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【雅虎】人质妈妈恳求日本领导人:请解救健二-翻译版块 -
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TOKYO (AP) — The mother of a Japanese hostage held by Islamic State group extremists appealed publicly Wednesday to Japan's leader to save her son after his captors purportedly issued what they said was a final death threat.
Junko Ishido, mother of journalist Kenji Goto, read to reporters her plea to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, which she said she sent after both Abe and the main government spokesmen declined to meet with her because their schedules were full.
&Please save Kenji's life,& Ishido said, begging Abe to work with the Jordanian government until the very end to try to save Goto.
&Kenji has only a little time left,& she said.
The effort to free Goto and Jordanian pilot Lt. Mu'ath al-Kaseasbeh gained urgency with the release of an apparent ultimatum late Tuesday from the Islamic State group.
In the message, the extremists say the two hostages will be killed within 24 hours — late Wednesday night Japan time — unless Jordan frees Sajida al-Rishawi, an Iraqi woman sentenced to death in Jordan for her involvement in a 2005 terrorist attack on a hotel that killed 60 people.
Abe earlier expressed outrage at the latest threat, as secret talks in Jordan sought the release of the man and a Jordanian pilot also being held hostage.
&This was an extremely despicable act and we feel strong indignation. We strongly condemn that,& Abe said. &While this is a tough situation, we remain unchanged in our stance of seeking help from the Jordanian government in securing the early release of Mr. Goto.&
A government spokesman, asked about the message, said there was no reason to believe the video was not authentic.
&I think the Jordanian government would respond on their own,& said Katsunobu Kato, a deputy chief cabinet secretary.
In Jordan, the pilot's father, Safi al-Kaseasbeh, beseeched the government &to meet the demands& of the Islamic State group.
&All people must know, from the head of the regime to everybody else, that the safety of Mu'ath means the stability of Jordan, and the death of Mu'ath means chaos in Jordan,& he told The Associated Press.
About 200 of the pilot's relatives protested outside the prime minister's office in the Jordanian capital of Amman, chanting anti-government slogans and urging that it meet the captors' demands.
A member of Jordan's parliament said the country was in indirect talks with the militants to secure the hostages' release. Bassam Al-Manasseer, chairman of the foreign affairs committee, told Bloomberg News the negotiations are taking place through religious and tribal leaders in Iraq, adding that Jordan and Japan won't negotiate directly with the Islamic State group and won't free al-Rishawi in exchange for Goto only.
A prisoner exchange would be contrary to the policy of Jordan's main ally, the U.S., which opposes negotiating with extremists. Manaseer's comments were the strongest suggestion yet that Japan and Jordan might be open to a prisoner exchange.
Japan's Deputy Foreign Minister Yasuhide Nakayama was in Amman to coordinate hostage-release efforts with Jordan, but refused comment on details of the talks early Wednesday.
The militants reportedly killed one Japanese hostage, Haruna Yukawa, and the crisis has stunned Japan.
Although many in Japan are critical of the two men for going to Syria, Goto's friends and supporters have launched a social media campaign calling for his release.
Tuesday's video resembled a message released over the weekend that purportedly withdrew a demand for $200 million in ransom for Goto and Yukawa made in an earlier message.
The AP could not independently verify the videos released Saturday and Tuesday. They lack the logo of the Islamic State group's al-Furqan media arm. But some militant websites affiliated with the Islamic State group referenced the latest video and posted links to it Tuesday.
The latest message condemns Jordan for not releasing al-Rishawi, saying that unless she is freed within 24 hours, the pilot, followed by Goto, will be killed. It says it is the group's last message.
&I have only 24 hours left to live and the pilot has even less,& says the audio.
Messages from other Western hostages held by the group have been read by the captives on camera and it is unclear why the group released only a recording and still picture.
Mu'ath al-Kaseasbeh, 26, was seized after his Jordanian F-16 crashed near the Islamic State group's de facto capital of Raqqa in December. He is the first foreign military pilot they have captured since a U.S.-led coalition that includes Jordan began its aerial campaign against the Islamic State group in August.
This is the first time that the group has publicly demanded the release of prisoners in exchange for hostages. Previous captives may have been released in exchange for ransom, although the governments involved have refused to confirm any payments were made.
Goto, a freelance journalist, was caught in October in Syria, apparently while trying to rescue Yukawa, 42, who was taken hostage last summer.
Securing the release of al-Rishawi would be a major propaganda coup for the Islamic State and would allow the group to reaffirm its links to al-Qaida in Iraq.
The mother of another Jordanian prisoner, Ziad al-Karboli, said her family was told the Islamic State group also wants his release as part of a swap, but it is unclear if that was related to a possible deal involving the Japanese hostage.
Al-Karboli, an aide to a former al-Qaida leader in Iraq, was sentenced to death in 2008 for killing a Jordanian citizen.
东京(美联社)——被伊斯兰国极端分子绑架的日本人质的母亲,在绑架者发布最后通牒后,于星期三公开求助于日本的领导人拯救她的儿子。Junko Ishido,记者 Kenji Goto的母亲,给记者看了她给首相安倍晋三的请求信,她说安倍和主要的政府发言人拒绝会见她因为他们的日程都满了。“请救救健的生命,“Junko Ishido说,乞求安倍与约旦政府协作解救Goto到底。“Kenji只剩下一点时间了,”她说。
随着周二伊斯兰国武装集团发布最后通牒,解救Kenji和约旦飞行员mu'ath kaseasbeh Al变得紧迫。在消息中,极端分子说两名人质将在24小时内被撕票——日本时间周三晚上——除非约旦释放萨吉达Al rishawi。一名伊拉克妇女,其因参与2005年恐怖袭击酒店,造成60人死亡,在约旦被判处死刑。
安倍晋三早些时候表示愤慨的新威胁,与此同时,寻求人质释放的秘密会谈在约旦举行。“这是非常卑鄙的行为,我们感到强烈的愤慨。我们强烈谴责,”他说。”虽然这是一个艰难的处境,我们从约旦政府寻求帮助以保障 Goto先生早日释放的立场不变。”政府发言人在询问消息后,说没有理由相信视频是不可信的。“我认为,约旦政府将有自己的回应,”katsunobu加藤说,一个内阁官房副长官。
在约旦,飞行员的父亲,萨菲Al kaseasbeh,恳求政府答应伊斯兰国武装的要求。“所有的人必须知道,从政权首脑到每个人,mu'ath的安全意味着约旦稳定,而其死亡意味着约旦的混乱,“他告诉美联社。约200的飞行员的家属在约旦首都安曼的总理办公室外抗议,高呼反政府口号,要求它满足绑架者的要求。约旦的国会议员说,约旦在与武装分子间接谈判以确保人质释放。Bassam Al-Manasseer,外交事务委员会的主席,告诉彭博新闻社谈判通过在伊拉克的宗教和部落领袖,并补充约旦和日本不会直接与伊斯兰国武装集团谈判,也不会释放Al rishawi只换取goto。交换战俘是约旦与其主要盟友美国的政策相违的地方,美国反对与极端分子谈判。而manaseer的意见是至今最为强烈的建议,称日本和约旦可以进行战俘交换。日本外交部副部长yasuhide Nakayama在安曼与约旦协调释放人质的努力,但拒绝对星期三的会谈细节发表评论。
据报道,日本人质的武装分子杀害榛名后,危机震惊了日本。虽然许多日本人批评两人去叙利亚,但Goto的朋友和支持者发动社会媒体宣传呼吁释放他。星期二的视频与上周末公布的通告——称收回上次通告中赎回Goto 和 Yukawa 需二百万美元的要求——相似。美联社无法独立核实星期六和星期二发布的视频。它们缺少伊斯兰国Al Furqan媒体的logo。但一些隶属于伊斯兰国集团的激进网站在周二引用了最新的视频并附上链接。最新消息谴责了约旦不释放Al rishawi,说除非她在24小时内被释放后,飞行员,紧接着是 Goto,会被杀死的,还称这是是集团的最后一条通告。
“我只剩下24小时生命而飞行员甚至更少,”音频中称。其他被劫持的西方人质的通告已由相机拍摄,目前还不清楚为什么该集团只公布了记录静止图像和音频。kaseasbeh mu'ath,26岁,他的约旦F-16战斗机十二月份坠毁在伊斯兰国家集团的事实上的首都拉卡附近,之后被抓。他是自美国主导的联盟(包含约旦在八月开始的对抗伊斯兰国的空中战役)成立以来第一个被抓的外国军队飞行员。这是该集团公开要求人质换战俘的第一次。以前的人可能已经通过赎金释放,尽管相关政府拒绝承认付款。goto,自由撰稿人,似乎是在试图救援Yukawa,42岁,去年夏天被劫持的时候十月在叙利亚被捕。
确保Al rishawi释放将是伊斯兰国家的重大宣传政策改变,将使该集团重申其与伊拉克基地组织的联系。另一个约旦囚犯的母亲,Ziad Al karboli,说她的家人被告知伊斯兰国也将他的释放作为交换的一部分,但目前尚不清楚该交易是否与日本人质相关。Al karboli,一名前基地组织领导人的助手,在2008年因杀了一个约旦公民判处死刑。
Flash Cadillac 2 days ago 58踩 153 赞
I'm sorry, but 1000 random muslims should be executed every time ISIS kills a hostage. Your religion should police their own people.
SHARON 2 days ago 4踩 145赞
How can one people be filled with so much hate? How can the leaders of the world allow these people to continue? The #$%$ were the same. Is this history repeating itself? IS is on a much smaller scale yes, but for how long? When will these murdering #$%$ elect to enlarge their scope of terror? Any day now because no one does anything about it. Give them what they want hell - give them what they deserve and do it soon. The world is watching.
Carol 2 days ago 29踩 46 赞
Obama has sat on his hands while ISIS took over the middle east. Obama has squandered all gains from Iraq and Afghanistan. He has ruined our country.
Stateside, Obama has crippled our economy. Everybody I know is either out of work or under-employed. And our expenses keep rising. My health insurance is now up to $400/month. Before the government touched it, it was $250/month! My auto insurance, which the government has yet to ruin, is thankfully only $24/month (from Insurance Panda). Please, Obama! Don’t try to socialize ANYTHING ELSE!
With everything Obama touches now in shambles, Barry needs a new hobby.
Obama's Arab Spring is still spiraling out of control with the ISIS… we have Hamas rocket attacks on Israel… Boko Harum is selling school girls as slaves…. and Iran is building atomic bombs with Obama lifting sanctions.
When is America (and Europe) going to wake up? Islam belongs in the middle east.
当Isis席卷中东的时候奥巴马只顾自己的利益。他浪费光了从伊拉克和阿富汗得来的成果。他毁了我们的国家。在国内,他搞残了我们的经济。我认识的人不是事业就是未充分就业。我们的花费持续上升。我的健康保险涨到了每月400美元,在政府染指这一块前才每月250美元!我的汽车保险(现在政府又要来搞破坏了)辛亏才每月24美元(来自Insurance Panda)。噢,求你了,奥巴马,别再碰任何东西了!奥巴马碰过的任何东西现在都是一片混乱。巴里需要一个新爱好。奥巴马的阿拉伯之春由于Isis依旧失去控制。。。在以色列有巴哈马导弹袭击。。。Boko Harum 把女学生作为奴隶交易。。。伊朗不顾奥巴马加大制裁依然建造原子弹。什么时候美国(和欧洲)才能醒来呢?伊斯兰属于中东。
Susan P 2 days ago 3踩 93 赞
By its recent actions, the Islamic State is uniting the world against it, unwittingly creating an extremely powerful coalition. Now, what to do? Will the populous of the planet sit by and allow this to continue, or will it take firmly aggressive action to make it stop? Is putting an end to the terror even possible at this point, and if so, how do we do it? The answer can't be, &Just go over there and bomb the hell out of everything!&, because this problem is not just, &over there&, as we know. This is becoming a world wide epidemic, so what to do?
Hopethrugod 2 days ago 3踩 50 赞
The Teachings of Muhammed vs the Teachings of Jesus: (from the website ShariaUnveilved)
Muhammad said Allah hates those who don’t accept Islam. (Qur’an 30:4, 3:32, 22:38’0
Jesus said God loves everyone. (John 3:16)
Muhammad said “I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is the messenger ofAllah.” (Muslim 1:33)
Jesus said “He who lives by the sword will die by the sword” (Matthew 26:52)
Muhammad stoned women for adultery. (Sahih Muslim 4206)
Jesus said “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” (John 8:7)
Muhammad permitted stealing from unbelievers (Bukhan 44:668, Ibn Ishaq 764)
Jesus said “Thou shalt not steal” (Matthew 19:18)
Muhammad permitted lying (Sahih Muslim 6303, Bukhari 49:857)
Jesus said “Thou shalt not bear false witness.” (Matthew 19:18)
Muhammad owned and traded slaves (Sahih Muslim 3901)
Jesus neither owned nor traded slaves.
Muhammad murdered those who insulted him. (Bukhari 56:369, 4:241)
Jesus preached forgiveness.
Muhammad said “If then anyone transgresses the prohibition against you, transgress ye likewise against him.” (Qur’an 2:194)
Jesus said “If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.” (Matthew 5:39)
Muhammad said “Jihad in the way of Allah elevates one’s position in Paradise by a hundred fold.” (Muslim 4645)
Jesus said “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called Sons of God.” (Matthew 5:9)
Muhammad married 13 wives and kept sex slaves. (Bukhari 5:268, Qur’an 33:50)
Jesus was celibate.
Muhammad had sex with a 9 year old child. (Sahih Muslim 3309, Bukhari 58:236)
Jesus did not have sex with children.
Muhammad ordered the murder of women. (Ibn Ishaq 819, 995)
Jesus never harmed a woman.
Muhammad said “O you who believe! Fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness.” (Qur’an 3:110)
Jesus said “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth.” (Matthew 5:5)
Muhammad ordered 65 military campaigns and raids in his last 10 years. (Ibn Ishaq)
Jesus ordered no military campaigns, nor offered any approval of war or violence.
Muhammad killed captives taken in battle. (Ibn Ishaq 451)
Jesus never killed anyone.
Muhammad encouraged his men to rape enslaved women. (Abu Dawud 2150, Qur’an 4:24)
Jesus n never enslaved women.
Muhammad was never tortured, but tortured others. (Muslim 4131, Ibn Ishaq 436, 595, 734, 764)
Jesus suffered torture, but never tortured anyone.
Muhammad said “And fight them until there is no more persecution and religion is only for Allah.” (Qur’an 8:39)
Jesus said “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” (Matthew 5:44)
Muhammad ordered a slave to build the very pulpit from which he preached Islam. (Bukhari 47:743)
Jesus washed his disciples feet. (John 13:5)
Muhammad demanded the protection of armed bodyguards, even in a house of worship. (Qur’an 4:102)
Jesus chastised anyone attempting to defend him with force. (John 18:10-12)
Muhammad advocated crucifying others. (Qur’an 5:33, Muslim 16:4131)
Jesus was crucified himself.
Muhammad, according to his followers, had others give their lives for him. (Sahih Muslim 4413)
Jesus, according to his followers, gave his life for others. (John 18:11 and elsewhere)
And this pretty much sums it up with nothing more to be said. ... Any questions?
Carolyn 2 days ago 4 踩52 赞
&A majority of Jordanians are Muslim, about 92% are Sunni Muslim, and 1% are Shia or Sufi&, from an article on the internet. These people should know you can't negotiate with terrorists, no matter how much a mother cries, IS has no respect for the life of anyone. They have murdered CHILDREN, slit their throats, shot them down, why would you release a convicted murderer back into the arms of her buddies?? No, I'm not the mother of these men, I'm not related to them in any way, I can be cold towards their loss of life, I know the pain I lived through when I buried my husband. I know the sense of loss, of helplessness, there wasn't enough money in the world to heal him, I had to give him permission to leave me. I understand their pain, it is a pain only God can walk us through. I sincerely hope this isn't a game, this men are really still alive, there is much too lose if not.
C 2 days ago 4 踩44 赞
It is a certain fact that not all muslims are terrorists, but it is equally certain, that almost all terrorists are muslims. What a pathetic record. What an abominable &achievement& for muslims and islam. Does all this tell us anything about muslims, their societies and their culture that is based on islam? The images of the depravity of the terrorists, when put together, or taken separately, are shameful and degrading. It is time to put an end to a history of denial. Let us acknowledge the reality, instead of denying it, that terrorism is an almost exclusive muslim enterprise and it is shameful. muslims want to tell us that islam is a religion of mercy and peace but what we see in reality is that islam is an ideology of blood and slaughter. Religion must be a haven of peace, and the voice of religion should be that of peace and reconciliation. Religious sermons should be warm behests for a moral order and an ethical life. But islam has corrupted religion turning a peaceful message into one of death, murder and depravity. The civilized world cannot tolerate in our midst those who kidnap journalists, murder innocent civilians, explode buses, behe we cannot accept these acts perpetrated by muslims. Whatever muslims falsely claim there is nothing that justifies their murders and crimes against humanity. Furthermore, muslims cannot clear their names unless they own up to the shameful fact that terrorism has become a veritabl an almost exclusive monopoly, implemented by muslim men and women. That is the stark reality and I have serious doubts that will ever change!
Arthur 2 days ago 2踩 42赞
you morons Don't get it do you. They need money to keep their fight going. They don not care about the hostage. The only thing these animals need is extermination world wide. They have succeeded in #$%$ on most every country in the world so why not unite one time and destroy this disease. Otherwise they will keep doing what they want and your son or daughter could be next. Do you really want to bury your own kin because you did nothing?
Mick 2 days ago 2踩 66 赞
Don't these murderers realize that these beheadings are turning the whole world against them. They will never be able to have a Islamic State because of the hatred they have built up against them by civilized people and they will be destroyed no matter how long it takes. The more beheadings or murdering they do will only bring more fury against them and lead to their demise. THE WORLD WILL REJOICE WHEN THE LAST ONE OF THESE KILLERS CEASE TO EXIST.
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民调显示 日本民众只有18.8%赞成支付赎金 而不赞成的比例达到67.3%
我想 这位妈妈还是赶快想想怎么向全日本社会道歉并反省自己的儿子是如何的给大家添麻烦了吧
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flyan 发表于
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& && &塔利班和现在的ISIS有没有什么关系? ISIS的前身是什么组织,他们为了什么而战?
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无饼呻吟 发表于
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改变是历史必然 发表于
借个机会,我问一句,刚才搜索了一下还有大概一百多中国人没有离开叙利亚,其中有不少留学生,如果他们中有 ...
  【中国大地震】死者10億人超 ?????????????( ??? )
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小澤犹沐风 发表于
& && &塔利班和现在的ISIS有没有什么关系? ISIS的前身是什么组织,他们为了什么而战?
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小澤犹沐风 发表于
& && &塔利班和现在的ISIS有没有什么关系? ISIS的前身是什么组织,他们为了什么而战?


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