand one’s ground when facing with difficulties has long been regarded as a good virtue, but the extreme of standing one’s ground could also lead to fatal consequence and become a character flaw.
Both Creon and Antigone were such persons. Creon insisted on his order mustn’t be doubted and were for the country’s best interest. And Antigone was insisted on religion should be on top of the law.
谢谢你啊那另一题也麻烦了 (鞠躬)
# 1 fate and destiny are closely linked together No one can change your fate and destinyThe author USES symbolism to describe the theme of fate and destinyFate and destiny is already arrange...
#1 命运和宿命是紧紧连接在一起的 没有人可以改变命运以及宿命1)Fate and Destiny are closely intertwined. There is no one that can ever change Fate and Destiny.The author employs the use of symbolism to illustrate the the...
太难了。(百度翻译)Start in the film one when we can see a juvenile cold eyes, looked a little shiver all over though not cold andmysterious.His eyes seemed to have understood my destinyHe and t...
thank you for your busy schedule to read my material itself一篇完整的自 荐 信 尊敬的领导:首先感谢您在百忙之中阅读我的自荐材料,并祝愿贵公司事业蒸蒸日上!我是河南省安阳工学院外语系的一名学生,我叫韩丽苗,经过两年的学习和锻炼,我将于明年七月完成大学学业,真正步入社会,开始人生路上的新一段征程.这两年来,我始终以“天道酬勤”自励,积极进取,立足扎实的专业基础,对专业求广度,求深度.在校领导和老师的引导下,我努力学好专业知识,训练专业技能,在基本能够运用英语自如地听、说 、读、写的基础上,我还涉猎了中文方面的书籍,爱好的同时也扩充了视野.除了外语,我还对中文写作特别感兴趣.曾经在中学生《语文报》上发表过文章,而且是多家杂志社的专业通讯员.唱歌同样也是我的爱好,在学校举办的歌唱比赛中,我曾多次入围.我知道缺乏经验是我的不足,但我拥有饱满的热情,坚定的信心以及“干一行爱一行”的决心和敬业精神.在这个竞争日益激烈的时代,人才济济,我不一定是最好的,但我仍然自信,我相信“机会只垂青于有准备的头脑.” 尊敬的领导,相信您伯乐的慧眼,相信我的实力,我的真诚.“给我一个舞台,送您一台好戏,”这是我的承诺也是我决心.我愿一倾文思韬略,为您效力!此致 敬礼!自荐人:韩丽苗 日 Distinguished leadership:Hello!First of all,thank you for your busy schedule to read my material itself,and wish you every success cause!I am in Anyang,Henan Province Department of Foreign Languages Institute of Technology,a student,I called Han Miao,after two years of study and training,I will be in July next year to complete their university studies,into a real community,to start a new life on the road for a journey.Over the past two years,I always "Tiandaochouqin" self-encouragement and positive,based on a solid foundation for professional,seek professional breadth,and depth.School leaders and teachers under the guidance of my efforts to learn professional knowledge,professional skills training in basic English to use and free listening,speaking,reading and writing on the basis of,I covered the Chinese books,as well as loving Expanded field of vision.In addition to foreign language,I am also particularly interested in Chinese writing.Secondary school students in the "language",published articles,but also a number of professional magazine correspondent.I also sing of love,the school held singing contests,I have said many times short-listed.I know that my lack of experience is enough,but I have the enthusiasm,confidence,as well as "dry and his love for his" determination and dedication.In this increasingly competitive era,many talented people,I may not be the best,but I am still confident,I believe that the "only tend to have the opportunity to prepare the minds." Distinguished leadership,you believe that the horses of the eye,I believe that the strength of my sincerity."Give me a stage to give you a good show," This is my commitment to my determination.I would like to dump a Taolue Evans,for the effect you!Sincerely Salute!Who put themselves forward:Han Miao December 3,2008
thank you for spare your precious time to read my letter of myself recommendation.


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