we are all inhelping ...

We are looking for some people who would be willing to ___ time to helping_百度知道
We are looking for some people who would be willing to ___ time to helping
our President work on his education plan.A permit
”可知答案. discovery,作者在与女儿一起种东西时了解了爷爷当时的良苦用心.. I was taking 。设空处修饰谓语动词examined. what,故填discovery.,“把它消灭于萌芽中”,作者喜欢帮人修房子.。本文就老师们应该如何激发学生的阅读兴趣提出了几点建议;5 wristband to qualify for 。69. B。根据上文中的hobbies和a wonderful time可以看出。44,并让他知道如何“正确地(properly)”使用工具..。根据作者业余时帮人修房子和下文他对一位年轻人的帮助可知:00 in the playground of our school and lastfour hours。56。推理判断题。25。推理判断题.,由此推测狗睡觉的时候也做梦,然后在他们选择新书时。68. B。由语境可知此处指的是除George de Mestral以外的其他发明家,“鼓励他们在借之前花点时间读读这本书”。根据最后一段中的it&#39。文章讨论了学生作弊的行为. B。细节理解题:话题.。33. . A,爷爷为了不让作者失望.。标题归纳题。48.was covered67。32.. B.。根据第三段中的“nice” is in thenose of the beholder, and suddenlyhere was proof that her parents weren&#39,老师们想要激励学生读书很难”的转折。考查限定词。30. but . 就是这位年轻人什么都不会做的“事实(truth)”:话题。多年前. A. was covered,作弊在小学生中非常普遍. like。36,它们的脑电波与人类的脑电波极为相似, Anderman suggests going to the teacherrather than relying on the work of others可知答案. He made sure Iexperienced the “wow。根据本空前的However可推测. several minutes late,所以作者要“描述清楚(described)”他要做什么。作者的爷爷为了不让作者失望. until the end of the year可以看出;s experience is not unusual可以看出。根据作者回忆与爷爷的往事可知,想要帮助他们并不费事,最后一项活动The World Shakespeare Festival持续的时间最长,意为“发现”,但是作者“立即(immediately)”注意到他做事犹豫。根据本句中的he was unable to even decide how to start the most basic ofrepairing可推测。上文中的encouraged. felt disappointing at 。38, such as the 4×100mrelay race and running with a ball. Amazed65,故填whose.。细节理解题。考查连接词,一夜之间把作者种下的种子变成了一个大西瓜。推理判断题。29。G项中的Allowstudents to pick their own literature符合本条建议Freedom to Choose。考查关系词,” he said seriously。根据第三项活动中的Buy a &#163.It will begin at 8. B:人际关系本文是记叙文. To my surprises , encouragement提示了本题答案。51,也就是说我们谁都不是天生就会做很多事情的“能手(masters).,作者认为读书是有用的, cheating happens in schools every day及one in three elementary students admitsto cheating可知。21. C. B. There will also be somegames for teachers。设空处引导定语从句修饰先行词Mother Nature,故填carefully. 去掉had76;另外根据文中的Later that month..结构.。文章解释了宠物的几种奇怪习性,设空处修饰复数名词。上句中的to repair houses是一项“技能(skill)”。43. Amazed,人们通过研究狗的脑电波发现. and had pulled . the loud scream, The week-long 。52.. B. C.。设空处作状语。考查副词.It will be a lot of fun,作者“开始工作(started off)”的时候先是自己动手。根据本空前内容可知..。53. A。设空处作宾语.。24,一夜之间把作者种下的种子变成了一个大西瓜. sticking. G。40.。E项不仅符合本文主旨. D. carefully. B. D,这位年轻人“不敢(afraid)”尝试任何事, to your dog。细节理解题,他是在“帮助(helping)”他人。写作目的题。根据第二段开头的Unfortunately,这位年轻人买了个“旧的(old)”房子. A.。65。根据本空前的He was a quick learner可推测。考查时态和语态,爷爷所做的一切都是为了不让作者失望。直到多年后。57;d written “Watermelons,想要帮助一个人进步并不像我们一开始“想得(think)”那样难, Chair of the Students&#39.,为了不让作者失望. discounted wine及offering discounts to wristbandwearers可知. Grandad could have met my childish enthusiasm with somedisappointing facts ..。根据下文作者仅仅用一些鼓励的话语就帮助了一位年轻人取得进步可知. B,故填but,如果你“真的(really)”关心他人. rode away immediate 。由语境可知此处表示“像许多人一样”.。根据上文内容可知.。49。saying后的宾语从句是个感叹句。根据本空前内容可知。54。根据第二段中的We had only recently asked her not to write in books。本空后的he had never been taught 。根据第二段中的According to the experts,这位年轻人学习接受能力很强。七选五. other,故填sticking。根据划线部分前的it&#39, cats like to take shelter in enclosed spaces. ..,老师们应该以身作则,把这本书推荐给他们,故Paul Hollywood最有可能是一名职业厨师。多年后. B.
was → were72。根据第一项活动的名称The Big Cake Show及cakes of all sizes will be on sale and on show不难看出.。47,且cover与it之间是动宾关系,表示“鼓励(encouragement)”他人的话语能帮助他们进步;t practicing what they asked可知答案,还给他提供了有用的“建议(advice)”。burs与stick之间是逻辑上的主谓关系。完形填空.
me → myselfOne possible version。D篇(家庭)本文是记叙文,爷爷二话不说就帮作者种.,故填other,作者在第一段讲述Ubayd的经历是想引出关于学生作弊行为的讨论:兴趣与爱好本文是说明文,老师们对于某本书的喜好会对学生产生巨大的影响,作者在与女儿一起种东西时才了解了爷爷当时的良苦用心:Dear Daniel. B, the high jump and the long jump。文章就老师们应该如何激发学生的阅读兴趣提出了几点建议,作者不仅鼓励了这位年轻人. but..
with → at73..other69。70。考查形容词。62,故填like,且在从句中作定语.
help前加for75, From January 17 to March 8,也是对前句内容“面对各种各样的诱惑.. D。细节理解题. “While rotting fish may not smell great to you,因此,连接两个并列谓语,老师们“无论多么忙也要抽出时间读书”。根据倒数第二段中的,所以“总是(always)”乐在其中.. carefully
66; Union ofour school。根据本句中的so thathe could see what the technique was可推测,总是渴望能“理解(understand)”作者教他的一切.
late→ later80.。根据最后一段中的When school becomes too challeng-ing。22。根据下文作者帮助这位年轻人翻修房屋可推测. C. B, studies have not yet been done to testpets&#39。细节理解题,表示人的感受,such as the relay,因此被邀请分享自己经验的名人应该和烹饪有关.。根据he had no confidence可推测. from May18及begins inApril ,给那位年轻人示范技巧.。34:61。细节理解题. B, Grandad gave me a book。28,作者突发奇想想种西瓜。63。39。因为那位年轻人什么都不会做:A篇(节假日活动)本文是应用文。细节理解题,这位年轻人一开始什么都不会做. discovery
68。58。26,由此可以推测,“所以(so)”作者给予他鼓励。59. D,故填Amazed. 。根据第一段中的“but we think they dream:71。该定语从句用了not .,I&#39,老师们应该让学生去图书馆并要求他们至少借一本感兴趣的书,虽然那位年轻人聪明好学。作者在帮一位年轻人翻修房屋的过程中认识到鼓励他人的话语能帮助他们取得进步。细节理解题. surprises → surprise79。考查名词,故填what. immediate → immediately77。50,且stick所表示的动作正在进行,因此. . “For school。考查连词. But ins important to say no from the start可推测。45,定期读书,首先得花五英镑买一个手环,故填was covered,这样就可以确保这本书符合他们的兴趣。42;m Li Hua。词义猜测题, itprobably smells as good as fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies可知答案:种下希望.. crying out help。66. C。64,传递给学生“读书很重要”的理念. I&#39. sticking
62. ashamed of me. The sports meet will include track and field events for students。根据第二段中的is not unusual. but短文改错,爷爷连夜让西瓜“长”了出来。根据四项活动的举办时间March 21-22。55,这位教授建议学生从一开始就对作弊行为说不.. D.” That'm sure you willenjoy it。根据本空前内容可知,这项活动主要展示并销售蛋糕. B。46,增强了这位年轻人的“信心(confidence)”. A;s because their brain-wave patterns are similar to those seenin people可知. I opened it towhere he&#39..,爷爷也很幽默。下文中的how to use the tools提示了本题答案. . with a very ,“让学生对这本书有个初步的了解”. C。B篇(学校生活)本文是议论文。23。根据全文内容可知。细节理解题。文章是介绍四项活动的广告..;s what their ancestors did. E. C. “In the wild. whose. 。考查非谓语动词。语法填空. C。27. D.。最后一段是本文的主题段. 。考查介词,
Li Hua部分解析阅读理解.”可推测. F。67..,要想买打折的红酒, Ubayd&#39. C。41。37..
Best wishes。由found可知宾语从句要用一般过去时. C. C. D. .
the → a74。35. I am writing to invite you to take part in the school sports meetto be held on June 26. ,这位年轻人甚至连“单独(alone)”重新粉刷墙壁都不会; sense of humor可知答案. D,以及如何做等学年上学期高三课标第1期参考答案及解析Book 1 Units 1-2参考答案及部分解析参考答案1-5 CAACB
6-10 CACAA11-15 BCCBC
16-20BAACC21-25 BCDBB
26-30CCCAB31-35 CBBDB
36-40FGBDE41-45 CBACB
46-50DADAB51-55 CBDCB
56-60ACDBD61。根据上段中的giving him the lead可推测.like63. We are all looking forward to your coming。C篇(自然)本文是说明文. disappointing → disappointed78,这说明爷爷很关爱作者. whose
70。60. what
64!” and laughed at another of his jokes可以看出。31
出门在外也不愁Don’t worry. We’ll do all we ______ you.
A.can to help
B.are able to help
C.can help
D.are able to helping
    Are you sure a cow can dance? Billy has one. It is an evening.Billy is giving a party at his home. All his friends are taking
  part in it. It is very hot. So many people are dancing outside in the garden. There is a house near the garden. The cows are sleeping
  there. But one cow can't sleep. She gets up and comes into the garden. She begins to dance. She dances very well. All the people
  stop dancing and watch her.
  1. Billy _____ in his home.&
[     ]
   A. is giving a lesson  B. is giving a party
   C. is dancing      D. is listening to the music
  2. All his friends _______.&
[     ]
   A. are taking part in the party   B. are dancing with him
   C. are giving a party        D. are singing
  3. Many people are dancing _______.&
[     ]
   A. out of the garden  B. in Billy's house
   C. near the garden   D. outside in the garden
  4. ______ are sleeping in the house near the garden.
[     ]
   A. The cows      B. Bills'  
   C. All his friends   D. Many people
  5. One cow gets up and ________.&
  [   ]
  A. listens to the music  B. begins to dance in the garden
  C. watch people dancing  D. come out of garden
  The dinosaurs once lived happily on the earth.But 65 million years ago,they suddenly died out.What happened to them?
  Scientists think that a change in temperature may be to blame.They have come up with lots of ideas to explain the end of the dinosaurs.
  The most famous one is the minor planet (小行星) idea.Let's go back to that day 65 million years ago to see what happened.Everything was OK before a large minor planet suddenly hit the earth.What a terrible hit! It caused big fires,storms,acid rain,and even earthquakes and volcano eruptions.The hit produced a lot of dust,which flew up into the air and blocked the sun for months.The earth became very cold without sunlight.The plants died first.Then the grass-eating animals died of hunger.Then the meat-eating animals could not find food,either.They began to eat each other,but after a while they died out,too.The dinosaurs,either plant-eaters or meat-eaters,did not live through the disaster(灾难).What a sad story!
  In April,a British scientist thought of a new idea about the death of the dinosaurs.He thinks that after the minor planet hit the earth,the temperature change left more dinosaur boys than girls! Without enough female dinosaurs to hatch the eggs,the dinosaur population became smaller and smaller.(1)
______ may be the main reason for the dinosaurs dying out according to scientists.
  A.Big fires  B.Earthquakes
  C.Acid rain  D.Temperature change
The passage mentioned ______ ideas that the scientists came up with about
the end of the dinosaurs.
  A.two  B.three  C.four  D.five
The underlined expression “volcano eruptions” probably is ______.
  A.the name of a minor planet
  B.one kind of dinosaurs
  C.one kind of disaster    
  D.the name of an earthquake
The earth became cold because ______.
  A.the sun refused to rise  
  B.the dust kept the sunlight away
  C.there was too much rain  
  D.there were too many dinosaurs
This passage may be found in ______.
  A.a science fiction  B.a story book   C.a dictionary     D.a science magazine
  You will have a lot of reading to do in this grade this year.You can do more of it in less time if you learn to read rapidly.
  Perhaps you have been told about some habits (习惯) which keep a person from reading fast and have been strongly asked to break those habits which you might have.
  Do you still have any of these bad habits?Check yourself by answering“yes”or“no”to these questions.
  (1) Do you move your lips (嘴唇) when reading silently?
  (2) Do you point to words with your finger as you read?
  (3)Do you move your head from side to side as you read?
  (4)Do you read one word at a time?
  If you answer“yes”to any of these questions,start at once to break the habit.If you move your tips,hold your fingers over them,or hold a piece of paper be-tween your lips while you are reading.Then if your lips move,your will know it and can stop them.
  If you point to words,hold the two sides of your book,one side with your left hand,the other side with your right hand.Then you won't have a free finger to use in pointing while reading.If you move your head,place your chin (下巴) in one hand and hold your head still (静止不动的).
  If you read no more than one or two or three words at a time,you need to work very hard in learning to take in (吸收) more words at each glance (一瞥) as your eyes travel across the lines of words.
  Even if you do rather fast now,you can learn to read even faster.As you probably have been told,the secret of fast reading is to take in whole groups of words as each glance.Read in through groups and force (迫使) your eyes along the lines of words as fast as you can to make them go.Anyone who practices doing these things will he able to read faster.(1)
You may hold your fingers over your lips while reading so as ______.
  A.to tell others to be silent
  B.to feel whether your lips move or not
  C.to hold a piece of paper between them
  D.to keep yourself from talking to others
When you read,______.
  A.don't keep your head still
  B.don't hold your books with your hands
  C.don't stand up near a desk
  D.don't use your finger to point to words
If you learn to read fast,______.
  A.you can read more in less time
  B.you can write faster
  C.you can understand better
  D.you can read less in more time
You must _______ those habits that we are talking about in this reading.
  A.remember  B.have
C.get rid of
This reading is mainly about ______.
  A.the way of reading fast
  B.the importance of fast reading
  C.the bad habits in reading
  D.how to speak quickly
  Binhai No.3 Middle School Rules                                
  Yon must
*look clean and tidy  
*be quiet in the library                            
*stay in the playground at break time
*bring a letter from your parents if you’re ill
*stand up when a teacher comes into the
*hand in your homework on time
*arrive at school by half past seven
You mustn’t
*bring radios or CD players to school    
*run or shout in the school buildings    
*talk loudly in the hallways        
*leave school at break time or at lunch time
*Wear jeans                  
*cat or drink in the classroom
What are the things you must not do when you’re in the school buildings?
Can you leave school at lunch-time?
What must you do when your teacher comes into your classroom?
What do the school rules say about fight?
When must you get to school every morning?
Long, long ago the Mouse King had
a beautiful daughter. When she was old enough to be married, he called together
the oldest and cleverest mice to talk about it.
My daughter, He said, is
far too beautiful to marry just anybody. I have decided to marry her to the
greatest thing in the world. Now, who shall it be?
The sun, the first mouse said at once, is the greatest thing in the world. It shines
over the whole world.
Well, then, I shall marry her to
the sun, said the Mouse King.
said the second, a cloud can cover the sun.
Then, she must be married to the
said the third, the rain breaks through the clouds
and puts an end to them.
That is true. I must marry her to
cried the fourth, no matter how hard the rain falls,
it cannot wash away the trees.
Then she must be the tree's wife.
shouted the fifth, a strong wind can blow down the
Very true. Then the wind must be
her husband.
remembered the sixth, no matter how hard the wind blows,
it cannot blow away the earth.
Then I must marry her to the
called out the seventh, the
earth is covered by the wooden floors of men's houses.
Then she shall marry the wooden
floor at once.
the last said slowly, no matter how strong the wooden
floor is, a mouse can bite his way through it.
It is clear that a mouse is the
greatest thing in the world,
the happy Mouse King said, with a smile on his face.
And that was why the Mouse King's
daughter married a mouse at last.
many mice are mentioned in the passage?
A. Eight&&
B. Nine&&&
C. Ten  
mouse had a beautiful daughter?
old one  &&
cleverest one  &
first one  &
Mouse King
thought the wind should be the daughter's husband?
second mouse&&&
fourth mouse  &
fifth mouse
was the result?
was no result.
those would be the daughter's husbands.
daughter would be married to a mouse.
daughter would live alone.
was the result so?
Because all the mice agreed.
Because all the mice wanted to have a rest.
Because the Mouse King thought a mouse was the greatest thing in the world.
Because the daughter was glad.


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